"Speed Racer" Staring: Written and Directed by: The Wachowski “Matrix” Brothers Okay, I’m just going to say this up front and I’m only going to say it once. I hate Spritle Racer and his pet monkey. I don’t care if they’re your personal favorite characters. If I have to recap any scenes of them gnawing on the scenery and acting “cute” I will be crawling up the walls by the time I’m finished. So as far as I’m concerned, Paulie Litt and the twin chimps were not in this movie. That is the last you will hear of either of them and anyone who doesn’t like it can bite me. Chrissy: Can we get to the seizure inducing special effects and men in spandex already? After that train wreck recapping the X-Files movie I need a good laugh. Diandra: You’re not going to slap me if I make slash jokes, are you? Chrissy: I’d like to see you try. Half the characters in this movie are related to each other. Diandra: Yeah, like that ever stopped a fandom. Chrissy: Yeah, well, I know you. Incest really isn’t your kink. Diandra: True. Never mind. Before we’re even out of the Production company screens we see spiraling, multicolored shapes pinwheeling back and forth like one of those kaleidoscope toys kids play with. You know, the toilet paper tubes with confetti stuck in one end? Yeah, those. Once we’re good an disoriented, we cut to a guy wearing what looks like a white body suit, sitting on a locker room bench. A voice over a PA calls all drivers to their cars. The guy’s leg is jittering like he’s got about a case of Red Bull surging through his veins, which switches to a boy’s yellow tennis shoe tapping almost as crazily on a classroom floor. The boy is taking a test and getting frustrated, erasing more bubbles than he’s filling in. He stares at the test question. “Grace buys a bag of 240 jellybeans. There are 35 yellow ones, 52 red ones, 63 green ones, 26 white ones, 41 blue ones and 40 black ones. If Grace wants to eat one of each while keeping her eyes closed, what is the minimum number she will Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah -- All drivers to your cars, please. All drivers to your cars...” I’m actually not making that up. I think I’ve taken that test before. I believe the answer was “Grace has way too much time on her hands.” Also, if train A is going West at 25 mph and train B is going East at 30 mph, eventually they will crash. The boy looks at the clock and, when the second hand reaches the 12, he hears a non-existent gunshot and starts scribbling frantically. Cut to Susan Sarandon sitting in the principals office. “Distracted,” she asks. The principal – or maybe she’s just the teacher and she’s at one of those mythical Hollywood K-12 schools where every teacher gets their own private office – says that’s not really the right word. All he ever talks about or seems capable of thinking about is car racing. Mom Susan sighs and says well, his father does design race cars. Principal asks where daddy is. Uh...working. “Perhaps the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree,” the Principal says dryly. She asks who Rex is. His older brother, why? Principal holds up the test he turned in last week. He filled in the bubbles to spell out “Go Rex!” Cute. I’d have made hearts and Christmas trees. Susan makes fish faces and smiles apologetically. In the classroom, the little boy is scribbling in the margins of a test booklet. He has apparently done this on every page in the book as he has a little flip animation of two cars crashing into each other. He plays with this, providing his own sound effects. The camera pans behind him and the classroom blurs away, turning into streaks of pretty much every primary and neon color you can think of while he makes gestures like he’s driving his desk along some sort of invisible race track. A couple of sketched cars zip past him, both seemingly driven by Ronald McDonald and a couple European sterotypes. They shout gibberish at him. His “car” arrives in front of a “stadium” that totally looks like a third grader drew it and which has signs that say “Go Speed!” and “Yay!” and “[incomprehensible squiggle]”. Back in the classroom, a little girl smiles at Speed making crowd cheering noises under his breath with his eyes closed. The teacher I’ve been identifying as the principal looks frustrated. The bell rings and he runs from the room like his ass is on fire. Outside, someone we can assume is Rex is standing next to a car across the street while a bunch of really brightly colored futuristic cars zip by at 200 mph on the street. Holy shit, the colors in this movie make the sets of “Pushing Daisies” look dull by comparison. Speaking of which...damn you, ABC. Speed jumps in the passenger seat and buckles himself without a word. Rex smirks at him. “I take it you’re ready to go,” he says. Heh. As Rex is driving home, he tries to ask Speed about his day at school. Speed’s like yeah, we learned about fractions blah blah let’s talk about racing. Are you going to the track? Can I come? Huh? Huh? Pleeeaaaaaaasssseeeee? Rex doesn’t fall for it but puts the blame on daddy, who he says would kill him. This is the wrong tack and Speed knows it as he tries to cajole Rex into doing it behind his back. I won’t tell, I promise! He says please about fifty times and Rex finally sighs and gives in just to get him to shut up. We cut back to the present where an older Speed puts on his jacket, grabs a well-worn picture of Rex and his helmet and slams the locker shut. Wait, now we’re back in the past. Speed is sitting on Rex’s lap in a car speeding around a race track, mostly skidding sideways. I don’t have much of a maternal instinct but even I’m having a heart attack at this flagrant disregard for life and limb. Rex is correcting Speed’s technique and babbling about the car being a “living, breathing thing” who is “telling you what she wants, what she needs. All you gotta do is listen.” Chrissy: I think we just morphed into a whole other conversation here. Diandra: Why do guys pay better attention to their cars than their girlfriends? Chrissy: Oh, honey, this movie isn’t long enough to get into that discussion. Then Rex tells him to close his eyes so he can hear better and I let out an involuntary squeak. Yeah. You’re going, like, 200 mph. Closing your eyes is pretty inadvisable right now. They gun it over a large gap in the track and when they’re halfway across the shot goes into slow motion like just about every “cool” ninja move in the Matrix movies in case you forgot who the writer/directors of this movie were. I’m totally expecting a different car to come down on the other side driven by Speed in the present, but we don’t even get that far. Instead, about a dozen cars zip right toward the camera and the background changes to a night shot. It’s a good thing this movie wasn’t shot in 3D or that would have been really alarming. Okay, before I try to actually recap this scene, let me describe the surroundings. It’s night, so everything is lit up. With neon-colored lights. The cars are all neon colored blurs zipping around the track and every time the camera tries to whip around to show the crowd or the announcers or anything really it creates a neon streak effect. To top it all, the cars are zipping past advertising billboards, flashing various product placements and fake companies. If I get all the way through this recap without having massive seizures it will probably be a miracle. That being said...I have no idea what’s going on. And then suddenly there are camera lights flashing everywhere in the crowds because YEAH, THE SCREEN WASN’T BUSY ENOUGH. Have I mentioned I have ADD? My eyes have absolutely no idea where they’re supposed to be focusing right now. Chrissy: You’re supposed to be focusing on the lead car. Diandra: I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE LEAD CAR IS ANYMORE. Oh, thank god, we’re slowing down. Push in on the lead car. It’s Speed. Duh. Announcer yammers about Speed Racer. Then we switch to announcers yammering in Italian, Russian and Japanese with a whipping camera effect that actually makes my head wobble. Chrissy: I feel like I should point out that Dee’s actually not kidding. Her eyes are jittering around like Mexican jumping beans. It’s kinda scary. Diandra: [massaging forehead] Thanks. Chrissy: You need a break? Diandra: No, I’m good. A final announcer ominously hopes that Speed doesn’t make “the same mistakes that his brother made.” Some Aussie in the stands informs Speed via some sort of comm that some evil looking guy named Snake is about to be up his ass. Speed flips a few switches in his space car, and a second before Snake plows into him the whole damn car snaps it up into the air, Snake’s zipping by underneath. Yeah. These are not just futuristic cars, they are James Bond rejects that Q deemed “too flashy” and which “only a kamikaze whacko” could drive. I have no idea what happened next because it happens so quickly and I can only freeze frame so much. Also? I don’t really care. Suffice to say Snake crashes. I don’t think he’s hurt though. I think he was ejected safely from the car via a method that involved something that looked like soap bubbles. Anyway, it happens so fast that whether or not he’s hurt is irrelevant because he’s totally disappeared. In fact, every other driver seems to have disappeared and Speed is just zipping around the track, pulling a few flashy spins. Aussie’s eyes bug at his stopwatch and he asks if Speed knows who he’s racing. Rex suddenly seems to join the race in a ghostly red car. Just to make sure everyone’s confused, we snap backward in time suddenly and Speed disappears and Rex’s car becomes real and surrounded by totally different racers. Lil’ Speed and Mom and a newly introduced “Pops” (John Goodman) are watching, marveling that Rex is setting the course record. “My brother’s the best racer in the world,” Speed says with stars in his eyes. Yeah, probably a good thing he died before he could disappoint you then. Chrissy: Hey, you’re not supposed to know that! Diandra: What? It’s pretty obvious that’s what happened. I mean, unless he faked his death and got a whole new identity and why the hell would he bother with that? Some “Godfather” reject manhandles Aussie (who doesn’t seem to have reverse aged much) and yells that they were supposed to “take him out” damnit! Oh. That’s why. Rex spins around a corner, goes into slow motion, morphs back into a ghost and Speed bursts through him back in the present. Does anyone else have a headache? Chrissy: My nose is bleeding. Is that a bad sign? Diandra: Nah, probably nothing. The announcers are all in a tizzy talking about records and eight years ago and fancy ass maneuvers and for those of us who haven’t caught on yet they blatantly point out that “he’s chasing the ghost of Rex Racer.” Mom and Pop are in the audience again, along with an annoying little chatterbox who shall remain nameless. Also, Christina Ricci is watching from somewhere else in the stands and doing her best impression of a G-rated sex kitten. Smash back to whenever where Lil’ Christina listens to a Lil’ British Tart yammering about how her Daddy thinks that whole Racer family is completely insane. Lil’ Christina defensively says Speeds not crazy. Tart says yeah, he’s just dumb. Well, if he’s too busy thinking about racing to pay attention in class he certainly will be. Tart keeps needling excessively though, and when she calls Speed a “retard” Lil’ Christina punches her in the face. And man, does she have a mean right hook. Lil’ Speed notices her as he’s driving by in a little kiddy version of his future racecar and everything around them blurs into little heart shapes from their perspectives. It has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Lil’ Speed is so busy picturing her in a white dress that he drives right off the path and into some bushes. Lil’ Christina runs after him and finds him in a little clearing with the overturned car, covered in rose petals. Oy. He’s like ‘who are you, angel of death?’ and she introduces herself as Trixie and reminds him she’s in his class. He’s like ‘oh...right. One of those smartypants up front I usually only see the back of...wanna see my car collection?’ She seems very excited by this prospect even though most girls her age are into ugly homemade jewelry and hair ties, illustrating very clunkily that they are Meant for Each Other. Still in the past, Speed drives Trixie home in his mini racecar (which would probably land him in juvie here in the real world) and hands Pops a package some guy gave him. “Says he was a big fan.” Pops chest puffs and he says it’s been a while since they’ve had somebody with “some taste” around here. “Where is he?” Speed says he was kind of in a hurry and rushed off in a 68 Fendersin after he dumped the package on Speed. Rex drops whatever tool he was using to fiddle with his car, grabs the package and puts it to his ear. It ticks. So he stuffs it in Speed’s empty car, rams a mop onto the gas pedal and sends it out onto the street, where it explodes in a big, flashy ball. Trixie’s reaction to this knowledge that she barely missed being blown up? “Cool beans.” Yeah. You need therapy, kid. Back in the present, the announcers are rambling about the “tragic story of Rex Racer” who was “brave” but a “dishonor to his family” who “nearly ruined racing”. They might be saying more but at 1,000 words a minute without subtitles I can only understand the announcers speaking in English and French. Flashback. AUGH! Speed begs to go with Rex wherever he’s going. Rex apologetically says he can’t. Speed asks when he’s coming back. Rex doesn’t know. So never? He seals his fate by giving Speed the keys to his Mach 5, which he doesn’t need anymore. “One day, people might say things about me. But no matter what they say [...] I hope you never believe them,” he says just in case the keys weren’t enough of a signal. Speed promises he won’t and they hug. Then Rex walks past Pop on his way out, who rants at him for giving up and “selling out” and turning his back on their family and their legacy and blah blah “you walk out that door now, you better not ever come back!” We skip through time a little. Apparently Rex was accused of foul play on the race track, possibly actively trying to kill other drivers. He went to trial and possibly “took orders from the criminal underworld” for five years. Speed becomes distraught and starts getting into fights in school. Rex’s trial somehow brought down a racing powerhouse connected to some gangster currently in prison. I’m starting to feel like I need a flowchart to keep track of this backstory. And then we see the Racer family staring slackjawed at a news story about a crashed race car belonging to Rex while a fireball surges in the background. Mom cries, Speed sobs inconsolably and Pop probably wishes he and Rex had parted on better terms. Present. Speed and Rex’s phantom car are neck and neck and the announcers are peeing themselves with very vocal excitement. Speed looks over at the ghost car and takes his foot off the accelerator, crossing the finish line a split second short of his brother’s record. The oldest announcer gets really close to the camera, completely ignoring the celebrating going on around him, and says “I knew Rex Racer, and if he’s up there somewhere watching this race, you can bet your ass he’s damn proud of his little brother.” We pull back from this screen to a striking black woman casually swirling a martini and noting that Speed is going to be a good racer. Next to her, a man half-obscured by shadows growls “no, he’s going to be the best. If they don’t destroy him first.” And I know we’re apparently not supposed to know who this is but I’ve watched every episode of “Lost” and spent roughly 48 hours total recapping Matthew Fox movies and shows. I would know his voice anywhere even though he seems to be trying to alter it by speaking two registers lower than normal and like he has a really bad cold. Chrissy: I think I would gladly listen to him read a phone book in that gravely voice. Diandra: I don’t doubt you would. Chrissy: Mmm...wait, what? Diandra: Nothing. Does he have black makeup around his eyes? He looks sort of like he was in a bar fight. Chrissy: I think those are shadows, genius. Or at least it’s makeup to make him blend further into the shadows. Diandra: Know what else is a giveaway? The slightly crooked nose. Chrissy: You’re just trying to goad me, aren’t you? Diandra: Hmm? No, I’m just saying...from certain angles his nose makes me think of the Wicked Witch of the West. Chrissy: How would *you* like to have a black eye? Diandra: Moving on now. The next two minute scene is totally pointless and ridiculous and my mind instantly represses it. There’s something at the end about Speed not wanting to talk to sponsors because he races for Pops and has no desire to sell his soul to the Devil, but I’ll just skip it because I’m sure we’ll come back to it later. Many times. Breakfast. Aussie is reading aloud from “The Racing Chronicle”, which has a full front page article on Speed “dazzling” the crowd at the Thunderhead track. Predictably, it makes a lot of comparisons between Speed and Rex and ominously predicts that this could all go just as bad for Speed. Damn media. Aussie can’t understand why there’s no mention of “Racer Motors”. Pops grumbles “that’s because the sponsors control the media, Sparky.” Is his name really Sparky? Oh, who cares, I’ll call him that anyway. Trixie arrives because apparently she’s half- adopted or something and Speed staggers from the bedroom and they make cutesy goopy eyes at each other. She twitters about the papers all being in love with him today and Sparky adds that they’re all speculating about which sponsor he’ll sign with. The whole house shakes, accompanied by what sounds like a space shuttle launch. The doorbell rings as the shuttle powers down. Pops goes to open the door and finds a guy in a suit trying to shout over the racket of the huge purple jet parked behind him. The guy makes gestures and very muffled noises to indicate that he’d like to come inside. Pops lets him in and apparently their house is really super insulated against all outside noises because the racket instantly stops without them even having to leave the entryway. Can whoever designed that come and redo the insulation on my house so I don’t have to listen to planes roaring overhead onto the new airport runway that nobody asked for or needed at three in the morning? Note to the Minneapolis Airport Commission: FUCK OFF AND DIE! Chrissy: Okay, let’s just get back to the recap. Diandra: [incoherent growling and snarling] The guy says he’s from Royalton Industries and presents the Racer ‘rents with flowers he claims will bloom three times a year in different colors each time and very expensive cigars from a fictional island. He pointedly asks if he’s interrupting their breakfast and Mrs. Racer invites him in for pancakes, which he eats like they are literally orgasm inducing. He offers to buy Mrs. Racer’s recipe. She thinks that’s ridiculous – she’ll give him the damn thing. He says no, no, his company has a foods subdivision that could use it for a new line of “homecooked meals for travelers”. He finally gets down to business and starts kissing Speed’s ass. Some obnoxious little “cherub” snits that Speed doesn’t wanna race for him or any other sponsor. “Is this your manager, then,” smarmy asks. No, just some annoying little useless character. Feel free to ignore him. I am. Smarmy blows a lot of hot air about not wanting to steal Speed from Racer Motors – he just wants to help them out, give them resources and generally make them dependent on him and take over their company completely. He doesn’t say that last part outright, of course. He then spews a probably bullshit story about slaving away on his own car in his foster parents basement in his youth before he built this corporate conglomerate with his own two hands and the sweat off his back. Chrissy: I think you’re mixing metaphors. Diandra: Whatever. He says he’s met their family and now he wants them to meet his. If by “family” you mean “drones”. We zoom off to a chaotic skyline that looks like it was designed by Lane Smith on a really wild sugar high. Or maybe the Vegas casino designers got together with Roald Dahl at some point and tried to design an entire city while on a meth trip. It’s really cluttered and futuristic and flashy and seizure inducing is what I’m saying. Chrissy: You just described the entire movie. Diandra: Yeah, pretty much. The jet has one of those viewing windows in the floor like you’d normally find in aquariums, through which Sparky points out the coliseum for the Grand Prix, which Smarmy has no doubt Speed could possibly win one day. They arrive at a swoopy, high tech skyscraper soulless corporate headquarters with drones racing around on segues in little hard hats and lab coats. The hats are different colors, which I assume identifies which department they work in. Smarmy rambles about how wonderful it all is and look, they even have a really fast, fully automated plant to build cars that would significantly decrease Mr. Racer’s standard labor time at Racer Motors. Oh, screw this. Let’s just say the guy’s evil and trying to take over the world and leave it at that. And apparently they design cars whose drivers have to withstand 4 Gs of force and whiplash that would snap any normal human’s neck like a twig. Chrissy: I love how the company logo is a giant “registered” symbol...with a small “registered” symbol next to it. Diandra: Yeah, although a pitchfork with a curly, pointed tail would probably have been more appropriate. They enter a swanky ballroom with classical music playing and giant chandeliers and I get the feeling