"The Curve" Staring Matthew Lillard and Michael Vartan. Oh, and Randall Batinkoff, Keri Russell and Tamara Craig Thomas, but they're not as important. Oooo...cool music. Huh? Oh, hi. The opening credits are intercut with various scenes that serve as set-up. We open on a grade sheet - posted on a wall - as a finger traces down to the name "Christopher Mason" and across to "B+". The hand rips the sheet down. Then we are forced to look at the floor of a men's room. Ugh. A pair of legs enter the shot and Michael Vartan's voice calls "Tim?" Oh pfffftttt. Nice legs, Mike. I think *mine* have more hair on them... Matthew Lillard's voice calls "Chris?" from inside one of the stalls. "I nailed it," Chris says without any conviction whatsoever. "Well, that's great, now we don't have to do it!" Blah blah blah then a toilet flushes and Tim opens the door and says "Asshole." "What," Chris asks innocently from somewhere off-screen. Tim takes a moment to check himself in the mirror before he pulls Chris on screen and starts fiddling with his backpack. "Did you really think I wasn't gonna check the grades myself?" Chris mumbles something about still having time to fix it and Tim says "fuck you" it's already settled, then smacks Chris in the ass...I think and walks away. Chris just stands there, shooting him a long-suffering look until Tim calls to him, making a noise that you would normally use to call a dog. Now we see several random scenes of the college campus and its students while we hear the comedy routine the entire plot of this movie will revolve around. "You guys hear about this weird policy they have now at most universities? If your roommate commits suicide, you get an automatic 4.0 for the semester. Apparently, with the psychological trauma, they feel you deserve it. Can you believe this? Your roommate kills himself and you get straight "A"s! This is like giving you a license to kill! I figured this out, you go through four years, only kill eight people, graduate with a suma cum laude. 'Hey, Dad, what's your major?' 'Double-oh-seven'." Oh ho ho yeah. Right. Now there's a cool overhead shot of Chris in the university's psychologist's office. "I'm worried about my roommate," he says. "I think he might be suicidal. Maybe you could tell me what signs I should be looking for?" Yeah, that doesn't sound suspicious at *all*... She says "spending a lot of time alone...despondent...overly defensive." He asks if she can be more specific. Excuse me for a moment while I go bang my head on a wall. Chris and Tim walk through a bookstore and Chris points out that if they're all drinking Tequila, then they'll be drunk. Tim says he'll put lemon juice and water in the bottles the two of them are drinking. I guess he'll just put liquid Drano in the other... "Well, I'd always be concerned about someone who underlines passages in The Belljar," the shrink continues." "Anything else," Chris asks a little too eagerly. "How about listening to depressing music?" "That's good," Chris mutters as he pulls out a pen and paper. "Anyone in particular?" Sheesh...could he be any more conspicuous? In the music store, Chris suggests Hanson. HA! The shrink suggests "Suzanne Vega. The Smiths. The Cure. Anything from the 80s" Hey! What's wrong with the 80s? So, of course, Chris and Tim are buying all of the above. Back in the bookstore, Chris asks what they're going to do with the suicide note. Tim says he hasn't thought of that yet, but they have to "stick together on this". He grabs a lighter out of Chris' pocket so he check his reflection in it and tells Chris to go pay for the books. Then he takes the receipt, saying "like *you* need a deduction." Nice guy. "What about movies," Chris asks the shrink. She says, "any period piece...Scandinavian films...anything by a first-time writer/director...Is this helpful?" You have no idea...And we're finally out of the credits. Gah. If anybody wants to go to the bathroom or get a sandwich or something go for it because we might be here for a while... Now all three roommates are playing a trivia game with their girlfriends...well, Tim doesn't have a girlfriend apparently, but whatever. The victim's girlfriend starts whining about being sick of this game and her boyfriend (his name is Rand, by the way) says that's because she sucks at it. Yeah, basically this whole scene is just a means to prove how much of an asshole this guy is. So, they do a round of him asking her questions and she does well until he asks a sports question. Tim predicts that she won't get it on the grounds that 1) she's Canadian and 2) she's a girl. Rand calls her an idiot for not knowing the answer. Hey, I didn't either...of course, I'm also a girl. Rand says his first name is the same as a Sesame Street character and she mumbles "Bert..." I don't know why that happened to be the first name that came to mind...maybe Elmo seemed too unlikely... Time's up. We move to Chris and his girlfriend Felicity...I mean Emma. Emma asks him the same question and Chris easily answers "Ernie Banks". Ugh. Men. Sports. Gag. Anyway, they basically cream Rand and...we'll just call her the Queen of Bad Choices for now. She says she wants to leave, Rand says no they're not finished. Emma tells him to stop being such a "dick". He can't help it, sweetie, it's in his nature. The QBC finally just leaves and Emma follows her. Rand tells his roommates that he thinks the QBC is "the one". One what? Now there's a brief scene where Emma stands in a bathroom looking at a home pregnancy test. Not hers. The QBC's. Emma tells her that, surprise, she's pregnant. She tells Emma that Rand is going to kill her. Honey, DUMP HIS ASS! Now there's a pointless scene by a lighthouse featuring Rand and a bunch of unimportant characters we will never see again. Two of them are playing the same trivia game and are struggling with the answer to a question...something about the girl on the Facts of Life...and the All-Knowing-Rand shouts out "Natasha Henstridge you morons!" Gee, why does that name sound familiar? Oh, yeah... "It Had To Be You". Sometime later Tim and the QBC are sitting in some sort of coffee shop on campus. He correctly guesses that she's pregnant and says she should tell