"Captain America 3: Civil War" Starring: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Renner, Scarlet Johanson, Colbie Smulders, Don Cheadle, Elizabeth Olson, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Anthony Mackie, Paul Rudd, Tom Holland, William Hurt, Martin Freeman, Marisa Tomei, Emily VanCamp. With appearances by almost everybody else who has been introduced so far. Except Sam Jackson for some reason. The thing I love about recapping a series is that I don't have to spend a lot of time on intros and exposition because everybody knows who most of these characters are now and what happened to them prior to the particular installment I'm on. I can just launch right into the recap. However, I will repeat something I have mentioned before in previous recaps of this series because it affects this movie most of all. Marvel spent basically most of the latter half of the 20th Century getting their asses kicked by DC Comics. Which makes sense really because DC came first and had Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman while Marvel had basically cheap rip-offs of those same characters. They expanded the universe and added a bunch of new characters in the 60s, but still. By the 90s they were broke and had to sell off some characters to avoid bankruptcy. They chose to sell of the X-Men, which became so wildly popular that they were able to tentatively start up this franchise with Iron Man. Except they weren't quite able to buy back the X-Men, which was happily creating its own franchise entirely independent of every other character in the Marvel comics universe. All that leads to the biggest problem with this movie, which is that the Civil War was supposed to include ALL branches of the Marvel universe, but the movie could not even mention the X-Men for legal reasons or the Fantastic Four presumably because those movies were box office bombs that they would rather forget they ever made. Also I guess they would have to deal with the fact that the Human Torch looks EXACTLY like Captain America. So. With that in mind... We begin in 1991 in what looks like Siberia. A soldier opens a secure HYDRA vault to find a file on Bucky. Scientists thaw him from his cryogenesis and start screwing with his head. Some guy named Karpov wanders around reciting what sounds like random words in Russian. "Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car." Chrissy: Bingo! He stops in front of Bucky, who announces in Russian that he's ready for his orders. Karpov is like ‘good, because we have a mission'. "Sanction and extract. No witnesses." And we cut to him intercepting a car on motorcycle, forcing it to crash into a tree. He pops the trunk and pulls out a case of what looks like blue blood bags. This time instead of a title card, we get the Marvel studios intro. This was probably the last time it featured flipping comic book pages on the sides of the letters that spell "Marvel". Later versions feature images from these movies instead. Present day Lagos. We open on Scarlet Witch sugaring up her coffee at a café. Steve's voice comes over the comm to ask what she sees. She looks at the officers hovering outside the police station across the street and says just some beat cops on a quiet street, which makes it a good target actually. Steve notes that there's an ATM on the corner and the cross streets are both one way and prompts her to tell him what that means. She says there are cameras and no easy escape route. Steve says yeah, the guy they're looking for isn't afraid of being seen or "making a mess" on his way out. He points her toward the truck up the street. Natasha, from a couple tables over, cuts in to note that it's bulletproof, so their guy must have private security with their own guns. Wanda is like ‘okay, but you guys remember I'm telekinetic, right?' Natasha is like ‘sure, but you need to learn tactical skills and strategies anyway'. Chrissy: Pfffffftttttt. Buzzkill. Falcon, from the roof of a building, asks if anybody ever told Natasha she's a wee bit paranoid. She's like ‘sure, but they didn't live long.' Steve orders everybody to focus again because "this is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Ah, right. He survived the destruction of SHIELD HQ in the last Captain America movie despite all odds. Steve sees a garbage truck barreling down a street and draws Sam's attention to it. A drone flies off Sam's back and he steers it underneath the truck, x-raying up into it. He announces that it's loaded to max capacity and the driver is armed. Natasha concludes that it is being used as a "battering ram" and Steve orders them to move in now. Wanda is like ‘wait, what? What are we doing?' Sam runs right off the roof and unfurls his metal wings. As the truck approaches the gates of a secure facility, the driver jumps out. The driverless truck rams into the gate arm and the truck flips and takes out the top of the arch over the entrance. Two more u-haul-like trucks drive right in behind it and armed men pile out of the backs, shooting anything that moves and firing smoke bombs into the windows of the building. Steve leaps in suddenly and starts taking out the guys left to guard outside while the rest disappear into the building. He tells the rest of the team what kind of armor and weapons the bad guys have. Sam lands on the roof, drop kicking two bad guys and shooting a third in the standard cool-but-impractical two fisted move all action heroes employ. Wanda flies over his head – because apparently she can fly although I don't remember this ever being established before – and shoots balls of energy at a fourth guy, flipping him up into the air for Sam to mow down. Sam's drone hovers in front of the building's windows and he announces that he can see Rumlow on the third floor. Steve tells Wanda to do it just like they rehearsed. "What about the gas," she asks bafflingly. He says get it out, then leaps off a truck toward the building. She boosts him with her magic ball of energy, catapulting him right through a third floor window. A couple guys make it to a biohazard safe and one of them orders the other to "pack up" the little tube of yellow fluid inside. Chrissy: Actually, that might be the color of the tube itself. The contents are the red stripe in the middle, so probably blood. Diandra: Ah. Okay. Steve takes out about twelve of the original ten guys who entered the building (ever notice how bad guys seem to multiply in action movies?) and pushes toward the safe, which is already empty. Wanda pulls all the smoke bomb gas out of the front doors and spirals it up into the air where it dissipates. Falcon shoots a couple guys with rockets launched from the apparently inexhaustible arsenal strapped to his back. Steve announces that Rumlow has a biological weapon. Natasha is like ‘copy, I'll get him!' She drives her brand new (probably) motorcycle up to the building, sends it into a slide and jumps off, letting it sweep one of the approaching guards. Then she runs flat into the next one and kicks the guy behind him before body slamming him into the ground. Chrissy: I'm sure you opened yourself up to a lot of criticism in that last recap when you complained about how lame Hawkeye is, but...you know...he will never be this badass. She proceeds to kick a truck door into one guy's face, knee another in the balls and disarm everybody with her mad ninja skills. She finally pulls out a weapon – a sort of wrist strap she uses to zap a guy – and then a bad guy gets the jump on her, dragging her onto the roof of the truck. They fight for a bit and she jams the electrobracelet thing into his neck. He scoffs that she really thinks that will work on him and throws her into the truck with two other guys and a grenade. She fights the two guys and gets to the back of the truck as the doors blow out. Steve comes out onto a balcony and looks down at her laying in the grass coughing smoke. The guy who threw her in jumps into a tank and starts firing its guns at him. He runs along the whole floor and jumps out the window at the far end, hitting an awning and a truck on the way to the ground. Chrissy: This is probably how Mofftiss think Sherlock and John survived that bomb in "The Final Problem". Diandra: Ugh. Must you remind me of that train wreck? Chrissy: Sorry. He gives Sam the last known heading on the tank as he peels himself painfully off the ground. In the tank, Rumlow (?) sticks the biohazard tube inside a flask and hands it to a skeptical guy, ordering him to take it to the airstrip. Then he tells the rest of the men with him that they're going to have to ditch the tank. Apparently, the driver interprets this to mean "drive into the nearest farmer's market and then get out". As they're emerging, one of his guys asks where he's going to meet up with them. Rumlow says he wasn't planning on it and does something to make metal armor come up over his hands before stomping off. Falcon lands on the roof of the market and scans the crowd, identifying the men who are splitting up and heading in several directions. Natasha rides up on her bike, crashing it between two cars and jumping up onto the hood, grunting that she'll take the two guys over here. Chrissy: She must go through a LOT of motorcycles. Diandra: Wonder if the dealers can see her coming by now. Steve runs up to the truck and finds a pile of equipment the men just ditched. He says one of the men has the weapon. A bomb zooms out of the crowd and attaches to his shield. He throws it into the air before it explodes and then Rumlow bursts out to fight him, cackling that he's been WAITING for this as he punches him repeatedly with his metal fists. Sam takes out two of Rumlow's men and searches them. Neither of them have the weapon. Or, as he puts it "I'm empty". Chrissy: WAKE ME UP INSIDE! Diandra: I'm surprised you didn't say some lewd thing about Steve being able to fill him up. Chrissy: Why would I do that? Get your mind out of the gutter, jeez. Diandra: Oh, is that how you're going to play it now? I'm the dirty minded one and you're just along for the ride? Chrissy: I have no idea what you're talking about. Natasha fights two guys who are bigger than her and ALMOST takes them down, but instead winds up in a Mexican standoff with her and one of them pointing guns at each other and the other guy holding up the test tube and ordering her to stand down before he drops it. Sam flies his drone in and shoots him in the neck. Natasha shoots the other guy and catches the tube before it hits the ground. She looks at the drone and thanks Sam for his help. "Don't thank ME," he says. She grumbles that she's really not going to thank "that thing". "His name is Redwing," Sam presses. She's like ‘yeah...no.' Sam invites her to pet him because "he's cute". Chrissy: Okay, dude? We need to have a discussion sometime about what does and doesn't constitute sexual harassment. Diandra: Although the fact that you are no longer calling it "Little Falcon" is an improvement, I guess. Steve is still getting thrown around by Rumlow, who broadcasts his intent to payback Steve for "dropping a building on my face" before attempting to stab him with a short sword. Diandra: Why are you giggling now? Chrissy: Nothing. If you didn't catch it, I'm not pointing it out. Steve rips the entire metal glove the sword sprang from off Rumlow's arm and throws it down. Another sword springs from the other glove and Rumlow swings it at him. Somehow Steve gets the upper hand and knocks him down. Rumlow removes the mask he's been wearing this whole time and Steve hesitates as he sees the scarring and mutilation covering half of Rumlow's face. Rumlow is like ‘what do you think? Am I still pretty?' Steve recovers and asks who the buyer for the biological weapon is. Rumlow is like ‘I'm pretty sure you knew him from when you guys used to [cough] shine each other's shoes in the military. Name's Bucky?' Steve is like ‘MY EX WOULD NEVER...wait...what?' Rumlow says yeah, he got really "weepy" about it until they scrambled his brain again. He gave Rumlow a message: "he said ‘please tell Rogers: when you gotta go, you gotta go.'" Chrissy: Of course, he had just downed an entire Big Gulp, so that might not mean anything. Rumlow finishes that Rogers is coming with him and pushes the button on a control hidden in his hand. A ball of energy appears around him, trapping the blast and Steve looks over to see Wanda controlling it. She grunts and yells and tosses Rumlow up into the nearby building, blasting a chunk from the corner of it. People scatter, screaming, and she and Steve stare at the damage. Steve tells Sam to call fire and rescue and dramatic music plays to convey the idea that – even though this is only a fraction of the damage they have done in just about every other movie to date and this wasn't even really their fault – this is a BIG DISASTER. Et alors, nous coupons à...I'm sorry, I seem to have accidentally switched the language track for a moment there. We cut to a Hey It's That Lady: Hope Davis, playing the piano and singing. Hey It's That Guy John Slattery pokes at a lump on the couch behind her and she stops singing to tell the lump to wake up and say goodbye to dad. A de-aged Tony in a Santa hat crawls out from under a blanket and jokes that he loves coming home for Christmas because it's just before his father leaves town. Mom, trying to head off the coming argument before it starts, tells Dad to be nice because "he's been studying abroad." Dad asks what the broad's name is. "Candace," Tony says without any irony. Dad takes the hat off his head and tells him to make sure he doesn't burn the house down before Monday. Tony says oh, you're coming back Monday? Good, now I know how to plan my weekend. He asks where they're going. Mom says to the Bahamas. Tony says yeah, with a quick pit stop at the Pentagon, right? Hope you like the food in their cafeteria. Dad sneers "they" say sarcasm is a "metric for potential. If that's true, you'll make a great man someday." Ha. Chrissy: Good news, Dee, we're gonna be awesome someday. Diandra: Or great men, which is kind of...alarming. Dad goes to get the luggage and Mom comes over to say that Dad really does miss Tony and he should understand that he's going to miss them too because this is the last time they will all be together. "You know what's about to happen." Chrissy: I thought you were kidding when you said you planned to murder him. She encourages him to say something lest he regret this forever. He turns to Dad as he re-enters the room and says "I love you, Dad. And I know you did the best you could." Mom kisses his cheek and both parents walk away, revealing present- day Tony standing in the corner. "That's how I wish it happened," he says. He calls what's going on here "Binary Augmented Retro-Framing" which he belatedly realizes makes the acronym BARF and grumbles that he really needs to come up with a better name for it. He says basically, it hijacks the hippocampus to clear out traumatic memories. It's really expensive and it doesn't change anything, but... He takes off the fancy looking glasses he's wearing and the scene melts away in digital code like he was plugged into the Matrix. Chrissy: And in conclusion, we have made great improvements to our CGI capabilities since that flashback scene in the X-Men where we made Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan look like androids. Diandra: Now it just looks like we airbrushed the living hell out of Robert Downey Jr's face and then used the same CGI we used on Chris Evans in the first Captain America movie to put his head on a scrawny ass body. It turns out he's standing on the stage in an auditorium at MIT. A banner notes that he is the guest alumni speaker. He says this little experiment costs more than 600 million dollars, so no one in their right mind would ever fund the project to develop it. He starts rambling about MIT's mission statement and commitment to dealing with the challenges of the modern world. He thinks the challenges they are facing today are greater than ever before, so he took it upon himself to fund every one of the projects they are working on right now. He calls it reframing the future. He blinks at the teleprompter where a line introducing Pepper as the head of his foundation has appeared. He swallows, looks like he might cry for a second, then ignores the prompter and ends his speech with "go break some eggs." Everyone politely ignores that he just stared into space for a minute there like he forgot what he was saying and applauds. Backstage, a lackey fawns over Tony like I imagine Steve Jobs paid somebody to do every time he gave a speech. Oh, you're so brilliant! We are all not worthy to bask in the glow of your genius! And you're so handsome and generous and speaking of which, are faculty getting any of that money you're giving out? He starts rambling about this idea he has for a self-cooking hot dog and Tony cuts him off like ‘yeah, I have to go drain the lizard. Bye!' A woman runs up to apologize for not updating the teleprompter. He brushes it off, says he'll be right back and disappears into the next hallway. He stands in front of the men's room for a second, then goes further down the hall where Alfre Woodard is waiting. She makes possibly coded chit chat about what a nice gesture that was giving those students all that money and "they say there's a correlation between generosity and guilt" but hey, he has enough money to assuage the massive amounts of guilt he's obviously feeling. He gives her a pained smile and pushes the button on the elevator she is standing in front of. He asks if she's going up even though she was obviously just waiting for him. She reaches into her tiny clutch purse and he panics and tries to stop her. She stares at him like ‘get your