every set in this movie was designed as a giant over-exaggerated cliché. Smarmy introduces Speed to some apparently famous racer who won a whole bunch of really big races. His nickname is “Cannonball”, which...yeah, who wants to get into a car with a guy nicknamed after something designed to smash into things at destructive speeds? They make pointless small talk and Cannonball assures Speed that if he wants to win in the big leagues, he needs Smarmy. Smarmy grins and probably slips him a fifty. They finally settle down in a penthouse suite that would probably make Donald Trump blush...if he were capable of such a thing and gives Speed a brand new expensive suit, which he disappears to change into. Pops, bless him, is not impressed so much as disturbed and intimidated. He rambles about how people with as much money as this guy start thinking they’re gods and the rules no longer apply to them, which is completely true if overly simplified. Chrissy: [flaming sarcasm] Oh, really? Is that why the economy is in the tank? Diandra: Shh. Back to work, drone. But, dad rambles, the best things he ever did in his life are marry his wonderful wife and produce two...sorry, three sons so if Smarmy can get Speed to make a deal with the Devil, then he’ll go along with it. Speed returns in the suit and Trixie drools a bit. Smarmy says he can have the suit even if he doesn’t agree to sign with him. Right. So, about that deal... Speed is naturally overwhelmed and he needs some time to think. Smarmy doesn’t really like that idea and tries to pressure him some more, like a good salesman. Speed says well, if he had to give him an answer right this minute, honestly, he’d probably...Smarmy, recognizing by the blatant body language that this is headed for a rejection, cuts him off like ‘no, never mind. Just think about it.’ He puts a hand on his shoulder, looks him in the eye and very slowly tells him to think about it and they’ll talk next week. Look deeeeeeppppp into my eyes...you *will* come over to the dark side! And now we’re in a room somewhere and an Asian guy is getting the crap beat out of him while Don Corleone’s younger Aussie brother moans that he thought they had a *deal*. Asian guy’s name is Taejo and Corleone Down Under says he really likes him and he *really* likes his sister (ew). CDU unwraps a piece of raw turkey leg and dumps it in the tank of piranhas behind him and they strip it clean in a blur of movement before it hits the bottom. A couple henchmen go to untie Taejo, who is squealing in terror and wishing he had watched more James Bond movies. Lead Henchman assures him it’ll only hurt for a few seconds and he’ll probably black out through most of it. CDU raves that if he even thinks of ratting them out, his sister will be next. You can’t wait a few minutes to make that threat? Hmm. Lucky for Taejo, before they can totally submerse his hand in the tank an alarm starts bleating. A phone on the desk rings. CDU answers snippily and a woman driving a rig says “someone’s tailing us”. Gah. Yes, the perfectly stationary looking room is actually inside an eighteen wheeler going, like, 90 mph. Because if anything in this movie slows down for longer than two minutes it might implode. One of the henchmen looks through a peephole and CDU asks if it’s “him”. Henchman says uh...maybe? I’m not really sure... The bright yellow racecar behind them zips closer and starts darting around behind and to the side of them like a distressed hummingbird. Yep, it’s him, CDU concludes and everybody starts retrieving guns, which they poke out from various peepholes. They start shooting and the whole rig swerves across the road and the guy in the car just slams on the brakes and spins to the other side of the rig and zips in front of it while the henchmen are trying to reposition. A big machine gun emerges from the front of the rig and CDU, at the controls in the back, locks target on the car. I giggle when the center of the crosshairs on the control screen appears as an evil looking smiley face. I burst into insane laughter when his lock on the target is accompanied by a sound normally found in video games from the 80s. Oh, it’s Superman III all over again. Awesome. He fires and the car pulls the same trick as Speed’s, launching into the air to let the missile pass underneath. How many points is that? Then it spins around and keeps driving backward without missing a beat, swerving to avoid a couple more missiles. Then some guns unfurl from the back and sides of the car and the shots from both sides manage to meet in the middle and create a giant fireball that goes up over the nose of the rig, causing it to swerve and take out a guard rail. Everything and everyone inside the rig goes sliding, the rig skids to one side and the car’s bullets riddle up and down the broadside. All action goes into extreme slow motion on the chaos inside so the Wachowski brothers can attempt to recreate a battle scene from The Matrix. As they’re taking a moment to recover, CDU notices the gushing hole in the fish tank and yells at the nearest henchman to stick his finger in the hole to stop the gushing. Apparently, the pain of doing this is nothing compared to the pain of disobeying an order as the guy does it rather easily with a whimper. CDU goes back to talking to the woman driving while the henchman screams and writhes in the background. Is that supposed to be funny? ‘Cause it really isn’t. Chrissy: Says the person who grew up on Loony Toons. Diandra: That’s cartoon violence. It really doesn’t work when the characters are living people and not drawings or computer generated creatures that bounce right back. Driver says they can’t take any more damage. CDU tells her not to stop and his henchmen toss Taejo out the back, which miraculously doesn’t kill him. Chrissy: You keep trying to apply Earth logic to this movie. Stop it. Diandra: Sorry. The yellow car stops on a dime a few feet away from him and the driver gets out. And...yeah, it’s Matthew Fox in a full body black suit and sunglass-thingee combination that covers everything but his nose and lips and probably leaves little to the imagination. I say probably because it’s nighttime and the black is kind of blending with the background except for the areas on his forehead and chest that are crossed with big white “X”s. Chrissy: And I’m not having any trouble “imagining” anyway, thank you. Diandra: [shudders] Chrissy: Oh, quit acting like you don’t have a crush on the man too. Diandra: Not really. And I certainly have no desire to see him naked, thanks. Chrissy: We’ll discuss your issues with denial later. Get back to recapping. Matthew – who I’ll just start calling Racer X because I’m not sure when or if his name will ever be mentioned – stands over Taejo and growls “are you hurt?” Taejo blinks up at him like ‘dude, why are you talking like that? You sound like you’re trying out for a porno,’ and says no. X snaps at him to get up then. They zip away down the road and Taejo manages not to grip the seat and arm rests in terror as X winds along treed, cliff side roads at breakneck speed which is better than I’d be faring. He thanks X for saving him. X grumbles that he needs to get smart “real fast” and stop trying to take on the “cartel” all by himself or it will all have been pointless. Well, aren’t you a bright ray of fucking sunshine. “You have been on Cruncher Block’s leash for so long, maybe you forgot how it feels to stand up and be a man,” he growls. Seriously, why is he talking like this? It sounds like every word is straining to claw out of his throat past a barren wasteland filled with giant boulders. Chrissy: I’m not sure that actually makes sense. Diandra: Shut up, you. He adds that the only way to stop these people is to “bring them to justice”. And that line fell flatter than his tone. Taejo doesn’t really believe in justice. X screeches the car to a halt and snarls at him to get out. Taejo does so without argument and says “I’ll see you at Fuji.” X snits that he won’t finish and when he loses, “if you can still dial a phone”, he should call the number on this card. He hands him a business card that says “CIB” and “Inspector Detector” on it. As if the names weren’t bad enough, the logo is terribly boring and unoriginal. Elsewhere, Speed and Trixie are parked at some lover’s lookout point or something. She can’t believe he’s really considering signing a deal with Smarmy. He says he’s still thinking about it. And while we’re talking about weird vocal manipulations, why is Christina Ricci talking in a breathy little girl’s voice? Speed blathers about how Smarmy’s team has won a lot of major league races. “And since when did winning become so important,” she squeaks. Speed says he has to win if he wants to keep driving races and that’s all he knows how to do, so... “That’s not true,” says the deluded woman-child. Speed exposits that he couldn’t have made it through high school without her holding his hand. There’s some cutesy little relationship discussion, but I’m afraid if I recap the details I might actually get a cavity from the sweet overkill. He paints an image of him crossing a finish line, sweeping her into his arms and kissing her amid blinding flashbulbs and she practically hyperventilates. “Oh, God, I’m gonna hurl,” an annoying little voice groans from the trunk where He Who Will Not Be Named is hidden. As much as I hate this character, this is his one redeeming moment. It’s not enough for me to stop ignoring him for the rest of the movie though. Okay, now there’s a conversation between Smarmy and some random henchman about a transponder that can go over 800 kilometers an hour and if a car with one of *those* in it won the Grand Prix, the asking price would surely go up. And if one company is controlling the output of all the world’s transponders... Yes, yes, supply and demand 101 you will be richer than God. The comic-book profile sliding across the screen effect shots of these guys is giving me motion sickness. Smarmy makes an offer to this apparent bigwig to deliver the rival he’s been trying to buy out for years – Togokahn – on a silver platter. Bigwig says if Smarmy can do that, he’ll gladly sell him his soul. Factory. I meant factory. Speed goes back to talk to Smarmy. Smarmy shows him the mock- ups of their new logo – a slightly more stylized “registered” symbol with a few stripes shooting off the sides. Apparently, they’re still working on it. Chrissy: I’ll say. Smarmy’s like, ‘so, you’ve been giving this deal some thought...I just want to remind you that the future of your whole family is riding on this. We’re not above breaking thumbs to convince you.’ Or words to that effect. Just say yes. Come on. You know you want to. Speed hems and haws for about five hours. Then he rambles about racing meaning everything for his family and he was “tooling timing pins” with Daddy before he was out of diapers, but...you know...when big brother died it all kind of went to hell and Daddy practically gave up the company. The background behind him shifts and spins around until Speed is out of frame as he describes watching some old races with Pops one night and suddenly spontaneously cheering one of the drivers on. Well, that’s really easy to do when it’s an old race you already know the outcome of. Or it’s hopelessly disappointing depending on who you’re cheering. So, to make a long story short... Chrissy: Too late. ...they realized racing is just in their blood, but it’s more than a sport for Pops, it’s “like a religion” Diandra: Yeah? Most sports are that way. Hence my issues with sports. Chrissy: And religion. And in their house the big sponsors are basically the devil so the short answer is thanks but no thanks. Smarmy chuckles evilly and says “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that little sickening schmaltz” and give you another chance. Heh. He’s a jackass, but you gotta love that his response to a meandering sob story is “oh barf. Let’s try that again, shall we?” He points out a poster cut out of five black and white (the photos are black and white...the men are all white) men in top hats, who he calls the “five most powerful men in the world at the turn of the last century” who created the world’s first racing league. There’s some stock footage of old Fords whose top speed was 30mph. Chrissy: As compared to current Fords which get closer to 40. Diandra: Oh, har har. You should do stand-up. He rambles about some other racer in the race Speed and Pops were watching who flamed out so embarrassingly that the company he was driving for saw a drop in stocks, which the CEO took advantage of by buying up a controlling interest at a low price and then merging with the company whose racer won. Smarmy points out the window and says just about everything with a motor out there is powered by that company’s fuel cells. He finishes this rant with a line about racing having nothing to do with cars and drivers and everything to do with power and money. Then he shatters Speed’s schoolboy illusions by saying the winner of the race was decided a week before because big corporations basically always decide the Grand Prix results. “This is the true heart of racing, boy. This is my religion.” He rolls his eyes at the shock and disbelief on Speed’s face and asks again. “You ready to put away your toys and grow up?” and make more money in “one year” than his father ever made and become a “real racecar driver”. Speed hands him the suit he got in the last scene and says if this is his idea of racing he can shove it. Smarmy snarls and puts on his prophet cap, predicting that Speed will go to Fuji and try to prove Smarmy wrong, but he won’t win. In fact, he won’t even finish the race. Oh, good. He and Taejo will have something to bond over. We cut directly to what is presumably this Fiji race on a track designed by people who normally design roller coasters. A couple random drivers try to knock Speed off the track and X swoops in and takes them out in big balls of flame with maneuvers too quick for the human eye to actually catch. They ride side-by-side for a few seconds and Speed looks at him like “wanna piece of me?” and zips ahead of X. Dude, you’re not bad- ass. Don’t even try. An announcer calls X “The Harbinger of Boom” and I’m not sure whether I should laugh or just groan at the lameness. Apparently, they’re kind of used to seeing carnage in his wake. Somebody tries to run off Taejo, who flips his car up and over the guy and gives him what appears to be the motorized version of a bitch slap, sending him into a rock. What the? And now we’re in full-on video game mode as everybody goes around a giant loop and starts fishtailing. Taejo smashes into somebody and there’s a massive explosion that apparently doesn’t kill either of them as the announcers talk about them needing to be fished from the water. What kind of protective bubble do these cars come with? Is that why X doesn’t seem to be wearing a helmet? Apparently there’s only one racer between Speed and the finish line now: some guy nicknamed “The Grey Ghost”. Except the guy in the red car behind him slams into his side, attaches their cars together somehow and they both spin out and flip over a few times and Speed is surrounded by those soap bubbles. “Soon after that, there will be litigation against some of your father’s designs,” Smarmy continues. Wait, that all didn’t actually happen? We’re still in Trump Tower listening to Smarmy play Nostradamus? Aurgh. Apparently, Pops will be sued for infringement. Whether it’s legit or not makes no difference as the sole purpose of it is to discredit Pop’s company. “Within a year, he’ll be filing for bankruptcy,” Smarmy smarms. “Pops is right,” Speed murmus. “You are the Devil.” Chrissy: Oh, really? What gave it away? The pointy tail? Diandra: I’d say the horns. Smarmy has Speed thrown out of the building. Speed flatly says he’ll see him in Fuji, where Smarmy vows he’ll realize what a mistake he made. So Speed is in some locker room type place some unidentified time later when he is approached by Richard “Shaft” Roundtree, who he calls “Ben Burns”. Damn. Does that man ever age? What the hell is his secret? Shaft compliments Speed on his race and those fancy moves he hasn’t seen in years. Speed moans that it didn’t matter since he still lost. Wait, so that race scene did happen? These time jumps are killing me. Chrissy: Says the woman who could make a flowchart of all of the time shifts on “Lost” off the top of her head. Diandra: That’s different. At least that show gives some indication of when you’re jumping through time *before* the nosebleeds and disorientation start. Shaft just says yeah, true that, and wishes him luck. He starts to leave but Speed has one more question: did he know he was going to win that old race referenced in the last scene and whose winner I didn’t name (whoops)? Shaft just makes some nonanswer comment about him and the guy who came in second not really hating each other like everyone thought. Sparky reads another article about the litigations surrounding Dad’s company and Speed being just another shameful cheater like his brother. Speed numbly mumbles that Smarmy said this would happen. Pops says they did the same thing to Rex – it’s just a scare tactic. They want a fight and they’ll get it. Speed has no idea how they’re supposed to do that. Pops just says the truth will out. Speed rightly calls that naïve thinking and goes off to his room to sulk. Mom goes to check on him and they have the standard “have I made a mistake?” conversation. Blah blah maybe it is all just business blah blah you are special and gifted and I love you blah blah your brother almost killed you because you insisted on him letting you drive blah. She calls him a sort of artist. Who takes a sledgehammer to his paintings, maybe. She watches him race because it’s so “beautiful” and “inspiring” even though she has her eyes closed half the time because it’s also terrifying and ulcer inducing to watch your child basically play Russian Roulette with his life. Besides, he makes his father so proud and that makes her proud too. Everything will work out! She knows it! We mercifully leave this sentimental drivel as X and his...lackey? ring the doorbell. Unfortunately, some little overdramatic brat opens the door, slams it in his face and hides behind a couch screaming things like “we’re all gonna die”. Yeah, he’s not that scary looking. Outside, X grumbles that this is a bad idea. Lackey says if it was anyone else he’d be here. Huh? Pops opens the door and greets Lackey as “Inspector Detector”. Oh. ID, Speed, Pops and Sparky sit around talking while X stands nearby doing an impression of a bouncer. ID says they’ve been trying to get Smarmy’s company for corporate crimes – including race fixing - for a long time but they can’t get enough evidence to convict. He glances at X and says Captain Sunshine over here works with their WRL Corporate Crimes Division and helps them recruit drivers. Some nameless person asks why he always wears that mask. Chrissy: You’re really sticking to your guns with the Ignore Sprittle thing, aren’t you? Diandra: Who? ID says if anyone knew X’s identity he’d be targeted by their enemies, “which include some of the most vicious fixers in the world.” Speed asks what this has to do with him. ID asks if he knows Taejo. Speed’s like “what, that guy who spun out right in front of me and nearly knocked me off the track? Yeah, I’ve heard of him.” Apparently, he’s been “contracted by a fixer named Cruncher Block” for years. Block, apparently, is CDU, who we are shown smirking at a henchman threatening to drop Taejo off a skyscraper, while ID says Taejo tried to resist after being forced to lose several races. He has enough to connect CDU to Smarmy and put them in jail for the rest of their lives. I’m sorry, can I pause for a minute? Matthew? Could you step, like, six inches to your right so your crotch is not hovering over this guy’s shoulder while he’s talking? It’s rather distracting. Or, I should say, the fact that Chrissy is currently giggling over this unfortunate framing and drooling on my left shoulder is distracting me. Chrissy: Yeah...”unfortunate”. (giggle) Where was I? Right. Taejo won’t give them the info, though, unless they help him stop his family’s company’s takeover. He thinks if he can win the upcoming race it will give the family company a boost and kill the takeover. Speed says but there aren’t any other races except for the Grand Prix which they both failed to qualify for. ID’s like ahem, uh...yeah. There aren’t any more *track* races, but there is a cross-country rally at Casa Cristo. While the ‘rents are freaking out over this ID apologetically says Taejo only agreed to the deal if he can get X and Speed on his team. Pops thinks he’s insane. “Rally racing is a back-alley sport filled with jackals, headhunters and thugs [...] I’ve already lost one son to that deathtrap. I won’t lose another.” ID apologizes for wasting their time and he and X slink off. Back at Lover’s Lane. It’s storming outside. Inside the car, Speed’s telling Trixie his plan to take the offer and chance to destroy Smarmy despite Dad’s objections. Trixie goes along with it and says he’ll need her help building an alibi. He says no, it’s to dangerous for a little female like her and she says if tries to argue with her she’ll tell Daddy and he’ll be locked in his room for the rest of his life. Heh. So. Casa Cristo. The announcer describes the race as “spanning two continents, three climate changes and 5,000 kilometers of the most winding and treacherous roads ever raced.” Also? The spectators apparently watch from helicopters, which they seem to fly themselves. In some dark recesses somewhere ID thanks Speed for helping them on this. Speed