Rand. "This is the *best* thing that has ever happened to Rand," he declares, and you can almost see his nose grow a few inches. She's sure Rand will ask her to get rid of it. He wants to go to grad school and a child would kind of put a damper on those plans. Tim says grad school? Nah...Rand would *much* rather start a family! Sure. I bet. Not. Then he makes sure when Rand shows up a minute later to make some vague comment to clue Rand in to the fact that he and the QBC are keeping some sort of secret from him. Yeah, he is so obviously plotting something that these characters would have to be complete morons to not notice...which, of course, they are. Back in the dorm room, Chris is laying on the couch with Emma, her shirt half unbuttoned, draped all over him, playing tonsil hockey. She reaches for his pants and he gets this look of either frustration or boredom. Heh. She asks if he needs some water or something. He says it's just "not working". In the interest of taste I will refrain from commenting on that. Apparently he's worried to the point of obsessive about getting into Harvard. Emma gives him a look that screams 'Oh, quit your whining and FUCK ME ALREADY!' as she breathes "You used to only worry about getting into me." Must. Not. Comment. Must. Avoid. Temptation. She tries to kiss him again but he turns his head away and gives her the male version of 'not tonight honey, I have a headache.' She huffily buttons her shirt back up and they sit on the opposite ends of the couch. "You know, there are people you can talk to about this," she says. Oh yeah... doctors... pharmacists... sorry. He says he's seeing a tutor and she - and correct me if I'm wrong here - POINTS TO HER LAP and says "not that. This." MUSTNOTCOMMENTMUSTNOTCOMMENTMUSTNOT...oh, forget it. She means the fact that she's *throwing* herself at you and *little* Chris is refusing to stand at attention. He blushes and starts babbling about midterms, grades and graduation until she kisses him just to make him shut up. The sex-deprived couple goes to a party later, which Chris immediately announces "sucks." They go into a back room somewhere and find a mentally retarded boy. Tim shows up with his "girlfriend"...for now anyway... and asks "What is up Gilbert Grape?" I should really see that movie...huh? Wha? Oh, sorry... Apparently Tim's "girlfriend" is the boy's tutor. Tim decides to prove that he is an asshole by asking him a lot of tasteless questions. His last one is "What'd I tell you about girls?" "Girls are no goddamn good," the boy says proudly. The "girlfriend" leaves and Tim says "Now look what you did!" Oh, go blow yourself Tim. "Give me ten dollars and I'll go buy her some flowers." Prick. And why are Chris and Emma just STANDING THERE and LETTING him take advantage of the poor boy? Sheesh. Now the three roommates are playing some demented game that looks like a cross between Spin the Bottle and Russian Roulette. Let's just leave it at that. Rand keeps calling Chris "Stevie" and "Nicky" and Tim keeps slapping both of them in the face. What a bunch of losers... The QBC shows up and Rand pulls her into his lap and sticks his hand up her skirt. Charming. She pulls back and says she needs to tell him something. He insists that she say it in front of everybody in the room and pushes her until she calls him an asshole and shouts "I'm pregnant!" Dead...silence. Tim starts clapping and says, "'atta girl, Natalie!" Ah, so that's her name. Got it. Rand gets upset that Tim knew before he did and accuses him of sleeping with her. He shoves Natalie and asks who else she's "fucked" and how she even knows it's his. Jump to conclusions much? Tim says he's out of line and Rand gets in his face, ready for a fight. Chris tries to break it up and Rand points to him and says, "At least I know *you* didn't fuck her." Chris splutters and asks what the hell that's supposed to mean. Chris, honey, you're not even fucking your *own* girlfriend. Blah blah, Rand punches Chris and says "fuck all y'all!" Okay then Billy Bob. Then he tells Natalie he thought she was special, but "you're nothin' but a small town whore". You just made all that shit up, you moron. Natalie and Emma run off and Tim asks Chris if he's okay, then says something that sounds important, but is pretty much unintelligible. Lighthouse of Ominousness. Rand is standing on the edge of the cliff when Tim and Chris approach with three bottles of "tequila". They ask if he wants to talk and Tim offers him one of the bottles. He takes a sip, spits it out and says it "tastes like shit". Tim frowns and offers to switch bottles. Rand takes a sip of the new one while Tim and Chris smirk at each other. Hook, line and sinker. Rand says he really "fucked up" and he doesn't want a child. Yeah, I think the world would be a better place if you didn't procreate, Rand. Chris says she can get an abortion and Tim says yeah, sure, little miss Saint Joan of Arc. Not likely. Blah blah, Tim starts acting drunk, but Chris, who hasn't even pretended to drink from his bottle yet, is looking a wee bit nervous. Rand pulls Tim and Chris into a hug and slurs "I love you guys." Yep, that would be the Sledgehammer of Irony right there. Rand gets up, stumbles drunkenly and declares that he really does love Natalie. Then he finishes the rest of his "tequila" and immediately begins coughing. "What did you do," Chris warily asks Tim. "Just a little rat poison," Tim answers. Sheesh. I thought it was supposed to look like a suicide! Better hope there's no autopsy, pal. Rand collapses and Chris says "Fuck, is he dead?" Well, that was kind of the plan, stupid. Tim kneels down to check for a pulse and Rand's eyes pop open. He tries to strangle Tim while some freakish horror movie music plays, then finally dies. Tim mumbles, "Well...that was unexpected." Heh. Tim orders Chris to dump the bottles and throw them. Chris does, but since he apparently throws like a girl I'm guessing they didn't go far. Tim starts rolling the body toward the cliff. "What about the suicide note," Chris asks suddenly. Apparently, Tim almost forgot about that. "That woulda sucked," he says flatly. Yeah. He stuffs it in the empty tequila bottle and puts it next to