"What If..." Episodes 1-4
Aside from time travel, one of my favorite subgenres is alternate history,
which is always grounded in "what if" questions. Most writers get stuck on
"what if the Nazis had won WWII" or "what if the South had won the Civil
War", but it can be applied to any moment in history. What
if the Roman Empire never fell? What
if computers had been invented much earlier? What
if the fourth planet in our solar system had terraformed instead of the
third? It can also be applied to fictional universes. What
if Superman had crashed in the Soviet Union? What
if Marvel superheroes had manifested their powers hundreds of years
earlier? And this is without getting into the fact that fanfiction
writers are CONSTANTLY playing the what if game. What if that character
hadn't died? What if that other character had? How would that cliffhanger
have been resolved had the show not been cancelled abruptly between seasons?
What if the characters in the Marvel universe lived in the real world and
didn't have superpowers?
Chrissy: But most importantly, what
if Character A and Character B had sex?
Diandra: That is a big part of it, yes. But contrary to popular
belief, it is not the ONLY thing fanfiction writers do.
So to make a long story short (too late), it was probably inevitable that I
would get to recapping and dissecting this series. I'm not sure how much of
it I need to recap and how much I can get away with simply summarizing. I
will probably vary it by episode. But both Chrissy and Emilio are joining me
for this and hopefully keeping me sane.
Chrissy: If you need us to do that,
you are DEFINITELY screwed.
Yeah. Here goes nothing.
Episode 1: What if Captain Carter Were the
First Avenger?
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Haley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper,
Stanley Tucci, Toby Jones, Bradley Whitford, Ross Marquand, Darrell Hammond
And right off the bat, we're going to make me question why ABC canceled
Marvel's best spin off show. Okay. Deep breath.
Chrissy: So why didn't you do a brief
recap of "The First Avenger" before this?
Diandra: Already with this? Because I don't have to and you can't
make me.
The usual Marvel title card turns animated after it runs through all the
clips from previous movies. And then we go right into the credits with the
voice over exposition that will carry through every episode. "Time," Jeffrey
Wright intones as animated images of all Marvel characters stream past.
"Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path." The backdrop turns to a
fractured glass wall with different images from each of the episodes of the
series in every shard. "It's a prism of endless possibilities. Where a
single choice can branch out into infinite realities." The wall shatters and
we see a few of the images as they fly past. "Creating alternate worlds from
the ones you know." The shards disappear, replaced by a bright light that
turns out to be the eye of a massive shadowy figure and he concludes "I am
the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and
ponder the question: what if?"
We start with some quick establishing shots of WWII while the Watcher tells
us we're going back to June 1943 on Earth. An animated version of the scene
where Steve was injected with Super Soldier serum plays and the Watcher says
"at humanities darkest hour, a skinny kid from Brooklyn became Captain
America." And we skip right to the end of the movie with the shield frozen
in ice and the Watcher is like 'after a bunch of shit happened, he
sacrificed himself. Y'all know the rest, right?'
Diandra: And this is why I didn't
need to do that first movie.
Emilio: Guess not.
This is what happened in the universe we know. And here's how that played
out differently in another one. Peggy and Steve are hovering over the lab
where they're working on the super soldier machine. Peggy rambles about how
he could really change the tide of this war if this works. They go down to
the floor where Stanley Tucci's character Dr. Erskine suggests maybe she
should go up into the viewing booth. She and Steve look at each other and
she says no, she wants to stay here. In case we didn't catch it, the Watcher
points out that THAT is the turning point right there.
Chrissy: The good news is that if I
remember correctly, he won't be doing this the ENTIRE show.
Diandra: Yeah, once you get the premise he doesn't need to do so
much hand holding.
She joins the suits and military guys standing on the edges of the lab while
Steve is loaded into the machine and Erskine explains that the serum should
work instantly. The "subject" will then be bombarded with "vita rays" to
stop him from just growing out of control because the last thing we need is
a steroidal giant superhero, right? Hahahaha. Anyway.
Peggy spots one guy acting suspiciously and holding what looks like a bomb
trigger. She lurches toward him, but there's an explosion. A guy goes
running up to the machine, shooting Steve and grabbing a vial of serum. He
turns to run away again and his path is blocked by an armed Peggy. She
shoots him down without blinking and runs to check on Steve, ordering him to
stay awake and focus on her.
Over at the controls, Howard Stark announces that the power levels are
dropping and they have to either go through with the experiment NOW or
forget about it completely. One of the military guys is Bradley Whitford -
whose name is Flynn and who apparently got a promotion to General - and he
yells an order for Steve to GET IN THERE DAMNIT. Peggy snaps at him that
Steve is INJURED. He can't. Flynn orders Howard to get in then. Howard is
like 'are you fucking crazy? No.'
Chrissy: And here's where we could do
a branch off of a branch: how would Tony have been different if his dad
had become Captain America?
Diandra: Yeah, you could really go down the rabbit hole once you
start asking what ifs.
Chrissy: And I assume Bradley was in Agent Carter since I don't
remember him from First Avenger?
Diandra: Sort of. Apparently they did some sort of "one shot" Agent
Carter thing and he was Agent Flynn. I didn't know that until I saw it in
an article after this episode first aired.
Chrissy: There you go talking about "aired" again.
Diandra: Oh, get off my lawn.
While they're arguing, Peggy looks between Steve and the machine and tells
Steve to stay put because she'll be right back. She replaces the vial the
guy was stealing, takes off her jacket and climbs in while Flynn splutters
like 'what? A girl super soldier? What?' She yells for Howard to hit it.
Flynn yells at him not to. Howard is like 'oh, whoops, did my hand just slip
and accidentally pull the lever? Guess it's too late now.' The machine
closes, lights flash, electricity sparks everywhere. And then the machine
opens and Peggy is like a foot taller with more muscle in her arms. Howard
helps her out of the machine, joking that she won't be needing her heels
anymore. He declares the experiment an absolute success.
Smash to Flynn declaring it an absolute failure and a waste of sixty million
dollars because seriously? Like we're actually going to send a female super
soldier into battle? Because this is Peggy, she just sits calmly while he
rants and a doctor draws vials of her blood. Then she calmly says that this
might not be the outcome he was hoping for, but she can be useful in more
ways than a blood donor here. He thinks she should just be happy he doesn't
write her up for insubordination. She narrows her eyes and reminds him that
the entire project would have been scrapped. Bradley thinks it might as well
have been because ALL the serum is now in her and they just have to hope
that they can use her blood to create a "real super soldier" one day.
Chrissy: Good, maybe you can use it
and become a real man.
Emilio: Oooooooo.
She hisses that she IS a super soldier now and he doubles down on the
sexism, muttering about how women don't fight on the front lines because
they might break a nail as he leaves the room.
So she goes to take out her frustrations on a punching bag, slamming it
right off the hook and into a wall. Steve is like
'okay...that's...good...remind me not to piss you off...' She flings a
weight into another wall where it joins about a dozen others. Steve says
look at the bright side: at least he didn't stick her on one of those USO
tours where she would have to wear a stupid costume and smile ten times a
Emilio: And punch a Hitler look
Diandra: Yeah, that sounds familiar.
Chrissy: Speaking of sounding familiar, who is this guy doing an
impression of Chris Evans?
Diandra: Apparently a guy who does almost EXCLUSIVELY voice work
despite looking like an
Some troops march past the window and Steve starts talking about how his
best buddy Bucky was just deployed and the army won't tell him where he's
going. "We all have someone fighting for us," she muses. "Would be nice if
we could fight for them." She apologizes for taking the mantle of One to End
the War from him. He is confident she will do it in his place. "And don't
worry about me. I never was much of a dancer anyway." She rolls with this
right field comment by suggesting he just hasn't found "the right partner."
Emilio: Oh, I have. It's just not
legal to call him that.
Diandra: He's taken out my trash several times though.
Chrissy: You know...I continue to be amazed by your ability to
retain very specific details about past recaps while forgetting absolutely
everything else, D.
In a European town somewhere, tanks roll in and a car with a Hydra symbol
for a hood ornament confronts them.
Back at base, Howard points to the town of Tonsberg, Norway on a map marked
with troop movements. Flynn says wait, you're saying the Nazis made it all
the way to Norway? HYDRA, Peggy corrects, describing them as Hitler's
personal Torchwood.
Chrissy: Ooof, girl, with the
parallel nerd references.
Diandra: What?
Emilio: Torchwood is the wrong agency anyway. You're thinking of
Diandra: Bah! It's been too long since I did those recaps. Or
they've mentioned anything about that on "Doctor Who".
Howard says they're getting gamma signatures from the clock tower and
whatever it is they're doing "could power London." Or blow it up, Peggy
Chrissy: Always the pessimist, aren't
Diandra: More like realist.
In Norway...I guess...a HYDRANazi is rambling about the Tesseract that used
to be in Odin's collection and was rumored to be able to rewrite the laws of
physics and allow someone to travel across the universe. The old man his
soldiers have their guns on grunts that that's just a legend. The Nazi says
is it now? He pushes a hidden trigger on the wall to pop open a hidden
compartment. The soldiers shoot the old man as he grins at the glowing
Meanwhile, Peggy pulls open an ancient looking book with an illustration of
the Tesseract. The men debate whether they can intercept it. Howard thinks
they have to prevent it from getting to HYDRA high command. Flynn thinks
it's a "glorified battery" not worth risking the man power over. Howard
splutters that it has more power than any of their scientists can even
fathom and... Flynn shrugs that the war will probably end before HYDRA
figures out how to turn it on then.
Howard finds Peggy at the bar drinking later and offers her some advice:
"Flynn's a moron. Lucky for you, I'm a genius."
Chrissy: The apple really didn't fall
far, did it?
Diandra: Nope.
He slides a box to Peggy. It contains a costume for her to wear, in case
they do send her on that USO tour. But he made some "upgrades". Also,
there's this. He bangs a shield with a union jack at the center of it on the
So she intercepts a convoy carrying Arnim Zola. Remember him?
Chrissy: Probably not because you
Diandra: Let it go, Chris. I'm not doing it.
The first truck tries to run her over and she just flips the whole thing
onto its hood with her bare hands. Then she giddily declares that was
"brilliant" and takes out the rest of the convoy, making the other truck
bend around her, punching guys off the motorbikes and throwing the
motorbikes at other guys and generally clobbering guys with the shield. A
big blond guy gets out of one of the vehicles and mutters in completely
unsubtle fashion about the allies being desperate enough to send a little
woman to fight their battles. She literally punches him in the dick, gives
him just enough time to register the pain and knocks him out.
Emilio: Because you don't fuck with
Diandra: No, you don't.
She slaps the Tesseract on Flynn's desk and announces that they're not going
to win the war with her stuck behind a desk. He says but she's not QUALIFIED
for field duty. She suggests a promotion. Maybe to Captain. She stalks past
Howard on her way out, saying she trusts HE knows what to do with that
glowing box.
Chrissy: Put it in storage somewhere
for the next few decades?
Diandra: Yeah, probably.
Steve rejoins the show to help plan Bucky's rescue mission,
which...wait...what? I missed something. Whatever. He says he owes her "one"
for saving his best friend and she says he owes her "a dance." Because this
is a continuing theme with them in any universe, apparently.