says he really doesn’t give a flip about corporate crimes or ID’s operation, he’s just doing this because somebody’s trying to hurt his family and he’s looking for revenge. The camera cuts to X a couple times, who is looking a bit shifty. One of the announcers admits – with a really thick French accent – that there were “a few” fatalities a few years ago on this race, which has kind of given it a bad reputation and the nickname “The Crucible”. In the dark room, ID confirms that the racers in it are some of the most dangerous in the world who will do anything to stop him. On that note, we get a briefing on the gadgets in his car by a blacker, more female version of Q. The windshield around the cockpit is bulletproof, the tires are shielded against attack and the spare automatically inflates, much like Bond’s Ashton Martin. There are also sawblades mounted on the front, spikes that can be activated on the tires and a homing device with video. That sound you hear is the new Q frantically taking notes, though I’m sure all of these bells and whistles were used by the original Q at least once. Meanwhile, the announcers are describing some of these “illegal” modifications and denying that any but a few “bad apple” racers actually use them. Sure. We swoop down and get X-ray glimpses of such modifications in some of the cars, including tanks of something with a skull and crossbones on it and mace balls. At least, Frenchie says, they try not to get caught using them. A heavily made up Asian girl with insanely puffy lips tries to talk Taejo out of this. Family honor aside, is this really worth dying over? He says he doesn’t have a choice and “he’s your father too.” In yet another snippet of a flashback or flashforward or flashsideways, Speed and Trixie stand by a memorial to all the racers who died trying to finish this race, which includes Rex and several people with really ridiculous names. He says he finally understands his brother was trying to change this corrupt business and “they” killed him for it. And then we randomly cut to X sitting in his car, ready to start the race and shooting glances at Speed. Yeah. Hold that thought. There’s some ritual about the “Queen” of Casa Cristo – a striking woman in a bright red fluttery dress and enough bling to cause an accident right off the bat - starting the race when she sees the sun rise. Then we cut back again to CDU having to deal with a diva of a racer who thought this was supposed to be *his* race and he wanted to *win* and wahhhhhh! CDU tells him if he can take out Taejo and prove himself he can have it. This guy, who I will call Greaser because his hair is so shiny it looks like an actual oil slick (and because he dresses like he just wandered off the set of “Grease”), is currently sitting in a leopard print car in a leopard print outfit and smirking evilly. The queen fires the starter pistol and everyone takes off in a roar of smoking tires. I don’t know what they’re racing through but there are pillars everywhere and several drivers are banging into each other already. Speed flips over one redshirt, who smashes into a pillar, car parts flying everywhere. The guy with the toxic waste tanks tries to use them on Taejo, but X rear ends him and he ends up shooting it at someone else, who flips over and smashes, forcing everybody to jump their cars over the slow motion wreck. The announcers babble about Taejo’s team meaning business as the cars zip around a few curves and out into the desert, losing a few redshirts along the way. The announcer says the guy leading is “Snake Oiler”, AKA “Greaser”, which is a painfully appropriate name. And I just realized his helmet is in the shape of a coiled snake. Ew. A couple of bad ass women from Snake’s team surround Speed and batter him a little. Taejo is surrounded by a couple of what looks like military guerillas. And X is surrounded by a couple of guys who wandered off the set of a Viking movie. Great. Where did they find these bad guy lackeys, Cliches R Us? One of the bad ass chicks punctures one of Speed’s tires. Speed spins out for a minute and flips up into the air to inflate the spare, then darts back into the fray, engaging his tire shields so she can’t do it again. The spear and shield recreate a scene from a gladiator movie and I laugh until I cry at the ridiculousness of it. Then he gets behind the women, engages the sawblades of death and takes them both out in a whirlwind of desert sand and spinning cars. I’d like to know just how much money the Wachowski’s spent on the special effects of a movie that tanked because it couldn’t figure out who its audience was. Chrissy: No, you wouldn’t. Speed joins up with Taejo and snarkily asks if any of these drivers are familiar with the rulebook. Heh. One of the Viking clichés abandons X for a minute to take a flying leap at Speed, missing completely and vaulting right over him. The mace balls shoot out the back of one of the Viking’s cars and he starts spinning circles, flipping them at X. X just cuts sharply past two other drivers, flips up over Taejo and butts one of the Guerillas. Then Speed gets the Viking distracted chasing him while X sneaks up behind and batters him a little. The other Viking tries to hurl a hive of angry bees onto Speed (no, I’m not kidding), but X warns him in time for Speed to butt the guy and send the bees right back onto him. This pisses off the mace Viking, who bellows angrily and goes to flip over Xs car. X, in possibly the best defensive maneuver yet, springs his car up to meet him and, when their faces are inches apart, punches him. They land and X vaults over the startled guy without missing a beat and chuckles. Now really pissed off, the Viking takes a flying leap at Taejo, who Speed defends in a maneuver I can’t even begin to track. Seriously. He butts the Guerilla next to him and suddenly they’re both airborne, spinning over Taejo and knocking the Viking away and Michael Giachinno is blaring a heroic brassy trill. The announcers are peeing themselves in excitement at what they call “a rear single-set jump into a flying kick.” We take a break for a moment to check in with the world’s most obnoxious scenery munchers, which I only mention because they inadvertently stumble onto the fact that Speed has entered himself in the race he wasn’t supposed to be in. Brilliant, Speed. You didn’t think maybe your parents would catch on to the lie seeing as the race is being BROADCAST TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC? Genius. Back in Casa Cristo, the racers are ending the first leg of the race, led by Snake. Joy. Taejo is not happy with this and screams at X and Speed that if they keep this up they’re going to lose. Speed notes that Snake is weak on turns so they’ll pull ahead in the mountains. Taejo says yeah, maybe, “if you stop showing off.” Speed says he was just saving Taejo’s ass, which is true, but he says it with this tone and expression that make me want to slap him. Taejo goes to punch him and X catches his fist and says they still have a ways to go so let’s not devolve into infighting yet. And for a second, Matthew slips into his normal voice, which only reminds me of how absurd the gravely “I am a dark, mysterious, angsty stranger” voice is. Taejo sulks off and X tells Speed a guard will be posted outside his door. “We got their attention today. You and Trixie should be very careful tonight.” How would them using protection have anything to do with...oh. Right. Speaking of rubber, can I ask what fetishist designed Matthew’s costume? I know it’s a vast improvement over the original Racer X outfit and Matthew said in some interview somewhere that his son would find it cool, but...well, let’s just say if it was my father prancing around in a dominatrix outfit and a skull cap I’d be telling everyone I was adopted. Chrissy: Tell me you didn’t just compare Matthew Fox to your father. Diandra: Oh, look who decided to stop drooling and rejoin the recap. And no, there’s not enough therapy in the world that could undo that damage. I’m just saying, when his kids are teenagers they will look back at this and decide that their dad is a hopeless dork. Chrissy: In other words, they will be normal teenagers? Diandra: Pretty much. X starts to saunter out the door, which I imagine was accompanied by a lot of squeaking leather before ADR. Chrissy: Would you look at that ass? Diandra: Is that a gun holster strapped to his side? Chrissy: You’re hopeless, you know that? “I thought we made a good team today,” Speed calls after him. “It felt like we’ve been doing it for a long time.” X turns his head as far as he can with the leather hoodie and is like ‘yeah, whatever, kid. I’m totally not your brother. Stop looking at me like that.’ Chrissy: You’re not supposed to know that either. Diandra: Oh, come on! How many people going into this movie *didn’t* know that? Matthew even said it in an interview! And really? RacEr X. Not the best alias. Plus, I’m getting tired of pretending that it’s just a coincidence that every time anybody mentions Speed’s dead brother the camera randomly cuts to X looking uncomfortable. Remember that first scene with X where the announcer in the background was yammering about Rex watching somewhere and being really proud of his little brother? Yeah. I’m surprised the television wasn’t crushed by the giant anvil. Chrissy: Are you finished? Diandra: (deep breath) Yeah. I’m good. Smarmy calls CDU to scream at him for not doing his job. CDU points out that the race isn’t over. Smarmy makes vague threats about what will happen if the heroes cross the finish line. Speed, meanwhile, is telling Trixie about how weird it was that he and X seemed to know exactly what the other was going to do before he did it. He goes out on a short limb to point out that X first showed up two years after Rex died. Trixie gently reminds him they buried Rex. Speed says they buried *someone*, but the body had been badly burned by the crash so nobody could have identified it as him. And apparently this was all before DNA was discovered. Or dental records. Trixie says Speed really thinks he faked the crash with someone else’s body in the driver’s seat? Um...yeah. Speed also notes the soap bubble system was disabled at the time and ID always suspected foul play but nothing could be proven. Trixie isn’t sure Rex would have put his family through that. Speed thinks maybe he didn’t have a choice. Suddenly the guard outside knocks on the door and asks if Speed knows the small family standing in the hall around a very angry man. Heh. Dad paces the room sometime later, ranting at Speed and Trixie for going behind their back and entering the race knowing full well what it’s already done to the family and did they think about that for one minute? Speed moans that he has, but they’re in trouble and it’s his fault. Pops says entering this race isn’t here or there. “You think you can drive a car and change the world? It doesn’t work like that!” Speed calmly says he has to do *something* and it’s all he knows how to do. You can thank Trixie for that. All that bailing him out in school and social promotion kept him stupid. Dad says fuck that, we’re going home. Get packing. Speed puts his foot down and says he’s not going anywhere. Pops starts looking like he might have an aneurism. “I’m not a child, Pops. You can’t tell me how to live my life.” The rest of the family starts cringing and staring with open mouths and wondering if maybe they should duck before Pops explodes. Pops yells that he sounds just like his brother. “You wanna die like him too? Will that make you happy?” ‘Actually, I think he might be right across the hall. Wanna talk to him?’ Speed doesn’t say. Instead he gets up in Pops’ face and accuses him of feeling guilty about Rex and taking it out on him. Mom breaks it up before it can get any uglier and says if they’re staying, everybody’s staying and they should really just get a room. Pops grumbles and changes the subject. They added crap to the car, huh? Probably threw it out of whack? He drags Sparky with him to presumably fix it. Speed reassures Mom that it will all be okay and she hugs him tearfully. Sometime during the night ninjas creep into the hotel, knock out the guard outside and drip something into Taejo’s mouth. Then one ninja sneaks into somebody else’s room and blows a dart into the shapeless lump under the blankets. X comes out of the shadows behind him, wrapping some sort of cloth around the lower half of his face like maybe he’s going to knock off a bank later in the old west. Yes, because nobody could put the top half with the lower half and come up with a description. There’s a couple minutes of fighting between stunt men that mostly consists of “X” ducking punches and kicks and doing sommersaults. Then he lands one good punch, which causes the ninja to defy all laws of motion and spin in the air a few times on his way to the ground. Oh, we’re not done. The ninja springs back up and this time it is actually Matthew he’s fighting judging by the large discoloration on his left shoulder where his tattoo should be. Chrissy: Oh, for fuck’s sake. The man is shirtless, has muscles bulging all over the place, is kicking some serious ass and all you can see is his tattoo? Diandra: What? The thing’s huge! Chrissy: I think I’ve discovered why you’re still single. Diandra: Oh, that’s just because all the guy’s I’d want to date are married or gay and the ones that want to date me are defective or pretending to be rich doctors from African countries so they can rip me off. X manages to trap the ninja between the couch and the wall in a manner normally not found outside of Roadrunner cartoons. The ninja going after Speed isn’t faring much better. Mostly because Speed is now sharing a room with his entire family, apparently. Sparky lasts about two seconds against the ninja. Speed fares a little better. Then Pops wakes up and wanders into the room to find out what the hell all this noise is and grabs the ninja, who is about a foot shorter than him. We get a good look at Pops’ Greco-Roman wrestling champion ring before he proceeds to wipe the floor with the terrified ninja, at one point actually twirling him in the air over his head until all of his nun chucks and his car keys come flying out. And yeah, the car keys embedding themselves in the wall amid all the nun chucks is kinda funny. Pops sends him flying out over the balcony and grumbles “terrible what passes for a ninja these days.” “Cool beans,” Trixie breathes. Seriously, girl, get some therapy. Taejo’s sister comes knocking on the door looking for Speed at that moment. She says something terrible has happened. Taejo’s room. X is back in his Catwoman suit... Chrissy: Would you stop comparing it to women’s fantasy clothing already? ...and identifies the drug dripped in Taejo’s mouth as Narcolyte Benzamine, which is not fatal but is very debilitating and stays in the system for hours. Taejo, lolling on the sofa, pants that he’ll be fine by morning. X says he can barely stand up and he certainly won’t be able to drive a car. Taejo hauls himself upright and snarls “you do not tell me what I can do!” X does not say ‘Gee, you’ve gotten younger since I last saw you John. Also, less white.’ Taejo collapses again. Speed asks what they’re going to do now. Trixie makes faces like ‘hmm...’ Part 2 of the cross-country race from hell. The announcers are predicting it’s going to get ugly. Snake catapults a snake into some redshirt’s car and the guy drives right off a cliff. From a helicopter over head, Sparky warns Speed via comm about an upcoming sidewinder. The bright red car next to Speed starts battering him. CDU meanwhile, is chasing after Taejo’s sister, who is wearing a giant hat to hide her face. Of course, when CDU waves a gun at her and she stands up and turns to face him it’s actually Taejo, who starts kicking the crap out of CDU. I thought X said he wouldn’t be able to stand up? What was the point of taking him out of the race if he’s just going to recover so fast? CDU wonders aloud who’s driving Taejo’s car and we cut to...Trixie. Naturally. Everybody’s whipping around hairpin turns and Speed and Trixie are bickering about letting Snake get ahead of them because she can’t see with her damn helmet visor down. Speed grumbles about her talking him into this. She reminds him he always says she’s a better driver than most of the “professionals”. He thinks now isn’t a good time to make that point because it’s too dangerous. “It’s too dangerous for me, but not for you,” she says snottily. That line alone makes me love her. “Children, focus,” X barks. Hee! Or, what, you’ll turn the car around and go home? He says they have to pass Snake before the rendezvous, wherever that is. Speed starts battering Snake, who is shouting totally pointless goading things. One of Snake’s leftover henchmen knocks him off. Trixie sideswipes him with a little girly grunt and X smacks him into the cliff wall and falls back immediately. Guys? Y’all suck. Trixie and X manage to catch one of the henchmen between them and send him (or possibly her, I can’t tell) spinning off the cliff. Then Snake pushes Trixie until she’s straddling the guard rail and his wheel is almost ripping her face off and she acts like a helpless damsel in distress for a minute until Speed knocks Snake away and somehow manages to get Snake up onto the guardrail. Snake starts begging and whimpering for Speed to spare him as his wheel inches toward Snake’s head. Speed, being the hero, lets him go and Snake spins back onto the road, but the announcers point out that at least Speed’s team is now leading. Up in the helicopter, Pops is assuring Taejo’s sister that he found some areas in the mountains that the cameras don’t cover. Don’t ask. Just go with it. Speed, X and Trixie come screeching to a halt in one of these dead zones so Trixie and Taejo can switch places. Apparently that tranquilizer wore off. As plot devices go, that was pretty lame. Taejo’s men have CDU in tow because they don’t know what to do with him. “Do what he’d do,” X volunteers. “Break his legs and let him walk back.” Trixie goes to give Speed a good luck kiss when henchmen start crawling out of the woodwork and spray a little warning automatic gunfire. They free CDU and hold everyone else hostage. Some henchman confuses himself by snarling at X that they’re “changing your plan that changed our plan to change... your... plan. Right, boss?” CDU is like ‘here’s a cookie, now shut up.’ Then he gets up in X’s face and is like ‘break his legs and make him walk back, huh? Sounds like a good idea.’ But first he wants to see what X looks like. Chrissy: Just don’t hurt his pretty face! Diandra: Yeah, you can break his legs all you want, however. Chrissy: Judging by the “Lost” fic you write, you might actually enjoy that. Diandra: I might. CDU reaches to rip off X’s hood, but some annoying little kid hits him with a slingshot and X headbutts the henchman holding him from behind and a massive fight breaks out from all corners of the clearing. X and Pops are both fighting two guys at a time, which seems to require a lot less effort on Pops’ part and a lot of age and gravity-defying maneuvers on X’s. Trixie is kicking some serious ass, which makes up for all the annoying girly squealing she was doing in the car. X hurls a guy across the clearing in total ridiculous comic book fashion. I mean, it’s one thing for the guy who looks like a sumo wrestler to do it, but come on. Sparky actually manages to run right into CDU’s outstretched fist, proving that he is totally useless. I’m not even sure why this character was necessary. Or who he is. Is he a third brother? Chrissy: Fourth. You forgot Spritle. Diandra: I have no idea who you’re talking about. Everybody starts grabbing guns from downed henchmen. CDU gets his hands on a machine gun and whips around like ‘aha!’, only to find *everybody* else pointing a gun at him, including Sparky, Taejo’s sister and a couple random redshirts. Sidenote: I don’t know what the hell sort of look Christina Ricci is going for here, but it’s just not working for me. She’s either posing for a photo shoot or trying out to be a dancer in the next James Bond credits sequence. “Looks like another change of plan,” X smartasses. The henchmen start hauling CDU back to wherever Taejo just swooped in from and the other racers zip by on a street in the near distance. Everybody scrambles back to their vehicles. The announcers, who have been waiting impatiently for Taejo’s team to come back out of the large blind spot pass, are baffled when the “Hydra Cell” team are the first ones out. Speed, Taejo and X come zipping out shortly behind and the announcers groan that they’re right back where they started this leg of the race. Except now “only one obstacle stands between Snake Oiler and victory. The Maltese Ice Caves.” Trixie helpfully supplies for the audience that this is where Rex bit it. And no wonder, because we see them zooming into a dark cave of pure ice, which, despite what most Minnesota drivers seem to think, is impossible to drive on without losing complete control of the car at some point. X asks if Speed is okay. Speed says he is, despite the fact that he appears to be driving sideways. X directs Speed when it’s time to make a move and Speed whips up the wall and ceiling of the tunnel and rams one of the bad girls. And now, in case this wasn’t hard enough to follow, we have laser light trails bouncing around in the dim tunnel after the cars and I don’t know what the hell’s going on. X takes some redshirt out somehow. Snake spews oil from his car because the ice wasn’t slippery enough and X screams as Speed loses control and goes rocketing over the rail when they burst from the tunnel. Somehow, Speed lands flat on the ice going down the cliff face and engages the tire spikes, which give him enough friction to launch onto the opposite cliff face and climb up. The French announcer gets so excited he slips back into his native language, making wild gestures. Speed lands back on the track right behind Snake and growls “hi, remember me?” Snake creates another oil slick, which Speed avoids by launching his car over the side onto the continuing track below, right in front of Snake as he rounds the corner apparently. How is everybody else getting around these oil slicks? Chrissy: Shh...it’s not important. Don’t ask questions. Snake finally loses it and pulls out a gun. The French announcer gets so excited he slips into garbled French and probably literally pees himself. Luckily, Speed has a bulletproof cockpit shield, which he engages while Snake starts shooting and cackling insanely. He also engages his tire spikes and starts driving along the cliff wall right next to Snake. Okay, now he’s just showing off. Speed finally just slams Snake over the cliff and he squeals and ejects before the car fireballs at the bottom. And the announcers ominously declare that with less than 250 km to go, nothing seems to be standing in Taejo’s way now. Oh, shut up. Taejo squeals across the finish line, followed by X and Speed. Smarmy calls up Taejo’s sponsor daddy while Taejo, framed by fireworks, waves a big honking trophy. I thought this was a three-part race. Chrissy: Nobody ever said it was. Diandra: But...I thought...