"Monster in Law" Staring: Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda Featuring: Michael Vartan and Wanda Sykes Before I start I should tell you about my former neighbor Viola McCrazypants. She was convinced that the world in general was out to get her, especially my father who she firmly believed was responsible for her mailbox being knocked down every few months. He tried to point out that he didn't own an off-road vehicle capable of making the tire tracks in her lawn, but she persisted, accusing him of calling one of his (non existent) friends to drive all the way out into the suburbs at three in the morning just to knock down her mailbox. I can't recall whether he tried to point out that the culprit was probably a drunkard coming back from one of the bars down the street (a far more likely scenario), but I doubt it would have done any good. I mention this because, between her, this movie and a villain I remember from a book I read in elementary school, I am officially leery of all women named Viola. Panning shot of the Malibu Canyons. Sigh. I miss Malibu already. More shots of gorgeous southern California. Great, I'm already drooling and Michael isn't even anywhere to be seen. We zoom in on a Spanish-looking villa where JLo plops herself down at a desk with a big sigh. Yeah, it must be so hard being you, Lopez. A phone rings and the answering machine picks up immediately so we can discover that her name is Charlie and she's a temp. Some guy enters in his bathrobe, coffee cup in hand, and says good morning around a mouthful of donut. She says yeah, sure, go ahead and help yourself to my food and I thought I gave you that key for *emergencies*? He says caffeine cravings count as emergencies (good to know) and wrangles a crumpled up fashion design drawing from her, declaring it so good that "I'd even wear it". Considering it was distinctly feminine and drawn on a female model I'm going to take this as proof that he's fulfilling the Hollywood stereotype wherein all close male friends of female leads are flamingly gay. After some expository banter, Charlie leaves, hand-kissing a picture of a couple on a table surrounded by candles. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's a picture of her dead parents. She knocks on an older woman's door and asks if the "boys" are ready. Before we can wonder if she's babysitting or perhaps dating twin brothers two big dogs come racing around the corner, barking excitedly. So the next scene has her walking approximately a dozen dogs of all sizes along the beach. And they're all walking at the same pace and not even attempting to dart after passing joggers or tangle their leashes with each other or anything. Right. I can't even do that with two dogs of the same size. She sits on the beach with them and reads the paper, as if that wouldn't invite normal, untrained dogs to run off chasing frisbees or diving into the surf, ripping her arm off if necessary. Instead, one dog tries to hump another one and she swats him with the paper and goes back to reading her horoscope out loud. "Romance is in the air today. No one can resist your obvious charms [...] stop looking so hard, love is right in front of you." The dog who was just being humped suddenly jumps up and barks at one of the joggers, who turns out to be Michael Vartan. He's shirtless. At least I'm pretty sure he is. I was too distracted by the anvils splashing loudly in the surf behind him to pay attention. They share a significant look and she looks around sheepishly like she's afraid somebody may have caught her drooling over the hot guy and not paying attention to her dogs. And I call bullshit on the barker just laying back down as if nothing happened. My dog is well behaved but she would still have been chasing after him, trying to bite his ankles. Coffee shop, sometime later. Charlie, minus the dogs (here's hoping this is much later and she didn't just tie them to a mailbox outside), eavesdrops as an incredibly rude customer bitches at the server that this is NOT non-fat and "how hard is it to make a friggin' cup of coffee?" I think all people who treat servers like that should be required by law to take a serving job for a couple weeks (preferably during a holiday or whenever the place is busiest) and see just how easy it is. Anyway, the asshole goes to answer his phone and drops a twenty on the floor on his way out. Charlie picks it up and sticks it in the tip jar, calling it "karma". So maybe he should make a list of all the bad things he's done and try to fix them one by one. Charlie is so busy talking to the incredibly grateful server that she backs right into Michael as he enters the shop. Because there's only one coffee shop in that area. Roll eyes here. He says hi. She acts flustered and skittish and mutters a hello before scampering out the door. For somebody who reads horoscopes and talks about karma, she seems pretty clueless about the concept of fate. Or maybe the anvil dropping from the ceiling hit her in the head. Back at Casa del Charlie, Platonic Gay Friend is reading tarot cards. I rest my case. Now we're introduced to Charlie's other friend - a dark haired girl, fulfilling the other cliché of Flaky Girlfriend. Charlie tells them she saw the same guy twice today and that must be a "sign", right? Yes, Charlie. There was a big fucking neon sign that said ASK THIS GUY OUT, but apparently you didn't see it. PGF asks what he said. Charlie says she didn't talk to him. Silence. PGF stares at Charlie as if she just whipped off her JLo mask to reveal a Martian. Flaky Girlfriend decides now is a good time to confront Charlie about her "weird" behavior of late and hypothesizes that she is in desperate need of a boyfriend or a meaningless roll in the hay, whichever is easier. Charlie protests that she's perfectly happy and just waiting for the "right guy" and drones about the qualities she's looking for in a man and thank god for the eye rolling and "I think she's drunk" pantomiming from PGF and FG because it's the only thing keeping me from poking out my eardrums right now. Aaaaand we're at a doctor's office. Charlie is the receptionist. She easily handles multiple phone lines, walk-in patients and offers to take care of a call for her co-worker while she does something else. I'm surprised she's not knitting, reading a book on how to program a hard-drive and reciting Italian phrases from a walkman playing in her other ear. We get it, writers. She's a *really* hard worker. Move on. And now we're in some sort of art gallery. I think. Charlie and PGF arrive in the kitchen to help FG serve food and how many jobs does this woman have anyway? Good lord. PGF comments on how good it feels to be secure enough about his sexuality to wear a girlie printed apron. Gay, gay and gay. Charlie walks out, armed with an hors d'oeuvre tray, spots Michael across the room and ducks back in, taking PGF with her and squawking that that's the guy she was talking about earlier. And you're hiding in the kitchen...why? FG says that's funny because he's the one the party is for since he just moved back from San Francisco. Oh, and did she mention he's a doctor? Right. My friend thought this was a hilarious stretch of believability. Apparently all the doctors at the clinic she goes to look like the bastard child of Santa Clause and the Wicked Witch of the West. Anyway. PGF says wow, you're right, he is hot. No, really writers, we get it. He's gay. Charlie walks over and paces back and forth behind the group Michael's talking to in the hopes that he'll notice her. Twit. Go over and ask if he wants a cheeseball or something. I've catered parties before and I've found that people don't mind being interrupted from their conversations as long as you're holding a tray of food or booze. My point? Tap him on the shoulder or shove the tray under their noses if you have to, damnit! Instead, she listens as they yammer on about how great a doctor he is and gush about how wonderful he is in general and I may throw up. Somebody calls him "amazing" and Charlie draws attention to herself by muttering "yeah". Brilliant, moron. Then, instead of pretending nothing happened and offering them hors d'oeuvres, she starts to scamper off with her tail between her legs. For such a multi-talented person, she's not so quick on her feet. Michael (yes, I will keep calling him that until somebody says his name) stops her to ask what she's serving. She babbles flusteredly that it's shrimp balls which is shrimp in...some sort of ball. The blondie of the group...let's call her, oh, Lauren...snits that they're not interested and basically makes it clear that Charlie is a worthless peon to important people like her. Charlie runs off, sadly neglecting the opportunity to chuck shrimp at Lauren's head and duck into the crowd before she can figure out who threw it. Lucky for Charlie, Michael has gotten sick of waiting for her to make a move and chases her down, observing that she's a caterer and has a lot of dogs. Charlie says oh, that, no, she's got, like, six different jobs and one of them is dogwalker and sorry about eavesdropping back there. He says no, she should have stayed to talk to him. Urk. Charlie says his girlfriend seemed pretty offended and he stutters that she's not...his girlfriend...uh...he doesn't *have* a girlfriend and hasn't for a long time and oh, shut up. Charlie stares at him dreamily for a while and then snaps out of it to introduce herself. Her full name's Charlotte, by the way and his name is Gaylord. No, actually his name is Kevin, but I thought I'd pretend for a moment that he was playing a character with a more interesting name. Meanwhile, Lauren is with her own version of PGF, who points to Charlie and Kevin and says "looks like somebody else is mowing your lawn." There are so many possible replies I have for that that I'm afraid if I try to choose one my head will explode. Sometime later, Charlie is spying on Kevin sitting on a sofa talking to the PGF version 2.0 when Lauren takes the opportunity to mess with her, striking up a conversation as if they're old friends. Charlie stiffly asks if she can get Lauren something. Lauren points at Kevin and, channeling female "Alias" fans everywhere, says "one of him on a platter". Then she sighs and adds "what a waste." Charlie, gullible doof that she is, asks what that means. "Oh, you didn't know," Lauren asks "innocently". "Kevin's gay" and the man sitting with him is the groom...or the bride, she can never remember "which one's the top and which is the bottom." She says they're getting married next week in Maui. And because I am a slasher at heart, I