She steals a German officers bike by running alongside it while he's driving
and knocking him off. She drives it right through the gates of the facility
and mows down a few more officers before kicking the bike into the sniper's
nest where the guards are shooting at her, blowing it up. She fights her way
into the POW holding area, rips the door right off the cell containing both
Bucky and a guy played by Neal McDonough and I can't remember if he was in
the movie or not. They all fight their way out. When they are met with
tanks, she calls for air support, which is answered by Steve flying what
looks sort of like the early version of Tony's Iron Man suit. A tank tries
to take him out and he just crumples the gun and causes it to blow itself
Peggy runs off to help him and Neil asks Bucky if she's friends with "that
HYDRA stomper". Bucky says yeah, um..."I think I'm friends with him too."
Chrissy: I mean...we might be on a
break. Not really sure.
Peggy and HydraStomper Steve take out all the tanks and Steve sticks his
head out of the suit when they're clear. Bucky notes that he can't even
drive a CAR, but Howard made him THAT thing. Neil is like 'whatever, we were
saved by a really strong chick and a flying car. Cool.'
Montage. We do a very comic book style jog through Peggy punching a bunch of
Nazis. Flynn tells the President that they're proud of Captain Carter and he
always believed in her. Also, he personally asked Howard to build that Hydra
Stomper thing.
Emilio: Are his pants smoking?
HydraStomper Steve flies Peggy into a squadron of German bombers so she can
take them out like a fearless badass.
Some Nazi guy tells the guy I just realized is probably Red Skull before he
became Red Skull that the Fuherer is demanding to see him. He snorts that a
god does not answer to a pissant like Hitler. I'm only paraphrasing a
little. The Nazi is like 'oh, the guy who lost the Tesseract thinks he's a
god now?'
Chrissy: He won't be the last.
Red Skull rambles about the "true champion of HYDRA" being summoned. And
then he shoots the Nazi and pulls off his normal face to reveal the red
skull look underneath. He squats over the dying man and gloats that HYDRA
will "rise from the ashes" of the Third Reich. His soldiers do a double
fisted salute while chanting "hail, HYDRA!"
At a bar somewhere, Peggy and Steve chat about the fact that the serum
prevents her from feeling the effects of the alcohol, but on the plus side:
she no longer has to fight to get people to listen to her. Steve sort of
bemoans the fact that he's still just the skinny kid from Brooklyn only now
he's in a suit. Peggy assures him that the suit is nothing without him.
Chrissy: You know, on second thought,
Tony might be different in THIS universe.
"You're my hero, Steve," She says before catching herself and correcting
that he's...uh...A hero. He laughs that she's his hero too and they start to
kiss before Howard interrupts, followed by Bucky in a stolen jeep outside.
And then we come to what I vaguely recognize as a scene from the movie with
Peggy et al leading an ambush on a train winding through the mountains that
their intel says contains Red Skull. HydraStomper Steve lands in front of
the train, slowing it, and the rest of them zipline onto it. Bucky almost
falls off immediately, but Peggy grabs him and tosses him back onto the
train. He jokes that she almost ripped his arm off there.
Chrissy: Ha. Haha.
Steve's suit alerts him to something weird in one of the cars and he opens
it like a can and steps inside, finding explosives everywhere. He yells a
warning just before the bombs blow and Peggy and the rest of the team jump
off as all the cars explode one by one. Peggy shouts Steve's name in horror
as what is left of the train and the entire section of mountain ledge
beneath it slides into the canyon.
Chrissy: And since this is how Steve
lost Bucky in the original...didn't you say something about a comic where
Steve is trying to get back to BUCKY, not Peggy?
Diandra: Yeah, the whole romance thing was more played up in the
movies than the comics, I think.
Chrissy: That's not really where I
was going with that thought.
Emilio: They couldn't just make it GAY. I mean, come on. This is
Diandra: Well, it wasn't at the time, but point taken.
Sometime later, Flynn is ranting at Howard about the "glowing ice cube" and
how he promised the Hydra Stomper would be indestructible. Peggy snaps at
him that they didn't lose a piece of equipment back there, they lost STEVE
and storms off. Flynn mutters some condescension about women being in the
field again.
Peggy goes to the cell where they are keeping Zola. He does the bad guy
thing where he insists she is wasting her time because he won't talk and we
just cut to her telling the troops that he told her everything without
needing to go into specifics about how she made him squeal. Basically, Red
Skull believes the Tesseract can unleash a force that will allow him to
dominate the world. Or, failing that, destroying it. Bucky is like 'okay, so
he's cuckoo.'
Chrissy: He's a Marvel villain.
They're all either crazy or mutated from some sort of accident or
Red Skull has retreated to a castle in the Black Forrest and the plan is to
burn it down. Which might not end the war and could kill them all, but...at
least they can stop HYDRA. For Steve.
So we go right to her jumping the castle wall and opening the gate so the
rest of the team can drive in. And Howard is with them because she insisted
he should be. For reasons. They take out a bunch of Nazis...well...mostly
she does. And she and Howard go one way into the castle, Bucky and everyone
else go another.
Bucky's team finds a lab with the Hydra Stomper suspended in some sort of
contraption. Steve is laying nearby for some reason. Bucky runs to help him
up and he insists they need to get him in the suit.
In another lab, Red Skull is hooking up the Tesseract to some sort of
machinery. He watches eagerly as it glows and tentacles start coming out of
it. Peggy and Howard break into the lab as he's dubbing the monstrosity the
champion of HYDRA. Howard is like 'uh...I did NOT sign up for this.' Red
Skull gloats that Peggy is too late, but is interrupted by a tentacle
picking him up and crushing him like a bug. Peggy is like 'uh...plan. We
need a plan.' She notes that the creature seems to be growing and could very
well be big enough to destroy Europe soon. She yanks Howard under her shield
as chunks of building rain down. He says this actual line: "if I can get to
the controls, I might be able to transpose the ingress and...do science
stuff." To which she responds with this actual line: "you mean transpose the
polarity and reverse the suction?"
Chrissy: No, I mean reverse the
polarity and invert the transducer.
Diandra: Sciency words sciency words. I'm just entertained by the
fact that some writer acknowledged how ridiculous it is and just said
"science stuff".
She leaps him over to the controls and gets grabbed by a tentacle and shaken
like a rattle. She spots what looks like a decorative sword on the wall and
uses it to slice the tentacle. It wraps about five more around her. Steve
shows up just as Howard gets the machine reversed and the tentacles start
dragging Peggy in. It gets distracted enough fighting him that it lets go of
her. Bucky and the rest come in and everyone fights the tentacle monster
until a mouth opens at the center of it and it emits a scream that starts
crumbling the building. Steve flies the rest of the team out of the castle
to safety as the monster blasts apart that wing.
At the controls, Howard says he can't get the portal closed. Or something.
Peggy snarls that she'll have to push the monster back to hell then. Steve
loses power in the suit just as he's landing back in the lab and crawls out,
yelping at Peggy to stop. She says she has to do this and she'll see him for
that dance lesson Saturday night. She pushes the monster back through the
portal, which winks and sends out a blast of energy. When the dust settles,
Steve kneels in front of the remaining Tesseract and cries.
In the present, instead of the Tesseract summoning Loki at the beginning of
The Avengers, it revs up and spits out a bunch of chunks of tentacles,
followed by Peggy. She lands in a variation of the superhero pose, shield in
one hand and sword in the other. Looking about twelve kinds of awesome. From
a safe distance, Fury asks her to please put down the sword. Next to him,
Clint identifies her as Captain Carter. She asks where Steve is. Fury's like
'um...welcome to the twenty first century, ma'am.' She deflates and he asks
if she's going to be okay. "Of course," she says. "We won the war."
The watcher gives a little summary, restating that her decision to jump in
the machine changed that entire world and wrapping up with a statement about
being the Watcher means he can only observe everything he's showing us. He
CANNOT intervene. That will be important later. We end with a creepy
silhouette of him so we can identify his presence from now on and go to
credits, where we note Sam Jackson and Jeremy Renner's little cameos there,
as well as Josh Keaton who apparently doesn't get main credit ranking for
his impression of Chris Evans.
Chrissy: So...in this world there IS
NO Winter Soldier, right?
Emilio: I think so.
Diandra: Yeah, that's the other thing about alt history and time
travel. Changing one thing generally leads to a cascade of other changes,
some predictable and some not. Unless, of course, you're talking about the
version of time travel they started with in "Endgame" where it's
impossible to change the future. Hence why I said that was the worst time
travel theory from a narrative standpoint.
Chrissy: I can see where fanfiction writers would love this because
as far as I can tell, in this universe Steve and Bucky got to be together.
In the 40s where, as Emilio pointed out, that wasn't legal, but...
Diandra: But they're free to take out each other's trash as long as
they aren't publicly open about it?
Emilio: Okay, now I'm wondering what you're picturing when you talk
about taking out the trash.
Diandra: Considering the creative euphemisms that were used in
movies in those days, it could probably be anything and not even that
dirty. I remember a joke from a Maurice Chevalier movie about "making
chamber music".
Chrissy: You know...a lot of things you said in the "WandaVision"
recaps make so much more sense when you understand just how wide your
frame of reference is.
Diandra: Oh, Emilio knows. And when you consider one of his
favorite movies is a silent movie from the 20s, his frame is probably just
as wide.
Emilio: And this is why we are friends.
Diandra: Love you, BroSis.
Emilio: Love you too, Firecup.
Episode 2: What if T'Challa Became a Star
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Chadwick Boseman, Michael Rooker, Josh Brolin,
Benicio Del Toro, Kurt Russell, Ophelia Lovibond, Carrie Coon, Tom
Vaughan-Lawlor, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, John Kani, Sean Gunn, Chris
Sullivan, Seth Green, Danai Gurira
Based on that cast list, you can already tell this is going to be a mix of
"GoTG2" and "Black Panther" with Thanos and his minions for some reason. And
again, there's a couple names that aren't listed because the characters are
voiced by someone other than whoever played them in the rest of the series.
We begin again with the Watcher rambling about all the galaxies in the sky
full of worlds and beings and stories. And then we just cut right to Morag,
the planet Peter (and later Rhodey and Nebula) found the power stone on
while the Watcher questions whether your destiny is determined by your world
or the other way around.
Chrissy: Woah, that's deep, man.
Star Lord retrieves the stone and its housing from that pillar thing with a
device and some...Kree, I guess...led by Djimon, whose character was named
Atlas or something I think...descend on him. Atlas demands to know who this
guy thinks he is. T'Challa takes off the Star Lord helmet and Atlas turns
into a fan boy. OMG, it's STAR LORD! What are you doing here, man? And
because I'm pretty sure the response to "I'm Star Lord" in the first GoTG
movie was "who the fuck is that?" T'Challa is like 'mmmmkay. That was
unexpected.' Atlas is like 'nah, man, you're a LEGEND.' He describes him
like the space version of Robin Hood and asks if they should bow or kneel to
him. Y'know, since he's a lord. T'Challa says that's not an official title
and he's embarrassing him. Stop it. Atlas is like 'so humble. Such a great
guy. Too bad I might have to kill you if you don't hand that thing over.'
T'Challa is like 'uh...no.' Atlas says he could totally tell his boss Ronin
to fuck off if T'Challa were to offer him a better job. T'Challa says nah.
Atlas says he totally understands and on the plus side he's gonna get to
fight Star Lord now.
They launch into a fight where Atlas is gushing about how amazing Star Lord
is between blows and apologizing when he successfully punches T'Challa in
the face. T'Challa tells him to do it again and tricks him into throwing the
punch into the pillar display that housed the stone, which zaps him
unconscious. He uses that device he grabbed the stone with to knock out the
men who were with him, then decides he has "hired worse" and hauls Atlas out
of the temple.