[scrolls back through the last several pages futilely] Chrissy: You hearing voices in your head again? Diandra: I...think I need a nap. Taejo puts an arm each around Speed and X, neither of whom seem particularly thrilled with this, especially X, who looks like he might break Taejo’s arm if he tries it again. “We make a good team,” he says to X, who glowers and tells him to just make sure he keeps up his end of the deal. Smarmy chokes out a congratulations to Taejo’s dad. A reporter asks if Taejo will be in the Grand Prix this weekend. Taejo coolly says “we’ll see.” Smarmy and Daddy Togokahn argue share prices and Smarmy accuses him of extortion and threatens to sue. Daddy’s like ‘okay, have fun with that,’ and goes to hang up. Smarmy gets an evil plotting look on his face and negotiates a deal. Togokahn hangs up and compliments Taejo, who is suddenly sitting across from him in a suit, on a job well done. The fact that we are time shifting again doesn’t really bother me so much as the GIANT FISH floating in a tank behind Taejo. Seriously. It looks like a fifty foot goldfish! What radioactive waste dump was that thing pulled from? Somewhere else, Sparky asks Pops what the hell just happened. Ah, I see his purpose now. Pops says Taejo played them all. He just wanted to drive up the stock in his family business – even if he had that information he claimed to have he never intended to hand it over. Oh, right. Speed takes out his anger over this double cross by driving like a complete maniac around the old track from the beginning of the movie. Suddenly X drives up alongside him and Speed lashes out at him, whacking into him a few times until they both spin out crazily and come to a stop. Speed sits in his car, calming the fuck down and notices that X seems to have disappeared from his now scrapped- up car. He panics and goes running over but X just sits up from where he apparently sprawled over the passenger seat, giggling like ‘wheee! That was fun!’ He staggers from the car, babbling that he hasn’t been thrown around like that in *years*. Chrissy: Really? Well, how about -- Diandra: Finish that thought and I may have to throttle you. Chrissy: What makes you think it was going to be dirty? Diandra: Gee, I don’t know. The evil smirk on your face might have been a tip off. Chrissy: Damn it. X says the inspector told him what happened. Speed asks what the hell he cares. Then he rants at him to just admit it: he’s Rex. X plays dumb. Speed spews the whole theory: you appeared just after he died, you drive like him and “you knew I’d be here, because this is where he always used to take me.” X just stares for a minute and slowly pulls off his headgear. Speed’s face falls. “You’re not Rex.” Pause for a second. According to IMDb, the part of Racer X was originally offered to Keanu Reeves. While taking parts Keanu Reeves turns down is not really an advisable career choice, judging by this scene it turned out to be kind of a good thing for the movie. I mean...it really was never going to do any better in the box office since nobody knew who the hell it was made for. But Keanu – cool as he may look dodging bullets – couldn’t emote his way out of a paper bag most days and I certainly wouldn’t want to see him try it while interacting with tennis balls against a green screen in a leather body suit. Chrissy: Do you even remember “The Matrix”? Matthew, on the other hand, acts the hell out of this scene. His lips say “no, Speed’s brother is dead,” but his warbly tone is saying “shit, even *I* don’t believe that” and his eyes are saying “don’t cry, damnit!” Speed apologizes. X says no, that’s okay. “I’m sure if he was here, he’d be immensely proud of you.” And his eyes transmit said pride so blatantly I’m surprised Speed doesn’t see right through this. Then again, he probably can’t see much past his own building tears as he moans that he’s making all the same mistakes Rex did, what the hell would he be proud of? X is like ‘for trying to make a difference in the world. That’s what Rex was trying to do, right? I mean, I didn’t know him personally, I just read a lot about him and STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, I’M NOT HIM! I SWEAR!’ Speed bitterly rants that he got himself killed for nothing because racing is never going to change. X spews some philosophical crap about it not mattering as long as they don’t let racing change *them*. “You don’t climb into a T- 180 to be a driver. You do it because you’re driven.” Yeah. Real profound. Speed says if he’s so smart why doesn’t he give Speed a good reason why he should keep driving. Clunk. X says that’s for Speed to figure out and he hopes when he does he’s there to see it. He smiles wistfully at Speed and goes back to his car. Speed looks after him like ‘I don’t get it. If he’s not my brother...is he hitting on me?’ Chrissy: Oh, quit trying to shoehorn slash subtext into this. Diandra: I can’t help it! I don’t just write slash, I’m *driven* to write slash! Chrissy: Quit being a smartass before I’m “driven” to smack you. Ahem. Moving on. Speed recreates his brother’s exit scene, except this time Pops is nicer and sits him down to apologize for saying things he wishes he hadn’t in the heat of the moment. He says he’s proud of Speed, not for winning but for not being afraid to stand up for what he believed was right. Speed grumbles that it didn’t do a whole lot of good. Pops says pshah! “I saw my son become a man. I watched him act with courage and integrity”. Ow, anvil. He says he took off after Speed because he was afraid he would die like his brother and he just didn’t think he could take that, but he realized that “I didn’t lose Rex when he crashed. I lost him here. I let him think that a stupid motor company meant more to me than he did. He’ll never know how much I regret that mistake.” Somewhere, X is crying and he doesn’t even know why. Pops vows he won’t make that mistake again and while he understands Speed has to leave home eventually, he’ll always be welcomed back. Also? “I love you.” They hug and nobody cries, which makes it a nice, sweet but non-sappy moment. Then Speed says he feels confused right now, like his whole world is spinning and not making much sense. Pops says yeah, well, when Rex died his whole world turned upside down too. Then he reminds Speed of that damn old race Speed went over ad-nauseum earlier. Apparently, that got him back on track. Speed says yeah, about that...the race was fixed. Smarmy says every race for the last fifty years has been predetermined. Pops scoffs at Speed for believing anything that guy told him. He has a point there. Realizing that there’s still, like, fifteen minutes left of this movie and something needs to propel the plot forward again, the doorbell rings. It’s Taejo’s sister. She apologizes for what the men in her family did and hands Speed an invitation to race in the Grand Prix. She says Taejo was planning to decline anyway and according to the rules anyone who was part of the winning team can compete if they have an invitation. How convenient. There’s some weepy schlock about the whole family supporting him proudly on this, but I’ll spare you the details. There’s a montage of the whole family scrambling to build Speed a new car – which looks exactly like the old one but with a deeper, louder engine roar. What happened to the old one is not at all clear. This is intercut with Smarmy making the deal with Taejo’s father, which I really don’t give two shits about at this point. At the race, Smarmy unveils a monster of a machine with that new thingamagig he was boasting about earlier that will supposedly cream the competition. Shaft is one of the announcers and babbling about how they expect one of the largest audiences in Grand Prix history. The line up includes The Grey Ghost, Cannonball, the Scarlet Valentine and “Boom- Boom”. [Diandra falls out of her chair giggling hysterically] Chrissy: Oh, get a grip. Diandra: I want to see the list of names rejected for being too silly. Cannonball is apparently driving the new Smarmy car. Then, for some reason, we get a random shot of Mom making sandwiches. What the hell was that about? Susan Sarandon: Hey! Watch it! I just found out I’m playing mom to a 42 year old and – what’s worse – THAT’S ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE. I have officially been relegated to playing grandma. Or at least Over the Hill Mom. You do NOT want to mess with me right now. Ahem. The other announcer notes that they have an odd number of racers because Taejo declined invitation, leaving them one short. Shaft suddenly notices a commotion down at the entrance, which is the officials fretting over Speed’s sudden appearance. Smarmy catches wind of this and starts making noise with management, spluttering that Speed just *can’t* be allowed into the race this late in the game. ID says yes he can and if Smarmy tries to stop it he’ll be violating the WRL charter which will force him to shut the race down until he can complete a full investigation. So an announcement is made over the PA that there is a new racer entered in 40th place. Shaft starts to say “holy sh—“ and is actually bleeped out. Heh. Taejo, watching from a swanky bar somewhere nearby, blinks at the scoreboard, looks questioningly at his sister and smiles approvingly. Somewhere, Smarmy offers a million dollars to whoever can take