found it incredibly cruel that the writers would tease me with the possibility of Michael playing a gay character. Also? He would totally be the bride. Charlie, clearly not the brightest bulb, says oh, huh..."I didn't get that vibe." Maybe that's because he was flirting and ogling you like he was picturing you wearing skimpy lingerie, holding a hockey stick in one hand and a six pack in the other. Lauren says trust me, shoves her mostly empty cocktail glass into Charlie's hands and saunters off, her pointy tail swishing behind her. Charlie watches as Kevin and PGF v. 2.0 laugh and Kevin slings an arm around PGF 2.0's neck and leans on his shoulder and damnit, stop teasing me! Charlie mutters something I can't make out and chugs the rest of Lauren's drink. While we're on the subject of intelligence...I played that MSN Outsmart game against both Michael and JLo recently. I beat Michael by, like, 300 points, although I think I should have gotten bonus points for knowing that it was Wild Bill Hicock who was shot holding the Dead Man's Hand and not "some guy". Then I got my ass handed to me by JLo, so I guess it all evened out. Not that Outsmart is an accurate gauge of intelligence anyway since my mother couldn't score any better than Michael when she played and I know she's smarter than both me and Michael combined. Also, thank you, Michael, for confirming my suspicions (see "Kitchen Confidential" recap) regarding your fear of commitment. And while we're going off topic on all things related to Michael Vartan, my employer's daughter has taken to whapping me in the arm every time I mention him. Of course, that could be because I insist on calling him Hottie McSexyPants, but still. The first time I said it, we had the following conversation: Employer's daughter: *whap* Me: What? He is! Employer's daughter: *whap* *shakes head and rolls eyes* Then again, she's twelve, so what the hell does she know? There. Now that I've got all that off my chest, we can move on. Next day. We get a quick clip of Charlie walking the dogs before she goes home and collapses on the bed next to PGF. The phone rings and the machine picks up immediately like, does she ever actually answer the damn thing? She practically jumps out of her skin when she hears Kevin's voice but doesn't even try to pick up. We see Kevin pacing the hospital hall by the phone as he awkwardly babbles that he was thinking uh, that, uh, maybe she wanted to walk his dog. Nearby, PGF 2.0 hisses "What? No!" Kevin gets a hilarious deer in the headlights expression on his face and stutters that uh, no, actually, that wouldn't work because he doesn't have a dog. This is bringing back memories of my not-so-boyfriend's desperate attempts to get my attention. Relax, guys, we're not gonna bite your head off. Unless you're a jerk. Or we're a bitch. "Erm...maybe you could walk me," he tries. Oh, the mental images I could conjure from that suggestion. Ahem. No, I'm not picturing Michael in a spiky dog collar and handcuffs, why? PGF 2.0 collapses against the nurses desk, slapping his forehead in frustration, wondering how he could possibly be friends with such a doofus. Charlie frowns at the machine in confusion and PGF 2.0 hisses "hang it up!" Kevin babbles that he has to go and she should call such and such number and ask for Dr. Fields. "Oh man, that was horrible," he mutters after he hangs up. Which part? The part where you tried to create a reason for her to see you by inventing a non-existent dog or the part where you gave her reason to suspect you've been sniffing industrial glue lately? "Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath for a call back on that," PGF 2.0 snarks. I think I love him. Charlie, meanwhile, just shrugs and falls back on the bed next to PGF, who says "so...take out or raid your fridge?" Hee. Next day. I assume. Charlie is walking her dogs on the beach when Kevin appears next to her, a cup of coffee in each hand. He says she never called him back so he figured he'd bring the coffee to her. Okay, A) she's got three leashes in each hand. I don't think bringing her coffee is a good idea right now. 2) we already established that the likelihood of her calling was nil, and D) you never said anything about coffee, numbnut. Charlie tries to be nice and says it's sweet and all but... uh... "I'm a woman." No, really? Kevin looks confused (otherwise known as Michael's default expression) and says uh, *yeah*? He starts drinking his coffee for the sole purpose of being able to spit it all over the sand when she asks "have you ever been with a woman?" Okay, that was totally expected and contrived but it made me giggle anyway. "Excuse me," he splutters. She asks if he's only ever been with men. He says what? Who? I'M NOT GAY AND I DON'T CARE WHAT MY OLD COLLEGE ROOMMATE SAYS! Yeah, I made that last part up. I can dream, can't I? Actually, he protests that he likes "women. Lots of...no, not *lots* of women..." Methinks he doth protest too much. He asks why she would think he was gay and she neglects to say that a little bird with blonde hair and a bitchy attitude told her. Instead, she squeaks "awkward" and tries to make a break for it. He blocks her off and offers to prove he's not gay by taking her out for pizza and then watching the play offs and completely ignoring her. No, I'm not making that up. He actually says that. How that works in his favor is anyone's guess. "Give me one good reason," she challenges. "'cause I'm different," he says. Durr...could you be more specific, Casanova? She says 'oh really?' and turns her back and asks what color her eyes are. Look out, incoming bullshit. "Well, at first glance your eyes are brown," he says. "But when the light hits them they change to amber and if you look really closely around the iris the color is pure honey." I'm not sure what he said after that because I was too busy vomiting. She turns around, her jaw practically hanging and says "I would've settled for 'brown'." No shit. I would've taken it as proof that he was gay. I mean, I went on three dates with my not-so-boyfriend and I still couldn't tell you for certain the color of his eyes. Hell, I don't think my own father knows the color of my eyes! That's just not the first thing you notice about a person unless they've got really brightly colored eyes or some weird eye color like purple or red or one eye is dark green and the other is light blue or something. This moment of sappiness is mercifully interrupted by one of the dogs biting Kevin's leg. Oh, just now? What kind of guard dogs are these anyway? So Charlie takes Kevin to her apartment so they can do something about the bite. He looks around at her organized chaos and asks if she just moved in. She says yeah...a year and a half ago. He says "oh...nice place" sounding totally sheepish. He indicates a random pile of clutter and asks what it is. Apparently it's flyers and a rolled up floor mat because she explains that she's a yoga instructor...and a little league coach and a dog walker and a caterer and does she ever sleep? Is there a spotlight with a picture of a dog on a leash that the villagers can shine into the night sky to summon her in case of an emergency? I mean, what? PGF wanders through, adding that she's a pretty good artist too. Yeah, and I bet she makes a mean soufflé. Grumble. We get it. She's Wonderwoman. Move on. Charlie emerges with a first aid kit. The ensuing small talk reveals that her parents died when she was little. Except she brushes off his sympathy with an assurance that it was years ago and she's over it. The memorial shrine in your front entry would suggest otherwise, Charlie. She picks up the hydrogen peroxide and asks if he's ready. He says yeah, but this is kind of embarrassing since he's the doctor and all and he should be the one OW OW OW! She apologizes, wide eyed and he just laughs and says he always wanted to do that. She doesn't chuck the bandage at his head for scaring her like that, so she's clearly a bigger person than I am. Then again, she probably figured out that he was kidding since she points out that she wasn't anywhere near the wound yet and no one is that big a baby. His beeper goes off and she asks if he needs to use her phone. Why would a doctor not carry a cell? He says nah, it's just his mother and it's her second call of the day so she's just getting started. Charlie ignores the big fat neon warning sign flashing in the corner and goes back to playing nurse. He asks if maybe they can do this again sometime..."without the biting". Well, that's not very optimistic about the outcome of the date. Ahem. Welcome to my gutter. She says yeah, that'd be great and he sighs as his beeper goes off again. You might want to check that. Just in case it's the hospital this time and they need you in the ER stat because some yahoo stuck in traffic on the 405 finally snapped and started a shooting rampage. Cue Jane Fonda. She bursts through a studio door, her long suffering (I'm assuming) assistant Wanda Sykes beside her and asks if Kevin has responded to her pages yet. Wanda says no and Jane tells her to page him again. Wanda notes that she's in a good mood and Jane says that's because the last time the network execs came to her dressing room she got her own show and a raise. Her mood is quickly deflated when a twenty- something girl interrupts to ask for an autograph...for her grandmother. Jane grinds her teeth and says sure, fine, and get me a latté, will you? She disappears into the execs' office and the young bimbo continues to gush to Wanda about how amazing "Viola" is and she's a legend and blah blah "I can't believe they picked me to replace her!" She skips off, oblivious to Wanda's wide eyed "oh, shit" face. Cut to Viola, who looks like she's having a minor freakout as the execs try to let her down easy. Blah blah amazing career blah blah younger demographic bullshit. Shortly afterward, somebody knocks on her dressing room door to announce that they're ready for her on set, which is pretty gutsy considering the screaming and banging emanating from behind it. Wanda opens the door and doesn't bat an eye as a vase flies through the room behind her and crashes into a wall. Nice. She says Viola will be ready. Viola watches from behind the cameras as the musical guest of the show - a thinly (read: not at all) veiled version of Brittany Spears - performs her new single. She flinches as FauxBrit gyrates and waggles her scantily clad hips. Wanda - fuck it, Ruby - asks if she's okay. She says great. Just great. She's done exclusive interviews with the Dhali Lama, Henry Kissenger, Mohammed Ali and four sitting presidents "two of whom hit on me", has five Emmys and now she's being thrown out with yesterday's trash so the execs can try to appeal to the shallow audience by hiring a young bimbo. She says she plans to finish her contract and "leave the show with my dignity intact." Yeah, good luck with that. So. She sits in the interview chair, opposite FauxBrit, who is popping gum, twirling her hair and giggling for no damn reason. Oy, the clichés. Yech. After some mindless chit chat, Viola asks how old FB is. FB says she'll be seventeen in a month. Oy. Viola falters and asks what she does for fun. FB says she loves watching really *old* movies like "Grease" and "Benji" and "Free Willy" and "Legally Blonde". Viola looks on the verge of tears and I don't blame her. I find that depressing and I'm only 22. Viola (stupidly) asks if FB has ever read a newspaper. The drums of Look Out, She's Gonna Blow! start up and Ruby, watching the monitor backstage, wonders aloud if Viola has taken a good look at FB. FauxBrit says no, she doesn't have much time for that. Viola starts breathing heavily and squirming and says so basically FB knows nothing about what's going on anywhere in the world and yet she's sold over 5 million albums and is influencing a whole generation of kids who "won't know how to think straight, vote for a president or remember the significance of Roe VS Wade." And that's different from the present generation...how? Viola, honey, you might want to pick up a newspaper yourself once in a while. FauxBrit says "oh, I don't support boxing as a sport." Groan. Viola stars at her, flames shooting from her eyes and Ruby mutters "y'all better get that little girl outta there." Deadly pause. Viola screams and lunges at FauxBrit, toppling her chair over. Heh. "Several months later", at Inverness Valley Mental Clinic, a therapist shows Viola a tape of the interview, saying she wants Viola to have one last look at the old her. Before they dope her to the gills and send her on her merry way. "Oh, thank god I've changed," Viola breathes. Sure she has. Hope you're giving her plenty of refills. The psychologist reminds her to take it slow and avoid stress. By the way, the psychologist is played by the same woman who plays Felicia Huber on "Desperate Housewives", so I find it amusing that anyone would take psychiatric advice from her. (Yeah, yeah, she was trying to catch her sister's killer blah blah. Anyone who would readily cut off her own fingers is certifiable in my book.) Anyhow. Viola says oh, absolutely, in fact she was planing on taking a vacation because she's promised Kevin they would go to Africa ever since he was little and now she finally has the time to follow through. Yeah, maybe they can catch their flight over on the corner of Unrealistic Delusions Street and Never Gonna Fucking Happen Way. She assures the shrink that she's "completely in control". Let's see how long that lasts. Ruby is waiting for her with a car. Viola loudly coos that she missed her good old friend and hugs Ruby, who smiles and says "oh good, they still have you medicated." Heh. I love her. Viola babbles about how she's got a whole new outlook on life and her priorities and she realized that what's important is relationships. Like her relationship with her son. I'm surprised the violins of impending psychotic breaks aren't playing here. Ruby assures her that she got the tickets and "the three of you should have a good time." Beat. "Three," Viola asks warily. Ruby wisely doesn't look at her as she says uh-huh, you Kevin and his new girlfriend. Viola gets twitchy and uncomfortable and consoles herself by saying that it can't be too serious because she wasn't in the Funny Farm for *that* long. We go to a house in one of the identical expensive neighborhoods along the coast of southern California where Kevin and Charlie are busy unpacking boxes. He holds up something of hers and asks if he should put it by the door so she can "make a quick escape to the apartment you still have for some reason." Wow, writers. Way to gloss over the questionable chemistry between characters - skip right from arranging the first date to moving in together. Nice. Charlie reminds him that he agreed to let her keep the lease (it probably makes her feel better to know she can still technically provide for herself since I doubt she can contribute much to the payments on THIS house on her salary). He says he would have agreed to anything to get her to move in with him. That line would make me gag, but he says it so adorably that I'm willing to let it go. Then he kills the mood by mentioning that they're having lunch with his mother tomorrow. Charlie is justifiably nervous. He promises it'll be okay, so clearly he takes after his mother on the oblivious and delusional front. They kiss and she scampers off to take a shower, with him following close behind her. Okay, I have to address this screwy chemistry before I explode. The first time I watched this movie I thought Michael and JLo had all the chemistry of a wet blanket. On second viewing, I've decided that the problem is that JLo is trying so hard to fit the shy, nice girl image and Michael is trying so hard to not look like a nervous wreck and throw up on JLo that their characters' relationship comes across as forced and awkward. They're cute, yes, but...awkward. Tomorrow. Kevin and Charlie are in the car, driving toward imminent doom, AKA Mom's house. You would think that this guy would have learned to watch the road a little more carefully when driving from past experience, but you would be wrong. Oh, wait. That hadn't happened yet when this movie came out. My bad. This is what happens when I take so bloody long to put together a recap. Charlie decides to use this expository filler to talk about his dad, Viola's first husband, who died when Kevin was two. She probably killed him. Or drove him to suicide, one or the other. She married a network exec after that, divorced him for another guy who turned out to be gay and "threw him out for sleeping with her second husband." Charlie asks just how many times she was married. Kevin says four but she lived for her career. Which she lost. So now all she has is Kevin. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! They drive through some massive gates toward a mansion of a house and I can no longer watch this scene without thinking about the part of the blooper reel where Michael announces that every time he goes through those gates he gets an erection. Somewhere in the afterlife Sigmund Freud is saying "for God's sake, man, get a hold of yourself!" I begin to ponder the fact that I have a crush on a man whose dog may well be more mature than he is. Then I pause the tape, groan and curl into a fetal position as I realize the unintentional double entendre I made with my use of the words "get a hold of yourself". I think I made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Michael's gutter. I'll try to find my way out by the end of the recap, but I can't promise anything. Viola watches from a window upstairs as Charlie gets out of the car in a salmon dress that looks like a throwback to the 50s except it has butterflies instead of a poodle. "Playing dress-up, are we," she sneers and runs off to change. Charlie is gawking at Viola's celebrity photos when Ruby bustles in to greet Kevin. She pulls him aside with some lame excuse about needing to talk to him about a rash. That is the weirdest...oh, right, he's a doctor. Almost forgot. They move over all of a few feet and Ruby asks in a stage whisper if he's insane bringing a woman home to meet his crazy-ass mother right after she got out of the loony bin. Kevin brushes it off and asks how mommy's doing. Ruby says she's fine, but she had to lock up all the booze. Yes, that will be important later. Out in the courtyard, Kevin tells Charlie that the property is four acres and has an indoor and outdoor pool. Charlie jokingly asks if there's a helicopter pad. Kevin cracks that there's one out back and Charlie actually believes him for a moment even though you'd think she would have learned by now that half of what he says is bullshit. Viola shows up, dressed in some Southern Grandma's Sunday best. I guess she decided to fight fire with even more ridiculous fire. She swoops in to kiss Kevin, turning her back on Charlie completely and leaving a big smear of lipstick on his lips. Oy the Freudian subtext. Kevin introduces her to Charlie and she says hello in a fake pleasant purr. They end up on the porch or verandah or whatever the hell it is and the girls drink tea and make nice-nice. Blah blee you look so young blah blah oh, nonsense, look at you etc. The sound fades and we see them chattering silently, acting like old girlfriends, while some jazz music plays. Kevin sits across from them with a big dumb smile on his face, clearly unaware that he has just stumbled into the Twilight Zone. Viola finally notices that Kevin is smiling at them like the village idiot and notes that he's being awfully quiet. He's busy contemplating his own impending doom, Viola. Or not. He says he's just happy they're getting along so well because he was really nervous about them meeting each other. They innocently ask why on earth he would be nervous and I shout at my television in a futile attempt to stop Kevin from going any further. Alas, he completely ignores me and blathers about how important them getting along is to him because Viola is the most amazing woman he knows and he's never met anyone as "real" and "fun" as Charlie. From the look on her face it appears Viola is suffering from reverse Oedipus complex. Kevin finally gets around to the damn point and asks Charlie "what are you doing for the rest of your life?" The music dies with a sick wail of trumpets as Viola gawks at them in horror. Heh. He gets down on one knee and proposes while the romantic piano limps along quietly. Charlie splutters and Viola leaps in to say that it's "too sudden" and "she's in shock". Charlie snaps out of it and asks if Kevin is serious. Well, if he isn't he certainly has a sick sense of humor. She says yes and they hug and Viola looks shell shocked. "Oh, shit," Ruby mutters from the sidelines. Viola lies through her teeth, gushing that she's so happy for them. She hugs Charlie and then, while still smiling and gushing, grabs her by the hair and slams her face repeatedly into the cake sitting on the coffee table. Cut back to Viola staring into space and we realize that the writers clearly have been watching too much "Ally McBeal". Non-daydream Viola gives Charlie a quick hug and congratulations, smiling with so much false brightness that