He is met outside by more goons, who point weapons at him and call him a
Ravager while menacing that he is outnumbered. He squares his shoulders and
says yeah, but "a Ravager never flies solo." Long pause. Sound of wind
blowing. He's like 'guys, that was your CUE.' The lead goon asks if that's
supposed to be some sort of catchphrase or something. And then finally
there's a whistle and Yondu's arrow flies in and picks them all off before
returning to his belt. T'Challa is like 'you're late. I got us a new
recruit.' He hands the stone casing to Yondu, who notes the signature it's
giving off and talks about how in the old days they would have sold this to
the highest bidder. T'Challa thinks it would be better used to "jump start
the Kylorian's dying star and save their system from extinction" because "no
treasure is worth as much as the good that can be done with it."
Chrissy: And there is the argument
that he is much better than Peter Quill. Right there.
Diandra: Well, it's one of the arguments.
The Watcher is like 'bet you're wondering how this happened, right? Let's do
a flashback.' We go back to 1988 in Wakanda, where T'Challa expresses his
frustration with a life hidden from the rest of the world. T'Chaka mutters
about the world outside being violent and horrible and full of people who
"do not understand our way of life". But he understands that T'Challa has
the "heart of an explorer", so he'll just have to trust him.
The Watcher rambles about fate and destiny and variables while little
T'Challa is practicing spear throwing out by the wall hiding Wakanda later.
He goes outside the wall and is picked up by the Ravager ship sent to
collect Ego's spawn from Earth. The reason the ship was on entirely the
wrong side of the planet in this universe, the Watcher explains, is that
Yondu outsourced the job to some idiots. When they bring T'Challa to him, he
yells at them for taking what is OBVIOUSLY the wrong child. He projects a
hologram of Peter Quill from his wrist computer and asks if they really
think this kid looks like the one they got. Taserface grunts that all humans
look alike to them. The guy Sean Gunn played whose name I've forgotten says
the cosmic readings at that location were off the chart, so they figured it
must be right. T'Challa pipes up that his city is built on top of a
Vibranium meteorite, so...that probably explains that. Yondu notes that the
kid is taking this very well and decides right there that he likes him and
he'll adopt him.
Back in the present, the Ravagers - which now includes Atlas - go to a bar
and chat about previous adventures. Atlas asks how they stopped Thanos, the
Mad Titan and a giant purple arm lands on his shoulder. Thanos says T'Challa
showed him another way to allocate the resources of the universe.
Chrissy: ..............why the fuck
did nobody think of that?
Diandra: Because that would have been a very short movie?
Thanos says he still thinks his plan wasn't "without its merits" and the
Ravagers all groan like 'god, there he goes again.' Sean says it's genocide,
dude. Thanos is like 'eh, potayto potahto.'
Drax is working the bar that T'Challa goes to get drinks from. He recognizes
T'Challa as THE Star Lord. The one who saved his world from a Kree invasion.
He asks for a picture with him to send to his wife and daughter. And while
we're still processing how this character's backstory was completely changed
because a Ravager picked up the wrong kid, Nebula arrives to flirt a little
with T'Challa. Possibly. She calls him Cha Cha and has long, flowing hair
and generally looks like a femme fatale from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Lest we think this means she has a better relationship with her father, we
go to her checking out the power stone casing and asking if "the big guy"
knows he has it. T'Challa asks if she means Thanos and says she should
really talk to him because he's changed. He gardens now.
Chrissy: He found a whole planet
that's one big garden, apparently.
She notes that she isn't the only one who lugs around reminders of the past
and indicates the Black Panther necklace draped on his chest. She asks if he
ever thinks of going back to Wakanda. He exposits that Yondu tried to return
him when he was still young and found it had been destroyed in one of the
many senseless wars.
Emilio: Ah. There's the downside to
this world.
Diandra: Yeah. The Guardians are improved. Thanos is neutered. But
Wakanda suffers.
Nebula concludes that losing his home inspired him to save others' and she
might have a job for him.
Cut to her showing the Ravagers a holographic image of "the Embers of
Genesis. Nutrient rich cosmic dust from an ancient supernova with the power
to terraform entire ecosystems." Just a portion of the amount they've
discovered could heal an entire dying planet. T'Challa points out that this
is the opposite of Thanos' solution: they can restore planets and feed the
people on them. Thanos is actually hovering at the edge of the room and he
greets his daughter. Atlas is like wait...you're related? T'Challa says he's
been trying to get them into counseling. Yondu prompts Nebula to get back to
the mission. They're going after Tanaleer Tivan, aka The Collector, brother
of the Grandmaster, aka Benicio del Toro. Kraglin (thanks for that, subtitle
guy) identifies him as the most ruthless kingpin in the intergalactic
underground. Atlas exposits that he always heard that title belonged to
Thanos. Thanos says yeah, but when he gave up his aspirations of villainy,
Tivan became it. Yondu declares the mission suicidal because The Collector
is SUPER dangerous. He elaborates that death would be more merciful than the
sort of shit the Collector inflicts on people. "So, should I mark you down
as undecided?" Nebula snarks.
Chrissy: This version of her is
already more badass than whatever that was in Endgame.
Yondu declares that the Ravagers will not have anything to do with anything
that involves the Collector. End of story.
T'Challa follows him out of the room to remind him that they have never
backed down from a fight. Yondu says what they DO is steal from the rich and
give to the poor. Like that Earthling whatshisname. "Robin Leach." T'Challa
runs with the analogy, saying they've been picking pockets when what they
NEED to do if they really want to make a difference is "rob the bank". Yondu
just fondly grumbles that he never could say no to the kid.
We get a brief montage where Nebula and T'Challa explain that The Collector
will keep the embers with all his other prized possessions in the "severed
head of an ancient celestial being." Remember Knowhere? Yeah. We're back.
Thanos adds that the Black Order (what was his minions in the Avengers
movies) are running security for The Collector and asks how Nebula plans to
get past them. She says she won't. She and Yondu will pose as sellers
hocking the orb from Morag and walk right in the front door. We show them
doing this, but the overly large box they're pushing down a hallway actually
contains T'Challa in full Star Lord getup. Atlas and Thanos start a fight
outside to distract the Black Order just as Proxima Midnight is trying to
scan the box for anything suspicious. Then Yondu and Nebula will keep the
Collector busy while T'Challa looks for the embers. Atlas chortles that this
plan is brilliant and "what could possibly go wrong?"
Chrissy: Dude. Don't EVER ask that
question. Seriously.
Nebula and Yondu are ushered in to talk to the Collector and basically have
a bunch of small talk that only really establishes that The Ravagers have
"gone straight" in this universe.
T'Challa is going through the "collection", which includes a lot of sentient
beings. He mutters to no one in particular that this is a lot of "suffering"
and "for what?" A voice from one of the containers suggests the Collector is
compensating for something. The voice belongs, perhaps unsurprisingly, to
Howard the Duck.
Chrissy: And everyone who lived
through the 90s is having trauma flashbacks.
Diandra: Yeah. Although, if they were going to do Howard the Duck,
the animated show really was the best place for it.
T'Challa is like 'okay...um...since we're doing this...I suppose I can ask
you if you know where the embers are.' Howard gives directions to the wing
the embers would be stored in like this: "down the hall. Take a Louie at the
Frost Giants, a hard Ralph at the Kronans. You're gonna see a sign for
Elvish literature. Ignore that, total snooze." T'Challa decides it would be
faster to just take Howard with him and shoots the lock out on his
Back outside, Proxima Midnight ends the fight going on by blasting everybody
with electricity. She realizes the twitching bodies on the ground belong to
The Ravagers and this must be a distraction. She orders the building locked
The Collector chuckles as alarms go off and a steel door slams shut. "You
always know how to bring the fun," he says.
Howard the Duck gets distracted as they walk past a bar and sits for a drink
just as all the doors are slamming. T'Challa snaps that they have to go and
barely makes it through one of the doors as it's coming down. Separating
them and mercifully cutting Howard's role short.
Emilio: You know they're testing our
tolerance, right? His part keeps getting bigger each time.
Diandra: Yeah, I have a co worker who predicts that one day Marvel
will reboot Howard the Duck and it will be nominated for Oscars.
T'Challa's Black Panther necklace starts glowing suddenly as he's running
through a hangar full of vessels. He stops running and touches it in
confusion and a Wakandan ship flares to life. He goes inside to find it set
up like a museum piece with dummies dressed like Dora Milaje propped in the
seats. A holographic Amber Alert is triggered, with T'Chaka asking for any
information that might lead to the recovery of his son, T'Challa, the crown
prince of Wakanda. He ends with a message directly to T'Challa: "if you are
out there, you are one bright burning light in the night sky of billions and
we will search every last one of them until we find you. On this plane or
the next."
Nebula appears suddenly, the Collector holding Yondu hostage in the
background. She points a gun at T'Challa and says yeah, she had a debt she
owed the Collector. He understands, right?
T'Challa and Yondu are thrown in a cell with the rest of the Ravagers. Atlas
babbles that this is the part where he stages one of his great escapes,
Chrissy: I don't remember him being
so annoying before.
T'Challa is too distracted chewing out Yondu for lying about his homeland
being destroyed and his family being dead. Yondu thinks he was justified
because T'Challa is an explorer like him and "sometimes you need to hear a
lie to see the truth." Quite a flex there. He rambles about how the past is
a "prison" for people like them and he belongs here with his "family". Yeah,
this...is where this doesn't really work.
Chrissy: That Yondu had any
justification for raising the Earthling as his own, no. But it makes more
sense that he was lying about what happened to Wakanda than that Wakanda
actually fell apart in this universe.
T'Challa is like 'that's the problem, see, I actually had a family and it
isn't you guys.' Atlas sniffles that that is SUCH A HURTFUL THING TO SAY.
One of the minions comes to collect T'Challa before we can wade any further
into that drama, knocking him out.
T'Challa wakes up in one of the Collector's cell cubes. The Collector
apologizes for that stuff with Nebula earlier. "I simply abhor drama."
T'Challa asks why he dresses like that then.
Emilio: What, I can't be fabulous?
Diandra: What, are you both brothers now?
Emilio: Why not?
Anyway, T'Challa asks what the Collector wants. The Collector is like
'something to add to my collection, duh.' T'Challa notes that he's just a
human and hardly worth adding to the...let's call it a zoo. The Collector
asks if he's sure he can't fly or shoot lasers or...something.
Chrissy: No, you want whatever
universe the Mutants are in. Which might be this one. Who knows?
T'Challa offers to fight him so he can "find out". The Collector says nah,
he can stay in the cage. And then we get to the line that probably justifies
this whole thing: "where I come from, history has never looked kindly on
those who lock men in cages." The Collector snots that his superpower is
that he "can bore someone to death using only his sanctimony." Deciding that
he's not worth keeping, he orders Ebony Maw and that Pixie whose name I
never bothered to figure out to kill him and strip him for parts.
Nebula goes to the Ravagers' holding cell and interrupts Atlas' rant about
how she could BETRAY them like this by shooting the minion guarding them. In
case that wasn't clear, she says she's come to rescue them. Yondu notes that
it isn't like her to change her mind. She says she didn't, it was always the
plan to fake a double cross. We flash back to her and T'Challa talking at
that bar as she says she told T'Challa what the Collector wanted. She tells
the Ravagers that she figured she could "settle the debt" AND steal the
Embers with this plan, but she didn't know about that Wakandan ship. That
was a surprise. T'Challa insisted they not tell the rest of the team, which
Yondu notes is probably because he knew damn well his father figure wouldn't
knowingly walk him into a trap. Nebula holds up a little chamber thing like
'oh, I already got the embers, by the way. You're welcome.' They ask what
happens with T'Challa now then. Nebula winks that he's "keeping his escape
plan close to his chest."