Speed out of the race. He also tells Cannonball that they’re installing a spearhook in his car. Cannonball sneers that he doesn’t need that to beat Speed. Smarmy says think of it as a precaution. X takes a seat in some viewing box somewhere. He’s wearing a normal dress suit and has nothing at all covering his face. And there’s not even any shadows covering him. I’m confused. Does it not matter if he can be identified anymore? Huh? What? Why? Chrissy: Oh, be quiet and just enjoy the pretty. Diandra: But... Chrissy: SHH! Sparky gives Speed a pretty lame pep talk and they have a little brotherly chat that makes my ears bleed. Chrissy: I think they were already bleeding, hon. Diandra: Who are you? Is this movie almost over yet? The white announcer spews crap about electricity in the air and all eyes on Speed and no pressure or anything kid. Shaft says this isn’t a race – it’s a showdown. Every major character from the movie flashes across the screen as the world’s longest countdown begins and when X goes by, Chrissy lets out a squeal that vaults me two feet from my chair. Chrissy: Damnit, why did we have to spend an hour and forty minutes hiding that? Diandra: Oh, get a grip, would you? Chrissy: Hey! I have had to sit through hours of you drooling incoherently over Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. Diandra: Yeah, and you made fun of me for it the entire time, what’s your point? Chrissy: I did not. Diandra: Did too. Chrissy: Did not. Diandra: Did too. Chrissy: Did not. Diandra: Did too. Chrissy: Did...why are we arguing about this? Diandra: Because somebody forgot to bring the alcohol to this recap and I’m not as mellow as I usually would be by now? Chrissy: You are not mellow when you’re drunk. Excuse me if I didn’t want to have to deal with you raving nonsensically and passing out on the keyboard. Diandra: I do not do that. Chrissy: You do too. Diandra: Do not. Chrissy: Do too. Diandra: Do not. Chrissy: Do too. Diandra: Do not. Racer X: SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! Chrissy and Diandra: Yes, sir. [Diandra sticks her tongue out at Chrissy. Chrissy flips Diandra the Bird]. Racer X: I MEAN IT! KNOCK IT OFF! Chrissy and Diandra (mumbling): Sorry. The race starts and immediately some henchman darts in front of Speed and slams on the brake. The announcers identify this as a “misfire”. Another car comes zooming up from behind and Speed launches out of the way, the two cars crashing together underneath. He lands and takes off with what appears to be a sonic boom. He catches up quickly and can someone explain to me why the walls of this tunnel have one of those moving picture sketch thingies of a Zebra running? The speeding cars weren’t enough movement for the Wachowski’s so they added a wild animal running through the background? All the other drivers coordinate to block Speed from pulling ahead, bumping him around like a pinball and shoving him up the wall. He jumps clear across the track, smacking several drivers along the way. There’s a lot of commentary and flipping back and forth but suffice to say Speed gains on several drivers. The announcers are very excited by this underdog threatening to take the lead angle. They drive through a ditch filled with spikes and Speed flips some redshirt into one, creating a spectacular explosion the camera lingers on almost lovingly. And there are lights flashing in the audience. It’s a miracle I’ve been able to get through this entire movie without having a seizure. Really. Race race, skid bump bang boom. Giachinno slips into something totally ripped from an old Hanna Barbara cartoon. A few more redshirts go cartwheeling away. Speed comes up right behind Cannonball. They start taunting and banging into each other and generally playing Gladiator Death Match. Speed gets Cannonball hanging half off the track. Smarmy looks alarmed. Shaft cheers Speed on. Cannonball recovers and they whip around a few more turns and Cannonball spins on the nose of the car like a top for a second. Speed gets bored of this and, once he’s in front, just guns the engine and pulls ahead. Smarmy is starting to pace and mutter to himself. Cannonball gets pissed and rear ends Speed, getting so far up his ass that no one can see him engage the spearhook in Speed’s undercarriage. Chrissy: That sounds vaguely dirty. Diandra: I actually wasn’t going there, but thanks for that lovely mental image. Ew. So now the cars are attached and spiraling around each other down the track. Speed glances at the cameras along the track and does the smartest thing he’s done all movie: he flips both cars into the air, waving the undersides in front of one of the cameras so they can get a good look at what Cannonball is doing. This also manages to detach them and they both cartwheel on landing, Cannonball ejected from the wreck in a ball of soap bubbles and Speed spinning to a stop. The announcers and general media review the footage from the camera and the blatant weapon laying amid the wreckage of Cannonball’s car and declare foul. Shaft looks directly into the camera and declares shame on Smarmy’s company. Unfortunately, Speed is having trouble restarting his car and all the other racers are gaining. Speed freaks out and squeals at Sparky to help him. (Re)X, from up in his viewing box, mumbles to himself. “Don’t panic. Just listen to her.” Speed seems to pick up whatever vibes (Re)X is sending at him and closes his eyes, feeling around on the controls and going into some sort of zen state. Then he punches the exact right combination of levers and pedals to jump start the car and jolts forward in a squeal of burning rubber. As he’s ripping past the other drivers he starts having a little internal montage. He sees Re(X) spewing that crap about being *driven* instead of just *driving*. Then he hears Smarmy ranting about cars and drivers having little to do with *racing*, really. “Are you ready to become a *real* racecar driver?” He starts reaching warp speed, probably picturing Smarmy’s neck in place of the control’s he’s strangling, and the announcers yelp about him aiming to beat the lap record. Speed’s continuing inner battle switches back to Re(X) waxing philosophical about Speed’s particular reason to keep racing and hoping he’s there to see it. In the present, Speed weaves between cars, jumping and spinning with wild flourishes and (Re)X smiles and gets a little misty eyed. There’s more of this inner montage of every significant moment from the movie so far, but I’m getting tired of repeating myself. He’s two cars from first and Smarmy is shrieking angrily. The two cars try to batter him away. The foreign language announcers and press corp are practically foaming at the mouth in their excitement. Taejo is cheering Speed on. Speed’s family is shrieking and jumping up and down. Speed manages to whip both cars away and they smash into each other in a massive explosion worthy of a Jerry Bruckheimer film. Speed flies through the explosion, doing a couple sommersaults just to make it even flashier, and skids to a stop in a shower of sparks. The car collapses on itself a little and dribbles oil. I imagine if he can really hear her she’s saying “can I die now? Urk...” From Speed’s perspective we see lights flashing crazily from the crowd and several muffled firecrackers. He tugs off his helmet and is surrounded by shrieking people throwing confetti. Smarmy loses it completely and knocks over an ice sculpture in the swanky lounge he’s watching from. Taejo’s dad shakes his head at him disprovingly. Speed looks around at the firecrackers overhead and the screaming crowd, dazed, and is carried up on stage by the crowd surrounding him. ID finds (Re)X grinning stupidly at all of this and says this is going to change everything. Re(X) says it already has. At least until everyone forgets about it, as they are wont to do. ID says his men are bringing the family down and asks if (Re)X wants to go with them. (Re)X blinks rapidly, says no uncomfortably and starts to leave, pulling that woman who keeps hanging on him along. ID stops him short to ask him a question: “Did you ever think you made a mistake, hiding the truth from them?” And we get a sort of flashback montage sliding back and forth across the screen. Rex blowing up his car via remote, watching his funeral from a distance and getting plastic surgery that not only changes his entire face and bone structure but ages him 13 years in 8, which, incidentally, is how old John Goodman would have to have started procreating (13) to have a child Matthew’s age. Chrissy: Let’s assume he’s not actually supposed to be 40. Diandra: Yeah, for sanity’s sake, let’s. Okay, so I guess now the dropping the disguise thing sort of makes sense if it was more for the family’s benefit than his “enemies”. But then...why bother going through that much plastic surgery if you’re going to hide behind a mask anyway? Gah. I’m thinking too much. Chrissy: I keep telling you to stop doing that. Diandra: Yeah, sorry. In the present, (Re)X makes angsty faces and tries not to cry. “If I did...it’s a mistake I have to live with.” He slinks away and we go back to the celebration down on the ground, already in progress. Speed’s family surrounds him, hugging and laughing. Pops’ chest puffs with pride. Mom cries. Speed and Trixie share an overly dramatic kiss and the flashbulbs in the background blur into heart shapes. Michael Giachinno whips the brass into a frenzy and Speed is handed a trophy the size and probably weight of a kindergartener. And we wrap up with a few headlines: “Racer family triumphs!!!” (overdone emphasis totally not mine), “[Smarmy] indicted”, “Taejo Togokahn testifies: key witness to implicate [Smarmy] and [CDU] fixing scam!” and finally “[Smarmy] incarcerated”, which is accompanied by a picture of Smarmy in a comical jail uniform with black and white stripes and a funny little hat and a quote from the judge: “cheaters never prosper.” Oh, who are we kidding? Chrissy: It’s a kid’s movie. What were you expecting? Diandra: Is it? It seems more like a Wachowski brothers sound and light show. Chrissy: (mumbling) Yeah, that too. Diandra: I mean, I never saw the original Speed Racer, but I can imagine this is a pretty good homage to it and I can appreciate the comic book/anime look of the movie. I’m just with all the reviewers who wondered who this movie was actually intended for: kids or the adults who remember the original. Obviously trying to reach both didn’t work that well. Not that the plot was too convoluted for a kid’s movie, but it rushed by so fast accompanied by so many distractingly flashy and cluttered special effects that it was hard for anyone to follow in real time. Chrissy: There was a plot? Diandra: [Sigh] Never mind. If you’ll excuse me, I think I need to go take some aspirin and sit in a dark, quiet room for about an hour until these seizures are totally gone.