hands off me, asshole' and he apologizes. "It's an occupational hazard." She says she's just a grunt for the state department, which probably explains why her spy skills are seriously lacking. Her job is mind-numbingly boring, but it gave her the security to raise her son. She slaps a picture into Tony's chest and finishes with "you murdered him. In Sokovia. Not that that matters in the least to you." Chrissy: Okay, so you DO see why he thought maybe you would try to kill him? She rants about how he and his spandex asshole brigade think they're fighting for the little guys, but they really aren't. They don't give a shit about the little guys. Nobody is going to "avenge" her son and she holds him entirely responsible for his death. She storms off and Tony looks pained. New Avengers Plaza. A television is tuned to a news broadcast about a confrontation that killed eleven Wakandans. It turns out to be about the "we kept the bad guy from the last Captain America alive so we could kill him in the first few minutes here" incident. Which took place in an actual Nigerian city, but the anchor explains that the Wakandans were there on an outreach mission. They cut to "King T'chaka" of Wakanda at the UN raving about Wakandan blood being spilled on foreign soil and how the people who are supposed to protect the innocent are just as guilty as the criminals they were trying to stop. If you're keeping track (and acknowledging The Incredible Hulk as an installment in this series like I forgot to do), we are thirteen movies into this canon and just now seriously addressing how destructive the heroes can be and how that affects the lives of everybody who lives in this universe. Chrissy: And this movie came out the same year as "Batman VS Superman", which basically did the same thing. Diandra: Did they? I seem to remember them making a half ass attempt at addressing the issue and then just going about their business and nuking an entire island to stop the villain. Chrissy: Pretty much. "Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all," the king concludes. It turns out to only be Steve watching this. He mutes the TV and angsts all over the place. Then he realizes he can still hear the broadcast coming from another room in the facility. It's Wanda's. He sneaks in and mutes hers too as the commentator is questioning why someone like her has the authority to go after bad guys on foreign soil. Oh, now we're going to argue jurisdiction? She moans that it's all her fault. Steve says no, he should have figured out Rumlow had a bomb before she had to intervene to save his ass. Chrissy: Guys, calm down. There's plenty of blame for both of you. Steve rambles that he was distracted because Rumlow said the magic word "Bucky" and suddenly he was having flashbacks. Chrissy: This would double nicely as his safeword. Diandra: Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnd you're back. You had me worried there. Steve sits on Wanda's bed beside her and waxes philosophical about how they try to save as many people as they can with this job, but they can't save EVERYONE. And they have to make peace with that. Vision walks through the wall suddenly (since when does he have this ability?) and Wanda chastises him that they talked about this habit he has of invading privacy. He points out that the door was open, though, so...Steve asked him to tell him when Tony arrived. Vision offers to use the door to leave if it will make them more comfortable, then remembers to add that Tony brought a guest: the secretary of state. In this universe, the secretary is Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and he is played by William Hurt and he was in the movie I didn't realize was an official installment of the MCU because some idiot assured me it could totally be skipped. Chrissy: The fact that Robert Downey Jr was in the post credit scene didn't tip you off? Diandra: I'm pretty sure I didn't know about post credit scenes yet back then, so I might not have stuck around to watch it. In a conference room downstairs, Thunderbolt is telling the story about how a heart attack interrupted his golf game five years ago. It took 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass and gave him some much needed perspective on life. Getting to the point, he says the world owes the Avengers for all the times they've saved their asses, but not everybody sees them as heroes. Some use the word "vigilantes". Personally, he thinks a US based group of people with enhanced abilities and no international decorum is dangerous. Also, the fact that they don't seem to care about how much destruction they leave behind is alarming. He pulls up examples of that damage and destruction on a screen: footage of Hulk smashing buildings in New York in "Avengers", helicarriers crashing in "Winter Soldier" and all of Sokovia being ripped out of the ground and blown up in "Age of Ultron". And then there's the stuff we just saw from Lagos, which looks pitiful by comparison. Steve begs him to stop. Thunderbolt is like ‘yeah, obviously I was done already if I'm not allowed to talk about things that happened in movies Captain America wasn't in'. He says they've been operating with unlimited powers and no immunity for four years and everyone thinks it's time to reign that in a little. He pulls out a fat government document titled "Sokovia Accords" and plops it in front of Wanda, declaring that it is the "solution" to the problem. Chrissy: We decided on the name "accord" because it tested better than "civic" or "CR-Z". Diandra: Har, har. He says it's already been approved by 117 countries and stipulates that the Avengers are no longer a private organization, but a sort of military arm of the UN. Steve argues that the Avengers were formed to keep all the world safe and he thinks that's exactly what they've done. Thunderbolt is like ‘uh-huh...do you happen to know where Thor and Hulk are right now?' Chrissy: Um...either on Asgard trying to kill Thor's sister or some garbage planet somewhere fighting each other for Jeff Goldblum's entertainment. Diandra: Either way, I don't see how it is relevant to what is going on here now so I'm just going to assume you mentioned it so you can establish a timeline for these movies. Thunderbolt thinks not being able to track those two is equivalent to misplacing a couple megaton nukes. Uh...except they are intelligent life forms that can be reasoned with. And in a few years you're going to face a bigger potential threat from an orange skinned bully with a Twitter account having a temper tantrum. Thunderbolt says the world works via systems of compromise and reassurance and this IS a compromise solution. James – or, since I'm doing silly nicknames, Rhodey – prompts that there must be contingencies in this fat ass document. Thaddeus is like ‘why don't you go ask the UN when they meet to ratify it in three days'. He thinks they should talk it over among themselves. Natasha asks what happens if they make a decision he doesn't like. "Then you retire," he says flatly. Cleveland. A car crashes into another parked car outside Karpov's house. The horrible driver tries to hail him, offering to "take care of it" instead of calling the police. This whole scenario being understandably suspicious, Karpov eyes his gun and debates with himself. But he opens the door anyway and gets knocked out. Sometime later, the agent with the flimsiest ploy to break into Karpov's house that somehow still succeeded unearths the stuff on Bucky from where Karpov hid it in a wall. There is also stuff on Karpov in there. He menaces in the direction of Karpov, who is hanging upside down over a tub filling with water. Karpov demands to know who he is. The horrible but incredibly lucky agent says his name is Zemo. Chrissy: He's looking for his son. Have you seen him? He has one arm shorter than the other... Diandra: That's Nemo. Chrissy: I thought that was the bad guy from the first "Star Trek" reboot. Diandra: That's Nero. Chrissy: Ah, yes. Nero Mostrel. Diandra: That...was an actor and his name was Zero. Chrissy: Well, that would be a more appropriate name for this schmuck. Diandra: I have a headache. Chrissy: Well, I would have just gone with "you killed my father, prepare to die", but you objected last time I shoehorned that joke in. Zemo announces he will repeat his question. There was a question in there? Oops. "Mission report. December 16, 1991." Karpov asks how Zemo found him. Zemo reminds the audience that Black Widow released all of HYDRA's data to the public when she and Captain America took SHIELD down. Most of it was encrypted, so it was still basically unreadable to most people, "but I have experience and patience." You really expect us to believe a seasoned spy who was able to decrypt secure files just got the better of a paranoid Russian agent by crashing into the car parked outside his house like the world's worst driver? He repeats his "question" and Karpov tells him to go to hell. Zemo turns off the water dripping into the tub and does his best to look menacing, telling Karpov he really doesn't give a rip about HYDRA or Karpov and he could kill him without a second thought, but it would make his mission a lot more difficult. Karpov glowers at him and Nemo turns the water back on. Karpov says "hail HYDRA" before basically committing suicide because it's pretty obvious the top of the tub was only covering his nose and not his mouth and he has to work to get his whole head submerged. Back at Avengers Plaza, the team members are arguing while Steve flips through the accord. Sam asks how long after they agree to something like this it would take before they are lojacked and treated like they're under permanent house arrest. James reminds him that over a hundred countries are ready to sign this thing and the man who gave them a head's up has a congressional medal of honor. Because they're both military men so I guess that would make an impression on them. Vision pipes up that he has an "equation". He says in the eight years since Tony revealed himself to the world as Iron Man the number of "enhanced" people has grown exponentially. Also, not at all coincidentally, the number of catastrophic, potentially world- ending events has increased along with it. Steve asks if he's suggesting this is all their fault. Vision is like ‘not intentionally, maybe, but the more of us there are, the more of an appealing target we become to antagonists'. Chrissy: Huh, so you're saying the more enhanced people there are, the more enhanced people will be drawn in to test their abilities? Why don't we just create a registry of all known people with enhanced abilities then? Diandra: Yep. If this whole thing sounds familiar, it's because it's effectively the same as the plot of the second X-Men movie. How much more awesome this movie could have been if Marvel hadn't sold off the X-Men for over a decade before finally bringing them back under the same control we'll never know. Chrissy: Storm would be joining her husband Black Panther, Wolverine would be joining the avengers to track down Zero (who would actually be an enhanced named Nitro for exactly the reasons you think) and Deadpool would be hunting down people who failed the sign the registry until being kidnapped and tortured and switching teams. Diandra: Okay, so I guess we do know. It would have been way more awesome. Chrissy: But if you included ALL the characters involved in the Civil War in the comics, that would probably be enough names to bankrupt Marvel again, so... Natasha notes that Tony is being unusually silent, having hovered in the background during Thaddeus' entire speech AND however long they've been arguing after it. Steve thinks that's because he's already made up his mind about this. Tony grumbles that he just has a headache and stomps over to make himself coffee, getting upset when he finds coffee grounds in the sink disposal. Chrissy: As long as we're entertaining possible alternatives to this thing...is it possible this is just a spat between roommates on some level? Diandra: If we're going to go ahead with that headcanon, why stop at roommates? Why not assume Pepper left because she caught Tony in bed with Steve when they had what they assumed was just a drunken one-night stand and now Tony is pissed that he lost her and SOMEBODY in the house that Steve and Natatsha technically run is leaving dirty dishes in the sink and flushing condoms down the toilet and CHARLES XAVIER NEVER HAS TO PUT UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS. Chrissy: That's...quite an elaborate headcanon. Are you writing a fic or something? Diandra: No. Stop giving me things to write. I can headcanon stuff without having to actually write a fic. Chrissy: How's that pregnant Loki story going, by the way? Diandra: Shut up. I hate you. Tony projects the picture of Alfre's son from his phone to show them all and recites a bunch of stuff about him he probably researched since. He was brilliant, but he decided to spend the summer before he graduated college in Sokovia building houses for poor people and the Avengers dropped part of the city on him. Well...technically Ultron did that, but you built him and this all just reinforces Vision's suggestion that heroes breed villains, so... Tony has come to believe that they DO need somebody checking their behavior and if they can't accept limits and boundaries then they are no better than the people they fight. Steve frowns and notes that you don't just "give up" when a kid dies on your watch. Tony says he isn't. Steve argues that agreeing to these "limitations" just means they're shifting the blame for their actions onto somebody else, who gets to decide what actions they can and can't take. James thinks Steve is being "dangerously arrogant" because they'd answer to the United Nations, not HYDRASHIELD or a war council of elders of the sacred order or something. Steve says no, but it's "run by people with agendas" which can change at any time. Um...so is literally every other human-run agency. Tony argues that if he hadn't changed the purpose of his father's company, Stark Industries would still be making weapons instead of...technology that can totally be weaponized in the wrong hands. Steve thinks that kind of reinforces his point, because that was TONY'S decision and with this treaty they would forfeit their right to make their own choices. However flawed they are, he still thinks they're better off not having to run everything by a committee. Tony tries to reason via the argument that if they don't agree to this now, they'll be FORCED to agree to it later. Wanda jumps in to make it about the Nigeria incident again: they would come for her. Vision argues that they would protect her. Natasha, seeing alliances forming, argues that Tony is right because "if we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer. If we take it off..." Wait...isn't that what Steve is saying, not Tony? Sam reminds her that she was the one who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago. She says yeah, well...they've made a lot of public mistakes since then and they need to win back "their" trust. Tony is like ‘wait, you agree with me? Really?' Natasha grumbles at him to not make her regret it. Before they can argue any further, Steve's phone rings. It's Peggy's...daughter was it? Nurse?...telling him she died. He drops everything and storms out. London. A children's choir sings as pallbearers (one of which is Steve) carry Peggy's casket – draped in a Union Jack - down the aisle of a church. The priest announces that Sharon Carter would like to say some words. In the pews, Sam elbows Steve like ‘dude, did you know the girl you have the hots for was related to your girlfriend from WWII?' as Agent 13 takes the podium. Chrissy: That's actually not at all surprising in the world of Science Fiction. Sharon begins by establishing that Peggy was her aunt. She looks pointedly at Steve and then continues talking about how Peggy had this picture in her office of herself with JFK which was cool and everything, but it was also daunting so she never told anybody she was related to Peggy. Chrissy: Um...sure. Diandra: In other words, we just decided this and needed a way to explain why she didn't mention it before. Chrissy: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Sharon talks about how she discussed the fact that Peggy was both a diplomat and a bad ass spy at a time when women were expected to stay barefoot and pregnant at home. Peggy told her to "compromise where you can", but...you know...don't take shit from people when you can't. "Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say no." She looks right at Steve, who must be getting a headache with all these anvils falling from the sky on his head. After the funeral, Steve meets up in the empty church with Natasha, who was apparently in there somewhere. He says when he was first thawed out he thought everyone he had once known was dead and he was so happy to find out that Peggy was still alive. Natasha smiles and notes that they were lucky to have each other. Steve asks how many of them signed after he left the room. She lists the obvious ones: Tony, his friend James and his android formerly known as JARVIS. Steve asks about Clint for some reason. Natasha says he's supposedly retired. Wanda hasn't made a decision, but Natasha is going to go to Vienna and sign the regi- ACCORD. Sorry. She invites Steve to come along because "just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path." Chrissy: Just...usually. She thinks it's important they all stick together in whatever form they have to take. Steve reiterates the giving up freedom of choice view and says he can't sign. She sighs that she knew that, but she didn't want him to be alone today. Um...he