her face is practically splitting apart. She excuses herself and runs upstairs, pawing through her medicine cabinet in search of cough syrup, which she checks the alcoholic content on before chugging it down. Meanwhile, Kevin is reminding us he's a doctor by giving Charlie a ring that probably costs more than the house I'm currently living in. She asks if she should check on his mother. He says nah, she's probably just calling all their relatives. ...and we cut to Viola, sitting on the floor with a scarf wrapped around her head waving what I hope is incense at her face with a feather and calling on the Holy Spirit to surround her with light and help her be a better person. Snort. Then she snaps and squeals "I could just kill that dog walking slut!" Apparently the incense has at least jogged her brain because she somehow comes to the conclusion that Charlie is pregnant and saunters back downstairs, babbling about how she had no idea they were so serious and totally ignoring Kevin, who is trying to alert her to the giant cowlick on the back of her head. She says marriage isn't the best solution to their situation because women have so many options nowadays... "adoption, abortion...lesbianism." She wishes. Kevin asks what the hell she's talking about. I think if he couldn't figure it out at the word "abortion" then whatever crackpot med school he went to should seriously consider revoking his medical license. Viola says come on, there must be a pressing reason for this sudden engagement. Kevin assures her Charlie isn't pregnant and Viola grinds her teeth. "Call me old fashioned," she flails. "Marriage is a sacred union that should only be entered into with the utmost care." Excuse me for a moment. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Ahem. Where was I? Ah, yes. Viola was being a hypocritical nutburger. Charlie gently points out that Viola was married four times and Kevin's "don't taunt the crazy woman" expression sends me into a fit of giggles. Viola calmly says yes, dear, and that's what makes her an expert. Kevin's pager goes off and since Viola is sitting right in front of him it must be the hospital this time. He excuses himself and Charlie not at all subtly asks if he wants her to go with him. What, so he doesn't get lost trying to find the phone? She might as well be screaming "PLEASE don't leave me alone with the crazy woman!" And apparently Viola has picked up on the fact that Charlie is easily manipulated as she uses their time alone to try to convince her that the proposal is "too sudden". Charlie the Total Sucker goes along with it for a while and then looks at the giant rock on her finger and mutters "what am I doing? I love Kevin. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Oh, my god, I'm getting married!" Viola makes a face that suggests she's seconds away from an aneurysm. "RUBY," she shouts. There's a loud crash and Ruby appears, pretending she wasn't just eavesdropping outside the door. Viola says they need a bottle of champagne to celebrate so she needs the key to the liquor cabinet. Ruby pretends she has no idea what Viola is talking about and they argue from between gritted teeth. Ruby offers to "take this outside" and then shuffles off with a grumble, telling Viola to fix her hair because she looks "like a damned cockatoo!" In the car on the way back home, Charlie asks Kevin if he thinks his mother liked her. Was she even there? He says of course she did, why? Wow, is he in denial. Charlie says "I don't know, because she called me a pregnant lesbian?" Kevin is sure his mother meant that as a compliment, like, what the hell is he smoking? "Trust me, she loved you," says the most delusional man on the planet. Meanwhile, Viola is ranting to Ruby about her successful doctor son marrying a *temp*. Actually, I think she just referred to Kevin as a brain surgeon, which...yeah. Remind me never to go to that hospital. Viola throws a complete screaming hissy fit and Ruby, champagne in hand, mutters that they're going to need something stronger. Yeah. I'm thinking some Valium with a Prozac chaser. Later, Viola is sprawled on the couch with a facial ice pack, demanding a martini and ranting about how Charlie is obviously going to destroy Kevin because she has no career goals and she was just waiting for a "rich innocent" to fall in her lap. Yeah. Because the odds of a cute rich doctor just falling into anyone's lap are so good. Ruby assures Viola that Kevin is smarter than that (I wouldn't be so sure, Ruby) and Viola raised him well (a miracle in itself) and he's a "good boy". Viola says that's the problem because he's a *man* now and "the only time they think straight is when they have an erection and it's usually pointed right at the crappiest woman." I would be applauding but I'm too busy trying to figure out if I should find her portrayal of her son as a hornball disturbing. "Are you talkin' about her or you," Ruby asks, which I hope is a comment on her generalization of men based on her four husbands because I don't even want to think about the alternative. Yes, I am still trapped in Michael's gutter. It's really dark in here so I have no idea how I'm going to find my way out. Ruby says Viola needs a project or another husband or something. Viola bolts upright, wheels visibly spinning, and says she's right, she *does* need a project and she has one in mind: "I am gonna save my son." She tells Ruby she needs as much information on Charlie as possible because "everybody's got a past." Yeah, but unless Charlie's parents were killed BY CHARLIE in a sleepwalking fit I'm not sure what she's hoping to find by researching her life story. Oh, and Viola is going to plan their engagement party in the hope that Kevin will see just how "out of place" Charlie is in his world and dump her. "This will end badly," Ruby mutters. Thank you, oh queen of bleeding obvious predictions. We cut right to said engagement party where a casually dressed Kevin and Charlie arrive to find people in cocktail dresses and three piece suits milling around Viola's estate. "I thought she said this was a barbecue," Charlie squawks, stuffing the gift bag and wine bottle behind her back. She would probably be wiser to turn around, ask Kevin for his keys and throw everything back in the car but I guess they're a perfect match in the common sense department. They find Viola, who looks inexplicably like a recovering cancer patient and who admits that she didn't warn them it was a formal party because she got some clothes for them to wear herself but before they go change she wants to introduce them to a few people and make Charlie uncomfortable. She introduces them to an African prince who comments - in French - on their lateness but is sadly brushed aside before Kevin can say anything to him. Viola pulls someone else over and introduces Charlie, pointedly mentioning that she's a temp. Charlie finally begs Viola to let her change clothes before introducing her to any more important people and Ruby hustles her upstairs where Charlie is thrilled to find a "vintage" strapless gown. Downstairs, Lauren arrives and Viola tells her that Kevin is up in his old room if she wants to say hello. This makes no sense to me as it seems like a maneuver intended to strike out at Kevin more than Charlie but whatever. So the next thing we see is Kevin coming out of the bathroom (I guess), fiddling with his shirt cuffs and finding Lauren lounging on a divan. Did I mention he's not wearing pants? Yeah, that's probably a key detail here. They exchange a few hostilities and she saunters over to purr "you and I had a very strong [something] once." He says no, they had very strong drinks once. Hee. But this doesn't discourage her from throwing herself at him and demanding a kiss. He shrugs her off, protesting that he's happily engaged. Charlie struggles to put on her dress which is, of course, a couple sizes too small. It rips. At a loss, she sneaks over into Kevin's room and finds Lauren draped all over him, chewing on his lips as if they were made of chocolate. To his credit, Kevin is struggling to free himself in a way that does not require him to punch her lights out. Lauren pries herself off him and gives Charlie a totally insincere apology and tells her not to worry because she was just giving him a congratulatory kiss. I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure that when you kiss somebody to congratulate them on their engagement you don't shove your tongue in their mouth. Unless, you know, you're *really* good friends. Charlie says why would she worry? "He's gay, right?" Then she storms off. Kevin follows her back to her dressing room and says "that was not what it looked like." Yeah, because that's always the right thing to say in this kind of scenario. She says she's leaving now because after embarrassing herself in front of the majority of the world's royalty and catching her fiancé making out with his ex girlfriend there's really no hope of this day getting any better. By the way her ripped, too tight dress is doing a wonderful job of making her look like a cheap hooker. More so than JLo normally looks anyway. "I don't belong here," she moans miserably. Somewhere, Viola is cackling gleefully. Kevin spews some crap about this not being his world anymore because she is his world. Or something. I can't be completely sure since I had my head in a garbage can and I couldn't quite hear him clearly over the sound of my own gagging. He offers to take her home and she says sure, just give her a minute to get out of this dress. He leaves without even volunteering to help and presumably goes back to his room to get undressed again. Charlie stupidly doesn't follow him or at least ask him to bring her back some scissors and a vat of Crisco. We morph to Charlie painting flowers on their kitchen wall. Kevin enters and she bubbles that the place is finally starting to feel like home and she's planing to paint all the walls. He announces it's time for her to take a break and hauls her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the room as she giggles and makes half-hearted protests about not letting the paint dry. Casa del Loco. Ruby yanks open some curtains so we can see that Viola is suffering from a hangover. Ruby asks if she's planing to get up. "What for," Viola moans. "I could die and nobody would care." I take it the rest of the party didn't go well. She clings to Ruby and sobs like the drama queen she is and asks if Ruby has anything on Charlie yet. Ruby says she has no criminal record, no history of drug use, good grades throughout school and "she's had fewer lovers in her