Cut to T'Challa taking off the necklace and wielding it like wolverine claws
to punch his way out of the glass cage. He goes to leap at Ebony Maw and Maw
just freezes him in mid-air and binds his hands and legs with shards of
broken glass. And then the pixie just...shoots Maw. T'Challa splatters on
the ground. She shrugs that she liked that thing about cages that he said
The Collector intercepts T'Challa as he's running through the collection
maze. He clobbers him a couple times with what looks like a gauntlet made of
rocks, then offers to use some other weapon and opens a box containing
stolen weapons like Cap's shield and Mjolnir, which...suggests some alarming
things about this universe. He pulls a dagger he identifies as having been
taken from the ruler of the Dark Elves. T'Challa picks up the rock gauntlet
to deflect blows. The Collector pulls out Hela's headgear next, which
apparently is where the next sword he produces comes from. He calls it a
necrosword. T'Challa dodges his swings and rips the headgear off. It
boomerangs right back onto the Collector's head, at which point he starts
throwing daggers.
The Ravagers are running from the goon squad when Thanos decides he can buy
the rest of them time to escape if he stays back to hold them off. Nebula
asks if he's crazy because there's no way he can hold them all back by
himself. "Not crazy," he says. "Mad." And he runs toward the bot army and
all the Black Order goons and starts fighting them all one by one. Until
Proxima Midnight hamstrings him.
The Collector is gloating about how T'Challa abandoned his home and family
and now his OTHER family has abandoned him and isn't that just karma?
T'Challa repeats the "a Ravager never flies solo" line and this time Yondu
responds right away, the arrow knocking Hela's antlers off The Collector's
head and shattering them. He snarls that there was no way he was just going
to leave this place without his kid. He sends the arrow spiraling toward the
Collector's chest and the Collector just catches it midair and breaks it in
Meanwhile, Thanos is getting his ass kicked by Proxima Midnight and the big
brute with the axe. They pin him to the ground and Proxima is just readying
a death blow when Nebula returns, gun blazing. The ogre picks her up like a
doll and roars and she just tips some embers down his open throat. He drops
her and explodes into a beanstalk or something. Nebula and Thanos escape the
violently expanding plant to the ship, which Kraglin flies toward the
nearest exit before belatedly asking about T'Challa and Yondu. Nebula is
sure they're fine.
And if by "fine" she meant "not dead yet"...sure. In a pause between
beatings, T'Challa suggests a move called "sticky fingers" and Yondu will
take the less desirable role because he's a FILTHY LIAR. Yondu runs at The
Collector and gets punched a half a dozen times, but steals his arm canon
thing and opens one of the boxes so T'Challa can kick him into it. The
Collector does the typical bad guy speech about this not holding him and
they CANNOT ESCAPE HIM. The pixie wanders over and T'Challa hands the wrist
thing to her. He and Yondu swagger off while she uses it to open ALL the
cells but the one the Collector is in. At least until all the beings he kept
trapped are surrounding it. He moans about Karma.
T'Challa and Yondu escape on the Wakandan ship and message Nebula on the
Ravager ship to verify that they all made it out. And a dog in a spacesuit
managed to sneak onto the Wakanda ship for some reason. T'Challa mutters
that Yondu has a soft spot for "runaways". Yondu starts to take the segue
into a discussion of what happened, but T'Challa shrugs that he was the one
who ran away and told him he wanted to see the world. Yondu just...showed
him the whole universe.
Chrissy: ............and told him his
family was dead in case he got any ideas about going back.
Diandra: Yeah, still doesn't quite work, does it?
T'Challa isn't sure where he belongs anymore. Yondu assures him he wouldn't
be out of place on any planet anywhere. The question is where he WANTS to be
and "you're just gonna have to follow your heart on that one, Mr. Star
So sometime later, the Ravager ship lands in Wakanda and the whole troupe
parades into the palace behind T'Challa for his family reunion. T'Challa
apologizes to Baba for taking so long to return and introduces him to his
second family.
And again, sometime later, Okoye is also noting that Thanos sounds like a
genocidal maniac. Nebula is acting embarrassed to be around him. T'Chaka
asks Yondu how, exactly, his son ended up on their ship. Yondu starts
rambling about this job he took and...T'Challa just says he was lost and
Yondu found him. End of story.
Chrissy: Because if we start
questioning it, it looks a whole lot less sweet.
The Watcher returns to say that another family reunion was going
on...somewhere. Peter Quill, voiced possibly by the same guy doing the Chris
Evans impression on the last episode, is cleaning floors at a Dairy Queen
after hours when Kurt Russell's Ego introduces himself. His eyes glow and
the Watcher says "too bad this might spell the end of the world. But that's
a story for another day."
There's a dedication to Chadwick before we get to the credits because, of
course, he died before this could be released.
Chrissy: Which is the main reason you
decided to slog through that episode, right?
Diandra: Yeah, I figured I would heavily truncate a couple episodes
in the back half of this series so I could stand a twenty minute merger of
two of the movies I actually recapped for Chadwick's last performance.
Also, while this series as a whole could probably be skipped, every
episode feeds into the last one so once I made the decision to attempt
recapping it, I knew I couldn't skip any episodes entirely.
Emilio: The next couple are better.
Diandra: The next three, yes. Which is good because at this point
I'm wondering why I thought recapping this was a good idea.
Chrissy: Because we now have reason to suspect it is a preview of
shit they're going to do in future movies?
Diandra: Maybe.
Chrissy: So, in this universe Earth is destroyed because Quill is
still on it and Ego has to recover him himself? Is that the way I'm
reading that?
Diandra: Well, Quill is certainly not equipped to fight him,
so...maybe? One thing is certain though: the Star Lord in this universe is
MUCH smarter.
Chrissy: So is nobody going to mention that Howard the Duck sounds
exactly like Chris Griffin?
Diandra: Seth Green usually sounds like Chris Griffin.
Emilio: Doesn't really help with making Howard likable to give him
an annoying voice like that though.
Diandra: Howard the Duck is supposed to be likable?
Episode 3: What if the World Lost Its
Mightiest Heroes?
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Samuel Fuckin' L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Mark
Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Clark Gregg, Jaimie Alexander, Frank Grillo, Lake
Bell (oh, look, they are going to credit the one doing an impression of
Scarlet Johansson) and Mick Wingert (doing an impression of Robert Downey
I...forgot that they did the surprise voice in more than the one episode.
According to the massive title card, we begin on a Monday. Nick Fury starts
the speech about the Avengers initiative, which Natasha cuts into like 'yes,
we know, groan.' He says she must know what's at stake then. She says yes,
"which is why I'm surprised you'd wanna bet the future of the Avengers
Initiative on THAT." The car they are in pulls up to a donut shop, where
Tony is lounging inside the giant cartoon donut in his iron man suit,
stuffing his face. Fury says Stark has "potential."
Chrissy: So this is basically a full
on mirror of the decision to hire Robert Downey Jr. to headline this
Diandra: I'm pretty sure the parallels between him and Tony Stark
were never secret. In fact, they are the reason he was hired in the first
He's obviously hung over, Nat mutters. Fury is like 'hey, remember when I
hired an actual Russian assassin? Good thing I didn't have your standards
then.' "You should know I'm not afraid of a big swing."
Emilio: ...ing dick.
Inside, Tony and Fury sit at a booth and Tony mutters that he doesn't WANT
to join the secret boy band, okay? Fury snots that he likes to do things
himself and how's that working out for him? He gestures at the visible veins
in Tony's neck from when the arc reactor tried to poison him. He says Tony's
become a "problem" that he has to manage and "contrary to your belief, you
are not the center of my universe." He gestures at Nat, who comes up behind
Tony and injects him with something before he can resist. Fury says that was
lithium dioxide, which will "take the edge off". She says it isn't a cure
for the poison thing, but it will alleviate the symptoms. Tony starts
gagging and - to their surprise - falls sideways out of the booth. Nat
checks his pulse and declares him dead while Fury gapes in horror.
Chrissy: Notice how she seems to not
even realize that this is a variation of a scene from "Iron Man 2",
Diandra: Hey, remember when we recapped the first Avengers and you
made me answer a bunch of questions to determine whether I really could
skip everything that came before it?
Chrissy: And then you went ahead and skipped "Thor" anyway and it
became a thing? Yeah.
Diandra: Remember what I said when you talked about possibly going
back later to recap those movies?
Chrissy: Something like "whatever, as long as I never have to do
'Iron Man 2'."
Diandra: Yes. Thank you. Moving on.
Fury's face blends into the Watcher's as he rambles about humanity not being
able to see the big picture. He says three things happened in the same week,
covered by three movies: Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk (the one with
Edward Norton that everybody forgets is in this universe) and Thor. The
Watcher talks about the "crucible" that would turn these three men into a
superhero team with two other guys and Nat. We see the animated still of all
of them having their hero moment in Avengers. But that's not how things were
going to go in the universe of this particular episode, obviously.
Tuesday. Coulson finds Mjolnir in the desert and calls Fury. Fury is with
Nat, who has been taken in for questioning on suspicion that she murdered
Tony. Fury apologizes that he can't do anything for her since there are
protocols SHIELD has to follow. Except SHIELD is also obviously where the
tainted drug she gave him came from and he's pretty sure she can break out
of custody easily, so...he slips her the syringe and says he needs "someone
on the outside" to figure out who killed Tony. She gets into a transport
vehicle with, like, a dozen other men. Once they're a minute or so down the
road, she hands her open cuffs to the guy next to her with an innocent "mind
holding these for me?" And then she beats the shit out of all of them and
Chrissy: I want a recount on which of
them is the strongest Avenger.
Diandra: Yes.
In New Mexico, Clint fills Fury in on the weird space hammer SHIELD has
built a lab around. Thunder rumbles and Clint says yeah, and THAT has been
going on all night. Fury thinks SOMEONE must want it back and surely whoever
it is will come for it eventually. And hopefully it will be "an ally".
Someone is picking off all the guards around the area, but we don't really
see who because he's a blur. Coulson finds one of the downed agents and
sounds the alarm. He is talking to Fury over the walkie when he sees Thor
knocking out a couple guys. He describes the intruder as "mid 20s
with...really great hair." Fury is like 'what the fuck, dude?' Coulson says
yeah, well...he's fucking gorgeous, okay?
Chrissy: He's got broad shoulders and
beautiful blue eyes. 10/10, wouldn't kick him out of bed.
Fury is like 'okay, I need someone objective here' and asks if Clint can see
anything. We get something like a replay of Clint taking aim at Thor as he
moves toward Mjolnir and Fury telling him to hold off because he wants to
see what this guy does. Clint becomes distracted too as he notes that Thor
really does have nice hair.
Chrissy: I'm thinking this is where
the discussion of Captain America's ass really came from.
Diandra: Coulson? Yeah, that...that makes perfect sense, actually.
Thor reaches for the hammer, but before he can actually grab it, Clint
shoots and he falls over dead. Fury yells that he TOLD Clint to stand down
and Clint yelps that he didn't do it. Whatever agents remain descend on him
because that was OBVIOUSLY his arrow there and he is taken into custody.