wasn't. Sam was sitting right next to him. Chrissy: And Sam has always loved him with fewer conditions anyway. Natasha hugs Steve and we cut to Vienna. Vienna. Home of the sausage. Chrissy: No, it really...no. Please tell me you didn't just use that as setup for a joke about somebody having an enormous sausage or something. Diandra: What? No. Why would you assume such a thing? Chrissy: Oh, I see. This is payback for earlier. Touche. Diandra: I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. On a balcony somewhere, a man I really don't feel like pretending I don't know is Black Panther is watching all the reporters on the ground discussing the signing of the accord. He goes back inside where Natasha is signing some paperwork. He notes that she seems to be doing okay with the public attention considering her last trip to Washington where she made her feelings about politicians very clear. Oh, is that why we brought that up again earlier? Okay. She's like yeah, my opinion hasn't changed that much. T'challa says that's a relief, actually, because he might agree with the accord, but he's not so sure about the politics of this. "Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred." You should write fortune cookies, dude. His dad is passing by at that moment, overhears and adds "unless you need to move a piano." Natasha formally apologizes to the King for what happened in Nigeria. T'chaka thanks her for that and her agreeing to join them on this initiative, but notes his disappointment in Captain America. Chrissy: Yeah, in about a year the whole world will be voicing disappointment with ALL of America, so... She leaves as the assembly is called to order and the king and prince switch to their native Wakandan (otherwise known as one of the dialects of South Africa). Dad notes that Jr. is getting pretty good at diplomacy for someone who claims to not believe in it. T'challa just smiles and they share an "I'm proud of you, son" moment. Except they don't actually say the words because men. Apparently T'chaka is giving the speech here too as we cut to him saying the people of Wakanda were forced to question their legacy when they found out their stolen super strength metal was being used to make a super weapon and then their people were killed in that goodwill mission in Nigeria, so...that was kind of the final straw. But they're going to keep fighting to better the world they've basically ignored forever and he thanks the Avengers for supporting this initiative. Chrissy: Well...SOME of them. T'challa, up on a walkway, sees some suspicious activity surrounding one of the news vans outside. Namely that people seem to be fleeing it. He yells at everyone to get down and runs toward the podium, not quite reaching it before an explosion takes out the whole wall behind his father. The whole street outside turns to a cloud of black smoke. As the dust settles, T'challa reaches his father in the rubble and cradles his dead body, crying. Sharon and Steve are walking through what looks like a hotel lobby. She says yeah, her mom tried to talk her out of it when she decided to enlist, but Aunt Peggy bought her a thigh holster. They stop at an elevator. She pushes the button and they stand around awkwardly like ‘soooo...you live around here?' She says she's stationed in Berlin as part of the joint terrorism task force. He's like ‘oh, okay...neat...um...' He finally broaches the subject of that time she was spying on him as Agent 13 and asks if Peggy knew about that operation. Chrissy: It was her idea, actually. She assured me you were a hopeless virgin who would never be able to work up the courage to ask me out, so I could do my job in peace. Sharon says no, she didn't want Peggy to have to keep another secret from Steve. They stare at each other as the elevator arrives and, as if sensing this is dangerously close to her inviting him up to her room, Sam appears to pull him aside with a vague "there's something you need to see." Chrissy: It's in my room. No, of course it's the news story about the explosion. But apparently they did all go up to Sharon's room to watch it because she's pacing back and forth talking to somebody on the phone urgently. Chrissy: Well, this evening isn't going to go how ANYBODY was hoping. Reporter says 12 are confirmed dead and dozens more are injured. One of the dead is King T'chaka. Also, they have footage of the man they suspect planted the bomb. His name is James Barnes, aka, Bucky, aka the Winter Soldier. Steve gulps. Sharon gets off the phone and announces that she has to go to work. Chrissy: You guys can have the room. You know...in case you need to do some life affirming once it sinks in that either of you could have been there. We jump right to her marching around near the explosion site, giving people orders. She walks past a traumatized T'challa sitting on a park bench and the camera stays with him. Natasha sidles up to him and offers sympathy. We focus on his hands worrying the ring his father was wearing as he says that in his culture death isn't an end. It's the point where Bast and Sekhmet escort you to the "green veldt where you can run forever". Natasha says it sounds "peaceful". That's because it sounds just like every life-after-death myth from every world religion throughout history. T'challa says his father thought so too, but... "I am not my father." He puts the ring on. Sensing where he's going with this, she reminds him that the task force will decide who brings in Bucky. He's like ‘yeah, they won't have to bring him in after I'm done with him.' Natasha just watches him go and gets distracted when Steve calls to check on her. She looks around to make sure nobody is eavesdropping and is like ‘look, I know you have a whole love affair thing with Bucky, but you need to stay away from this.' He asks if she's threatening to have him arrested. She says no, but somebody else will because those are the new rules. Steve argues that if Bucky did this, he's gone totally off the deep end and Steve needs to bring him in. She's like ‘what? Because he'll listen to you?' He says no, because Bucky is less likely to kill him. Or...at least succeed in killing him. We see that Steve is standing across the street from her as he hangs up and goes into a coffee shop. Sam is waiting for him. He's like ‘she told you to butt out, didn't she? You know, maybe you should listen to her.' Steve argues that Bucky would do the same for him. Uh...if he remembers you, which you have no way of guaranteeing. Sam says he'd like to explore all the options here before jumping in the foxhole with Steve. Not that he won't do it anyway, just...you know... Sharon appears next to them and bemoans that everybody is suddenly spotting Bucky everywhere since that tip went out on the news. She hands Steve a file with the more credible leads and says he might want to get a move on because they have orders to take him down on sight. In a hotel room, Zero is reading those random words in Russian from the beginning of the movie out of the book he stole. Homecoming, one, freight car... He is interrupted by a knock at the door and a woman telling him in German that she brought his breakfast. He opens the door, completely unworried, and answer is German that he could smell it thought the door. She rambles about how he always gets the same thing and offers to make him something different. It should be noted that we cannot see this woman or the tray of food she is ostensibly holding, which is probably why Chrissy is giggling right now. Chrissy: I'm just saying this totally sounds like the kind of code words a spy would use to order a hooker. Extra bacon...black coffee...make the eggs a little runny if you know what I mean. And make sure the toast doesn't have anything on it because last time it had a lot of hair. I mean cinnamon. Sorry, I'm new to this. Diandra: Ew. She offers to bring it in, but he takes it and shoos her away before she can come in. The camera backs up so we can see the large device just in the next room. Okay, so...when was this? Elsewhere, Bucky is speaking Romanian to a fruit vendor. The chyron belatedly tells us we're in Bucharest. He spots a news vendor staring at him before dropping his paper and running away. He goes to pick up the guy's paper and sees the headline about the Winter Soldier. Bucky's apartment. I'm assuming. Steve wanders through, taking in the complete lack of anything that makes it look like it's actually a place that somebody lives aside from the slightly rumpled sleeping bag on top of a bare mattress. He pulls a notebook from on top of the refrigerator and finds a picture of himself in it. Chrissy: Definitely Bucky. Bet it's a little sticky. Sam warns him over comms that German special forces are approaching them, but completely fails to notice that Bucky has returned to the apartment and is standing right behind Steve. Steve turns, startles slightly and then just stands there looking Bucky up and down. Chrissy: Man, you've really let yourself go. He asks if Bucky recognizes him. Bucky says yeah, he read about him in that museum exhibit. Steve ignores Sam's continued status updates on the German troops and tells Bucky. "I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be." Chrissy: Oh, did we switch scripts? This sounds like a porno. Diandra: It won't hurt if you relax, I promise! Bucky says yeah, okay, he's a little more up to date than that, but that wasn't him in Vienna because he doesn't do that sort of thing anymore. Sam announces that the Germans are entering the building. Steve says the people who think he DID do that Vienna bombing are coming for him right now and they have orders to kill. Bucky is like ‘yeah, okay. That makes sense.' Steve says it doesn't have to end like this and reminds Bucky that he saved him in the last non-Avengers movie. There must have been a reason, right? Bucky claims to not remember why he did it. Steve says he does. Chrissy: Oh, right. I keep forgetting this isn't the 4os anymore and we can talk openly about that time we gave each other handjobs without shame. A smoke grenade comes through one of the windows. Steve smacks it back out. Another launches at Bucky, who kicks it to Steve. Steve slaps the shield over it, containing the explosion. Bucky flips a table to block a door the troops are trying to come through, then flips the mattress as well for no obvious reason. He and Steve fight the guys who come through the windows. Bucky opens a door and Steve tries to stop him from running. Bucky knocks him to the floor and punches through the floorboards by his head, unearthing a backpack. He mutters that he's not going to kill anyone and tosses the backpack through the door. Steve jumps up and uses his shield to protect Bucky as the soldiers start shooting. Bucky seems to throw Steve at one of the soldiers, then knocks down the other with a cinder block that was just lying around for some reason. He continues fighting right out the front door, using his metal arm as a shield and the troops' battering ram as a weapon. Steve trails behind him, snatching a walkie from one of the troops before he can finish telling his boss that Bucky is getting away. They fight for a while before Bucky jumps over the railing on the stairs and falls several floors before catching the rail again with his metal arm. He runs right out the nearest window, leaping to the roof of the next building, which turns out to be where his backpack landed. He grabs it and starts to run before a black human figure swoops in and kicks him back down. He blinks as Black Panther – in full body leotard - strikes a fighting pose in front of him, claws springing from the tips of his fingers. They fight. Just as Bucky is seemingly losing, Steve arrives at the hallway he jumped from, takes stock of where everybody is, including Sam flying in the distance, and takes a running leap across to the roof. Sam asks who the hell the new guy is. Steve says he's working on it. Black Panther is distracted when a helicopter flies by and shoots at them. Sam takes out the helicopter in much the same way any other bird would take down a flying machine – by flying into it. Bucky makes a run for it, Panther and Steve giving chase. They make it to the ground and then jump down into a traffic tunnel and run among the cars driven by people who are no doubt sick and tired of bullshit like this. A police SUV gives chase, the driver yelling at Steve to STAND DOWN. Steve jumps on the SUVs hood to stop it, throws the driver out and steals the SUV. Chrissy: Yeah, he still doesn't have a lot of respect for German authorities. Panther, somehow behind Steve, leaps onto the back of the truck. Steve swerves a couple times, then tells Sam that he's having trouble shaking him. Several more cop cars appear and Steve has to swerve into oncoming traffic to dodge them. Bucky, meanwhile, runs free of the tunnel and grabs the first guy on a motorcycle he sees, knocking him from the bike and flipping it around and jumping on in one slick move. Somehow, Steve is still following. They enter another tunnel because Europeans love their traffic tunnels. Panther jumps from the SUV onto the bike. They grapple and Bucky manages to throw him off. Panther gets his bearings and goes to leap back into the fray just as Sam flies over, hitching a ride on him. Sam looks down like ‘oh, hell no! Some guy dressed like catwoman did NOT just hitch a ride on the dude with wings'. Bucky tosses a bomb at the overhang at the end of the tunnel. Sam pulls up short to avoid the blast and Panther leaps free, tackling Bucky from the bike. Since this chase didn't have nearly enough stunts yet, Steve arrives at the blast zone and just leaps from the SUV, running from it as it flips over the rubble and tackling Panther from Bucky. Cop cars and a helicopter surround them as they finally stop fighting. James flies in in full War Machine armor, points his shoulder gun at them and orders them to stand down. Steve puts his shield on his back and James congratulates him on becoming a criminal. Sam wanders out of the rubble like ‘yeah, okay, I surrender.' T'challa retracts the claws and takes off the Panther mask. James is like ‘um...sorry, your highness, but you're still under arrest.' Back at the Avengers complex, Vision is trying to follow a recipe, pinching paprika into something bubbling on the stove while a jazzy piano song plays on a stereo. Wanda comes in to ask if he's making paprikash. He says yes, he was hoping making a traditional food of her homeland would cheer her up. She goes right up to the pot to taste it. He apologizes that he's never actually tasted food before, so he's not really sure what it should taste like. She grabs a spice jar and he backs up to leave her to it. Then he launches into a conversation awkwardly with "no one dislikes you, Wanda." Chrissy: Yeah, except nearly everybody on Tumblr. She's like ‘oooookay. Thanks?' He says no, it's an involuntary response in their brain. They are afraid of her. As he's not human, Vision doesn't have this response. She laughs for...some reason...and rambles some philosophical stuff about her ability CHANGING her fundamentally and she's not totally sure she's still HER and whatever everyone else sees her as is definitely not really her. Or something. The dialogue in this movie is kind of weird. Vision touches the stone in his forehead and says he's not totally sure what it is aside from some otherworldly thing that powered a staff used by Thor's younger brother and Strucker used it to give her and her brother their abilities. And it's part of him now. She asks if he fears it. He says he wishes to understand it because the more he understands, the less it controls him. How very human. He hopes to maybe one day control it. Wanda, redirecting the suddenly heavy conversation, notes that whatever he put in this thing she's doctoring isn't paprika so she's going to go to the store to...get some...maybe. He zooms in front of her to stop her lame exit and offers to order pizza instead. She asks why he's trying to stop her from leaving. He ducks his head and admits it's a safety thing. She reminds him she can protect herself. He says no, not HER protection. Tony is trying to avoid her getting into another public "incident" while they're still negotiating the terms of the mutant regi-accords. Berlin. Bucky is being transported via armored vehicle full of armed men in combat gear. The truck is being escorted by multiple squad cars. This does not seem excessive given the difficulty with corralling "enhanced" people so far. In another less-armored car, Steve, Sam and T'challa are making awkward small talk. "So," says Sam. "You like cats?" Steve chastises him and T'challa just continues to stare into space like ‘I WILL MURDER ANYONE WHO STANDS IN THE WAY OF ME GETTING JUSTICE FOR MY FATHER and yes, cats are badass and adorable and when I was a child I begged my father for a pet tiger.' Chrissy: You're still confusing this with both "The Watchmen" and "The Walking Dead." Diandra: Okay, fine. A lion. After a pause, Steve notes that T'challa's suit is made of vibranium. T'challa non-answers that the Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for several generations. Sort of like Batman is for Gotham. Chrissy: [exasperated sigh] Diandra: I know. Different universe. Whatever. Basically, he was already the Black Panther, but now because his dad was murdered, the country's protector is also it's King. "So I ask you as both warrior and king: how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?" Chrissy: He's not their friend. May have once been Steve's lover, but... Diandra: Nah. But he probably lost his virginity to him, yes. They all arrive at a facility that seems to be the American Embassy or something and the three in the separate