a rock or something. Chris asks what happens if it rolls away. Tim says it won't. Chris, in full panic mode, asks, "How do you know? You've done this before?" Tim tells him to calm down, to which Chris responds "Fuck you!" Tim says it's too late, it's done now, help me roll the body. Chris starts to do so but stops immediately and says "I can't do this...I'm gonna be sick." Tim tells him to look away then and mutters something about Chris not being able to "ride the curve". Then we see Chris with his back turned as Tim calls his name. Chris turns to find Tim standing over Rand, holding a big rock over his head. "Should I bash his head in with a rock," he asks, sounding totally insane. "You know, just to be sure?" Chris turns and throws up. Oh lovely. Nice sound effects there. Ick. Tim adds, "That would be cool!" Yeah, he's totally lost his marbles. Then we see Chris' back for a while until we hear a loud splash. Chris turns and we see Tim standing at the edge of the cliff, alone. And you don't have to be a fan of murder mysteries to know that these two geniuses have left incriminating evidence EVERYWHERE. Bottles with fingerprints. One bottle with traces of rat poison inside. And you can obtain blood samples from vomit. Oh, don't get me started... That night, Chris and Emma are lying in bed...oh, get your minds out of the gutter. She looks at the camera like she suspects...or maybe *knows* something. She snuggles into Chris and he smiles in his sleep. My, didn't we recover quickly? Meanwhile, a security guard discovers the suicide note. The next morning, Chris and Tim are awakened by somebody knocking at the door. And apparently they both sleep with their mouths WIDE OPEN. Yeah, that's attractive. Well, at least they aren't drooling all over themselves. That's always a plus. It's Natalie. She wants to know where Rand is. Chris, his hair sticking in about fifty different directions, stammers, "Wh...we haven't seen him." Tim asks if she's seen him. She snaps, "After last night? I may be pathetic, but I'm not *that* pathetic!" Then she guiltily removes her bra from a nearby shelf. HA! She says she's going home to Canada. Tim and Chris start apologizing for Rand's behavior. "I've told Rand if he keeps treating people like that someone's gonna throw him off a cliff or something," Tim cracks. Chris shoots him a 'what the fuck are you doing?!' look while Natalie mumbles "Hmm... that's not a bad idea." Yeah, well, you're too late, hon. Now we're in the college President's office...I think. The shrink is there too and she's telling the boys that there was nothing they could have done to prevent Rand's death. How about not giving him rat poison? Blah blah if you need to talk to someone blah blah your well being is out main concern yadda yadda and so you don't have anything else to worry about, we can "waive your academic requirements" and give you "an automatic 4.0." Tim acts shocked and horrified. Or insulted. Something like that. The President says they're not obligated to take it, but they should consider it and the shrink adds that they'll have enough to deal with without having to worry about midterms or finals and shit. We've notified the authorities blah blah we're planning a memorial service as soon as they find the body. Oops. Tim and Chris look at each other, wide eyed. The President adds that when they feel up to it, the local police would like to ask them a few questions, but "don't worry, it's just a formality." Sure. By the end of this scene, Tim is making a big show of crying his eyes out, but Chris is just sitting quietly, looking vaguely uncomfortable. Chris reaches over and sort of awkwardly pats Tim on the back and Tim yanks him into a hug, sobbing on his shoulder. Chris rubs Tim's arm comfortingly and is it wrong that I am suddenly jealous of Tim? Sigh. Then there's a long memorial scene where Tim, Chris, Emma, Natalie and a bunch of extras sit on some steps holding candles and Emma tries to comfort a shell-shocked Natalie. After the memorial, the four go to some sort of bar and sit around sharing memories of Rand. Tim starts telling a story about high school prom. Rand had dated the same girl all through high school, but a weeek before the prom she dumped him. Ouch. She told Rand they could go as friends and he agreed, but he never picked her up that night. Turns out he took a really cheap hooker to the prom. The girl was so mortified that she missed the last two weeks of school, had to go to summer school to graduate and got to college a year late. That's a horrible story, Tim. "Yeah, Rand definitely had a mean streak in him," he finishes. Everybody else just stares at him in silence. Natalie is crying. Yeah. This scene doesn't sound like much in type, but it's actually very interesting to watch. At some point during Tim's little speech, all the scenery behind him fades to black and all background noises stop. It's basically Matthew Lillard, sitting on a darkened stage with a spotlight on him. It's actually really cool. Anyway. "Where is Rand," Chris demands sometime later. "In heaven," Tim says as if he were speaking to a small, not-so-gifted child. Actually, I'm guessing he would be in hell, since if guys like him went to heaven...well, it would no longer be *heaven*, but whatever. Chris says he meant the body. Why hasn't it washed up yet? Tim says oh, I don't know, whatever, relax, and then changes the subject. Chris asks how he can be so calm. Tim says he thought Chris wanted to do this. Chris says he wanted to get into Harvard business. Well, mission accomplished. "Don't you feel the slightest amount of guilt," Chris asks. Chris, honey, look who you're talking to. What do you think? Meanwhile, Natalie sits on the steps of the memorial, drinking and staring at a picture of Rand. Then she packs her suitcase and jumps off the lighthouse cliff. What the? Sweetie, Rand was certainly not worth killing yourself over! Back in the shrink's office, the dumbest woman in the world is telling Chris that when he had told her of his "friend" who he thought was depressed, she thought he had been talking about himself. She says it's not uncommon for students to project their feelings onto a "fictitious