In the holding cell that contained Thor in the original storyline, Clint is
muttering that he doesn't understand what happened because he doesn't
just...slip and misfire. Outside the cell, Fury tells Coulson that the
"intruder" is a) from another world, b) dead and c) "almost a thousand years
old." Uh...didn't somebody say Thor and Loki were about 1,500? What's this
now? Coulson says that's two "high value SHIELD targets killed by our own
agents inside 24 hours." Also, he gives Thor the nickname Muscle Beach. Fury
asks how Clint is doing. Coulson says he won't talk to anyone. Fury thinks
he'll talk to him. Except he can't because Fury finds him slumped over dead.
He yells for a medic and everybody tries to figure out what could possibly
have happened because he was all alone in the cell.
We smash right to Coulson and Fury talking over Clint's body in autopsy.
Coulson says they're checking his blood for cyanide. Pretty sure there would
be more obvious signs pointing to that like foaming at the mouth or
something, but okay.
Chrissy: Ease up there, Sherlock.
Fury doesn't think Clint would willingly abandon his wife and kids like
that. More likely, he was killed by the same person who killed Tony. Coulson
asks how that could have happened in a locked cell under close observation
and with no signs of struggle or wounds.
Chrissy: There's a guy in New York
who might be able to help.
Diandra: Stop trying to make the Sherlock crossover happen.
Fury gestures at Thor's body on another table behind them and Coulson
wanders over to SNIFF him because that's not weird at ALL and notes that he
still smells like lavender somehow.
Emilio: Do you need a minute alone?
Diandra: NO! Do NOT leave him alone with the body.
Getting back on subject, Coulson doesn't think there's a whole lot of
connections between "a billionaire playboy and a SHIELD assassin. Unless you
have any ideas?" Fury mutters that there WAS an idea and sulks away. Coulson
sniffs the air again after Fury leaves and why the hell did you leave him
alone in there?
Chrissy: Yeah, does nobody know about
the 'watching Cap while he was unconscious' thing in this universe yet?
And hey, does anybody have eyes on Cap?
Wednesday. Culver University, Virginia. Nat drops in on "Doctor Ross" for a
quick check of how many people watching this series realized that the Edward
Norton movie was canon. For those who need a refresher: this is Betty Ross,
the daughter of Thunderbolt Ross (RIP William Hurt) and she was played by
Liv Tyler. That is not who is doing the voice here.
Emilio: She's a version of The Hulk
in the comics.
Diandra: Red She Hulk, right? Like Thunderbolt is Red Hulk?
Emilio: Correct.
Chrissy: It really is creepy the learning curve you've taken since
we first started this series.
Diandra: I'll take that as a compliment.
Betty snaps that she'll tell Nat the same thing she told the SHIELD agents:
she doesn't know where he is.
Chrissy: He probably has a whole new
face by now.
Nat says she's not here about Big Green, she's here because Tony Stark might
have been murdered. Betty asks who would do that. Nat says someone trying to
frame her and hands Betty the syringe. Betty asks why Nat came to her in
particular of all people. Nat trusts her to keep this off SHIELD's radar.
Inside a lab, Nat hovers while Betty looks at the syringe through a
microscope. She concludes that there is nothing biological on it and the
antidote never made it out of the syringe. But the needle looks like it's
been blasted apart by a tiny projectile. Which is not her field, so...she's
done. Nat spots a pizza delivery uniform on a table and asks if Betty has a
side job now. Betty says a student must have left it. I mention this little
aside because I suspect it's an alternative to the old Stan Lee cameo
appearances. The pizza place is called Stanley's.
Nat gets a call from Fury, who says he has bad news and more bad news.
"Barton's dead." Her face falls. She takes a moment to blink back potential
tears and growls "who do I kill?" He says they're not sure who is doing this
yet, but the killer seems to be going after Avengers Initiative candidates.
Nat thinks that would be a good way to "kneecap SHIELD". She asks who else
is on the list. Fury says uh...Bruce Banner and Nat. So she needs to hide,
but she needs to find Bruce first. Nat eyes Betty, who is giving off clues
that she doesn't want Nat looking in a cabinet along one wall. Nat is like
'done' and goes to open the cabinet. Betty tries to stop her and she
threatens her. Bruce sticks his head out to diffuse the situation.
Chrissy: EEK! Who are you and what
happened to the other guy?
Nat seems to sense danger and says they need to get out of here.
Coulson is driving through the desert somewhere when Fury calls to ask where
he is. Coulson says he went out for coffee and "got you a double macchiato,
just how you like it." Except when he arrives outside the gate, everything
in the car levitates and something seems to blast down nearby.
Inside, an agent notifies Fury of a massive energy surge.
Coulson hides behind his SUV and yelps that he sees it and it seems to be
some sort of meteorological...thing. That looks like the bifrost touching
down, but he wouldn't know about that yet. When the dust settles, there is a
whole Asgardian army at the SHIELD gate with Loki front and center. A bunch
of agents flood out to meet this and Fury steps in front and asks if maybe
they're lost. Loki snarls that this pitiful mortal should be KNEELING before
him as he is a god. Fury says yeeaaaaah, "we don't do that here."
Chrissy: At least not for free.
Diandra: ...............
Chrissy: What?
Diandra: [sigh]
Loki launches into the glorious purpose speech but doesn't get through his
title before a phone starts ringing, interrupting him. He stops and starts a
couple times and finally ends on god of mischief and asks if Fury is going
to get that because he's trying to give a speech here.
Emilio: Well, maybe if you got to the
point faster.
Chrissy: I could kill you all.
In Virginia, Nat is dragging Bruce along that sky bridge, phone to her ear,
muttering for Fury to pick up. Bruce says really, everyone would be better
off if they just left him to fend for himself. Because he apparently can't
die. Nat notes that they're about to test that live when a bunch of agents,
led by Thaddeus, arrive and aim every weapon at them. He is voiced by
somebody doing an impression of William Hurt because I guess a full half the
cast of this episode is not the original actors.
Fury finally takes the call and says this is not a good time. She says yeah,
me neither. "I've got General Ross, a dozen snipers and a few tanks. What
are you dealing with." "Space Vikings," Fury says unironically. He tells her
to just take care of her problem and go into hiding like they said. He hangs
up and asks Loki what, exactly, he wants with them. "Vengeance," Loki
snarls. Because his brother, the crown prince of Asgard, was murdered on
this backwater planet.
Nat identifies herself as an agent of SHIELD and says she has Banner in her
custody so Ross' men can stand down. A sniper somewhere fires and Bruce
falls down. She yelps that she JUST SAID don't shoot. Ross is confused and
asks who the hell just did that. One of the soldiers says it wasn't them.
Bruce warns Nat that she should really get out of here as his eyes are
starting to turn green. She leaps from the bridge and lands in her super
stylized hero pose.
Chrissy: Such a poser.
Bruce goes full Hulk and Ross' men start shooting.
Someone hands Loki the casket of ancient winters and he says they will
accept the planet as retribution. Fury ducks as he opens it and starts
Hulk jumps down to the ground and starts throwing cars. We intercut between
destruction in both locations as Loki ices over all the SHIELD agent
Betty runs out to try to stop her daddy suddenly and Nat tackles her and
says there's nothing she can do right now. Betty thinks daddy will listen to
her. Nat doesn't think it matters because he didn't start this. Betty asks
who did then. Before Nat can answer, they are interrupted by Hulk suddenly
inflating out of control until he just...explodes. Betty sobs that he CAN'T
Fury yells that declaring war on the planet isn't gonna bring Loki's brother
back, so he can knock that the fuck off right now. Sif reaches over to close
the casket and point out that he's right and "the Allfather would want us to
Chrissy: Is he already in a coma? Is
that why he couldn't come himself?
Diandra: Uh...since Loki introduced himself as the prince of
Loki glowers while Fury says the same person who killed his brother killed
two of their people, so they should be working together to catch him. Loki
snorts at the idea that they could be allies. Fury says at least allow them
to catch the guy and Loki can "have your pound of flesh." Loki is intrigued
by the implications of that expression, but says he will have to deliver
them the entire body. Fury is like 'fine. Just give me time to catch him.'
Loki looks at the sun and says they have until the next Midgardian sunrise.
"Or I will reduce this planet to ash and ice."
Back in Virginia, Nat is visiting a public library after hours. So probably
breaking and entering. She calls Coulson to get his password since she is
locked out of the Avengers Initiative files and wanted on top of that and
can't just log in herself. Coulson says yeah, well, he's not telling her his
password. Not because he cares about security, mind, but because when she
finally convinces him to do it it turns out to be
Emilio: Dude.
Diandra: Yeah, I'm not sure if that's more cute or sad.
Chrissy: At least it's the clean version.
Nat is like 'wow, I am totally never going to let you live that down.
As she's going through files, there's a weird buzzing noise somewhere behind
her. She looks back and sees nothing. She pulls up files on Fury, Coulson,
Maria Hill, Janet Van Dyne and Alexander Pierce. Then we focus on her face
as she questions how a woman who died two years ago managed to access a file
yesterday. She picks up her phone and the buzzing starts again. She declares
that whoever it is will NOT win this fight. And something invisible starts
throwing her around as Fury's voicemail picks up. "Fury, it's Hope," she
yells. "It's all about Hope!" And the fact that the subtitles capitalized
"Hope" bypasses any confusion there might have been about whether she was
being philosophical. The invisible man drags her away from the phone.
Sometime later, Fury sits at a diner table and repeatedly plays back the
recording. Coulson reminds him that they only have four hours before Loki is
expecting them to hand over the killer. He notes that this situation is kind
of the reason he proposed the Avengers Initiative to begin with. And there
is still one name on the list. He pushes the document about the Initiative
toward Fury and points to his signature on the bottom. Fury blinks at it,
says he isn't the only Avenger left and goes out to his car to retrieve the
pager that works like a Bat signal for Carol. Coulson trails behind him and
asks what that's for. Fury says it's their last hope. He seems to realize
something and he repeats Widow's line about Hope. He starts the car. Coulson
asks where he's going. Fury shrugs and says either to make a pact with a god
or a deal with the devil, he's not sure.
He drives out to the iced over area where the Destroyer Sentry was left
standing guard and says he's come to see its boss.
Thursday. Somewhere in San Francisco, Fury visits the grave of Hope Van
Dyne. Hank comes out of the mist in what is apparently the Yellowjacket suit
to snarl at him about DARING come out here and stand over his baby girl's
grave. And this is actually Michael Douglas, uncredited earlier presumably
because we would have figured out who the killer must be a lot sooner when
Hank failed to show up for the bulk of the episode. Apparently in this
universe, Hope died while on a mission outside of Odessa and Hank blames
SHIELD. Because they exploited her longing to be reunited with her mother.
Fury asks if she was an agent too. Which should probably tell you something
is off here already. Hank rants that they filled her head with nonsense
about saving the world and she died "doing SHIELD's dirty work" just like
her mom. Fury starts listing the names of the would be Avengers Hank killed
in some sort of retaliation. Hank says yeah, since Fury took everything from
him, he wanted him to suffer. We get little flashbacks of him going through
the needle of the syringe that killed Tony, knocking Clint's hand loose on
the bow, flying out of Clint's ear after doing...something, flying into
Bruce's bloodstream and injecting him with something that kicks him into
overdrive and just fighting Nat in mini form.