car get out while Bucky is just shuttled in in a glass cage. Steve marches up to Martin Freeman – who is standing next to Sharon Carter – and demands to know what is going to happen to Bucky. Martin, in a much better American accent than he used in "Fargo", says psychological evaluation and extradition, which is what they SHOULD be doing with the three of them too, but whatever. Sharon is like ‘okay, I guess I have to do the introductions here.' She introduces everyone to Everett Ross, the Deputy Task Force Commander. Steve asks if they can talk to a lawyer. Everett is like ‘yeah, right. Fuck you.' He orders the armed men hovering behind them to put all their "weapons" in lockup and escorts them to their "office", which he would like them to basically think of as a swanky cell they are not actually allowed to leave. Natasha sidles up to them as they're striding past and mutters to Steve that THIS is what she meant when she asked him to not make things worse and he should try really hard not to make things worse while they're trying to fix it. Tony is already in the room, on the phone with somebody arguing about the accords and what happened in Romania, which James is currently helping clean up. "Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences," he snaps before hanging up and sauntering up to Steve. Steve asks what sort of consequences he's talking about. Tony says Thunderbolt wants them prosecuted, so he's trying to talk him down by promising to do SOMETHING. Meanwhile, outside somewhere, a van pulls up to a power station. This cannot lead anywhere good. Steve wanders over to see some men plugging Bucky's glass cell into a power source in the basement somewhere. Tony comes up to show him "something cool" he found in his dad's archives. He opens a case with a couple fountain pens FDR used to sign the "lend lease bill" to provide support to the allies back in ‘41. Steve notes that some could argue that "support" just brought the country closer to war. Tony says he's trying here. This is an olive branch. Steve asks if Pepper is around here somewhere. Chrissy: Uh, no. She's probably off dealing with the fact that she might have superpowers now after she was injected with some bullshit in the last movie. Diandra: You think they'll actually follow through on that? You have more faith in the writers than I do. Because it has apparently become a thing that they need to explain the absence of all the female characters in these movies, Tony awkwardly says they're kinda...um...taking a break. Chrissy: Yeah, Ross and Rachel tried that too. It didn't work. Tony says he almost lost her a few years ago and responded to it by trashing all of his suits. And then there was the whole HYDRA thing and the whole Ultron thing "and then I never stopped because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't want to lose her. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference." Chrissy: Yeah, I think she'd rather have the Civic. Much sleeker design. Diandra: Or, you know, a completely different make entirely like a Toyota. "In her defense, I'm a handful," he tosses in as a massive understatement. He grumbles that his dad was a "pain in the ass" too and his mom made it work. That's because she didn't exactly have any other choice at the time, sweetie. Steve pipes up that he's glad Howard found somebody because he only knew him when he was young and unattached. Tony is like ‘oh my god, you knew my dad?! Really?! I had no idea because he only mentioned if five thousand times while I was growing up!' Yes, you will be a great man someday, Captain Sarcasm. He grumbles about how he always hated Steve. Until, you know, these last couple movies where they teamed up and worked together pretty well. And this scene kind of reflects that because the look on Tony's face when he showed him the pens was totally ‘we still cool?' Steve sighs and says he's not trying to make things difficult but he just can't ignore bad situations. "Sometimes I wish I could." "No, you don't," Tony says. "Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth. But I don't want to see you gone. We need you, Cap." Chrissy: I need you. You make me a better man. You complete me. I mean the team. You complete the team. Diandra: You know, I just had a thought... Chrissy: I thought I could see smoke coming from your ears. Diandra: Shut up. The fandom always defaults to romantic pairings, right? The tension between Steve and Tony is sexualized. But what if Tony sees him as a sort of father figure? Or an uncle? Someone he was expected to be like and resents because he knows he'll never live up? Someone he still sort of looks up to despite all that? Chrissy: I'm pretty sure the fandom would just turn that into Daddy Steve spanking Tony for being an insolent brat, but yes. Tony tries to encourage Steve to sign the accord because nothing that has happened YET can't be undone. It will legitimize everything that has happened in the last day and Bucky will be transferred to an American psych ward instead of a Wakandan prison. Yeah, I'm not sure T'challa was planning to take him alive, but I get your point. Steve picks up one of the pens and contemplates it. He says it isn't IMPOSSIBLE, but "there would have to be safeguards". Tony says yeah, sure. Whatever. They can amend the accord to their hearts' content once the media circus calling for their heads on a platter dies down. He can even get Steve and Wanda reinstated to the group. Steve is like ‘wait...Wanda?' Tony says she's confined to the Avengers compound right now. Chrissy: Yeah, and your android is totally putting the moves on her and you'll probably find him in her bed when you get back. Steve starts getting upset that Tony is holding her prisoner. Tony thinks confining her to an enormous facility with a pool and a movie theater is hardly holding her prisoner. He's protecting her. Steve is like OH REALLY?! Tony argues that she's not even an American citizen and she's basically a weapon so it's not like she's going to get a visa and STOP CRITICIZING HIM HE'S DOING THE BEST HE CAN HERE. Steve mutters "you keep telling yourself that", gives him back the pen and storms out. In a viewing room somewhere, Everett, Natasha and a bunch of suits are watching via video as Bucky is questioned...by Zero. Oof. Sharon finds Steve in the room right next door with Sam, watching on another screen. She hands Sam a "receipt" for his gear, which he notes is described as a "bird costume". Chrissy: Well, that is basically what it looks like in the comics, so...you know...be grateful it is at least a little more cool. Diandra: And let's not even get into how stupid Hawkeye's costume is supposed to be. Sharon sees Steve watching the silent feed and surreptitiously pushes a button so he can hear the sound, then pretends nothing happened. Chrissy: Yep, she's definitely related to Peggy. The guy in the van gets the guard at the power station to come out and help him unload a very large box. It turns out it's a delivery for him. The guard looks confused, but signs off on it. Steve asks Sharon why the task force released that picture she gave them. She suggests they wanted as many eyes as possible looking for Bucky. Steve says yeah, it's a good way to flush somebody out of hiding. "Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." For the slower audience members, Sharon points out that he's suggesting somebody framed Bucky just to flush him out of hiding. Chrissy: Yes. You might even know who did it. They might even be ALREADY IN THE ROOM WITH HIM AT THIS EXACT MOMENT. Steve and Sam have been looking for Bucky for two years, but they weren't crazy enough to try bombing a UN meeting and blaming him for it. Sharon notes that that would guarantee THEY would capture him, not whoever is looking for him. Chrissy: I mean, unless we have a mole, but that would be ridiculous. Diandra: I mean, we're not the CTU or anything. Sharon frowns and they all look at the UN interrogator suspiciously. Zero notes that Bucky has seen an awful lot, hasn't he? Bucky growls that he doesn't want to talk about it. Zero asks if he thinks talking about it will just bring back all the horror. He taps a button on a tablet in front of him. At the power station, the guard opens the box to find an enormous bomb beeping and just has enough time to ask the delivery guy what the HELL this is about before it goes off. It turns out it isn't a regular bomb, though. It's an EMP. The wave shorts out the power grid and all the lights in and around the embassy whateveritis go out. Everett grabs a walkie and yells for somebody keep an eye on Bucky. Tony calls Friday to trace the outage to a source. Sharon directs Steve to the room Bucky is being held in. Zero pulls the notebook from his bag and starts reciting the Russian code words like they're a magic spell. Bucky starts wincing and begging him to stop. He doesn't. Bucky screams and breaks free of his restraints, beating on the cage. Zero finishes just as Bucky breaks the door and falls out. Except it's too late because then he just stands up and says in Russian that he's ready for his orders. "Mission report. December 16, 1991," Zero says again. Oh, so maybe we'll finally get an answer to...nope, we're cutting to Steve and Sam. They arrive sometime after to find everyone in the room outside the holding area unconscious and Zero alone on the floor acting like he was attacked too. Steve is not buying this bullshit. He drags Zero upright and slams him against the wall, demanding to know who he is and what he wants. "To see an empire fall," Zero replies. Chrissy: What? America? I've got news for you...you're too late. Diandra: Or just a little too early, but yeah. It's already started. Bucky appears from the corner and attacks Sam as he enters the room, throwing him against the glass cage. Then Bucky and Steve fight...again...until Bucky punches Steve through the closed elevator doors into the shaft and down a couple floors to where the elevator is stopped. Chrissy: You could say he gave him the shaft. Diandra: Ahem. Yeah, I guess. Sam comes to with alarms going off and sees Zemo peaking through the hole in the elevator doors. He yells "hey" and then gives chase. Back in the command center, Everett is still yelling orders and Natasha is asking if Tony brought a suit. He starts describing the tailored three-piece suit he brought, then snaps that he's an active duty non combatant here so NO. Sharon runs up and tells them to follow her. They wind up down in the building's cafeteria where Bucky is fighting guards. Tony hides behind a wall and taps his watch, converting it into a streamlined sort of half-Iron Man glove. Then he jumps out and starts firing blasts at Bucky, dazing him. They start hand to hand combat and at one point Bucky draws a gun and fires just as Tony gets the hand with the glove over the barrel. Tony blinks like ‘huh...guess it works better than I anticipated. Also, I need to change my underwear.' Bucky knocks him off and Sharon and Natasha tag team him with their pretty evenly matched ninja skills. Sharon doesn't last all that long, but that's to be expected. Bucky slams Natasha on a table and starts strangling her with the metal hand. She gasps that the least he could do is recognize her. Chrissy: Why are women always saying this to me? And then T'challa arrives and knocks Bucky off of her. They fight. Bucky tries to run away after knocking T'challa down, but T'challa just manages to bounce back in front of him and keep going. This goes on a while longer and for a second T'challa gets hold of the metal arm and seems to come to a realization. Then he kicks Bucky over a railing, where he promptly disappears. Sam loses Zero in the crowd of frantic people fleeing the building. Bucky finds a helicopter on a launch pad on the roof and climbs in. Steve arrives just as he's taking off and tries to hold him to the ground by the helicopter's skids. Just before this actually works, Bucky tilts the helicopter and Steve has to roll to avoid the blades and tail as it crashes and spins to a stop. Then Bucky punches through the windshield to drag Steve with him as the wreck falls off the side of the platform into the...river? Bay? Reflecting pool? Something. Crashing into water seems to be a major theme with this series. The chopper sinks to the bottom and then Steve pops to the surface with an unconscious Bucky. And now for some random exposition on Zeddo. He is in a café, listening to a voicemail from what is obviously supposed to be his wife. Their son is asking when he's coming home, she loves him, blah blah bad guys are people too. He sees a TV screen turned to the news announcement that Bucky has escaped custody and Steve and Sam have gone missing. So he goes right to the airport and catches the first plane back to Russia. Bucky wakes up in a warehouse with his metal arm trapped in a large vice as an impromptu restraint, which...is probably pretty effective unless he decides to just rip it off or something. Sam and Steve hover over him and Steve asks which version of his former friend he's talking to. Bucky starts listing random facts about Steve like his mother's name and the fact that he used to put newspaper in his shoes. This reassures Steve as he doesn't think Bucky could have gotten this from the museum exibit. Chrissy: The newspaper thing? Maybe not. His mother's name? Uh...you could get that anywhere. Diandra: Yeah, but while Sam is there he probably doesn't want to bring up mole patterns or whether he is circumcised. Sam notes as much. That's it? He remembers a couple little details from when you were a teenager and we're supposed to forget he's been trying to kill us for months? Bucky groans and says he knew this would happen eventually because everything "HYDRA put inside me" is still operational. That's...a weird choice of words. Chrissy: I mean, normally I'm cool with guys putting things inside me, but...you know...it's more fun when you can remember it. Anyway. Basically, Bucky's programming allows anyone who knows the code words to hack him. Steve asks who that "doctor" was who hacked his system and broke him out because he created a LOT of destruction just to do it. Bucky strains to remember and says the guy kept asking about Siberia. Specifically, where Bucky was being held while he was programmed. Steve asks why he would need that information. "Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier," Bucky says and ominous music crashes us back to 1991. 1991. We watch a repeat of Bucky forcing a car to crash into a tree and pulling blue blood bags out of the trunk. Cut to a "medical" facility where a group of men and women are getting this strange blue fluid dripped into their arms. A guy has what looks like an adverse reaction and is thrown into a separate room, strapped to a bed and left to possibly die. Sometime later, when he stops screaming, Zemo goes to check on him and finds he has broken his restraints. Then we cut to that guy fighting with Bucky, showing off his new superhuman strength. A doctor goes to check on the guy and gets slammed face-first into the floor with his neck possibly broken. All hell breaks loose and Bucky and Zemo escape while the supers kill all the guards trying to keep them in line. Back in the present, Steve is like ‘ooookay. Who are these people now?' Bucky says they're HYDRA's "elite death squad" – a fearsome bunch before they injected themselves with supersoldier serum. Steve asks if the doctor could control them. Bucky is like ‘meh...sort of.' But they "can speak thirty languages" and are super competent spies who can totally carry out any assassination right under authorities' noses. "They can take a whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming." Sam sidelines Steve and mutters that this would have been "easier" a week ago. Steve suggests they could call Tony. Sam scoffs that Tony would never believe them and the Accords might not let him help anyway. Steve concludes they're on their own then. Sam says he might know a guy... Back at headquarters, Thunderbolt is asking if Tony knows where Team Cap is. Tony thinks they can bring them in because they've got everybody out looking. They can handle it. Thunderbolt says it's not Tony's problem to "handle" and since he has proven he can't be objective about it, they're calling in Special Ops. Natasha pipes up from her seat that this could get Steve killed in the inevitable crossfire. Ross shrugs like ‘yeah...well...if he keeps protecting Bucky we'll probably have to consider him an enemy of the state and just as culpable in the deaths of all the people we think Bucky killed'. Tony says wait, no...going in with guns blazing isn't the answer here, as it hasn't been in literally every movie so far. Ross says yeah, well, efforts to bring him in alive haven't exactly been successful. Tony begs for 72 hours to try again. Ross sighs and knocks it down to 36 and reminds him that he needs to get all three of them. Ross stomps off and Tony massages his chest and asks Natasha if his left arm going numb should be alarming. She comes over to pat him on the shoulder and mutters that they are seriously "understaffed". Tony mutters that it'd be great if they had the Hulk right now and seriously, does she know how to get hold of him? Chrissy: Well, if he dropped the shield on the ship maybe, but the long distance bill would be MASSIVE. Natasha isn't so sure he'd be on their side anyway. Um...pretty sure Banner would be all about checks and balances on mutants. Er...enhanced...beings... Chrissy: Actually, I think he was on Cap's side in the comics. Diandra: What?! Why? Chrissy: How would I know? Anyway...it doesn't matter because we know that in this canon he's too busy playing heavyweight champion to Jeff Goldblum, waiting for