friend" out of embarrassment or whatever. Yeah, that's why he was TAKING NOTES! GAH! He asks her why she didn't tell anybody that he was seeing her. She tells him about the oath she took that forbids her from talking about what goes on in her office. "If you decided to underline passages in Catcher in the Rye and told me that you were gonna shoot the president I wouldn't say anything." Why is she telling him this? Can somebody explain this to me? Now we have the interrogation scene. "So, you say Rand was acting strange the last few weeks," the first cop...we'll call him Good Cop says. Tim says yeah, he was buying depressing music and movies and shit. Oh, and he was drinking heavily that night. Good Cop asks if he had an alcohol "problem" and Tim jokes, "You mean getting it?" Then he says hey, Chris you knew him better, do you think he had a drinking problem? What the... Chris looks confused and stutters an um... uh... maybe... Good Cop says Tim told them earlier that he had been friends with Rand since the fifth grade. Tim says yeah, but they drifted apart when they got to college. They were still friends, but he and Chris were like brothers. Chris looks totally baffled. Here we go... "Was he upset that night," Good Cop asks. Tim says "Well...I don't really know. Chris, you were with him a lot more that night..." Can you see where this is going? Chris says Rand got into a fight with his girlfriend, who's from Canada. Good Cop's partner - we'll call him...you guessed it...Bad Cop! - comes out from around the corner where he was lurking and asks if she's Canadian. Well, duh, that's kind of implied Officer Dipshit. They say they haven't located her yet. Yeah, well, you might need a snorkel if you're gonna keep trying, boys. Chris says she told Rand she was pregnant, he got angry, made up a bullshit story about it possibly not being his and pushed her. Tim cuts in to say that Chris tried to break it up. "You shoulda seen my boy! Jumped right in the middle of the fray...woulda taken him too if Rand hadn't cold cocked him." Chris immediately adds that it was "nothing" and glares at Tim. "Rand had no right to embarrass you like that," Tim says and Chris yelps "He didn't embarrass me!" Good Cop asks what happened next. Chris says Rand left and that was the last they saw of him. Tim adds "Yeah, but you went running right after him, di...oh..." He gets a look of "realization" on his face while Chris continues glaring. And sweating. He tries to cover his ass by saying he ran after Rand, but Rand had already disappeared. "My boy was lookin' to kick some ass," Tim says proudly. Oh, shut up, Tim! The cops don't believe Chris. He ran right after Rand? What, did Rand just disappear? "Tim, you were there," Chris says desperately. Tim shakes his head slightly. Yeah, you're dead meat, Chris. You're up shit creek without a paddle. You are the weakest link, goodbye! Okay, I'm done now, I promise... "I don't," Chris stammers. "I...no...it was...it was probably a minute." They ask if Chris went up to the lighthouse that night. Tim leans towards Chris and says, "You don't have to answer them buddy," then turns to the cops and reminds them that Chris has his rights and he should have his lawyer present. The cops start to leave. Good Cop pauses for a moment to pull out the picture Natalie had taken from the dorm room of her and Rand and asks if this is the girlfriend. Tim and Chris blink at him in shock and Tim asks where they found that picture. "Fished it out of the river this morning." So, they found the picture she had with her but not her body? I'm starting to think these guys couldn't find their own asses with a GPS unit. Tim bums a ride from the cops and they pause to give Chris one last look of blatant suspicion before leaving. Sometime later Tim and Emma are sitting at the café...or whatever it is and Tim says he's "really worried about Chris." Yeah, sure. Whatever. She agrees. First the whole Harvard thing and now Rand. She says she wants to help him but he won't talk to her. Tim says um, yeah, actually, he doesn't have to worry about the whole Harvard thing anymore. "He didn't tell you?" Grumble. Emma is so naïve... He tells her about the 4.0 thing and she says she can't believe Chris took it. "That doesn't sound like him." Yeah, it sounds more like Tim, doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?! But she thinks he may have mentioned it once a long time ago... "Before Rand killed himself," Tim asks. Diandra shows up behind Emma and starts beating her over the head with a baseball bat. HE'S SETTING CHRIS UP, YOU IDIOT! "His whole life," Tim continues. "All Chris has ever wanted was to get into Harvard. Then his grades...sucked this semester. He starts joking about this whole 4.0 Dead Man's Curve thing. 'Hey, kill yourself so I can get into grad school'." Yeah, obviously this was the plan all along... Emma gets pissed and leaves, reminding him that Chris is his "best friend". Tim calls after her "it makes sense if you think about it!" This is when we find out that the shrink has been eavesdropping on the whole conversation. She seems to think that it *does* make sense. Oops. Chris and Emma are walking along the lighthouse cliff, talking...sort of. She reveals that she knows about the whole "4.0 thing". He asks how she knows about that. She says he told her. He says um, no, I don't think so. She manages to avoid the issue and asks if he's taking it. "What would you do," he asks. "I'm asking you," she retorts. Oh, would somebody just ANSWER THE QUESTION ALREADY?! He says he doesn't want to talk about it. What a surprise. She says if he wants to take it, he can go ahead. "I'll still love you." She thinks maybe he would be less stressed if he *didn't* take it. I'm getting confused... "Harvard's not the end all, there are plenty of other schools..." "There is no other school," he snaps. "It's either an MBA from Harvard or you're flipping burgers!" Wow, this sounds so ironic coming from Mr. High- School-Dropout. Flipping burgers, huh? Sure. Beats going to college for six years, using up the funds your parents started for you when you were BORN in the first *three*, just so you can be qualified enough to look up information