Fury is confused as to how Thor fits into this. He wasn't in the original
initiative. Hank thinks he would have been recruited and sold on some hero
bullshit because "that's what you do."
Chrissy: Kind of a stretch there.
Diandra: Yeah, but I suppose they can't do the time traveler
version of this that would make sense for the comics where he already
knows how things would turn out and is picking them off specifically to
prevent the Avengers from forming to defeat Ultron. Or something.
Emilio: He is actually the bad guy in the comics.
Diandra: That's what I'm saying, yes.
Fury says that's it then? "you murdered him because you could?" Hank rants
that "his death was a favor. Yours will be a triumph."
He closes his helmet and shrinks. Fury just...bats him to the ground. He
gets back up, expands and starts throwing punches that Fury deflects like
he's bored with how easy this is. Then he leaps right over Hank's head and
lands in superhero pose. Hank is like '....the fuck? Aren't you just as old
as I am? How did you not just hurt yourself?' He shrugs, shrinks and takes
another run at Fury. Fury punches him and he skids along the ground until he
hits a gravestone. Hank expands and yells that Fury never cared about Hope.
Fury yells back that he doesn't care about ANY of them. Hank runs at him
again and gets slapped down. Fury gets in his face and taunts that he's
really not doing to well with this kill Fury plan, is he? Then he disappears
and reappears behind Hank. Hank tries to catch him and he does it again.
Chrissy: And this is where it should
be obvious who this really is.
Diandra: Yup.
About three dozen Furys surround Hank. He tries to fly off and an icicle
forms around him and crashes him back to the ground. All the copies of Nick
Fury laugh at him before turning into Lokis. They coalesce into the real
Loki and the real Fury joins him. Hank asks what's up with "the goth kid".
"Trickster God," Loki sasses. "Hi." Fury squats beside Hank and says that
SHIELD is a group of people willing to risk their lives for the greater good
and "save the world from men like you." He takes the pym particle whatever
off the suit so Hank can't escape and they are surrounded by agents. He adds
that Hope was a great agent and her sacrifice will never be forgotten. "Then
you honor her," Hank snarls before he's dragged away.
Loki notes that that was fun. Fury is like 'glad to entertain you. Now get
off my planet.' Loki says yeah...no. He's decided he wants to stay just a
bit longer.
Friday, United Nations building in New York. Loki goes to the podium and
announces to his "loyal subjects" that all the nations of Earth have decided
to unite under his command. He then launches into the entire "you want to be
ruled" speech from the first Avengers and he intends to help the people of
Earth "fulfill your destiny."
Somewhere else, Fury and Coulson stand guard over coffins containing the
fallen Would Be Avengers. Coulson bemoans the fact that they never even had
a chance to "rise". Fury says the initiative was about more than one team.
It was about "the affirmation of humanity's need to believe that in our
darkest hour we will find our heroes."
The Watcher chimes in that in this universe "hope never dies. As long as
someone keeps their good eye on the bigger picture." We see Fury locate Cap,
still stuck in the ice. He swipes snow from the shield and says "welcome
back, Captain." Before we think he means Steve, he turns his head toward
Carol Danvers, appearing beside him. She adjusts her gloves and asks where
the fight is in a voice that is not Brie Larson's.
Chrissy: So, obviously that has
implications that ripple through the whole Infinity Saga.
Diandra: Yeah. What does the fight with Thanos look like when five
out of the six original Avengers are not in it? I mean...apparently the
original Avengers didn't include Cap, but even then four out of the five
are dead in this universe, leaving only Ant Man, so it's not like it's
closer to the comics.
Emilio: And Scott's whole story would be messed up too.
Diandra: Right. No Hope, no Hank, no reason for Scott to even
become Ant Man in the first place and definitely none of the Quantum Realm
stuff. Which, I mean...might pave the way for "Age of Ultron" to be closer
to the comic book version, but since they decided to change the rules of
time travel for the main MCU universe I suppose they slammed that possible
door shut for everything now.
Chrissy [whispering]: Oh, boy. Here she goes.
Emilio [whispering]: Just let her get it out of her system.
Diandra: Which begs the question of how in the goddamn hell they
could possibly bring Deadpool or the X-Men into this universe because they
operate under completely different rules of time travel so unless
SOMETHING is getting retconned... Like, did "Deadpool 2" never happen
then? Or were they wrong about how it works at the beginning of "Endgame"
and that's why Cap was able to live in the past of the same universe for
decades? Which would make more sense, but would piss off the mansplainers.
Which would be a win-win, honestly. Did the two of you say something just
Chrissy: Nope. Wanna go right to the next episode then?
Diandra: Yeah, okay.
Episode 4: What if Doctor Strange Lost His
Heart Instead of His Hands
Hello, long ass title.
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams, Benedict
Wong, Tilda Swinton, Ike Amadi, Leslie Bibb
The Watcher begins by summarizing that so far we've seen examples of how one
thing or one decision made a ripple across time. Pretty sure the last
episode was about more than that, but okay. Now, he says, we're going to
show you what happens when somebody makes the wrong choice?
Chrissy: Alternatively (which won't
become obvious until the end): we've been showing you minor alterations
and changes so far and now we're going to have everything go absolutely to
shit for the next couple episodes.
Diandra: Yeah, the whole point of both the premise and the fact
that it's an animated series is that they can go nuts and do shit they
can't do in the rest of the MCU. Kill major characters, run headlong into
an apocalypse, give Howard the Duck a bigger role. Whatever.
Emilio: I love that it sounds like you're ranking Howard the Duck
as crazier than a full on apocalypse.
Diandra: Well...........yeah?
Anyway. We're back to Doctor Strange's origin story. But we're in the
version where Christine agreed to be Stephen's date for that dinner thing he
was driving to when he had the accident and yes, I had to look that up to
remember it.
Chrissy: And now it's obvious why you
do these recaps.
Diandra: I believe I already noted this, yes.
He picks her up in a fancy sports car that might be the same one he had in
the original version with doors that rotate open instead of swinging. He
gushes about how beautiful she looks and she's like 'calm down. I'm only
doing this because you promised to buy me creme brulee.'
Chrissy: Oh, well...there's the
mistake you made the first time, Stephen.
Diandra: Bribe her with dessert?
Chrissy: Yes.
As he's driving along that twisting mountain road, she demonstrates that she
is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTER in this universe by begging him to give
her a preview of his speech.
Chrissy: Okay, so...dessert and be a
completely different character that she hasn't broken up with yet.
He barely finishes the first sentence of introduction when she cuts him off
like 'yeah, no, you need to fix that unless you want to put people into a
coma.' He points out that he barely said anything. She suggests he try
rushing the podium like a contestant on "The Price is Right", yelling and
high fiving people.
Chrissy: If we call ahead, maybe we
can have some men in white coats waiting for you with tranquilizers.
Diandra: Does anyone else think Rachel is inexplicably animated
like the crazy chick from Archer here?
Chrissy: That's who she looks like. Thank you. Also...is that the
first time you correctly identify her on the first try?
Diandra: I'm not THAT bad at this. [turns to Emilio] She's the one
on "Picard", right?
Emilio: .............no.
Diandra: Who am I thinking of?
Emilio: I don't know. Alison Pill?
Chrissy: Oh, for crying out loud.
Whatever, she says they need to CELEBRATE because he successfully performed
a "radical hemispherectomy" and he's so amazing. Seriously, who is this
woman? Stephen gets stuck behind a semi, tries to go around it and nearly
smashes straight into an oncoming car. Except he manages to hit the brakes
and pull back to the right side behind the semi before they are hit. The car
stops and he reaches for her, panting that it's okay. Everything's fine. And
then another car comes up behind them and smashes them right over the
guardrail and the car flips crazily downhill and lands nose first in water.
He wakes up and reaches for her, sobbing "no" repeatedly and we cut right to
her funeral as the Watcher exposits that Stephen didn't lose his hands in
this universe. But in grief he basically went down the same path anyway,
running to Khamer Taj and learning about magic.
We skim through to the part where he discovered the Eye of Agomotto, AKA the
thing with the time stone. Wong catches him screwing around with an apple
and chastises him for messing with time, warning that he could weaken the
fabric of the universe that way. The Ancient One is with him, presumably
because having Mordo here would just complicate things too much for a half
hour show. She adds that they're supposed to be PROTECTING the universe, not
"threatening" it. We skip right to her dying and the Watcher says but the
threat did come and the world lost her. And Stephen Strange became the
Sorcerer Supreme before defeating Dormammu.
Chrissy: So are we retconning this
Diandra: [shrugs violently, throws up her hands] Probably?
But, The Watcher notes that he had trouble letting go of the past. He sits
in a chair in front of that attic window in the sanctum, fingering the Eye
of Agomotto and has what might be a flashback of her wearing his shirt and
Chrissy: I said your heart's in the
wrong place, Wade. Er...Stephen.
Diandra: That is exactly what it looks like, now that you mention
Wong finds him, points to the bottle of liquor beside him and notes that he
"switched to the cheap stuff." Knowing exactly why he's moping, he asks how
long it's been. Stephen says two years as of tonight and asks what Wong is
doing up this late. Wong says he "needed the little sorcerer's room" and
what is STEPHEN doing? Stephen just tries to hide the pendant in his hand.
Badly. Wong offers to go start a kettle and "I suggest you join me before
you do something reckless."
Too late. Stephen gets up, puts the Eye of Agomotto on and uses it to go
back to the moment he picked up Christine. He looks a little surprised that
that worked and she asks what's wrong. He stutters that he probably just had
a "mild cardiac event."
Chrissy: Oh, well. No biggie then.
She reminds him he promised her creme brulee again and he says he would give
her the world.
Emilio: Or, like...destroy it.
This time, when she begs for a preview of the speech, he claims he's going
to wing it and just run up to the stage like a contestant of some game show.
She laughs and says seriously? Dude. Okay, now you HAVE to do that. She asks
if he's ever even seen a game show. He pulls up behind the semi and puts the
blinker on. She takes his hand and says "I must owe someone a muffin basket
for this personality shift."
Chrissy: Oh, so you DID notice that?
"Muffin basket" is totally code, by the way.
Diandra: Of course it is.
Chrissy: Don't you want to know what it's a code for?
Diandra: No. I REALLY don't.
He plays with the turn signal some more and suggests that she just makes him
happy. And then apparently the guy behind them crashes into them again, but
we don't see anything going on outside the car until it flips off the road.
"No, not again," he screams when he wakes up. He calms, gestures and a green
glow emanates from where the time stone is in reality before he snaps back
to the moment of picking her up.
Emilio: [hums a couple bars of I Got
You Babe]
Diandra: Yeah, the parallels are even more obvious now.
This time we skip the entire conversation and go right to him speeding
through town. She notes that he missed the turn for the bridge and he's like
'nope, trying something else this time.' He says they'll be fine a second
before they are t-boned by a semi at the intersection.
And we go right to the next iteration. This time they're arguing about
whether they should even go to the dinner thing. He suggests just staying in
and ordering pizza and creme brulee. She points out that it's not just about
dinner; he's supposed to be accepting an award.
Chrissy: Eh, Will Smith will probably
get it anyway.
Diandra: ..............dude.
She says no, she didn't put on this fancy dress just to get pizza grease on
it. She promises they'll have a good time. Apparently they actually do make
it this time and are on the dance floor when she starts coughing and just
The next time around, he does convince her to go for pizza instead, despite
the fancy dress and a guy comes into the restaurant with a gun. We flash
through a couple more iterations of the car losing a tire and being smashed
without any further context. Then she's just standing at the curb, wondering
why he's not showing up. He's drinking at a bar somewhere when a news report
comes on the TV about a fire or explosion or something and the casualties
included this one doctor... He glares at it and uses the time stone again.