entire life than you had at closing day of Woodstock." Yeah, yeah, we get it. She's perfect. Can we stop with the anvils now? Viola tells her to find something, damnit, and Ruby jokes that maybe if she had a hair sample she could take it to her little crime lab and play CSI. Viola's eyes light up and she says that's great, she can get that! Sarcasm is lost on her. Ruby says look, there's nothing to find and "I would like to speak to that woman who got back from the Loony Bin. Is she around? Because *you* are taking me for a spin in the Crazy Mobile." This just gives Viola a better idea. "When a woman marries a man, she marries his mother too, right?" Lord help her. Viola's new plan, therefore, is to drive Charlie so batshit crazy that she runs screaming for the hills. Kevin and Charlie are cuddling on the couch, which...what? I assume this is immediately after he did his caveman impression in the kitchen since she's still wearing her paint-splattered overalls, but...was the bed too far away? And why are they still fully dressed? Is this foreplay or something? The phone rings and Kevin groans as Charlie picks up. "Charlie and Kevin's house," she chirps brightly as Kevin goes back to sucking on her neck. "Oh, I forgot you live there," Viola says brightly. Charlie bats Kevin's hand away and hisses at him to knock it off because she's on the phone with his mother. Now, one would think that any normal guy would be immediately turned off by this, but apparently Kevin is not a normal guy. Viola covers the mouthpiece and hisses "the slut's practically fornicating with him" at Ruby. "I don't blame her, that boy's a fine piece of ass," Ruby hisses back. Heh. Amazingly, Viola doesn't hurl the phone at her. Also amazingly, Kevin is still attempting to raise a hickey on Charlie's shoulder. Viola brightly asks if Charlie wants to have lunch next week. Charlie, understandably shocked, asks "really?", batting distractedly at Kevin's hand as it wanders under her overalls. Dude? Therapy. 'How's Tuesday?' Charlie giggles that Tuesday is fine and look, she's kind of in the middle of something right now, so... Viola, practically sobbing in outrage, says "yeah, me too" and hangs up so Charlie can go back to banging her only child. Ruby announces that she's going to get the Vodka. I guess she officially gave up on trying to keep Viola sober. Lunch Date of Ominous Doom. Charlie shows up at what looks like the dining hall of a snobby tennis club in a skirt and shawl ensemble that I might like if the colors weren't so hideous. Viola snobbishly orders a salad with low fat dressing and an iced tea. Charlie orders a cheeseburger and soda. Sure. I suppose she has a really high metabolism. Viola asks if she's not worried about being able to fit into her wedding dress. Charlie wisely says she's making the dress fit *her*, not the other way around. Viola says she wishes she had been so confident when she got married (I assume she means the first time), but Charlie is going to have one thing that she didn't: a wonderful wedding at the cathedral down the street. Here we go. Charlie says she's more "spiritual" than religious so they were thinking of having a non-denominational ceremony. Viola says okay then, they'll have it at her place. She starts babbling about how she'll plan the whole thing; the band, the caterer... Then she reaches over to "fix" Charlie's hair and yanks out a strand, stuffing it into a handkerchief in her purse. The waiter arrives with their salads and Charlie asks if she can get one without nuts because she's allergic. Viola visibly files this information away for later use. Then she hands Charlie a frilly pink wedding planner and a "present" from her "new momma". It's a giant rosary. She says Charlie can wear it on her wedding day...just like she did. "Of course, I was a virgin," she adds. Liar. Then she pulls out all the stops and starts babbling about a horse drawn carriage and doves with ribbons and bridesmaids (who she has already talked to) and for their honeymoon they should really go to St. Barthas and blah blah. Charlie finally reins her in and says thank you but no. Absolutely not. Viola makes a dramatic show of feeling sick and searching her purse for her pills and then just falls out of her chair dramatically. So the next thing we see is Charlie pacing a hospital hallway. Kevin appears and says Viola had an anxiety attack, which she apparently confused with a heart attack but she'll be fine as long as she avoids stress. Oh, speaking of which, "she said you were yelling at her...refused her gift and said she couldn't plan our wedding." Charlie says um...technically she wasn't *yelling* but Viola kept pushing and what was she supposed to do? Kevin leaps to his mother's defense, claiming she's been having a hard time lately so she's "a little difficult." Charlie points out that this is like saying Antarctica is a little cold. Kevin says come on, she's all alone and they're all she has anymore and yes, my mother has said the same thing about me but she would never try to actively scare away my boyfriend for trying to take me away from her you naïve man. My mother may be eccentric, but she's not crazy. If she didn't like a boyfriend I brought home it would probably be because he's a jerk since the majority of my family has a habit of making poor relationship choices. Except for my one uncle whose wife his mother hates even though she may be the most sane member of my family. [Diandra prints out the last page of recap and sticks it in a folder labeled "future therapy material"] A man in a lab coat approaches, claiming to be the resident psychiatrist, and says he's a bit concerned that Viola may be on the verge of a "psychotic break". I think we're long past that, actually. He says he'll need to see her twice a week and he's prescribing some anti-anxiety pills and does she live alone? Because he thinks it would be a good idea if she had relatives caring for her until they're sure she's out of the woods. Kevin just says okay, thanks, like, what kind of doctor is he anyway? You would think a brain surgeon would know something about neurological disorders. Worst. Doctor. Ever. Charlie promises she'll take care of Mommy Dearest because she's sweet to the point of masochistic. Kevin drags her into Mommy's room where she grudgingly apologizes and Viola plays ill and depressed and says no she was being too pushy. Kevin looks pointedly at Charlie. "No," she blurts belatedly. "I would love it if you'd help me with the wedding." That had to be painful. Kevin tells her she's going to live with them until she's feeling better and she perks up like, "are you sure?" No, but that's beside the point. Viola says oh, no, she couldn't possibly and starts hyperventilating and grabbing for the oxygen mask. "Not without knowing Charlotte's forgiven me," she says, slapping the mask on her face. Kevin looks at Charlie pointedly again. Shut up, Captain Clueless. Charlie says of course I forgive you. You know, at least until such time as you force me to kill you. So Charlie is directing movers bringing Viola's stuff into their house. Ruby enters and Charlie asks if she's moving in too. Ruby says "nah, I don't like the neighborhood. Do you have any firearms in the house?" No, Charlie says, confused. "You might want to get one." HA! Sometime later Kevin is packing to go...somewhere and asks if Charlie is going to be okay alone with his mother. I'm going to go with NO here, Kevin. As a general rule, if your mother is around, Charlie needs you to act as a buffer. But Charlie says sure, it's only for one night and those pills the doctor gave her will make her sleep most of the time, right? Right? He just shakes his head and says "look, I know my mom can be a little *challenging*..." Honey, The Great Depression was "challenging". Your mom is a nightmare on wheels. He says if she has any problems she can call him and he'll be on the first flight back. "Hey, who knows? Maybe when I get back you two will be best friends." Only if the plane hits a particularly nasty air pocket and shoots you into an alternate universe where people survive horrific plane crashes only to end up on deserted islands full of smoke monsters and polar bears and the remnants of some crazed psychology/science experiment gone wrong. Ahem. I mean, yeah, sure. Whatever. Viola bursts in and starts yammering about caterers and color plates and blah blah blah. The phone rings and Kevin answers and tells whoever it is he'll be right down. Viola shows Charlie the china pattern she picked, Charlie says it's beautiful and they hug. Kevin announces that his ride is here and awkwardly gives them both a goodbye kiss as Viola won't release her stranglehold on Charlie. Charlie watches him leave with the expression of a child being separated from its mother. Later that night...or early the next morning, Charlie is awoken by Viola's loud fake-crying. And because she's a gullible wuss with a bleeding heart she goes to check on Viola instead of just stuffing some earplugs in her ears and going back to sleep. Viola sobs that she can't sleep and she feels so alone and WAHHHHH! Charlie asks if she took her pills. Viola says oh, no, I forgot. Can you get them for me? She shoots a "yes, it's working!" look at the camera when Charlie turns her back. Charlie brings her the pills and Viola asks if she can have some water, which you would think Charlie would have thought of before but whatever. Viola adds that she can't drink from the tap so she needs Charlie to get some Evian in a glass with ice. Charlie walks into the kitchen, grabs the already prepared glass from the prop guy and returns in two seconds flat. Seriously. It's bleeding obvious she didn't have time to get a glass, pour the water and fish ice cubes from the refrigerator in the amount of time she was gone. Yes, this is driving me nuts and yes, I will shut up about it now. Charlie goes to escape but Viola stops her by meekly asking if "Charlotte" would spend the night with her. Charlie grudgingly agrees and makes a mental note to try to talk Kevin into re- admitting his mother to the Loony Bin when he gets back. So in the next scene Charlie is laying in Viola's bed, staring at the ceiling when Viola fakes a nightmare and screams and thrashes and whaps Charlie in the chest a couple of times with her arms. Then she snuggles up to Charlie, pinning her down while Charlie plays dead and watches her warily from the corner of her eye. Heh. The next day Charlie is, of course, fighting to stay awake. Luckily she's only walking two or three dogs down the beach. Or maybe she lost the other five somewhere after she