in books. Not that I'm bitter or anything. "Let me help you," she begs. "Don't you trust me?" Say yes, Chris. For the love of god, if you know what's good for you, say yes! He says he needs to "figure this out on [his] own". WRONG ANSWER! She says okay, you do that, go, I don't want to see you anymore and turns her back on him. He attempts a lame apology (too late) and she snaps "go!" Meanwhile, the cops/security/coast guard/whatever find Natalie's body. Later, Tim finds Chris alone in their room, listening to...I don't know. Suzanne Vega? "Nice song," he mutters sarcastically. "Cheerful." Did everybody get that? HE'S LISTENING TO DEPRESSING MUSIC! You might as well speed along the process a little and just write that suicide note yourself Chris. Chris follows Tim to the bathroom and leans against the doorway. "We have to talk," he begins ominously. "I'm gay." Then he and Tim kiss for a *long* time. With tongue. No, not really. He just says "Natalie's dead." Tim's jaw practically drops. "Okay, well, that's clearly unfortunate." You think? He says it's okay though, everything is still going according to plan. Yeah, you wanna tell Chris exactly what that plan is, Brutus? Blah blah, "You made them think I had something to do with Rand's suicide," Chris accuses. You did have something to do with that, you nimrod. Tim says he was just having fun. "You're fine. Mike and Matt thought you were fine." "Who are Mike and Matt," Chris asks. Um...wouldn't that be you guys? Heh. Was that done on purpose? "Are you kidding," Chris yelps. "You're on a first name basis with the cops? What are you guys going for beers later?" Tim says well, actually... "Why are you so negative?" Chris flops down in the nearest chair and says "I can't deal with this anymore." BINGO! I'm sure that's EXACTLY what Tim wanted to hear. Tim says it was his idea in the first place. Chris says he was just *kidding*. My lord Michael Vartan is a *stick*. Or *was* when he did this movie. Seriously, the shorts and T-shirt outfits are not helping... "When exactly did I put the gun to your head," Tim asks. Well, not *yet*. Chris says none of this is worth the 4.0 and he doesn't think he even *wants* to go to Harvard anymore. Tim says hey, he's trying to get into Harvard too. Harvard Law. Why am I not surprised? Tim asks him to think back to six weeks ago when he got the B-plus and how depressed he was. Ahem. "I wanted to kill myself," Chris admits. "Exactly," Tim says triumphantly. Uh-huh. Blah blah, Chris says Emma sort of broke up with him. See how aaaaaaaaaalll the shit is just hitting him at once? Think this was planned? Yeah, so do I. Tim says he has a plan to get the two of them back together. Oh, this can't be good... He has Chris go out and buy flowers. Tells him to sneak into her room and set it up "all pretty, like the Love Shack". Tim, meanwhile, will get a few cocktails into her and bring her up to the room. Yeah, that doesn't sound like a set up at *all*. He tells Chris to wait in the closet for his signal, then come out and surprise her. I'm sure she's not the only one who'll be getting a surprise... There's a brief scene where the cops try to ask the shrink some questions, but of course, since she's taken an "oath", she doesn't answer any of them. Then we see Tim getting a little *too* friendly with Emma at the bar. Seriously. He's licking salt from her arm. Ew. Creep. He takes her up to her room and says he has a "big surprise" for her. Yeah, no kidding. The room is *covered* in candles and roses and there's soft music coming from somewhere. Emma proves that her judgment has been completely impaired by assuming that Tim did it. Yeah, that really looks like something he would do. He's really Mr. Sensitive. Besides he was with *her* all night, presumably. Anyway. She gushes about how romantic it is and he kisses her. Then we see Chris, watching from the closet as she drops to her knees in front of Tim. Urg. I have to hand it to the director and lighting people here, though. The soft, reddish light around Tim combined with the angle of the camera makes him look like the devil incarnate. Chris comes out of the closet and...sorry...let me rephrase that. Chris comes out of *hiding* and shoots Emma a dirty look before stomping out the door. Looks like somebody's in the dog house and this time it's *not* Chris. Chris wanders around the campus for a while, wallowing in misery. Apparently he does this on into the next day, when Emma finds him sitting against a fence somewhere. Of course he is less than thrilled to see her. She asks if he's okay and just barely touches his elbow. He *yanks* his arm away from her and snaps "don't fucking *touch* me!" She says she's sorry and "I know how you must feel." He, sympathetic and intelligent person that he is, says "fuck you." She gets defensive and tells him that people make mistakes. He says oh, yeah, you just *accidentally* fell to your knees in front of Tim and his dick just *accidentally* landed in your mouth, sure. "It's not like we had sex," she mutters lamely. "Oh, that makes me feel *so* much better," he sneers. I know, I know. There's a Clinton joke in there somewhere, but I like to think I'm above taking cheap shots. Usually, anyway. She admits that she "fucked up", but says that Tim got her "really drunk" and she was "really upset" about Natalie and "really lonely" and she obviously wasn't getting any from *Chris*... Chris snarks oh, I'm *so* sorry, it's all my fault! Why is it whenever Michael Vartan does a boyfriend/girlfriend fight scene he seems just as feminine - if not more - than the girl he's doing the scene with? Is it just me? Emma says that's not what she meant, she just let Tim take advantage of the situation. "How can I even trust you," he asks bitterly. SEE?! I swear, I'm gonna start calling him Christine soon. He asks her if she would have even told him had he not been there. "Why were you there," she asks. Oh, nice avoidance of the issue there, Em! "Did Tim tell you to be there? Did Tim tell you to go into my room and put the flowers and the candles..." "No, I did," he interjects. "It was my idea." Liar, liar, pants on fire. In more ways than one, actually...raaaawr. I'm so