Thor to show up. Diandra: We are going to have that movie half recapped by the time we get to it, aren't we? Natasha says she has another idea though. Tony says he does too. And since Natasha never gets a say in things really, we're going to go with his idea. Queens. Peter Parker - who I forgot was going to be introduced in this movie - enters his apartment, throws his backpack down and, upon prompting, tells Aunt May that school was "fine". He asks what that "crazy" car parked outside is about, then notices that she is sitting on the couch with Tony. He stammers and awkwardly introduces himself like a fanboy meeting his hero in person. Tony is like 'yeah, hi Peter, I'm Tony. Have you been getting the emails I've been sending you?' Peter is like ‘uhhhhhhhhhhhhhsqueak'. May bemoans that Peter never told her about the grant he'd won. "The September Foundation," Tony prompts. Peter is like ‘oh, the...yeah...um...' Chrissy: Can I just go outside and start this whole thing over again? Diandra: Will you be my new dad? I mean...ahem. What? Tony reminds Peter that he applied for the grant and his application was approved. May is befuddled that Peter didn't tell her any of this. "You keeping secrets from me now?" Chrissy: Uh...we have a whole two hours coming up where we can explore all the things he's hiding from you. Might want to slow down. Peter is like ‘um...it was going to be a surprise. Surprise? Uh...why don't you tell her what I applied for Mr. Stark.' Tony says that's what he's here to talk to him about, actually. Then he turns to noting how hard it is to believe that this beautiful woman is someone's aunt. Chrissy: I mean, it seems like just yesterday I was chasing a girl who looked just like her around Rome... Diandra: Was that before or after he was reincarnated from Maddie Hayes dead lover? Chrissy: You realize that, like, two people got that reference, right? Diandra: Yeah, well, you're one of them, so we're good. Peter is like ‘okay, stop flirting with Aunt May and go back to why you're here.' Is there money involved in this grant? Tony is like ‘uh...yeah. You do know I have money basically coming out of my ass, right?' He asks Aunt May to give them five minutes alone. Aunt May says sure and Tony goes back into Peter's bedroom with him and locks the door. Chrissy: Yeah, that's not...that's not something you do in this day and age lady. Tony spits a mouthful of the date loaf Aunt May was feeding him into Peter's trash and then gushes over the "retro tech" on Peter's desk including what might be one of the first computer models EVER. Chrissy: That is somehow still working despite being an Apple. Diandra: You know...I seem to remember they USED to make things that lasted more than a year. Back when companies didn't make EVERYTHING to be disposable to inflate sales. What I'm saying is I'd believe that would work before I'd believe one from 2012 would. Tony asks if he got this stuff at a thrift store or the Salvation Army or something. Peter says he got it from the garbage, actually. And back to the point of that conversation out there, what is this grant you're claiming I won that I totally didn't apply for? Tony projects an image from his phone of Peter in his spider suit taking down a thug. He says this is him, right? Peter tries to stammer a denial, but Tony just switches to a video of him stopping a car from ramming a bus. Peter points out that those videos are on YouTube and you can totally fake stuff like that. Tony says yeah, uh-huh. He picks up a broom handle laying nearby and jabs at a trap door in the ceiling. The spider suit tumbles right out. Peter lamely tries to hide it and pretend it's nothing like a teenager whose stash of porn has been found. Tony invites him to give up this little dance and just admit that he's Spider-Boy. "Spider-Man," Peter mutters defensively. Yes, you will be once your voice drops, sweetie. He grumbles about how he WAS having a really good day until Tony showed up. Tony asks if anybody else knows this little secret. Like maybe his "unusually attractive" aunt. Chrissy: Seriously, I'm pretty sure I once dated a girl who looked JUST LIKE HER. Peter says NO, and if she found out she would freak, so...DON'T tell her! Tony turns to this webbing stuff Peter uses with the amazing tensile strength and asks who manufactured it. Peter says he made it himself. Tony asks how he climbs walls the way he does in those videos. Adhesive gloves? Stealing tech from Ethan Hunt? Peter says it's a funny story, actually, and possibly starts to explain the whole ‘bitten by a radioactive spider' thing, but then the writers acknowledge that everybody freaking KNOWS this backstory by now and Tony cuts him off to marvel at his ability to see through the goggles in his ridiculous mask. Peter says yes, because his senses have been dialed to eleven. Chrissy: Which is better than ten because it's one more. Diandra: Yes, thank you Nigel. Tony thinks Peter needs a major upgrade in his gear. Then he asks why Peter is doing this in the first place. What is his ‘MO'? What drives him? Chrissy: Please summarize your entire character backstory so we don't have to do an entire movie about it for the third time in the past couple decades and can just skip right to the fun part. Diandra: Yeah, that. Peter exposits that he's had his powers for six months and he would love to use his newfound strength to play football or something instead of resigning himself to continuing to be a nerd, but... "Look, when you can do the things that I can, but you don't and then the bad things happen...they happen because of you." Tony concludes that he wants to do his part to make the world a better place and all that clichéd bullshit then. Peter is like ‘yeah! That!' Tony sits beside Peter and asks if he has a passport. Peter says he doesn't even have a driver's license yet. Uh...not the same thing. You can get a passport ANYTIME. Have you never even gone to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls? Tony declares he will LOVE Germany. Peter is like 'what? I have HOMEWORK. I can't just blow off all my responsibilities and fly to Germany because my hero asked me to.' Tony is like 'pffffttttt, responsibilities. I'm just going to go tell your hot aunt I'm taking you on a field trip.' He goes to grab the door handle and Peter shoots a web, trapping his hand. He says fine, he'll go, but DON'T TELL AUNT MAY. Chrissy: It's better if she finds out after it's too late that I died in a foreign country in a full body leotard fighting guys with superpowers. Avengers plaza. Vision is floating in mid-air, apparently in stand by mode, when he's woken by an explosion outside. Wanda appears at the nearest window to see what's going on. Vision tells her to stay put and flies off. She hears something behind her and sends a knife from the kitchen flying nearly into Clint's face, stopping just short of killing him. "Guess I should've knocked," he jokes. Uh...yeah? Or, you know, just not tried to sneak up on somebody with superpowers who could totally kill you? She asks what he's doing here. He shoots a couple arrows around the room, says the Captain needs their help and starts to take her with him. Vision reappears, morphing right through the wall and says Clint shouldn't be here and he should consider the consequences of showing up now. Clint says he already has. Vision steps between the arrows Clint fired and they create some sort of electrical field that traps him. Clint starts to make a run for it before realizing Wanda isn't following. She says she's "caused enough problems already". Vision breaks from the trap by blasting a beam of energy at the nearest arrow and sucker punches Clint. Clint pulls out a baton and tries to fight, which goes about as well as you would expect a fight between the weakest member of the team and an android to go. Vision gets him in a headlock and calmly reminds him that he can't beat him. Clint says no, but Wanda can. Wanda spins a ball of energy between her hands and orders Vision to let him go. Vision says he can't let her leave. Well, she wasn't planning on it, like, less than a minute ago, but whatever. Apparently she's changed her mind already. She does something that causes Vision to drop Clint and fall right through every floor of the building. Clint looks at the gaping hole where Vision just was like 'ooookay...can we go now?' Chrissy: Or do you want to switch allegiances again? You have made up your mind, right? Diandra: Yeah, I feel like we are seeing the strain of the writers trying to alter backstories but still stay sort of close to the comics. I don't see any evidence of Wanda being on EITHER side of this war, but Quicksilver was on Cap's team, so... Chrissy: As are Wolverine, Magneto and all of the Defenders. Diandra: And Black Panther. Because T'chaka was supposed to be killed by somebody else entirely at a completely unrelated event so his son doesn't have this vengeful need to kill Bucky. Chrissy: Look who's learning the canon. Diandra: I'm a librarian. I can research. But I still don't see any evidence that Hulk was on either side in the comics. I figured he was neutral like Thor and Doctor Strange. Chrissy: Huh. I thought... Diandra: Wait here it is: "During Marvel's Civil War published in 2006, Thor was dead and Hulk was busy being a space gladiator on an alien planet in a series titled Planet Hulk." Chrissy: ..............well, that explains everything. Meanwhile, T'challa meets with Natasha in the basement/parking garage of the building they were all being held in. He is joined by a fierce bald woman who growls at Natasha to "move or you will be moved". T'challa is like 'yeah, much as I'd love to place bets on that fight, stand down.' Natasha asks if he really thinks he can "find him". Because it took 70 years for Bucky to be found the first time. He asks if she knows where "they" are then. She says she knows somebody who does. Steve meets Sharon under a bridge somewhere. Going by the cars and license plates, they're still in Germany, but I'm honestly struggling to keep track of where everybody is now. Chrissy: Oh, honey. You know it's only going to get worse from here, right? Diandra: That's what I'm afraid of. My recap of "Infinity War" (assuming I'm still able to recap by then) is just going to be one long string of "what? Who? Where? What are we doing now?" She pops the trunk on her car to reveal all the gear that was taken from him and Sam. In Steve's car, Bucky asks from the backseat if Sam can move his seat forward a little to give him some room. "No," Sam growls. Chrissy: So...you like birds? Bucky moves to the other side of the car. Back outside, Sharon looks at the two men glowering at nothing in there and reminds Steve that Bucky did sort of try to kill her. Chrissy: He's tried to kill a lot of people. You're not special. Steve notes that she's putting herself at risk by stealing this stuff for them. He thanks her and then they just...kiss with no further preamble. He apologizes for that being at least a year late and she's like 'yeah, I'll see you later then' and goes to get back in the car in a daze. Sam and Bucky both smirk at Steve proudly and it's kind of weird. The boys meet up with Clint and Wanda in the airport parking garage. Steve asks about the "other recruit" and Clint pops the back door on their van to reveal Scott "Ant Man" Lang. Chrissy: It's like Steve is determined to recruit all the lamest characters possible. Diandra: Yeah, at least Wanda has an actual ability. All these other guys are dependent on technology to do anything. Chrissy: Ant-Man being the worst because he literally has nothing but a suit that alters his size. His entire movie was spent basically trying to figure out how the suit works. Diandra: Which is why we didn't recap it. Chrissy: Right. Sorry. Continue. Scott blinks blearily at Clint and asks what time zone they're in. Then he stumbles over to Steve and fanboys over getting to meet Captain America, shaking his hand excitedly and then just grabbing at his pecs because JESUS GET A LOAD OF THOSE THINGS. Chrissy: Okay, well, even if his character is lame he still does exactly what we would do. Diandra: I'd probably squeeze harder and make embarrassing noises though. Scott seems to have an awareness that he is the weakest link here as he acknowledges that Steve must know a LOT of supers and enhanceds and he called Ant-Man anyway, so..."thinks for thanking of me." Chrissy: And I already screwed up. Okay. I'm just going to go curl in a corner and die. Thanks. Scott turns to Sam and says so...about what happened last time... Sam chuckles and says it was "a great audition, but it'll never happen again." Uh...yeah. Since I forgot Mackie had an appearance in "Ant-Man" and don't remember what the context of that was, I'm just going to rewrite it in my head as 'they kissed and it was awkward'. Chrissy: That's probably more entertaining anyway. Diandra: Do you remember what actually happened? Chrissy: Scott stole some tech from what he thought was an old, abandoned Stark warehouse but turned out to be the compound and Sam was on sentry duty. They fought. Scott disabled his wings in ant-mode. Diandra: So exactly how two people whose abilities rely entirely on tech fight. Is it any wonder I don't remember that movie? Chrissy: Honestly, at this point I find it more surprising when you actually REMEMBER something that happened in one of these. Steve asks if they filled Scott in on what they're doing. Scott, still staring at Sam like '.......bitch' focuses and says it has something to do with psycho assassins? Steve is like yeah, sure. Close enough. And they're working outside the law, so if Scott wants to join he will effectively become a wanted criminal. Scott is like 'yeah, well...beats having to do a movie about Evangeline Lilly's character. I mean, can you imagine? A whole movie devoted to a female superhero? Like anyone would want to watch THAT.' Chrissy: This is where I wish you readers could hear the stuff we're saying instead of just reading Diandra's transcript because the sarcasm coming off her when she said that last line was gloriously salty. Diandra: I mean, really. Fans have been begging for a Black Widow movie for HOW LONG? Marvel is supposed to be the more progressive company, but it took DC breaking every record with "Wonder Woman" for them to say 'yeah, sure, I guess we can do a Captain Marvel'. Clint announces that there's a chopper waiting for them just before an alarm goes off and a man comes over a PA to make an announcement in German. Bucky says they're evacuating the airport because Stark. Or something. The new recruits are like 'wait...Tony? What?' Steve tells them to suit up. Once he's in full Captain America gear he runs out to the waiting chopper...just in time for Iron Man to hit it with an EMP and disable it. Tony lands in front of Steve, James right behind him, and cockily notes how weird it is that you always seem to run into people at an airport. Steve sighs and says if Tony would just listen a minute...that psychiatrist the UN supposedly sent in is behind the whole thing. Black Panther leaps over a car onto the tarmac beside them and he and Steve formally greet each other as "Captain" and "Your Highness" before Steve turns back to Tony like ANYway... Tony says Thunderbolt gave him 36 hours to bring Steve in 24 hours ago, so... Steve says they're chasing the wrong guy here. Tony is like 'yeah, well, forgive me if I think your judgment might be a little clouded because the bad guy used to be your boyfriend.' Steve is like 'he's not my BOYFRIEND. Jesus. Can't a guy put his dick in another guy 70 years ago without everybody jumping to conclusions?' But getting to the point: there are five other supersoldiers nobody knew about and Zelko is looking for them. Natasha announces her presence behind him suddenly and asks if Steve really wants to "punch his way out" of this fight. It's what he DOES, Nat. He's too old for you to change him now. Tony announces that he's run out of patience and yells "Underoos!" Before we can wonder what the hell sort of weird form of Tourette's this is, a web shoots over Steve's hands, binding them, and another one rips his shield away. Spider-Man flips over his head, catching the shield before landing on top of a baggage truck. "Nice job, kid," Tony says. Peter is like 'well, I could have done that landing better, but I LOVE YOU WILL YOU ADOPT ME AND BE MY NEW DAD? Ahem. I mean, thanks.' He blames his minor awkwardness on getting used to the new suit. Not that there's anything wrong with the suit. Did he mention he loves the suit? Tony is like 'can we not have this conversation right now?' Peter is like 'yeah, sorry.' Then he turns to Steve and does a similar fanboy dance, introducing himself. Tony is like 'LATER!' Chrissy: Don't make me regret inviting you! Steve, trying not to laugh at this ridiculous play, is like 'sooo...been busy recruiting have you? At the local high school apparently?' Tony is like 'shut up, criminal. You basically kidnapped Wanda from the bunker she was perfectly happy staying in.' "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Steve thinks tearing them apart is what Tony did when he signed the Registry that calls itself an Accord. Tony snaps at Steve to come with them NOW because he will be better than the guys they will send to collect him and his merry band of fugitives. Steve pretends to consider this until Sam announces that he's spotted the quinjet in hangar five over his comm link. Then he holds up his hands for Clint to shoot an arrow through the webbing and gives Scott the green light. Peter looks down to see Ant-Man crawling on Cap's shield and starts to raise an alert. Scott launches into the air and shifts back into his normal human size mid-flip, kicking Peter in the face. James asks what the hell just happened. Scott hands Steve back his shield. Tony groans and scans the parking structure, locating "two of them" and announcing he's going to go after Wanda. James identifies Sam and Bucky in the terminal. Hearing Bucky's name, T'challa is like 'that motherfucker is MINE!' and runs off. Steve throws his shield at James. Peter asks Tony what he should do. Tony says he should DO WHAT THEY ALREADY TALKED ABOUT. Jesus. Tie them up with the webbing and fall back. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID THAT MIGHT GET YOU KILLED BECAUSE I'M STILL HOPING TO GET INTO YOUR AUNT'S PANTS. Steve runs after T'challa, knocking him down. T'challa is like 'okay, well, I don't want to fight you, but if I have to go through you to get my vengeance, so be it.' Natasha blinks at the guy in the funny helmet apologizing that he doesn't want to hurt her, but... She's like 'yeah, that won't be a problem, bug boy' and kicks him in the crotch. She starts mopping the deck with Scott, but he goes ant-size and knocks her over. There was some long-winded bullshit about the physics of his strength when he's ant-size, but I really can't be bothered with it. He pins her somehow and she uses her zapper bracelet thing to blast him into the side of a truck where he comically slides to the ground, still ant-sized. Chrissy: So does that make up for the lack of a Black Widow movie? Diandra: Almost. Peter leaps onto the terminal building and crawls along the glass ceiling of the hallway Bucky and Sam are running through. Bucky looks up and laughingly asks what THAT thing is about. Like...is Comic Con in town or something? Sam grumbles about everybody having to have a "gimmick" now. Peter throws a web and uses it to sling through one of the windows right into Sam. He catches Bucky's metal arm as he goes to punch his puny ass and gushes about how freaking awesome it is while Bucky blinks in shock like 'the scrawny weirdo in the onesie has super strength?' Sam grabs Peter and flies off. Back outside, Clint and Wanda are running, ducking explosions created by Tony. Tony flies down and tells Wanda that she "hurt Vision's feelings". She channels her inner bratty teenager and sneers that he LOCKED her in her ROOM. He says he did NOT lock her in. Jesus. Drama queen. He restricted her to the compound. For her safety. Clint shoots an arrow at Tony, which he deflects. Tony notes that he's losing his touch and Clint claims he was just trying to provide a distraction (sure). Wanda rips cars out of the parking garage, raining them down on Tony. He dodges and blasts a couple but winds up pinned to the ground under a couple of them. "Multiple contusions detected," FRIDAY cheerfully informs him. He grumbles that he detected them too. Steve and T'challa are still fighting. James flies in to provide backup, slamming Steve's shield with what looks like a baton. Back with Spider vs Birdboy. Peter ducks to avoid Bucky's shield, then throws it back at him and goes back to grappling with Sam. He discovers the general rule that most of Team Cap can be crippled by disabling their tech and uses a burst of web to disable Sam's wings. Then he uses a couple more blasts to tie Sam to a railing. He hovers to curiously ask if the wings are carbon fiber. Sam ignores the question in favor of his own: does this web stuff come out of his body? Like...how grossed out should he be right now? Peter starts babbling about Sam's tech...I hope...because he's talking about rigidity...and Sam is like SHUT UP ALREADY YOU TWINK. Bucky comes running up and Peter swings down, knocking them both over and webbing them to the floor. He apologizes that he'd love to stay and keep fighting them, but he has to do the job Tony gave him because he has to impress his would-be daddy. Sam taps something on his wrist under the webbing and his drone Redwing flies by, latching onto Peter's wrist and flying him out the nearest window. "You couldn't have done that earlier," Bucky asks dryly. "I hate you," Sam groans. And now we finish the Steve/T'challa fight outside where James realizes his baton has been broken. Scott runs up, tossing Steve a miniature truck. While Steve is wondering what the fuck this is about, Scott holds up one of his trigger buttons that controls his suit and instructs Steve to throw the truck at it. He tosses the button, Steve tosses the truck and when they meet, the truck blows up to regular size and falls on James, bursting into flame. "Oh, man, I thought it was a water truck," Scott moans. Chrissy: Remind me why you're here again? Diandra: Because they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel before they could justify using their female superheroes? Scott apologizes and he and Steve run off. James digs out from the wreckage and growls that NOW he's pissed off. Tony flies up to help Natasha up from where she landed trying to get away from that explosion. Because I guess she's been just hovering nearby since smacking Scott off her like the annoying bug he perfectly embodies. She asks if this was part of the plan. Tony says the plan WAS to go easy on them, but...fuck the plan. Steve's team all meet up on the tarmac, running heroically toward the waiting Quinjet which is parked just past what looks like the Bluth's staircar for some damn reason. If you don't understand that reference, do yourself a favor and go watch "Arrested Development". But, just like "Sherlock", don't bother with season four. The team is stopped when Vision appears and blasts a line on the pavement in front of them. Chrissy: You know, I know we just did a whole battle over this, but...Ultron was right. Humans are morons who don't deserve this planet. Have you SEEN the political bullshit going on right now? And my projections say there's a high probability that two of the English speaking countries are about to go completely insane and possibly start another world war. Your species cannot be trusted with free will. No, he actually booms that he knows Steve THINKS he's doing the right thing right now, but he should really surrender for the "collective good". The iron men arrive, Tony casually dropping off Natasha on the other side of the line, James dropping off T'challa. Peter parkours in. And we get establishing shots of both sides facing off in perfect lines broken only by Vision hovering behind Team Iron and Wanda sort of hanging behind Team Cap. Sam asks Steve what they should do. Steve gives the answer he basically always defaults to: fight. He charges forward. Natasha groans, mutters that this isn't going to end well and joins Tony's line marching forward. Once they start running toward each other, all the heroes that can fly take off, which, again, apparently includes Wanda now. And the battle that is as close to epic as this series can get with only less than a dozen available characters to fight begins. Wanda throws cars at Peter, T'challa does his very best to try to kill Bucky and Natasha and Clint pause in their fight so Natasha can ask if they're still friends. He says it depends on how hard she hits him and they go right back to it. She goes to kick him in the face, but Wanda wraps a ball of energy around her ankle and flips her into the staircar. She tells Clint to stop "pulling your punches" and stalks back into the fray. Chrissy: You would never make it in the Russian army! Diandra: Nope. You would have been shot. Bucky finally just tells T'challa that he didn't kill his daddy. T'challa asks why he ran then. Um...gee, maybe because he's still a wanted criminal? T'challa pins Bucky to a truck and goes to slice him with his claws, but Wanda appears to fling him back just like she did Natasha. Chrissy: Basically, they needed her to be the Deus Ex Machina of the battle. Diandra: Huh. Sort of the equivalent of Homer using gods and goddesses every time a battle started going badly to explain how they got out? Chrissy: Okay, I know what you meant, but when you said "Homer" my mind went in a completely different direction and now I'm picturing a fat, bald yellow guy sending Athena onto the field to save Paris. Diandra: AND BRING BACK DOUGHNUTS THIS TIME! *lewd drooling noises* Mmm...doughnuts... *more drooling and gurgling* Steve knocks Peter out of the air with his shield, which boomerangs back to him. Peter watches him attach it to his arm and announces that it does NOT obey the laws of physics in any way. Steve is like 'son...there are many things in this world you don't understand...and I'm really hoping my condescending tone masks the fact that I don't particularly understand how this thing works either.' Peter slings a web around the arm with the shield and the opposite leg, drags Steve toward him and kicks him into a truck. Then he takes a moment to brag about how Tony was right about aiming for Steve's legs. Steve runs to retrieve his shield and Peter webs both hands. They play tug of war with the webbing for a minute and then Steve does his sideways spin leap, winding the web around him and flinging Peter. Tony is chasing Sam through the air. Sam calls on Clint to take care of it. Before we can wonder if he actually meant Wanda because she seems to be doing everything else around here, we see Clint aiming a bow with Ant-Man crouched on the tip. Ant Man says he's ready, calling Clint "Arrow Guy". Chrissy: Um, no. That's another guy in the other comic franchise and he's much more badass. Diandra: Well...I don't know if I would go that far. The comic version of Green Arrow looks like a grizzled, aging Robin Hood. Chrissy: Yeah, that sounds about right. Clint fires and the arrow seems to explode before it reaches Tony, the pieces breaking around him. While Tony is busy blasting them, Scott leaps onto him and crawls under his armor. Steve whacks Peter in the face with his shield. Peter spiders himself up onto some crates. Steve asks if Tony told Peter anything else. Peter says yeah, he says you're wrong, but you REALLY really believe you're right. Chrissy: Uh, yeah kid. You basically described every bad guy ever. Diandra: And honestly...Tony. Because let's face it: even if it sounds like the "right thing to do", he's creating a registry of people who are "different". When has that ever been a good thing? Peter slings down to attack Steve and Steve kicks him back. He destabilizes the crane holding up the container so it falls on Peter. Then they have an odd exchange while Peter struggles to hold up the container. "You got heart, kid. Where're you from?" "[gasp gasp grunt] Queens! [puff puff]" "[smirk] Brooklyn. [runs off to leave Peter to get himself out]" Tony realizes his blasters aren't working the way they're supposed to suddenly. He asks FRIDAY what's going on. She says there are some weapons' systems off line. Scott, yanking wires inside his suit, pipes up that he's going to have to take this thing into the shop. Chrissy: WHAT THE?! Why is there another man in my suit with me? Have the writers been reading too much fan fiction?! Tony asks who the hell that is. Scott says it's his conscience and they haven't been on speaking terms lately, but... He pulls a tiny plug and something else in Tony's suit goes dead. He calls Friday, who announces she's deploying the fire suppression system. A wave of smoke chases Scott through the metal "tunnels" until he flies right out of the suit, followed by a blast of flame. Bucky sidles up to Steve and says Zippo is probably in Siberia by now while they're busy fighting each other. Steve is still focused on the battle. He says he'll take Vision and orders Bucky to get to the quinjet. Sam cuts in over comms to argue that they should BOTH get to the jet because "the rest of us aren't getting out of here." Clint pipes up that Sam is right: some of them are probably going to lose this battle. Chrissy: Well, that's what you get for bringing arrows to a blaster fight, CLINT. Probably because he's a former soldier and understands how Steve will probably react to this, Sam adds that this isn't the real fight anyway. Steve asks what the play is then. Sam says they need a BIG diversion. Scott announces that he has "something kinda big". Chrissy: Yes, I'm sure you'd like to think that, but... Diandra: But you did spend months devoted to making yourself smaller. Because this wasn't bad enough, Scott adds that he "can't hold it for long." Chrissy: What's the rating on this movie again? He says when he gives the signal everybody should run like hell and don't look back even if he dies horribly by tearing himself in half. They can honor his heroic sacrifice later after his crazy but brilliant plan works. Chrissy: .........sorry, who are you again? Diandra: Who invited this guy? Steve asks if he's sure he wants to do this. Scott says it's fine, he does it all the time. Or, you know, he did it once in a lab before passing out from the strain. Same thing. He runs across the top step of one of the mobile stairs, chanting "I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss." Chrissy: Yeah, that didn't work with Evangeline Lilly and it probably won't work now. He flings himself off the step and lands on James as he does a flyby. He pushes some buttons on his wrist device, closes his eyes and slides off James' back as he goes from ant-sized to King Kong sized, catching James by the leg before he can escape. Chrissy: Speaking of King Kong... Diandra: No. Chrissy: You don't know what I was going to say. Diandra: Yes I do and the answer is no. Everyone gapes at the ginormous version of Ant-Man, Peter yelping "holy shit!" Scott laughs like a crazy person. James, king of understatements, says "okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now." Chrissy: Yes, we can see that and it's more of Paul Rudd than anybody has ever wanted to see. Diandra: Somewhere his kid is probably still saying "this is stupid" and denying that he's related. Steve guesses this is the signal they're supposed to be looking for. Everybody responds to it instantly by...standing around and staring. Tony looks at Giant Ant-Man waving War Machine around like a baby rattle and says without a trace of irony "give me back my Rhodey!" Chrissy: Mine! He's my boyfriend! I mean...friend. Sam dive bombs Tony and Scott flings James away. Peter leaps to catch him with some webbing and just winds up slingshoting him back. Chrissy: When this is all over, Tony is going to get a text from James that says "don't ever call me again." Diandra: Followed by one from Steve that says "you realize I'm never going to let that 'my Rhodey' thing go, right?" Scott kicks a bus toward Black Panther and Vision steps in front of him, shattering it with his body. Scott rips the wing off the nearest plane and swings it at Tony as he chases Sam through again. Tony stops moving and asks if anybody on HIS side is hiding any abilities they'd like to reveal now. Dude, aside from Steve and Wanda, all the people on your side already have better abilities. They just got lucky just now. Sam sends Redwing flying into Tony's head, knocking him over. Scott goes to grab T'challa and James, dragging Peter behind him, flies up and blasts at his face. Peter flings onto his arm and starts wrapping webbing around it. Meanwhile, Hawkeye is...shooting arrows. T'challa catches two of them in his fists and the tips blow up in his face, producing seemingly nothing but harmless black smoke. He tosses them aside and faces Clint. Clint is like 'um...I don't think we've met yet. I'm the lamest Avenger. Hi.' T'challa is like 'whatever. Shut up.' Clint turns his bow into a fighting staff and tries some hand-to-hand combat. Rhodey is still blasting at Scott and any object he grabs to use as a weapon. He gets clear only to have Wanda reappear and sling more stuff at him. Peter crawls onto Scott's helmet and Scott gets annoyed, flicking him off. Then Vision cannonballs into him, knocking him into a plane. Then he morphs right through Scott's chest. Chrissy: Help! He's inside me! And not in a fun sense! Black Panther drops Hawkeye easily and runs away because that was a horribly mismatched fight. Vision morphs through Scott' back and sends a laser into a tower, toppling it over the hanger where the quinjet is. Which Steve and Bucky are only now running toward. Sigh. Wanda, whose job it is to save their asses in lieu of Natasha apparently, uses her energy to slow the collapse. Then Rhodey flies up behind her and blasts her with an EMP or something and she loses her hold. Steve and Bucky barely manage to clear the falling tower. Natasha meets them on the other side. "You're not gonna stop," she notes by way of greeting. Steve says he CAN'T. It's just not in his nature, you know. She grumbles that she's going to regret doing this and raises her arm, pointing her wrist blaster seemingly at his head. Then she fires and it goes sailing past him to hit T'challa, who was apparently coming up behind them slower than usual. She orders Steve and Bucky to go and keeps blasting at T'challa as he tries to give chase. Outside, Peter asks if any of his guys ever saw that "really old movie" Empire Strikes Back. Cut to Tony rolling his eyes like 'goddamn kids'. Rhodey asks how old this kid is anyway. Does it matter? Anyone younger than thirty thinks thirty years old is ancient. I had to get off the Internet for a while after I saw a Tumblr post where some Millenial had to remind people that life doesn't actually end at thirty. Tony admits he doesn't really know because he didn't "carbon date him". Which is ridiculous because everybody knows that's not how you determine a person's age. You have to cut them open and count the rings. Anyway, Peter starts swinging circles around Scott, wrapping webbing, as he yells about the ice planet and the "walking thingies". The Iron Men figure out where he's going with this and dive for Scott's face once Peter