This time when she asks if something is wrong, he just mutters "why does
this keep happening? Aren't we allowed to be happy?" She's like 'okay,
so...already drinking I guess...' She offers to drive. Since it's possible
he hasn't thought to try that before, he lets her take the keys.
Sometime down the road she's like 'so, are we gonna talk about why you're
being so weird, or...' He mutters that she is the only thing that matters
and braces as a car barrels down on them. This time he crawls from the
wreckage and screams in frustrated outrage. The Eye of Agomotto is visible
around his neck suddenly and a portal opens behind him. The Ancient One
floats out of it and asks if he's having car problems. He glowers and asks
what she's doing here. She says she's here to help since "this is where it
starts for you." He becomes so distraught by the death of Christine that he
will "seek answers in the mystic arts". Uh...that already happened. You're
talking to a future version of him that's been playing Groundhog Day and
trying to meddle with this fate at least a dozen times already. He snaps at
her to HELP him bring her back then. The Ancient One says she can't because
Christine's death is "an Absolute Point in time." After this episode
dropped, the writers apologized for not being on the same page as the
writers of "Loki" because obviously they should have called it a Nexus
Point, but...there was another obvious alternative here.
Emilio: Fixed point. Sorry.
Diandra: And that would be it.
She explains that without Christine dying, Stephen would never have defeated
Dormammu and become Sorcerer Surpreme and guardian of the infinity stone
that he's using to fuck with the timeline now. So he can't change it because
that would create a paradox and probably put the entire universe at risk.
Chrissy: Wait, so time travel works
differently if you use the time stone? Because this sounds like the more
traditional theory.
Diandra: Yeah, it sounds like the version Stephen King used in
11/22/63, but [rude, exasperated noise] whatever.
Anyway. He can't reverse an Absolute Fixed Nexus Point, so stop it. He gets
in her face and says SHE taught him that nothing is impossible, so if he
could only get more power... She tries to console him that the greatest
sorcerers in the world could never reverse fixed points like that's not
going to make him want to try harder. He goes for the angle of they don't
know that for certain since literature and sometimes whole ass libraries
have been lost to time. She tells him he's only torturing himself and he
should accept that she's gone and he can't do anything to save her. Going
down the path he's thinking of going on "only leads to darkness and the end
of this reality." And because this is the wrong choice the Watcher was
talking about, he's ignoring her and opening the Eye of Agomotto. She warns
that she will be forced to stop him and forms her magic shields. He snarls
that she'd have to FIND him first and she sends a blast into his chest.
And he is suddenly in a jungle somewhere in the Eastern world and his shirt
is scorched. He asks a surprised native with two different colored eyes
where he can find the lost library of Cagliostro. When the guy doesn't
respond, he starts repeating words like "library" and "books" and miming
opening a book like that's the part of that request that was the problem.
The native just sort of sniffs at the gibbering white man and walks out of
the jungle. Stephen follows and just past the clearing is an ornate building
carved into the side of a cliff. He notes that it doesn't have a door
anywhere and portals himself up to the opening, calling "anyone home?" down
a cavernous hallway. A rune forms on the floor and he tests it by tossing
some pebbles across it, which makes it sort of...puff smoke? Maybe. He forms
shields and blasts it away or something. A couple steps down the corridor
and about a thousand more appear, both on the floor and in the air all
around him. The floor under him disappears and he splatters into the dirt
somewhere underneath.
The "native" reappears, holding a staff, laughing and noting that he's
dressed really weird for a sorcerer. Stephen grumbles that it's Armani as he
tries to dust the suit off. Anyway, he's looking for the sorcerer Cagliostro
because he saw a legend that he could break an Absolute Point in time.
Chrissy: You saw that in the last few
Diandra: Yeah, I feel like the shortened length of these episodes
is making them jump past key details.
The...guard, or whatever he is...says Stephen can maybe find Cagliostro
"here, maybe there. Maybe nowhere."
Emilio: Outlook hazy. Ask again
"Please tell me you're not Cagliostro," Stephen moans. The guy says nah,
he's the librarian, O'Bengh. He tells "Sorcerer Armani" to follow him.
Stephen says it's Strange, actually and O'Bengh naturally shrugs that it
isn't THAT strange.
Chrissy: [long, heavy sigh] Yes,
because the name jokes never get old.
O'Bengh shows Stephen into a courtyard with a cherry blossom in the middle,
a few towering shelves of books and several random books just suspended in
the air. Stephen identifies them as the "lost books". O'Bengh leaves him to
it and he starts magicing books off the shelves until he finds one for time
manipulation. He reads aloud from it that breaking an Absolute Point
requires an immense amount of power, which can be gained "through the
absorption of other beings."
So he tries it. Conjuring some sort of rune on the floor and using whatever
spell he found to summon a being. What looks like the tentacle monster that
dragged Peggy into the Tesseract explodes out. He introduces himself to it
and says he needs to borrow some of it's power and would it pretty please be
willing to give him a tentacle or two? It grabs his leg and shakes him
around like a baby rattle.
He wakes up sometime later to O'Bengh wiping his face with a cloth. He asks
what happened.
Chrissy: Well, I got to you before it
finished taking off your pants, so you're welcome.
Diandra: Oh, thanks a lot. Now I'll have to start over.
Chrissy: .........I wasn't expecting you to go along with that one.
Diandra: I don't see how I can avoid it. I think Doctor Strange
might have been second only to Venom in tentacle porn fanfiction even
before this. Maybe in part because of that scene in "Infinity War" that
looks like erotic asphyxiation without context.

I just really wanted to use these
Emilio: So has anyone sexualized
the idea of "absorbing other beings" yet?
Diandra: At least one. But again, I can think of at least three
stories off the top of my head where he has sex with an alien or multiple
aliens for...reasons. A couple of which are saving a dying race by
procreating with it.
Emilio: Are you sure LOKI is the fandom bicycle?
Diandra: There can be more than one in a fandom.
Chrissy: Although this sounds more like Stephen is the fandom glory
Diandra: Thanks for that image, Chris.
Before we completely lose track of this scene, O'Bengh actually just says
that he can't BARGAIN with mystical beings and "their powers are not meant
for man."
Chrissy: You have clearly only just
met this guy if you think telling him something is too much for him to
handle isn't going to just make him try harder.
Stephen grumbles that those beings have what he NEEDS. O'Bengh asks if she
is really worth all of this suffering and pain. Stephen is like 'you think
I'm doing this for shits and giggles?' O'Bengh says there's "a fine line
between devotion and delusion" and he might be in danger of losing his mind
Chrissy: Too late.
Stephen just snottily asks which book he got that little chestnut out of.
O'Bengh just somewhat naively says life taught him that and leaves the room.
We morph to Stephen in that cavernous room somewhere with the rune in the
floor as he concludes that the lesson he's taking from O'Bengh is that the
beings won't just SURRENDER their power. He has to TAKE their power.
Chrissy: [loud sigh]
Diandra: Yeah, I've seen a couple people question whether it's in
character for Stephen to do something this reckless and stupid and
dangerous. The best response to that was one person pointing out 'you are
talking about the guy who got into an accident because he was texting
while driving 90mph through winding mountain roads at night in the rain,
right?' It seemed weirder to me that The Ancient One trusted his instincts
so implicitly in "Endgame".
He says he'll start small this time and summons...a tiny gnome. I mean, it's
obviously evil, but...seriously? Beams of light project from his eyes and
mouth and suck up the gnome like a tractor beam. It squeals in alarm as it
is absorbed into his chest. He moves to something larger, summoning some
sort of bug queen. He takes her cape, but says "I draw the line at bugs" and
sends her back. The next creature is some sort of raven with about a half a
dozen glowing eyes.
Chrissy: I will say it's nice to see
him working his way up slowly this time. I seem to remember he had trouble
with being patient enough to do that in the first movie.
Diandra: [muttering] Yeah, you would remember that, wouldn't you?
Chrissy: What was that?
Diandra: Nothing.
He seems to take the Raven directly into his mouth. He does the same with
the next one: a fire breathing dragon and briefly spews a jet of fire
himself, his face going devil red. We flash quickly through a two headed
ram, a demon with horns and some sort of bat creature. After he absorbs that
last one he sort of collapses and the Watcher narrates that he has chosen
"the wrong path".
Emilio: No shit, Sherlock.
The Watcher says he COULD try to intervene now and warn him. But, as Chrissy
pointed out earlier, that probably wouldn't do much to actually discourage
him. Also something about the fate of this one universe not being worth the
risk to the others. Stephen stops panting and looks around, calling "hello?"
like he can hear the Watcher. Then he shakes it off and we montage through
him summoning a few more monsters, apparently over the course of many days.
Once he's determined he's strong enough, he summons the boss level tentacle
creature again. He gestures and the tentacles sticking out of the rune are
sliced off. The disembodied tentacles still crawl toward him, wrapping
around him and briefly making him look like a more organic version of Doctor
Octopus before absorbing directly through his skin.
He goes to find a white haired O'Bengh laying in bed, looking like he's
probably at death's door and asks what happened. O'Bengh is like 'yeah,
that's what happens when you fuck with time.' Stephen starts to open the Eye
of Agomotto and O'Bengh stops him. He says he already used that to stay
frozen for "centuries". How...how old is O'Bengh then? What year is it in
the rest of the world? Stephen thinks he can "reverse" O'Bengh's aging so he
can live longer. Forever, even. O'Bengh plays the death is part of life
card, which Stephen unsubtly responds to with "I can't accept that."
Chrissy: Obviously or we wouldn't be
O'Bengh realizes this, but thinks maybe "the other Strange" will be able to.
Stephen is like 'the what now?' O'Bengh declares that he is "only half a
man" like that's not a thing he's probably been told by an angry ex
girlfriend at some point.
Emilio: Ouch.
The Watcher explains that there is more than one Doctor Strange in this
universe. We go back to the moment when Wong offered him tea and warned him
against doing anything stupid and then walked away. This time, Stephen
stares at the Eye for a minute before grumbling that he's right, tossing it
on a table and going to take him up on that offer.
Sometime later, he walks out of the Sanctum to find buildings - and people
and cars and everything - seeming to evaporate into the air in weird black
smudges. He questions what the hell that whiskey he just drank was spiked
Chrissy: Isn't it morning? Why are
you drinking already?
Diandra: Also, if this is not that long after the last scene...was
"put on the kettle" some sort of code or does Wong actually make tea using
Emilio: I feel like either of those things is a warning sign of
A massive portal opens in the street and he starts reacting to it like a
threat before The Ancient One emerges from it in her ghost/astral form. He
notes that she's dead and she's like 'nothing gets past you, does it?' She
is a "psychic impression sent through a splinter in reality', but he can
think of her as an "echo". He mutters that he was going to guess this must
be the end of the world or something. She says it is, actually, and they
don't have much time. He asks who is causing this. She says uh...well...you
are. She says when he used the Eye of Agomotto to go into the past and
figure out how to get past the Fixed Point, she knew she wouldn't be able to
follow him, so she used power from the Dark Dimension to break him AND the
timeline in two. So he is the one who didn't go crazy and absorb a bunch of
mythical creatures so he could fuck with time. But because both possible
versions are existing in the same universe, the other version of him is
still breaking reality. "I doubt that's the simplest or smartest thing to
do," he says, acting as audience surrogate. So basically, he concludes, he
has an evil twin now. She's like 'eh...I wouldn't say EVIL really...' But if
he succeeds in reversing the fixed point like he's determined to, the
temporal paradox will destroy the universe and they're running out of time
to stop it. And he is the only one who can stop his demented twin.