sorry, I'll stop, I promise! She senses this and tries again, "Did Tim tell you to do it?!" He says "yes, but..." Emma finally gets a freaking clue and decides to confront him. "Tim told me he thinks you killed Rand." Chris looks down guiltily and says he doesn't know what Tim is doing. He's setting you up, stupid, that's what he's doing! "It was a joke," Chris mutters. "I saw this comic on MTV...it was just a fucking joke." "But you did it," Emma says, wide- eyed. "Yeah," he admits reluctantly. "We did." Emma freaks out. "Chris, Tim is *setting* you *up*!" And I will just borrow a quote from the West Wing here and say thank you for coming around to the self-evident point I made five minutes ago. Chris yelps "what?!" Emma asks if he's blind. No, he's just too stupid to live. "Tim would not do that to me," Chris insists. Yeah, because he's such a nice guy. "But he would seduce your girlfriend and make sure that you see it," Emma asks incredulously. "He's gonna make you take the fall!" Chris asks why Tim would do that. She says "Maybe he just wants to screw you before you screw him. Or he's just a fucking psycho." I'm going to go with door number two, Monty. And that first option is giving me some very disturbing mental images... "We have to do something," she says. He raises his eyebrows and replies "we?" She asks if he trusts her. You know, hon, you keep asking that, but then you keep giving him reasons *not* to. After getting nowhere with the shrink, the cops have apparently decided to try talking to the college president. He says Tim acted really angry and upset. They ask how Chris reacted. He thinks hard and says "I don't remember him saying much at all..." He thinks Chris seemed "resigned to the fact." Bad cop asks, "Maybe like he already knew it?" Yeah, they're taking the bait all right. Chris enters the dark dorm room and finds Tim sitting in a chair with a gun in his hand. Well that was kind of unexpected. "Where have you been," he demands. "You said you'd be back an hour ago and now dinner is ruined!" Okay, so I made that last part up. Chris freaks out and asks what the gun is for. Tim points it at Chris (what a shock) and announces that it's not loaded. Chris sits cautiously on the couch. Tim says he can explain everything. He reminds Chris of the story he told about Jackass Rand and the Hooker. "It wasn't Rand," he admits. "It was me. I did that...what I didn't tell you is she [Wendy presumably] came crawling back to me a week later." So she was a masochist? Oh, what am I saying...she'd have to be to date Tim. "I was testing her. I like to do that, I like to push people." Really? I hadn't noticed. "I fucking hated Rand!" Well, he's not exactly a lovable guy, now, is he? I mean was...oops. And now we begin the second cool Matthew Lillard monologue of the movie. He talks about how spoiled Rand was and how it drove him crazy when Chris - Mr. Perfect - joined them. "You come from nothing and do better than us?" I thought he made some comment at the beginning of the movie about Chris having more money than him. Now I'm confused... "He used to joke all the time about how easy it would be to get you to kill yourself." Pay attention here, Chris. "Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? A little?" Yeah, it's a hoot, Tim. Then he gets all teary eyed as he talks about how much trust he and Chris have been putting in each other what with the whole murdering Rand thing. "That's why I kept pushing you and you stuck with me all the way," he says. "I've never had anybody like that in my whole life." Well, if you weren't such an asshole most of the time...deep breath...I'm okay. Then Chris interrupts the monologue by asking "why Emma?" and the camera lens shifts from "telephoto" to "wide-angle", accompanied by a whooshing noise. And if you're not familiar with photography, basically that means that the wall behind Tim seems to move about three feet away. "I didn't do it to hurt you," he says. "It was a test...the final test of our friendship." Chris rolls his eyes and tells Tim that he's sick. You're just now figuring that out, Chris? Tim kneels in front of Chris...excuse me for a moment while I try to drag my mind out of the gutter. This is what I get for writing so freaking much slash...and says "I've never had a real friend before." Gee, I wonder why? He starts blaming his Daddy for all of his problems until Chris says he doesn't need this crap and tries to get up. Tim shoves him back, grabs the gun and points it at him again. Yeah, but he already said it's not loaded, right? Apparently, Chris has forgotten about that, because he's panicking and trying to talk Tim down. "You wanna go to Harvard," Tim shrieks. "I'm gonna give ya a fucking 4.0!" He puts the gun to his own head. Go for it, Tim, we won't stop you. Chris very gently asks him to hand over the gun as he pries it out of Tim's hands. And again, why am I feeling jealous of Tim? I need chocolate. Tim lets go of the gun and falls into Chris' lap, sobbing. And I promise I will not make another slash joke. Chris starts murmuring comforting statements and patting Tim's back while I shove an entire Hershey bar into my mouth. Then Chris leans forward far enough for us to see the tape recorder hidden in his pocket. Huh? Wha? "It's okay," Chris soothes. "We'll get through this together." I love you. [Diandra looks around the room frantically] Who said that?! Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (aka Good Cop and Bad Cop) are sitting in their car in the middle of the campus. The useless security guard from a much earlier scene is in the back seat yammering away. "It used to be that all you needed to get a good job in this country was a high school diploma." Or not. Just ask Mr. Vartan. Heh. "Then you had to have a college degree. Not good enough. Then it was a Master's. Hell, I don't even know what you can get after that." I'm thinking Ph.D., dummy. His point is that "the human brain weighs the same today as it did 150 years ago." And? The cops look totally bored by his idiotic ramblings and are just about to slip into comas when Chris walks up. Good Cop slams the car door open to block his path and asks "How're you doing, Mr. Mason?" Chris smirks arrogantly and says "Detectives." What? The hell? Bad Cop asks where Chris is going. He says he has finals to get to. They say that can wait. "You wanna get in the car?" Chris looks at the car and says "Nah, I'm fine." They decide to cut the bullshit. "I think...no, correction...I *know* you had somethin' to do with Rand's death." Chris very calmly asks if they've found the body. They say no. He says, "So it's not really a death, it's a missing person." He tries to walk away, but the security guard pulls him back and he rolls his eyes in annoyance. Who is this guy and what has he done with Chris? They ask why he told them the depressing movies and shit were Rand's because they have three store clerks and several receipts that say Chris bought them. Chris looks mildly bored as he explains that Tim ran out of money and his credit card was rejected, so he paid for it. They tell him to stop lying - they know Tim's father is rich. Wha? Okay... "What about the French girl," Bad Cop asks. Good Cop says she wasn't French, she was Canadian. Get it straight, donut boy. Bad Cop says, who cares, she's French Canadian. Chris points out that there aren't many French Canadians in TORONTO. They think it's strange that Chris isn't bothered by the fact that all of his friends are committing suicide. No kidding. They ask him what he did with Rand's body and if he confessed to the shrink. Chris just stares off into the distance as he tries to figure out when, exactly, he became a cocky asshole. Good Cop asks if he smokes. Chris asks why they're suddenly concerned about his health. They say they found a lighter at the lighthouse cliff. I guess we can add that to the list of evidence those two dimwits left behind. They ask why he said Natalie was pregnant because, according to the autopsy, she wasn't. What? Chris doesn't even *blink*. "Look, are you guys gonna arrest me," he snits. They say they will as soon as they find the body. Like there even *is* one. I mean, seriously. Is anybody else starting to wonder what, exactly, Tim did with that big rock he was going to 'bash Rand's head in' with? Hmm? Chris starts to leave. Bad Cop shoves him back and asks "What, are you a tough guy all of the sudden?" Chris sneers back "What, are you becoming smart all of the sudden?" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Good Cop restrains Bad Cop before he strangles Chris. There's a lot of incoherent babble before Bad Cop says "You college kids! You're the *scum* of the earth, man!" Oh, gee, thanks. Like we don't get enough flack already. Nice. The camera follows Chris to the lighthouse where he meets Emma. She asks if he brought the tape. He says yeah, but "why are we meeting out here?" "Do you have the tape," she repeats. Be afraid, Chris. Be very afraid. Chris, total sucker that he is, hands her the tape. They freeze as they hear Tim's voice nearby. "To whom it may concern. I, being of sound mind but broken spirit, have decided to take my own life." He steps from the shadows and we see that he is reading from a piece of paper - a suicide note. "There's no one to blame but a society that has pushed its youth too hard and too fast without ever giving them a parachute if they fail." Oh, don't get me started on that subject. Emma scampers over and hands the tape to Tim, offering Chris a completely insincere "I'm sorry." So much for 'I'll still love you.' Nice girl you got there, Chris. "Let's face the facts, Chris," Tim says. "Your game is over. You have one choice left. You go out like a man or a big, fat girl." He sticks the note in Chris' pocket. Chris doesn't look very surprised, but then again, neither are we. "You want me to kill myself," he asks in disbelief. Well, duh, idiot. "Rand wasn't enough for you?" Tim says he would have been if anybody had found the "body". Then he kisses Emma right in front of Chris, apparently on the assumption that Chris will become so devastated that he'll just *run* for the cliff. Meanwhile, Chris is reaching for the gun in his backpack. "Hey, Tim," he calls. *Click*. Heh. He reaches into the archive of bad dialogue and announces that they're all graduating together... in prison! Oh, yeah, that was clever. Not. Tim sticks his hands up and says it was all Emma's idea. Snort. Emma innocently asks what they did and Chris says we killed Rand, you twit. He says he's had enough of this bullshit and he's gonna take responsibility for his actions. Emma and Tim glance mysteriously to the side with big, dumb smirks. Chris follows their gaze and sees...(drumroll)...Rand! Gee, I never would have seen that little plot twist coming... And we're in the shrink's office. WHAT?! No! Go back to the cliff! AUGH! The shrink asks Rand why he wanted to kill himself. He gives her some BS story about Natalie, his grades and how he felt like his whole life was going down the toilet. That night he got drunk, fought with Natalie, punched Chris, yadda yadda. The shrink says she knows this must be hard for him and hands him a Kleenex, which he dabs very dramatically at his eye. Oh, please, like he's really crying. Back on the cliff. Ah, I get it. We're doing a little flashback/flashforward thing. Tim, Rand and Emma are backing Chris towards the edge of the cliff. "I saw you go over the cliff," Chris tells Rand stubbornly. No, you didn't stupid, you were busy re-decorating the grass. In voice over, Rand continues to tell the shrink about how he stood at the cliff, ready to jump, and started thinking about his family and friends. All four of them. Chris tells the group to stop, or he'll shoot. He means it. Really. Although if that's the same gun Tim was pointing at him earlier and it's still not loaded, then it's not going to matter much. Back in the shrink's office, Rand says he "hitched a ride downtown" and went to West Palm Beach to visit some friends. Apparently because he didn't think he could face his friends on the campus after he made such a jackass of himself at the party. That is such a weak alibi. He says he planned on coming back, he was just so wasted that he forgot about the suicide note. Sure. Meanwhile, Chris has reached the edge of the cliff. "One more step and I'll shoot all of you," he threatens. "What