has his legs immobilized. Peter yelps victoriously and is immediately hit by one of Scott's flailing arms into a pile of crates. When he hits the ground, Scott pushes the button to go back to normal size and groans in pain. He asks if anybody has any orange slices. I'm...not making that up. Chrissy: No, but we might be able to find a couple limes and maybe a lemon. Diandra: ...you're referring to the citrus scale of rating lewdness in fanfiction? Chrissy: Oh, good, you recognize it. Tony lands and runs to where Peter is lying on the ground very still, looking a lot like a frantic father who fucked up big time and failed to keep the kid safe. He goes to touch him and Peter instinctively swings at him wildly, his mask half off. Tony sighs and yells that he's ON HIS SIDE and waits for Peter to recognize him. Peter is like 'oh...sure...I knew that.' Tony is like yeah, good job kid, but you're done now. Stay down. He offers to go call Aunt May while Peter yelps that he's FINE. Tony runs away and Peter tries to follow but decides that nope, he's not getting up. "Okay, I'm done," he moans, laying on the pavement. Natasha is still zapping T'challa while Steve and Bucky take off in the jet. He tries to leap for the underside of it and slides right off the retracting wheel. "I said I'd help you find him, not catch him," Nat says. Outside, Vision finds Wanda crumpled on the ground and apologizes. So does she. Steve looks back to see James flying after him and speeds up. Tony joins James, Sam trailing them both. "Vision, I got Bandit on my six," James announces. Hey, that's no way to refer to your Ton...oh, you meant Sam. Sam starts shooting small rockets at him and James is like 'YO! VISION! LITTLE HELP HERE?' Vision looks up and tries to shoot at Sam's backpack with his forehead beam but Sam just curls in a ball and the beam sails past him and grazes James. James grunts, looses power and starts free falling. Both Tony and Sam dive to catch him, but they're too late. James passes out before he hits the ground. Tony lands and runs into the crater, retracting his faceplate and removing Rhodey's warily. James has a trail of blood coming out of a nostril. Tony orders Friday to check his vitals. Friday says she's detecting a heartbeat and she sent an emergency medical team already. Sam lands and apologizes even though that wasn't his fault. Tony just sends a blast into his chest that flips him backward. Oh, nice. You get that out of your system or you want to make sure the medical team has two emergencies to deal with? Somewhere in Siberia...presumably because it's snowing outside and a guy who looks exactly like your stereotypical Russian enters a shop selling Russian nesting dolls. He passes Zippo, who is speaking German on the phone, apparently calling that hotel back in Berlin. The lady who answer is like 'oh, yeah, do you want your hooker...I mean...coffee today?' He says yes, he would. So in Germany, the room service lady brings up a tray and looks confused when the room is entirely empty and seems to have been for a while. Yeah. You might want to upgrade your phone system to recognize when a call is not coming from INSIDE YOUR BUILDING. The lady tentatively searches for Herr Muller and finds a body in the bathtub. On the quinjet, Bucky asks what's going to happen to Steve's friends now. Steve just sighs and says he'll deal with it. Bucky questions whether he is worth this much trouble. Steve argues that it wasn't really HIM doing all those things he's done for the past several years. Chrissy: Yeah, but can you really trust him? I mean...anyone who figures out the secret combination of Russian words could turn him into a mindless killer again. Bucky says yeah, but...he still did all those things, so... Hospital. Tony and Vision hover in the next room while James is put into an MRI. Tony asks what happened, exactly. Vision just says he was "distracted". Chrissy: Sure. Blame the woman. Diandra: Really getting this human thing down, aren't you? Tony goes out into the hall and runs into Natasha. They go to a balcony somewhere to talk in private and he reports that James has shattered his L4 through S1 vertebras. Which is basically, like, three vertebras, but they are the ones that control your bladder and at least part of your ability to walk, so...he'll be at least a little paralyzed. Natasha says yeah, well, if he and Steve don't stop this fight there's going to be a whole lot more where that came from. "We played this wrong." He asks who "we" is and notes that she must be having a really hard time shaking "the whole double agent thing". She asks if he is so incapable of letting go of his ego. Uh...have you guys met? Chrissy: To be fair, Steve is pretty bad at that too. All men really. I think it might be coded on the Y chromosome. Tony shrugs and says well...T'challa told Thunderbolt about what she did, so they're coming for her. She says SHE'S not the one who needs to watch her back and stomps off. Chrissy: It should probably be noted that Tony is kind of shaky and has his arm in a sling...you know, like somebody who actually just went through a battle and has injuries. Diandra: As opposed to how action heroes usually look - just shaking it off and going right back to work? Chrissy: Yeah. Tony gets a message on his smart watch with a picture of a dead body. Friday says it's from the Berlin police, so probably the guy in the hotel room. He orders her to get the helicopter ready. On the way to...wherever...Friday explains that the task force called for a psychiatrist the minute Barnes was arrested and the UN sent a guy named Theo Broussard. She puts up a picture of him being met at the airport by Gekko. Tony asks if she's run facial analysis yet. "What do I look like," she snaps. Uh...a machine? Tony says he's been picturing a redhead, actually. Probably because of the accent, you know. She sends a picture of the man who presented himself as the psychiatrist: Colonel Helmut Zemo of Sokovian Intelligence. So...fictional KGB? He ran a secret team of killers known as the Echo Scorpion. That body in the hotel room was, of course, the real doctor. Also in the hotel room they found a wig and prosthesis that would have made him look like Bucky. You know, in case he needed to make it look like Bucky was doing something he wasn't that would make him a wanted criminal. Tony tells Friday to send what she's found to Thunderbolt. Siberia. Gitmo pulls up to an ice hut in a tank. He chisels open a panel and finds an ancient looking code box, which he inputs some numbers from the book of the Winter Soldier into. The frozen doors to a bunker much like the one Steve and Natasha were buried in crack open and Zero searches through dusty storage stacks until he finds a box. Then he goes deeper into the bunker until he reaches what looks like a post- apocalyptic version of the Harry Potter Experience set at Warner Brother's London. Except the whimsical looking buildings are actually cryo storage pods stacked up like the prison in Minority Report. Tony's helicopter is still flying over water through what looks like a storm. Chrissy: And then Nick Fury suddenly appears to recite the story of Icarus... Diandra: Stop it. We're not recapping "Kong". A voice comes over the radio to announce that he is cleared for landing and we realize the helicopter has no human pilot, so...does Friday do that now too? A giant structure emerges from the water and Tony's helicopter flies through some open doors. Thunderbolt greets him as he falls out of the chopper. Tony asks if he's got the files yet and launches into orders to reroute satellites and start looking for Zinio. Thunderbolt is like 'yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh, I don't take orders from you.' Especially not after what just happened in Germany. I should be taking you and all your other superhero friends prisoner. He escorts Tony deeper into the facility, passing security screens where Tony can see they are already holding Wanda. Tony goes to the holding area at the center of the structure, where all the participants in their little skirmish are being held in cells around a circular platform. Clint starts applauding him and sarcastically announcing him as the "futurist" who "sees all" and "knows what's best for you". Tony says come on, buddy. It's not like he KNEW they would wind up in cells on some "super max floating ocean pokey". Usually they reserve places like this for the worst serial killers. Incidentally, when we're through with this, the guys from "Criminal Minds" need to use it for some big reveal that all of the worst killers they've caught over the past decade all wound up in the same prison. Chrissy: Oh, is that where I've seen this location before? Diandra: Probably. I'm just guessing because it looks like the same place. Clint gets right up on the other side of the glass and says yeah, well, apparently they're criminals now. Tony says well, they DID break the law. Yeah, the one you made, like, a few weeks ago? Tony tries to play the 'you have RESPONSIBILITIES' card. Clint has a wife and children and he chose to fight this battle and break the brand new laws. "I don't understand. Why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?" Chrissy: Ahem. Diandra: Yeah, why don't you say that when there isn't a wall of unbreakable glass protecting you from all these people? Tony moves on to the next cell, where Scott mutters that Hank Pym always said the Starks couldn't be trusted. "Who are you," Tony asks and Scott groans. "Come on, man." Chrissy: No, really, I know Tony is being an asshole right now, but...who are you? Sam is in the next cell. He asks how James is. Tony says they're flying him into Columbia Medical tomorrow and they're hopeful. He tries to be nice to Sam - probably feeling guilty for that misplaced revenge hit - by asking if he needs anything. Food? What does he eat, like...suet? Sam raises his eyebrows and asks if Tony is trying to play good cop now. Tony says he just wants to know where Steve went. Sam is like oh, okay. Should have tried the bad cop approach then because fuck you. Tony taps on his smart watch and mutters that he just killed the audio on the surveillance equipment pointed at them and they have 30 seconds before somebody figures out it isn't a glitch. Sure enough, upstairs Thunderbolt yells at the guys in the control room to get the sound back. Tony shows Sam the picture of the real psychiatrist who was sent for Bucky and admits he made a mistake. But..."Cap is definitely off the reservation, but he's about to need all the help he can get." He starts to acknowledge that he and Sam don't really know each other very well, but...Sam sighs and says he'll tell Tony, but Tony has to go alone as a friend. Tony says yeah, sure. Thunderbolt catches Tony as he's headed back to the chopper and asks if Sam told him anything about Steve. Tony is like 'who? What? No, they all told me where I could shove it in varying degrees of colorful language. I'm going home.' He tells Thunderbolt he can call him anytime. "I'll put you on hold. I like to watch the line blink." The chopper takes off in the driving rain and Thunderbolt glares at it like 'why do people put up with this asshole?' Once the chopper is clear of the submersible prison, Tony takes off the sling, pushes a button and the Iron Man suit forms around him as he falls through a trap door. He takes off to heroic music. And then a plane comes through the clouds, following him. T'challa is flying it. Steve lands right next to the truck Aldo drove in on. Chrissy: Okay, I have to ask. Why do you keep changing his name? Diandra: Who? Chrissy: Zero. Or...whoever. Diandra: Oh. I keep forgetting what his name is, so rather than look it up every time, I've decided to just come up with a new one every time I draw a blank. It's been getting more pronounced since he disappeared for, like, a half hour and I stopped caring. Chrissy: Uh-huh. Wasn't Aldo a character from Lost? Diandra: I thought it was a brand of dog food. Chrissy: That's Alpo. Diandra: Huh. That's right. *shrugs* Bucky grabs a rifle from the back and as the bay doors are opening Steve asks if he remembers that time they rode in the back of a freezer truck together from Rockaway Beach. Chrissy: You mean when we had to cuddle up together and share body heat? Bucky is like yeah..."was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?" Chrissy: Um...sure. "Hot dogs". Right. Steve adds that Bucky blew three whole dollars trying to win a stuffed bear for a redhead. Bucky asks what her name was because he's forgotten. Then he realizes it doesn't matter because she would be a hundred years old by this point. Steve says yeah, so are they, technically. He reaches over to pat Bucky's shoulder and they share a MOMENT. Then they shake it off and get on with the mission. They creep into the open bunker, Steve noting that Zeppo couldn't have been here more than a few hours. Bucky thinks that's plenty of time to have woken the rest of the super soldiers. They go down to the subbasement level and poke around a little before a door starts to open. They brace themselves for attack and then boggle as Iron Man walks through. The faceplate comes down and Tony says 'so...um...is that a rifle or are you just happy to see me?' Steve asks what the hell Tony is doing here. Tony thinks maybe the story Steve told isn't so crazy after all. He says Thunderbolt doesn't know he's here and he'd like to keep it that way before he has to have himself arrested or some bullshit. Steve is like 'yeah, the paperwork on that would be a nightmare.' He drops his shield and says it's good to see Tony. Tony is like 'yeah, me too, honey. I mean...sweetie...I mean...can you call off the Manchurian Candidate back there?' Chrissy: He really is the Sawyer of these movies. He has snarky nicknames for everybody. Diandra: That's what I'm looking forward to most about him meeting Doctor Strange, I think. I don't give a rip about the fact that they've both played Sherlock Holmes variations. I want to see what sort of nickname he gives a guy who is so much like him that they can only be either fast friends or mortal enemies. The three go deeper into the building, Black Panther following at a distance, still somehow unseen. When they enter the Wizarding World of Minority Report room, Tony announces that he's reading heat signatures. Steve asks how many. "Uh...one." Chrissy: And weirdly it's behind us. As they go deeper into the room, the lights in the cryopods come on. Elmo's voice comes over the sound system to assure them that all the people they're looking at right now died in their sleep. Chrissy: Oh, thanks. Now I'm picturing that said in a high, squeaky voice, followed by a giggle and "that tickles!" Diandra: You're welcome. Bucky creeps closer to a tank to find it pierced by a bullet that went straight into the occupants head as the voice continues "did you really think I wanted more of you?" Harpo's face appears in a window at the far wall and Steve instinctively responds as he always does: by throwing his shield at it. The shield bounces off the glass and returns to him. Zeppo is like 'please, the soviets built this to stand up to nuclear fallout and you think that Frisbee can penetrate it?' T'challa creeps around the corner just as Steve asks if Zero really killed all those people in Vienna just to bring them here. Zero says everything he's done this past year has led to this moment. He's been watching them. Chrissy: You should really consider covering the webcam on your computer, Steve. I know you're new to the whole technology thing, but...I'm not sure it's healthy for a guy to masturbate THAT much. Diandra: And almost exclusively to videos of beefy blond military guys spanking snarky dark-haired nerdy guys like...wow that plot bunny came back to haunt me. Chrissy: You're welcome. He says now that Steve is standing right in front of him though he realizes "there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes." Chrissy: Seriously, turn off the webcam. He considers this a flaw, which I guess means he's a Nazi. I mean HYDRA agent. Whatever. Let's just say he'd totally be pro- registry. Steve notes that Helmut is Sokovian and asks if that's what this whole thing is about. Zero says nah, Sokovia was turning into a shithole long before they destroyed it. He says he made a PROMISE. Steve prods: so he lost somebody? Zero says yeah...someone. Or everyone. But enough chit-chat, watch this video. A display comes on near Steve that says "September 16, 1991" in Russian. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again," he adds. "But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever." Chrissy: This will turn out to be more prescient than anybody could have expected. Tony comes over to look at the video, which is just a surveillance camera pointed at the street we keep seeing in flashbacks of Bucky crashing the car into a tree. He looks at the date, eyes wide, and asks what the hell this is about. On screen, the car crashes and Bucky loops back. Then we cut to the actual night as the significance of that earlier scene with Tony's parents is revealed. Tony's dad crawls from the driver's seat and begs somebody to help his wife. Bucky strolls over and pulls him up with a fistful of hair, then hesitates. Howard Stark blinks at him and says "Sergeant Barns?" Mrs. Stark starts calling his name. Bucky punches him a couple times in the face and lets his lifeless body drop. Then he places him back behind the wheel and calmly circles to the passenger seat to strangle her. Tony watches the footage, seething. And then, just in case he didn't see the guy's face clearly enough, 1991 Bucky walks right up to the camera to shoot it out. Steve stares at Tony like 'oh, honey...' Tony lunges toward Bucky and Steve catches him. Tony turns to face him and asks if he knew about this. Steve weakly says he didn't know it was Bucky. Tony is like FUCK YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION. Steve says yes. Tony shoves him away like 'don't EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN.' Chrissy: I can't believe I had dreams about you offering to help me in my shop and getting all sweaty and having to take your shirt off. Diandra: Um...okay. Chrissy: Sorry. Trying to break the tension. Tony seems to calm for a second, then suddenly hits Steve so hard he flies backward. His armor comes up and he turns to Bucky, blasting at him and then grabbing him by the throat and flying them across the room, pinning him to the ground by his metal arm. Steve recovers and whacks him with his shield before shoving him from Bucky. Tony knocks him back and shoots some metal pieces from his wrist that clamp around Steve's ankles like shackles. Chrissy: Well. That adds an unexpected element of kink to the fantasy. Diandra: Really? Chrissy: Sorry, I promise that was the last one. Diandra: No, I meant "unexpected"? Really? Tony goes back to fighting Bucky until Bucky clamps down on his hand so hard that the weapons system shorts. Tony tries to blast him right in the face before it fails completely and Bucky wrenches his arm sideways so the blast goes into one of the columns of cryotanks. Steve gets his manacles off and all three of them scatter as the column comes down. Steve tells Bucky to run and blocks Tony's attempt to chase him. He tries to reason with Tony that it wasn't really Bucky - it was HYDRA mind-controlling him. Tony is like 'move it or lose it, Spanglepants'. He starts to fly past Steve, but Steve grabs his leg and smashes the rockets in his boots with his shield. Tony blasts a wall, causing it to collapse between them and turns his attention back to Bucky. Except now he can't fly very well. He manages to get just enough blasts to jump between platforms on this circular...whatever it is Bucky is climbing. He manages to corner Bucky, but Steve shows up somehow again to deflect the blast. Bucky keeps climbing out into daylight while Steve and Tony fight each other again. Tony knocks Steve's shield away and blasts the hatch opening, keeping Bucky from escaping. He flies up to grab Bucky, demanding to know if Bucky even remembers them at all. Bucky gives the wrong answer at the moment of 'yes, I remember ALL of them' and all three of them go right back to scuffling. They fall down the hatch, Bucky landing on a platform and Steve and Tony hitting the ground. And now we're finally at the big face off. Tony glowers at Steve...presumably...his face plate is down, so it's kind of hard to tell. Steve pants that killing Bucky won't change anything. Tony says he doesn't care because that son of a bitch killed his mommy and he will HAVE REVENGE. He starts beating the shit out of Steve until Bucky recovers the dropped shield and joins in. Tony holds his own despite being outnumbered, but he's lost the upper hand. Bucky does the same move when he tries to use his wrist blaster, carving a line in the wall and ceiling. Then he pins Tony to the wall and gets hold of the arc reactor, trying to rip it from Tony's chest. Tony sends a blast through it, knocking him down and blowing his metal arm right off. Steve gets up again and rushes at Tony and there's a cool moment where Tony's blasters meet Steve's shield and it looks like they're creating this ball of energy in the air between them. Chrissy: See? There's still sparks between us. Diandra: [snort] Outside, Zhelko is listening to the same message from his wife about his son. T'challa creeps up, claws out, and takes a moment to take his mask off before announcing his presence. "I almost killed the wrong man." Yeah, well, it seems Tony is more than willing to take up that slack for you. Bippo says yeah, but he's not exactly an innocent man either. He glares at his phone, where a "message deleted" window is displaying. T'challa asks if this is all he wanted then: to see those three battle each other to the death? Chrissy: Eh. I was tired of all the tension between them and it was easier to get them to burn it off this way than by fucking. Zeffo says his father lived outside of Sokovia proper and he figured they would be safe at his place while all that shit with Ultron was going down. They watched from that distance, which he assured his wife would be safe, because his son was excited to see Iron Man in action. He doesn't say what happened exactly, but he says it took him two days to find their bodies. Including his father's. And the Avengers just declared it a win and went home. So basically, he's the Sokovian version of Alfre Woodard's character. He knew he wasn't strong enough to kill them, but he figured he might be able to get them to kill each other. Chrissy: So the plot of "The Sum of All Fears", basically. Diandra: Was that the one where they tried to get the USA and Russia to fight each other? Chrissy: I think so. Although come to think of it: that's a pretty common plot. He apologizes for killing T'chaka, who seemed like a good man. But...you know...all in service to the plan. "Vengeance has consumed you," says the guy who has spent the entire movie so far trying to avenge his father's death despite everyone telling him this very thing. Apparently he's having an epiphany because he says it's consuming those men in there too and he's ready to let his own need for vengeance go. He retracts his claws. "Justice will come soon enough." Geiko says "tell that to the dead" and goes to shoot himself. T'challa tackles him, knocks the gun away and says the living aren't quite done with him yet. Back underground, Tony and Steve are engaged in a fistfight that Friday informs Tony he can't possibly win. Tony orders her to analyze Steve's fighting pattern. She does while Tony takes several more blows, then announces that she has countermeasures ready. As Steve is swinging his shield, Tony catches it, knocks it away and blasts Steve in the chest. They go another round and Tony drops Steve to his knees, gasping... Chrissy: [giggle] Diandra: Yeah, yeah... Steve looks up at him, pleading, and says Bucky (who is still unconscious from the last time he was thrown apparently) is his friend. Tony is like 'yeah? Then what was I?' He punches him a couple more times and flings him to the ground. Then he begs Steve to stay down this time. As this is something Steve is basically incapable of doing, he staggers upright, raises his fists and gasps "I could do this all day." Chrissy: Yeah, that's it. Show off your amazing stamina. Tony goes to blast him again but Bucky suddenly wakes up and grabs his leg. Tony kicks him in the face, becoming distracted long enough for Steve to decide on a new tactic: picking Tony up and holding him over his head like a prize trophy. He throws him down and goes back to punching, then slamming him with the shield until he can get the helmet off. He raises the shield over his head again and Tony, expecting a death blow, covers his face, but he just drives the edge of it into the arc reactor. Chrissy: Which, up until the last Iron Man, WOULD have been a death blow. The suit powers down and they stare at each other, gasping and panting. Then Steve just removes the shield, staggers upright and goes to help Bucky up. Because he just has to get the last word in, Tony rolls onto an elbow and calls that that shield technically doesn't belong to Steve. He rants about his father making it and now he's protecting the guy who killed him and he DOESN'T DESERVE TO WEILD IT. Chrissy: Yeah, well, unfortunately it doesn't have a magical lock code like Mjolnir. Diandra: Magical lock code? Chrissy: [sigh] Just... Diandra: Watch the first "Thor" again. I know. I remember the "he who is worthy" part. I'm just questioning that wording. Steve agrees with that part, so he pauses long enough to drop the shield before hobbling away with Bucky. Tony just sits on the ground and contemplates whether they will ever be able to speak to each other again. After being absent for most of it, Martin Freeman would like to remind everyone that he is still, technically, in this movie. Producers: Sorry, Martin. We promise we'll give you a bigger part in the next movie. Martin: The next movie is Doctor Strange. I am NOT playing second banana to Benedict Cumberbatch in ANOTHER GODDAMN FRANCHISE. Producers: Damnit. How about Black Panther? You cool with waiting a couple years? He enters the supermax dangerous criminal with superpowers holding cell they were keeping Bucky in, which is now housing Fizbo. Chrissy: You do know that's the clown character one of the guys from "Modern Family" plays, right? Diandra: Is it? Everett tells Fizbo he will get meals at set times during the day, followed by "toilet privileges". If he even thinks of raising his voice to anyone or touching the glass of his cell he will get an electric shock. And if he gets out of line, Fizbo will have to deal with him, which he would really enjoy actually. Chrissy: Oh, please. Like I'm afraid of a hobbit. Everett is clearly enjoying this, so he just stands in front of the man in a cell built for someone twenty times stronger than him and asks how it feels to have spent all that time and effort just to watch it fail so spectacularly. "Did it," Zero asks, smirking slightly. Chrissy: Also, I will murder you one day. Diandra: Assuming whatever bullshit T'challa drags you into doesn't get you killed first. Tony pulls up to the Avengers plaza in a fancy orange sports car. Somewhere possibly in the facility, he helps James do some physical therapy with some fancy braces helping him walk. He asks for any feedback James can think of for tweaking the design of the brace. Does it need better lateral movement? Shock absorbers? A cup holder? James says now that he mentions it, it could use some air conditioning in the... He stumbles and falls before he can finish the joke, but I imagine he was about to say something like "groin area". Tony tries to help him up, but James waves him off and Tony just frets silently while James sits on the floor. James snorts and says he flew 138 combat missions when he was in the military and any one of them could have killed him. But he did it anyway "because the fight needed to be fought." Chrissy: I know you think you're helping, but I'm not sure some of the shit our government sends men to die for is worth their lives. He likens this thinking to the Accords, which he signed because it was the "right thing to do". And this particular outcome sucks, but it hasn't changed his opinion on that. Then he quietly adds "I don't think." Tony offers to help him up again and this time James lets him. Any further bonding is interrupted by a knock on the window. They frown at Stan Lee, standing outside wearing a FedEx uniform. "Are you Tony...Stank," he asks, squinting at the name on the package in his hands. James laughs and says yes, he definitely has the right address. This cracker next to him is Tony Stank. Also, thanks for that. That totally made his day and he plans to tease Tony about it indefinitely. Cut to Tony opening the package. There is a note addressed to him, which Steve reads in voice over. Chrissy: I was just remembering all the good times we had before you decided people with special abilities needed to sign a registry... Diandra: And then realized too late just how far the authorities would take that because they ALWAYS DO, but then got distracted by the Bucky killing your mom thing and went right back to fighting me. He rambles about how glad he is to hear Tony has returned to the compound because holing himself up in his mansion alone wouldn't be healthy and he needs his "family". Chrissy: And even though I can never forgive you for it, part of me still loves you. Diandra: A really big part if you know what I mean. Chrissy: Come on, dude, I'm trying to be romantic and sweet here. Diandra: Sorry. He says the Avengers are Tony's more than his. Even though he was in charge of training them and Tony spent years calling him the "boss". Then he starts rambling about how he's been on his own since he was 18 and never really "fit in" but he BELIEVES in people and that's why he had to fight Tony on this. "Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't." Chrissy: So...are we supposed to think this is about the locks on the cells of the people we've been montaging over while he talks or the lock on his heart to keep Tony out? Diandra: Sure. "I know I hurt you, Tony," he finishes. He says he thought he was SPARING him that hurt by not telling him about his parents' murders, but he realizes now he was just being selfish and he's sorry. Chrissy: This is starting to sound like a breakup letter. Diandra: You can have custody of the kids. And the shield. I'll just go live in a cave somewhere and feel sorry for myself. Probably grow a beard. He says he hopes one day Tony understands, but he really can't come around to agreeing with him on the registry thing. He can only respect that Tony really thinks he's doing the right thing. Tony shakes a cell phone out of the box and smiles wistfully. Chrissy: We'll always have New York. And Sokovia. And that one time we were alone on the jet somewhere over the Midwest when Jarvis had to take over flying because my hands were too busy... Diandra: And probably that one angry time in Berlin when we tried to patch things up. Chrissy: Yeah. I ever tell you you're hot when you're angry? Diandra: Are we actually playing Steve and Tony right now or are we just riffing? Chrissy: I don't know, I'm just following your lead. Diandra: Oh, so I'm the boss now? Chrissy: I thought you always had been. You're the recapper. I'm just here to entertain you. Diandra: Huh. One problem: how do we roleplay this when we're basically both Tony? Chrissy: I'll leave that to you to figure out by the time we get to the next Avengers. His musings are interrupted by Friday, who announces that Thunderbolt is calling about a breach at the underwater super prison, which is apparently actually called the "Raft" prison. Because "Peakaboo Alcatraz" was deemed too stupid, I guess. Tony says put him through. Thunderbolt gets out his overture of "we have a problem" and Tony immediately says "please hold" and pushes the button so he can watch the line blink. Because annoying people amuses him. On the Raft, Sam turns to see Steve approaching his cell in civilian clothing and smiles. Steve's voice over concludes that if Tony ever needs him...or them...he'll be there. And we smash to credits. Mid-credit scene. A doctor is working on Bucky, who is sitting next to a cryo tank, when Steve comes in the room. Steve asks if he's sure about "this". Bucky says he can't trust his own mind, so until they figure out how to deprogram him he's just going to go back under and spare everybody. Steve watches as they seal him up in the chamber, then goes out to stare moodily out a window. T'challa finds him and Steve thanks him for doing "this". T'challa says his father and Steve's friend were both "victims", it turns out. At least he can help the one still living find peace. Steve says if "they" find out where Bucky is, they'll come for him. "Let them try," T'challa says and we pan out the window to show the African jungles of Wakanda. Somewhere toward the end of the credits, the hero music switches to a rock song that sounds like it's from the Vietnam war era, but...isn't. And then we're in Peter's room. From elsewhere in the apartment, Aunt May asks, obviously not for the first time, who hit him. He says it was just "some guy" and geez mom quit with the third degree already I said I don't want to talk about it! Most of that is subtext. He's fussing with an electronic doohickey strapped to his wrist and just as he is answering Aunt May's question about "some guy"s name (Steve somebody from Brooklyn), laser lights shoot out of it. He gapes at the display, then tucks the wrist under his arm as May comes in the room. She says she hopes he at least got a few hits in himself as she hands him an ice pack. He says yeah, actually, which is impressive because Steve's friend is "huge". Chrissy: Pfffffffttttttt, no he isn't. He just sometimes enhances himself artificially. May is like 'okay, sure. Love you!' and leaves the room. Peter projects the laser lights on the ceiling again and grins stupidly at it. It is a giant logo of the face of his spider suit. So basically, Marvel's version of Batman created a bat signal...for Spider-Man. Chrissy: Except he gave it TO Spider-Man, so I'm not too sure what he's supposed to do with it. Diandra: Nothing. Tony is a tech guy. They love shiny useless gadgets. And then we get a black screen that says "Spider-Man will return", which...sounds like a threat. Chrissy: As will Black Panther, but apparently we didn't find that relevant to mention. Diandra: I'm hoping that's just because his movie is so much further down the pike. Chrissy: Yeah. Hopefully. I want to officially apologize for the dry, almost humorless nature of my last couple MCU recaps. I felt like they weren't as fun as the first two in this series. Whether that's because they were more serious in and of themselves or because I was cranky from working on the season four "Sherlock" recaps at the same time I'm not really sure. Somewhere during this recap I seem to have found my footing again and remembered that these things are supposed to be fun. Which is good, because the next four are going to have a lot more comedy and I look forward to having fun with them. Chrissy: Of course, the next one is an origin story for a character based in a small part on Sherlock Holmes and played by Benedict Cumberbatch, so if "Sherlock" was really the problem... Diandra: Fuck.