fell asleep and took a header into the sand. She comes home to find Viola bustling around the kitchen, pots and pans strewn everywhere. Viola proudly declares that she wanted to make Charlie dinner and plops some "steak and kidney pie" on her plate. Charlie takes a bite and Viola admits that the steak didn't defrost in time so it's mostly kidney. And from the look on Charlie's face it was marinated in a lemon-soaked gym sock. She spits it in her napkin when Viola turns her back, babbling about calling a lawyer and redoing her will to include her new "daughter". Charlie says that's not necessary and Viola says oh, nonsense. Oh, but they have all these questions they need to ask like is Charlie an illegal alien and does her family have a history of hereditary illness and how many men has she been sexually active with. Viola, if the previous scenes are any indication, I'm not even sure *Kevin* makes that list. Let's assume little miss perfect has only slightly more sexual experience than a nun. Charlie asks why the hell they would need to know something like that and Viola winks and says "that many, huh?" Is Charlie willing to sign a prenup? Charlie sputters. Viola says I know! Those nosy bastards, it's none of their business! Why don't we just deal with this later? Charlie says no, why don't we deal with it right. Now. She grabs a pot and clubs Viola in the head with a loud clang, smiling as Mommie Dearest collapses to the floor and groans in pain. Alas, the writers are only trying to rip of "Ally McBeal" again. In reality, Charlie offers to clean up the dishes and Viola announces that she'll go to bed because she didn't really sleep well last night (ha) and she's pretty tired. Close up of a television rapidly flipping channels. Charlie is holding the remote and she stops when she finds a B-rate horror film and cuddles on the couch, watching raptly as an out of focus Viola sneaks up behind her. She jumps in front of Charlie, wearing what looks like an Indian headdress and long, fake "nails" from the Edward Scissorhands collection. Obligatory screams follow. Viola babbles that the robe was a gift from Chairman Mao and the hat and nails were from the Dhali Lamma. Then she plops next to Charlie and proceeds to act like the annoying moviegoer everyone wishes would choke on their popcorn. "Why is she running?" "Someone's chasing her." "Why is he chasing her?" "I'm not sure." "Well, who is he?" "I don't know, we have to watch." "Mmm...don't you hate what she wearing?" Yech. She goes on and on about fashion, demographics and network television in a time-morph montage while Charlie looks increasingly annoyed, bored and tired. Charlie finally falls asleep on the couch, only to be woken bright and early when Viola blares an air horn. "I'm sorry," Viola apologizes fakely. "I thought it was air freshener!" Then she cackles like the wicked witch of the west. So Charlie ends up falling asleep at work again, this time at the doctor's office. Night. Kevin calls Charlie from a hotel somewhere. He's lounging in bed, surrounded by pillows that look so comfortable I think I would long to be there even if he wasn't. Charlie is in a bubble bath, which...hey, all hands on deck! Captain Delusional is still under the impression that his mother is only a "little eccentric" (just like the Pacific Ocean is only a "little wet"). Charlie says she doesn't want to talk about his mother and she misses him and by the way she is currently taking a bath so she is naked and wet and did she mention she's naked? This gets his attention as he is *male* and he sits upright, all smiles like "really?" and asks if she knows what he'd do to her if he was there. Judging by what we've seen previously I'm going to say "not much". Charlie playfully says "no, what?" "Well, for starters..." Unfortunately, we don't get to hear the rest of that sentence because Mommie Dearest bursts in the room at that moment, announcing that she's returning Charlie's shampoo and oh, is that Kevin? She snatches the phone and chirps "Sweetie! Hi!" Apparently, thinking about his mother only turns him off when he's actually able to hear her voice because it seems to work this time. She babbles about how much she's loved spending time with Charlie and she's not looking forward to going home and she just loves this neighborhood and she's thinking of buying the house a couple doors down since it's for sale and all. Charlie's eyes widen in horror. "Bullshit," she spits later to FG. "She doesn't even like this neighborhood! She's driving me insane!" FG tells her to stop being a baby; Kevin is the best thing that every happened to her so she cannot give up on him just because his mother is a certifiable wackadoodle. PGF appears, dressed in Viola's clothing and announces that he was in V's room, "minding [his] own business" when he found this folder with a whole bunch of PI type information she's been collecting on Charlie. Charlie gawks in horror as they sift through her GED and a bunch of candid photos of her. So, of course, they go pawing through her room and PGF finds the anxiety meds. He opens the jar, babbling about this stuff being strong enough to knock out a horse and then sniffs the jar and looks baffled. He says he doesn't know what these are but they are not the same stuff he takes and they smell like oranges. Charlie looks thoughtful. And pissed. Day. Charlie follows Viola as Ruby takes her to see "Dr. Chamberlain". Note to Charlie: a pair of sunglasses do not an impenetrable disguise make. She follows them to the mall and then to a café, where she is surprised to recognize the waiter as "Dr. Chamberlain". She gets a call from the clinic at that moment and is told that the "anxiety meds" that she called to ask about are actually just "chewable vitamin C" tabs. The fact that Viola was able to slip this past her DOCTOR son is a tribute to his stupidity, really. Seriously, brain surgeon? Shudder. Charlie goes home and futzes with some pill bottles and waits for Viola to get back. Ruby drops Viola in front of the house with a reminder to "look crazy" like that'll be a challenge. She saunters in and is greeted by a growling Doberman. She squeals and yells for Charlie who rushes – spaghetti sauce covered spoon in hand - to assure her it's just one of her charges and she had to bring him home with her and he's harmless, really! She yells "no" and "sit" and gestures wildly, "accidentally" splattering red sauce all over Viola's spanking white suit. The dog sees this and promptly sits. Heh. "Is that expensive," Charlie asks apologetically. Viola says it was and stomps off while Charlie fake-sweets a "sorry!" Viola arrives in her room to find the rest of Charlie's dogs tearing apart pillows, clothes, suitcases, etc. There's feathers everywhere. One of the dogs is happily lapping up her ultra expensive facial cream. Downstairs, Charlie hears Viola scream and silently laughs with glee, skipping into the kitchen with the dog trailing behind her. Heh. Again. Sometime later Viola is reacquainting herself with her old friend Mr. Martini when Charlie appears and yelps that she can't mix her pills with alcohol. Viola says she's a bit *upset*, okay? Charlie takes the drink away and says she'll go get the pills and shoots an evil look over her shoulder as she does so which you would think would be a huge tip off to Viola, but apparently not. Then Charlie chirps that she hopes Viola likes what she made for dinner because it's her mother's specialty. She plops down a plate of tripe in front of Viola and urges her to try it. Unfortunately, Viola is too busy trying to figure out why her vitamin C tablets are making the room look fuzzy. Charlie chatters about Kevin coming home tomorrow and she's so excited because she misses him so much and she was thinking they should all go to lunch together and what does Viola think? Apparently, Viola thinks "Frrrrnnnnssshhh..." SPLAT. "Yeah, I think it's a great idea too," Charlie bubbles as Viola snores into her plate of tripe. "Don't you just love being girlfriends," she adds before swaggering off with a victorious gesture to enjoy her first full night's sleep since Kevin left for whereverthefuck. Morning. Ruby enters the kitchen to find Viola still sleeping on her pillow of animal intestines and snarks "and good morning to you too!" Charlie enters shortly thereafter and asks if she's all right. Ruby says she's not sure. "I haven't seen her like this since The View won an Emmy!" Charlie says she'd love to stay, but she has to go get Kevin at the airport and why are you staring at me like you know exactly what happened here? "I underestimated you," Ruby says proudly. "You don't need a gun." Snort. Charlie brushes it off with feigned ignorance and skips off. Ruby leans over Viola and shouts "last call!" Viola jerks awake, tripe dripping off her face. So. Viola goes to meet Charlie and Kevin at lunch later, wearing dark sunglasses and generally looking hung over. We establish that neither Kevin nor Viola knew they would *all* be there, which I really don't see a reason for. Is Charlie trying to prove to Kevin how out of place he is in his own family now in the hopes that he'll ditch his mother? I mean... what? Kevin asks how Mommie Dearest is doing. Viola says she had a rough night and Charlie brightly says it must have been the martini she had. Kevin looks alarmed and scolds his mother for mixing her pills with alcohol. Charlie then babbles about how sorry she is that they got off on the wrong foot and blah blah and "you're gonna be my mom soon" so she's willing to do whatever it takes to make their relationship work. With that in mind, she would like Viola to be her maid of honor. Okay, that's just stupid. I know, I know, keep your enemies closer and shit but why the hell would she want to openly invite trouble like that? Then Charlie hands her a peach bridesmaid dress that we can probably assume is hideous. Viola flails and says she should probably call her doctor first and Charlie says oh, she did that already and "he thought it was a great idea!" Long pause. Viola takes off her glasses and squints at Charlie. "You called my psychiatrist?" "Mmm-hmm," Charlie smirks. "In fact, we had lunch. At the *Ivy*." The jig? She is up. And it is yet another testament to Kevin's intelligence (or lack thereof) that he remains clueless throughout this entire thinly-veiled conversation. Viola glares and squirms as Charlie blathers on about family and the future. Viola bursts into loud, fake tears and Kevin hands her a handkerchief. This prompts Charlie to start her own round of fake crying. Poor Kevin looks baffled and uncomfortable and