are you thinking," Tim asks. "Look at your life. You're not getting into Harvard. I'm fucking your girlfriend. Your roommate's been planning your death all semester. If I were you, I'd jump." "And then my roommate," Rand says to the shrink. "Jesus! I must be cursed!" Hey, you're bringing it on yourself, pal. Then, before the shrink can reach into her box of standardized responses, he says "I know, I shouldn't blame myself." Well, in this case, I think you're perfectly justified in doing so, buddy. "One more fucking step and I'll shoot," Chris yelps. Y'know, you keep saying that, but you're not so good on the follow through, hon. Tim says 'really?' and takes about a dozen baby steps forward. "Fuck you," Chris snaps. Heh. Tim says c'mon girlie, you said you were gonna shoot me, go ahead! "With friends like you," Chris mutters. "Who wants to live?" Then he puts the gun to his own head. Back to the office. GAH! Could we STOP doing that, PLEASE?! The session timer goes off and Rand says he'll tell her the rest later. She says no, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND FINISH IT NOW! Finally, she says something intelligent. And we're back on the cliff, zooming in towards Chris until his nose takes up about half the screen all by itself (Not that it doesn't do that already...) as he pulls the trigger. *Click*. Yep, it's the same gun as before. Emma smiles wickedly and says "It figures you'd shoot blanks." AUGH! Way to kick 'em when they're down, Em! Now maybe you can go drown some kittens or something. Seriously, that was like watching someone kick a puppy... Chris throws the gun to the side. Tim makes an annoying gesture where he 'shoots' his fingers like pistols and makes a clicking noise with his tongue. "Looks like you've run outta options," he sneers. Chris looks at something behind Tim and smiles. "Well, I might have one left," he says. *Click* Tim turns around slowly to find Rand loading the gun Chris just dropped. Chris asks, "Hey, Rand, how was West Palm Beach?" What the...how...the fuck? Rand says it was cold. Chris says he should have gone to Vegas. Rand points the now-loaded gun at Tim's head and says "I don't like to gamble." Tim, echoing my sentiments, says "you gotta be fuckin' kidding me." Chris just stands there with a vaguely evil smile plastered to his face. Mommy... "I'm really gonna miss that guy," Rand tells the shrink. Now Chris and Tim have switched places and Emma is backing slowly away from the cliff. Yeah, I don't blame her. "You know this isn't personal," Chris says calmly. Rand adds, "Nobody ever liked you anyway." Ouch. That was harsh...but probably true. Chris says, "I guess now we're really gonna see how far you can push people." Yeah, that one just bit him in the ass. Then Chris makes the same gesture Tim just made, except now it looks *really* creepy. Seriously. Michael Vartan is certainly no Robert Patrick, but it looks like he *can* do psychotic. Anyway... He sticks the suicide note in Tim's pocket and says, "Harvard's really not going to be the same without you." Yeah, my guess is it'll be better. Rand promises they'll dedicate a wing in the Psyc department in his memory. Heh. Suddenly, Tim starts laughing. "This isn't gonna work," he says. "You can't shoot me, you morons! It's gotta look like a suicide." Brilliant dear. Do you really think saying that is going to stop them? I think they're well past the point of no return. At least if they shot you there'd be a chance of them getting arrested for murder, but you might as well just take the gun and blow your brains out yourself now. Idiot. Chris fakes a surprised look and says oh, yeah, that's right. Then he and Rand push Tim off the cliff. They turn to a scared-looking Emma. Apparently she wasn't let in on this part of the plan. "Hey, Emma," Chris calls to her, pulling a second suicide note from his pocket. AUGH! Emma freaks the hell out. He asks if she's 'in' or 'out'. Well, when you put it *that* way... She just stares back at him like she can't believe her wimpy boyfriend was the brains behind the entire operation all along. Not that we feel sorry for her. I mean, she's the one who kept talking about how much she loved him and wanted to help him out when she and Tim were really plotting to kill him. Yeah, cry me a river. Shrink's office. Rand watches out the window as Chris and Emma walk through some sort of grassy area on campus below. Guess she's in. The shrink says Rand was never legally declared dead, so he's still a registered student. And now that Tim is dead, he's entitled to that automatic 4.0. Rand says he didn't want to take it. Sure, Rand, we believe you. Except for the part where we really don't. "Chris and I talked about it for a long time." I wouldn't call it "talking" so much as "plotting a homicide". "What made you change your mind," the shrink asks. He says "we talked to Emma." Wha? Now we're gonna shift all the suspicion to her? The hell? He says she was Natalie's roommate and she took the 4.0 when Natalie bought it. We get two brief flashbacks here. One of Emma standing in the bathroom looking at Natalie's home pregnancy test results, the other of Good Cop saying "We did an autopsy. Natalie was not pregnant". Oh. My. God. You have *got* to be kidding me... "She explained to us that it's what Tim would have wanted," Rand continues. Actually, I'm sure Tim would have wanted Chris dead. "What are you gonna get your Master's in," the shrink asks for no apparent reason. Rand smiles and says "I'm thinking about... drama." The shrink nearly chokes on her cigarette and stares at Rand, wide-eyed. WHEEEEEE!!!!! Okay, so wait a minute, let me get this straight... Chris and Rand came up with this "brilliant" plot to kill Tim that required Chris and Tim to come up with a "brilliant" plot to kill Rand while Rand, Tim and Emma were really "secretly" plotting to kill Chris and Natalie? And it *worked*? Y'know, if these guys had spent as much time studying as they must have spent concocting that ridiculously complicated plan then they wouldn't have had to worry about their friggin' GPA, now would they? Discuss that among yourselves. I have to go lie down. This is giving me a headache. ~Diandra Hollman