Chrissy: No pressure, though.
So this Stephen and Wong are casting rune spells in the air at the entry of
the Sanctum and Wong summarizes that reality is breaking and only HE can
stop it because he's the one who CAUSED it. "Let's be honest, we've been
through weirder," Stephen shrugs. Wong is starting to evaporate in black
smudges. He asks if Stephen really wants to stop this other him because he
was in love with Christine, right? Stephen stutters that he HAS to stop him
"at the very least to save you."
Emilio: Aww. Love you too, man.
Wong flicks a "heavy duty protection spell" into Stephen's forehead and asks
how he plans to find this other Stephen. There's a weird noise and a glowing
circle appears on the floor under him. Wong notes that that's probably not
good. Stephen says no, probably not before he's dropped screaming through
it, Wong calling good luck after him.
Chrissy: Yes, now you know how it
Diandra: Oh, blow me, Loki.
Chrissy: I think you know as well as I do that we would both enjoy
that, Stephen.
Emilio: You should write this fic.
Diandra: Stop it.
He splatters on the floor in that enormous room evil him was using to summon
beings. He seems to be alone. He starts heading to the edge of the circle
and the runes burn and kind of spark. He asks aloud where he is. A shadowy
monstrosity of all the beings the other him consumed appears and as it
approaches it turns out to be the other Stephen's shadow as he replies in a
deeper voice that he should really be asking WHEN he is.
Chrissy: You know, I don't think we
really talked yet about how we would handle all the coming instances where
the characters we are roleplaying have multiple variants. Looks like
you're up first, D. Good luck.
Diandra: First and third, I think, so we should have this down by
the time we get to what looks like a live action version of this episode.
Dark Variant growls at Stephen not to be afraid because they are literally
the same person. There's a long pause while Stephen stares at him like
'jesus christ, I'm in that evil mirror episode of Star Trek.'
Chrissy: OH MY GOD, would you cool it
with the Star Trek references?
Diandra: Never.
Emilio: Or you could embrace it and call Evil Strange Khan.
Diandra: No.
Stephen asks what the FUCK happened to him. Dark Variant non answers that he
needed to get Stephen alone because Wong and The Ancient One wouldn't
understand. "WE knew her. We LOVED her." Stephen says yeah, well, they can't
bring her back without breaking the world, which is already happening out
there. Dark Variant has some weird rage episode where the beings he consumed
seem to spiral out of him in a fiery explosion before being sucked back in.
Chrissy: And you think you don't like
Bruce Banner when he's angry...
He rants about how many nights they spent staring at the time stone, trying
to gather the courage to go back and save Christine. He says he spent
centuries and sacrificed a lot, but he found it. Stephen asks if that means
he can save her. Dark Variant says no, their powers are diluted with the
split in half, so...he grabs Stephen's arm and transports them both back to
the scene of the accident. Stephen says no, they can't. Dark Variant says he
just doesn't BELIEVE it's possible. But they LOVE her. Stephen says this
isn't love, "this is arrogance."
Chrissy: Ah, yes, that would be your
main character flaw.
Diandra: Funny how you can only see your flaws in other people,
isn't it? Even if that other person is TECHNICALLY ALSO YOU.
He further psychoanalyzes that this drive to fix everything is what got him
into the mystic arts. "I will be whole again," Dark Variant snarls. Stephen
points out that that can never be true because "your marbles are long gone."
Dark Variant blasts Stephen with the tractor beam and the runes on his face
glow. Stephen repeats that they can't save her.
Chrissy: Hey, I have a question...did
that fic where Stephen had to have sex with the beings whose powers he was
absorbing extend here?
Emilio: And if it doesn't, can you write that fic?
Diandra: Ugh, when did YOU start with the fic prompts? Do we really
need another "character fucks his clone" fic? It wouldn't even be anything
Diandra: No, but it would actually be canon this time. And let's
face it, the only person you love more than Christine is yourself so you
would definitely enjoy it.
Diandra: We already spent a LOT of time being repeatedly speared by
a giant face that kind of looks and sounds like us. It wasn't that great.
Chrissy: [slow clap]
Diandra: That felt like Id and Superego all over again.
Emilio: Sounded like it too.
Dark Variant sends a couple blasts at Stephen, who deflects them with a
glowing shield. Dark Variant levitates and throws one blast after another,
which Stephen keeps deflecting. He says Dark Variant needs to let go. Dark
Variant is like 'too late! I'm committed to this!' His hand starts turning
to tentacles and he flies down and tries to strangle Stephen with it.
Chrissy: See? You know what your
kinks are.
The protection runes glow and Stephen throws him back and starts tossing
glowing shields at Dark Variant to distract him while he runs up and wraps a
light whip around him.
Chrissy: You both do.
Dark Variant sends some sort of blast down the rope and knocks Stephen off,
then hits the ground and creates a shockwave that somehow contains some sort
of serpents.
Chrissy: Having fun with the
descriptions over there?
Emilio: Think of it as practice for "Multiverse of Madness".
Diandra: That's exactly what I'm afraid of, thanks.
Stephen wraps Dark Variant entirely in yellow string energy or whatever the
hell that is and Dark Variant flings his cloak into Stephen's face. It
carries him over to the river to drop him in and he makes a portal, slipping
out of his own cloak so they're left battling each other while he reappears
next to Dark Variant. They toss light ropes back and forth until Dark
Variant gets Stephen on his knees with ropes wrapped around his neck.
Chrissy: You really do love the
bondage, don't you?
Dark Variant sends a sustained blast of energy at Stephen and Stephen
screams as the runes glow. His cloak tries to rush to his rescue, but Dark
Variant's cloak won't let it. It dodges the other cloak and just wraps
around Dark Variant's arms, breaking the beam. Dark Variant makes outraged
animal noises and...melts the cloak right off somehow. Stephen gets back up
and sends his own energy blast at Dark Variant, creating a spectacular
explosion. For a second, there is nothing, then a glowing orb floats over
where Dark Variant used to be, distracting Stephen while a shadow grabs him
from behind and drags him underground.
There's a weird little sequence where Stephen is surrounded by a hellish
landscape of what looks like flames and those oily black drips of the
universe melting and then he's in that dream world with Christine again. She
says they can be together again and have that creme brulee he promised her.
Emilio: I'm starting to think that's
code for something else.
Chrissy: Starting?
Diandra: She's the one who likes creme brulee. He prefers a good
dark chocolate mousse.
Chrissy: ..................I am so alarmed right now.
Diandra: So am I, actually. I don't even know what I'm saying.
[ETA: probably
She cups his face and whispers "I love you" and he sees little snatches of
Wong and everybody else melting and she kind of glitches for a second. He
pulls away from her and says she's not Christine. She turns into Dark
Variant, who punches him.
Diandra: At least you stopped before
that got really weird.
Diandra: I think we both know you would have been into it.
And then they are falling through the sky somehow, punching each other
repeatedly, with Dark Variant almost knocking the runes completely off
Stephen's face a couple times. They slam into the ground with Dark Variant
on top of Stephen.
Chrissy: Hey, who said YOU could be
on top.
Diandra: Like it was going to be any other way?
Stephen moans that he can't do this. Dark Variant says THEY must and sweeps
the one remaining glowing rune from Stephen's forehead. He stands and
tractor beams Stephen up to merge right into him. Then he opens the eye and
screams as it creates an explosion outward and flames red. When the dust
settles, he is an unrecognizable shadowy creature with glowing eyes. He
levitates the already crashed car, separates it into many pieces and catches
Christine as she floats out. With a hand that is part tentacle and part
Christine blinks up at Demonic Stephen and his enormous bat wings and quite
reasonably starts freaking the fuck out. She shrieks that this isn't real
and she must be having a nightmare and crawls away from him. She starts
melting into black goo along with everything else. Demonic Stephen says he
can fix this. Her screams get higher in pitch and she starts crawling right
over a cliff. He turns back into his recognizable shape and yells in the
general direction of the sky that "this wasn't supposed to happen" as the
chunk of rock they are on levitates. She looks around at everything melting
away and asks Stephen what is happening. He tries to create some sort of
protective bubble around them, possibly a mirror dimension, but it's closing
in. Then he looks right at The Watcher and begs him to "fix this". The
Watcher becomes more visible and points out that "fixing things" is how he
got himself into this mess in the first place. He was WARNED. Stephen whines
that he was wrong and he realizes that now and "the world shouldn't pay for
my arrogance." Apparently he stumbled on some references to The Watcher at
some point and identifies him as a god who has the power to undo this
damage. Punish him for his mistake instead of literally everyone else. The
Watcher says he ISN'T a god, actually. "And neither are you." And if he
could just punish Stephen instead of his entire universe, he would, but he
can't interfere, so. "You more than anyone else should understand that
meddling with time and events only leads to more destruction."
The Watcher disappears outside the closing bubble and Stephen screams some
more about how he DIDN'T MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN.
Chrissy: You were told repeatedly
that it WOULD happen, though.
Diandra: And he stubbornly denied it.
Everything collapses inward until it's just him and Christine in a tiny
bubble surrounded by blackness. She is melting away in his arms and he's
sobbing an apology. "What did you do," she repeats before melting away
entirely. He curls in a fetal position and keeps muttering apologies as we
pan out to show the tiny bubble surrounded entirely by blackness. The
Watcher concludes that yep, one decision destroyed an entire universe.
Chrissy: He fucked around and found
Diandra: Yeah.
Emilio: That still feels kinda out
of character though.
Diandra: I don't know that it is. Which is probably why I wrote
something about him being willing to risk ripping a hole in the fabric of
spacetime to keep his lover from dying in a fic long before this series
came out. As I said though, this episode and the last one are about more
than one character doing something different or a battle going differently
or whatever alt history writers usually use as a launch point. It started
with changes in relationships that happened before the story started.
Stephen and Christine still being together. Hope dying and setting her
father down a path of vengeance. Would either of them make these choices
in the main MCU storyline? Probably not because that scenario wouldn't
even come up.
Chrissy: You pointed out that Hank becoming a villain is closer to
the comics version, so there's probably a wide range of what can be
considered "in character" for any of them depending on what you are using
for a reference point.
Diandra: Yeah, and given that these characters have all been around
for more than half a century now there's not even a consensus within the
comics. The Doctor Strange in this episode is obviously different from the
Doctor Strange of the MCU and I'm not sure how much of either actually
comes from the comics. I'm pretty sure Christine is a completely original
MCU character because doing the whole alien wife thing would have been
Emilio: So what you're saying is that he IS out of character, but
that's the point.
Diandra: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, Thanos was wildly out of
character in the last episode. The writers of the MCU have certain
boundaries they have to stay within to maintain continuity. The writers of
this series have absolutely no limitations. They can write themselves
right over a cliff, killing all the leads and bringing about an apocalypse
and it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect anything else.
Chrissy: So basically like fanfiction.
Diandra: I've seen all things Marvel described as basically
fanfiction, but yes. This more than anything else is the ultimate AU/canon
divergence fic.
Chrissy: How's that fic going that you so casually mentioned a few
minutes ago, by the way?
Diandra: Shut up.