takes the handkerchief from his mother to give to Charlie (BAD FORM, MORON!) and tries in vain to reassure the two crazy women who are both clinging to his hands and declaring their love for him weepily. Charlie suggests he give them a moment alone and he gratefully runs off like the table has suddenly caught fire. Heh. Both women instantly drop the act. "Just so you know, the crying bits are getting old," Charlie sneers. "Just so *you* know, Kevin likes his girls *thin*," Viola hisses back. Low blow, dude. "Well," Charlie fires back. "I can always get liposuction. I've been meaning to ask: is it painful?" Viola chuckles nastily and says the maid of honor thing was "priceless". Charlie says yeah? Well, keep your enemies closer blah bullshit. Now listen up: "This is my game now. You are going to tell Kevin that you are *not* moving into our neighborhood and that you've decided that you're feeling that it's time that you go on with your own life" and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! "This. Is. Over." Viola laughs and they stand up and get in each other's faces as Viola sneers that no, it isn't and Charlie growls "bring it on, grandma." And then for some reason the part where Kevin comes back and they pretend to be hugging and crying all over each other (which was in ALL the previews) was cut out of this scene, the result being that this scene seems to end rather abruptly. "Little bitch," Viola spits to Ruby later as Ruby loads Viola's luggage into the car. Ruby grumbles and acts hostile and Viola innocently asks what her problem is. Ruby says she's sick of this shit. "When I'm not sick, I am tired. I'm sick and tired." Is Bill Cosby writing her lines or what? Viola, deeply in denial, asks "what are you saying?" Yeah, because Ruby is so good at being subtle. They get in the car and Charlie runs up to shove the bridesmaids dress Viola "forgot" into her lap and they drive off. Charlie waves prettily and acts shocked when the dress comes flying out the window. And now I think we're in Kevin and Charlie's house sometime later. Somebody's having a party at any rate. Ruby asks Charlie's flaky girlfriend how Charlie's doing. FG says "mediocre" under the circumstances but "she's tough". Ruby says not as tough as the "old bird". PGF asks what that means and Ruby says for their safety they should "know where the emergency exits are at all times". I have no idea what any of that conversation had to do with anything, but it was worth mentioning if for no other reason than Wanda's hilarious delivery, complete with airline attendant hand gestures. Meanwhile, Charlie is reassuring Kevin that everything is fine between her and his mother and she has everything under control. Pan around the corner to Mommy Dearest chugging a martini. Viola gets everybody's attention and welcomes them to the rehearsal dinner. PGF leans over to FG and comments on how "amazing" Viola looks even though she bears a slight resemblance to the Bride of Frankenstein. Viola saunters over and promises to tell all her rich friends about FG's catering service and PGF gushes over her. Charlie storms over the second Viola leaves and starts acting passive aggressive with her (possibly former) friends for making friends with the enemy or something. I don't know. Can we move on to a scene that doesn't bore me? Dinner table. Viola is telling a story about talking to Snoop Dog and a sultan and she told Snoop that she thought some of his lyrics were offensive to women (like, what rap songs *aren't*?) and the sultan said "really? I have 114 wives and they're all huge fans of The Dog." Oy. Charlie seethes quietly. The doorbell rings and she asks Kevin to go see who it is. He runs off like a well trained puppy. He comes back with "Dr. Chamberlain" in tow, much to Viola's horror. Charlie announces brightly that they'll need another place setting and Fake Dr. Chamberlain says he'll get it and goes to get the plates, coming back with them balanced on his arm and plopping them down with the ease of a long time server. Heh. The doorbell rings again and Ruby goes to get it. She comes back with Lauren, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever as a battle tactic for Viola since it's more likely to upset *Kevin* than Charlie. Again. Kevin looks horrified (or maybe confused) and Ruby gestures at him like "dude? Wasn't me. Talk to your crazy ass mother." "Chamberlain" jumps up and offers to get the wine and Lauren leans over to ask PGF 2.0 how long they have to stay because she has something (or maybe someone) to do tomorrow. Kevin starts to get up but Charlie shoves him back down and asks Chamberlain to tell them about med school. He says oh, that's a boring story and nobody would be interested in hearing that...Viola loudly declares that they need more gravy and darts into the kitchen. Ruby follows Viola and watches as she frantically crushes some almonds in a bowl. Ruby tries to stop her from putting them in the gravy, reminding her that Charlie is allergic to nuts. Duh, I think that's the point, Ruby. They wrestle and Viola knees Ruby in the groin and dumps the nuts into the gravy while Ruby hits the floor with a grunt. Outside, everybody stares in the direction of the kitchen, wondering what the hell is going on in there. Ruby tells Viola she's crazy (No, really?) and Viola slams a drawer on her hand. Well, that was mature. Ruby groans loudly and everyone outside looks confused. Or maybe it just looks that way because the camera keeps focusing on Michael and JLo. "Put the gravy down or I'm telling Kevin," Ruby hisses. Why in the name of all that is holy did she not think to try this threat before? Viola asks what the big deal is, Charlie's face'll just swell up a little. Uh, she could also die depending on the severity of the allergy and how much she ingests. Your son is a doctor, lady. You'd think you would know better. Pause. Wait. Maybe not. Never mind. Ruby says her face'll "blow up like a Macy's Day balloon". Viola sneers and coos that it'll match her other body parts then. Ouch. Meanwhile, Chamberlain shows up in the background and snatches the forgotten gravy boat of death and nobody notices. Ruby finally gets Viola to agree to back off and they turn, naturally, to find the boat missing and hear Chamberlain in the next room ask if anyone wants any more gravy. Ruby flips and makes a run for the door. Viola tells her not to panic. "If we get arrested, I'm gonna sing like a canary," Ruby vows. Oh, Ruby, don't be silly. If you get arrested you're going to totally make Viola your bitch. Viola says maybe Charlie won't eat it. Cue Charlie loudly commenting on the gravy. Then she starts choking and complaining that her tongue feels weird and V'n'R scramble to hide the evidence. Someone says get her some water and Chamberlain runs to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway as Viola slams a drawer shut and she and Ruby try to act natural despite their cheeks being puffed out like chipmunks, and he asks "flat or sparkling?" Pffffttt. Later, Kevin tells Charlie that the caterer has no idea what happened and Michael tries not to laugh as JLo, in full puffy mouth makeup, whines that eben her tongue ith thwollen. Kevin lies that it's not that bad and the swelling is going down. This is PGF 2.0's cue to enter the room, reel back in horror and squeak "for the love of GOD!" Oh, yeah, he's all sorts of useful. Kevin glares and tells him to beat it and assures Charlie it'll be completely gone in 24 hours. She lets out a high pitch whine and slaps a washcloth over her face. Morning. A non-puffy Charlie wakes up to find a flower on Kevin's pillow, along with a note that says "I can't wait to marry you." Remember what I said about Michael's characters having a tendency to be a little too perfect? Yeah. Lather, rinse and repeat. She darts over to the mirror and sighs in relief to discover that her face is once again beautiful and she can stop worrying about the villagers coming after her with torches. PGF arrives with breakfast as she ponders aloud how the nuts got into the gravy. I'm sure if she thought about it long enough she'd figure it out. Then again, maybe she and Kevin really are meant for each other in that she's stupid enough to not suspect that Viola would stoop that low in an effort to sabotage their marriage. "Hey, do you think... she'd..." PGF broaches. Long pause. "Nah," they both laugh. Charlie assures him that Viola's crazy but she's not a psychotic killer. Are we sure? I mean, does anybody really know how that first husband died? Hello? Why is nobody looking into this? Then PGF asks if he can bring a date to the wedding. Charlie gleefully says yes and he tries to make a run for it before she asks any questions, getting no further than two feet. "Don't be mad," he says. "It's Dr. Chamberlain." Charlie asks if that's his real name and PGF says ha-ha, now if you'll excuse me I'm due for a manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax. No I am not avoiding the question, why? Elsewhere, Ruby walks in on Viola in her hideous, poufy peach bridesmaid gown, complete with a giant sun hat. She laughs hysterically and cracks "where's your prom date, seniorita?" Bwah! Love her! Wedding. Kevin greets people and pats a small child on the head with the look of a person who really wants kids but is afraid he may never have any if he doesn't get over his fear of commitment sometime in the near future. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. An elderly woman with a permanent scowl gets out of a car and bitches at the poor man who dared try to help a little old lady get out of a car because she can do it her own damn self thank you very much. Joy. She demands to know where "she" is. Uh-oh. PGF 2.0 tries to hit on a girl who turns out to be a minor. It's not really funny. PGF saunters into Charlie's room where a bunch of squealing girls are surrounding Charlie, who is wearing what is actually a really pretty wedding dress. I mean, it's amazingly conservative, it doesn't have any big poufs of lace or plunging necklines and it doesn't require toupee tape to hold it up. It's actually kind of...shocking. FG assures her that the priest agreed to skip over the "if anyone should object" part. Heh. Speak of the devil, Viola breezes in, wearing a much nicer dress than she was earlier aside from the gigantic feather boa. Unfortunately, it's white. Charlie looks pissed and PGF ushers everybody out of the room before she blows her top. Can I just say that I think the whole nobody but the bride can wear white thing is totally stupid? Who cares what color people wear? In this case, Charlie should be grateful the woman is not wearing a black dress and a hat with a mourner's veil! I hate mindless traditions. You don't see the groomsmen scrambling to make sure nobody is wearing the same black suit as the groom. If I ever get married I'm going to wear black or red or neon rainbow colors or something. And my bridesmaids can pick their own dresses. Knowing my friends, I'm sure some of them would prefer to wear pantsuits. Charlie demands to know where Viola's peach dress is. Viola says she gave it to Ruby's daughter. "She works at Hooters. She was thrilled!" Oooo...ouch. Charlie snarls that Viola is going to take off that dress or Charlie will take it off for her. I'm sure several baby boomer men just perked up. And by that I don't mean...never mind. Oh, look, I finally found a way out of this gutter! Viola snaps at Charlie to not tell her what to do. I think I've officially lost it since I just typoed "tell her who to od" and it made me giggle. They jab each other in the shoulder and push each other and then Charlie slaps Viola. Wooo! Catfight! Except that Charlie looks horrified and starts to apologize. Viola slaps her and barks "you don't slap someone and apologize! Get some backbone!" Snort. They slap each other a few more times and Charlie finally calls it quits and tells Viola she might as well face the fact that Charlie is marrying her son and she can't do anything to stop it. Oh, don't challenge her. Viola says "*you* face it. You will never be good enough for him!" Our Lady of the Eternal Scowl of Bitchiness enters and snits that that didn't stop Viola from marrying *her* son. Which one was that? They then have the following conversation... OLotESoB: Oh, look, a white dress. How predictable. Viola: Oh, hello, bitch. How was traffic? I assume you flew in on your broom as usual. I didn't even expect you to show up. OLotESoB: Really? Well, I guess that's understandable seeing as you DIDN'T SEND ME AN INVITATION YOU TRAMP! Viola: That's because I thought you were dead, but I guess the wooden stake must have missed your heart, which is perfectly understandable, seeing as it's so small and shriveled. OLotESoB: Hey, congratulations on getting thrown into the loony bin. How did you escape? I'm not transcribing exactly, but that's the general gist. OLotESoB spits an hors d'ouvres into a napkin and declares it terrible. Classy gal, she is. Then she does an about face and turns all kind and grandmotherly on Charlie, gushing that she looks beautiful and Kevin is so lucky to have her and "would that my son had been that lucky." "Oh, here we go again," Viola mutters. "What," OLotESoB snits. "You were the weather girl in Dubuque, Montana. You drove around in a broken down minivan and you drank red wine from a box!" Charlie goggles. "You killed him, you know," OLotESoB continues. "All the doctors agreed. My son died of terminal disappointment." Viola sneers that if anyone killed him, OLotESoB did. She smothered him to death. Oh, like you're trying to do to your son now, Viola? "Nobody was ever good enough for him," she complains. So what was it you were saying when OLotESoB so rudely interrupted you? Pot? You're black. Sincerely, Kettle. Pause. "My god, you look old," OLotESoB sneers. Viola looks at Ruby, who has appeared in the doorway (and who hilariously makes eyelift gestures and assures Viola that she looks "fine!") and stage whispers "this woman is gonna drive me crazy!" OLotESoB says nah, she can't take all the credit for that, snatches the feather boa from the bed and stalks off. Charlie looks dazed and not unlike she has just seen her life flash before her eyes and man is it UGLY. She drops into a chair dejectedly and says "this is never gonna end, is it? I mean, that's gonna be me and you in thirty years." Nah, Charlie, I'm sure you'd never last that long! The weepy piano of sentimental monologues plays and she babbles about how she and Kevin make each other happy but obviously Viola is determined to keep them from marrying each other so fine. "You win, Viola." She rips off her white gloves, declares the wedding off and storms out. Ruby startles as the door opens and pretends she wasn't just listening in through her scotch glass. "I can't believe she compared me to Gertrude," Viola flails. Ruby says yeah, that was just wrong..."you are *far* worse." Heh. That woman has excellent comic timing. Ruby points out that Gertrude never tried to poison her and she wore *black* to her wedding, claiming she was in mourning. Man, did I call that one or what? Viola whines that she just wants her son to be happy. Honey, have you taken a good look at him lately? What do you think that big dumb smile permanently plastered to his face is a sign of? Deep denial? Gas? Ruby says as much, in fewer words. Proving that the apple of intelligence doesn't fall far from the demented tree, Charlie stumbles into Kevin's room and he babbles about it being bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding and takes roughly ten minutes to notice the "two seconds from a crying breakdown" look on his fiancee's face. He takes this as a sign that she is nervous. Because he is a dipstick. I'm now thinking that the shady "college" that gave him a license to cut open people's skulls shut down soon thereafter. Viola bursts in only seconds behind Charlie despite the rather long delay she had in leaving Charlie's dressing room because the continuity person on this movie is obviously out to lunch again. Viola interrupts before Charlie can say anything, blurting that she needs to talk to Charlie because "the flower girls are drunk again." Oh, good one genius. Maybe next time you can say that one of her canine charges is on the phone and wants to talk to her. "What," Kevin says, completely dazed and probably confused. "Yeah, in the...toilet," Viola adds, wringing her hands. Oy. She says it's *really* important. Kevin says Charlie will be with her in a minute, turns to Charlie and asks what's wrong. Charlie, by some miracle, decides to give Viola the benefit of the doubt and excuses herself. Back in her dressing room, Viola says she doesn't want Charlie to walk out on the wedding. "What, am I supposed to believe that you've had some epiphany," Charlie asks. "That all of a sudden everything's gonna be different?" Apparently? Yes. And it's a total cop out, but I love that the writers are kind of acknowledging that so I guess I'll give them a break. Viola says it was never about Charlie, it was about her fear of losing Kevin. And to that I say: duh. I think we got that from the repeated reminders that he's the only family you have, Viola. "He's the only family I've got," Viola whimpers. What did I just say? Charlie says this is *her* chance for a family and admits she's scared. Viola tells her not to "blow [her] chance" at happiness and Kevin's never needed her approval (he hasn't?) and he loves her and she promises to get out of the way and let them be happy. Right. Charlie calls bullshit and says there needs to be boundaries. "I can do boundaries," Viola says. Somewhere, Felicia Huber is laughing and muttering "yeah, good luck!" Ruby, chair pulled up, glass firmly pressed to the door, rolls her eyes. Charlie says for starters they're going to limit the number of times she calls Kevin every day down to one. Viola protests that she needs at least four. Good lord, woman, get a grip! Of course, what do I know? I *live* with my mother. They negotiate it down to two. "Two *long* ass calls," Ruby mutters. And when they have kids Viola will not be telling them how to raise them. If Charlie wants advise, she'll ask for it. Yeah, now she's just asking for miracles. And finally, Viola "must be present for every Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday, school play, clarinet recital and soccer game." Like I said, she's too nice for her own good. And she will regret this eventually. Viola looks weepy as Charlie says she wants Viola to spoil them and teach them the things she and Kevin can't. Again, you're going to regret this someday. For all you know you just gave her permission to teach them how to hold their liquor. "I want you there, Viola. I do. Front and center. On this point, I will not negotiate." Outside, Ruby mutters "damn, that girl can give a nice little speech." Yes, she can also dig her own grave quite well. She'll probably have one kid and then die of...ahem..."terminal disappointment". Viola asks if they can call her "Viola" instead of "Grandma". I wonder how long it took for her to get used to Kevin calling her "mom"? Charlie says fine and they hug and Viola asks Charlie to help her change. Charlie protests that she doesn't really have to wear that horrible peach dress from the Stevie Wonder collection and Viola says yes, actually, she does and gives her a proud momma smile. Gag me. And, as we already skipped the whole dating process with these two, we skip the entire actual wedding and cut right to the newlyweds exiting the house, ducking handfuls of flower petals. Viola jostles her way to the front of the crowd in time to see Kevin help Charlie into the car. She smiles sadly and starts to slink away. Kevin appears behind her suddenly and asks if she really thought he would leave without saying goodbye to her. Aww...he's so cute. I just want to kiss him and pinch his cheeks. The ones on his face, I mean. Well... maybe the other ones too...damnit, I'm back in the damn gutter again! They hug and kiss and he says "I love you, mom." Aw. Gag. Sniff. Cut to Charlie throwing the bouquet, which disappears into the crowd of scrambling females. The crowd parts to reveal Viola, staring at the bouquet in her hands in shock. Lord help husband #5. Charlie shrugs and they both laugh and OLotESoB rolls her eyes in disgust. I kind of like her. Even if her role was tragically short. Viola and Ruby watch the car drive off and Viola sighs. "Just you and me now." Ruby's smile droops and she mutters "Jesus, who'd I kill in a past life? And take off that dress, you look like a giant peach cobbler. You're making me hungry." Heh. Love her. They walk back into the house and she adds "come on weather girl, I'll buy you a box of wine." Viola laughs and Ruby rolls her eyes as she closes the door, ushering the card with the words "The End" across the screen. Oh, that's it? Okay. So aside from the fact that the majority of the story was predictable (as are many great movies, for the record, including much of Lord of the Rings) and the standard happy ending seemed to come out of nowhere and the general hatred of all things JLo...I don't see the problem that people had with this movie. :shrug: Oh, well. ~Diandra