"Torchwood, episode 1x04: Cyberwoman" Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen And we’re going right into this episode from the last one because Chrissy and I are still somewhat buzzed and I have a feeling we’re going to want to be blind drunk by the end of this episode. Chrissy: Well, that’s encouraging. Diandra: It’ll get better, I promise. Eventually. Ianto enters the hub to find everyone else playing some sort of variation on basketball that seems to require a lot of shrieking on the part of the female players. Ianto stands staring at them like he’s just realized he is the most mature member of the team. They brush past Ianto, barely glancing at him after they finish playing and Jack tosses the ball at him. He waits until they’re gone and then runs off to...order pizza? He adds a tub of coleslaw to the order because “my boss says I’m not eating enough vegetables.” Aww, isn’t that cute. And weird. Apparently he was just killing time until some doctor arrives at the hub. He runs up to great him with a smile and a “good to see you again.” The guy stares and he bows and greets him in Japanese, which the doctor seems to respond better to. He takes Doctor Darega down to some sort of underground lab with bolt locks on the door. “I did all I could,” he says, unlocking the heavy ass door. Inside is a young, pretty black woman attached to all sorts of medical equipment and mostly encased in what looks like a metal suit of armor. “One of them survived,” Doctor Darega splutters, wide eyed. Ianto kisses her and introduces her as Lisa. Lisa’s eyes open and close, but she doesn’t seem at all aware of her surroundings. Chrissy: Terminator 1.0? Diandra: Pretty much. Chrissy: I’ll get some more alcohol. Diandra: You are an angel. After the blippy credits we come right back to the same scene. Doctor Darega is so excited he’s practically wetting his pants. Chrissy: Didn’t Ianto say his name was Tanizaki? Who is Doctor Darega? Diandra: Exactly. Chrissy: What? Diandra: No, What’s on second. I Don’t Know is on third. Chrissy: You named him the Japanese equivalent of Doctor Who just so you could make that joke, didn’t you? Diandra: Nah. Why would you think that? He says Lisa must be the last of her kind on the whole planet. He waves a pen light in her eyes and as he pries each eyelid open it makes a mechanical noise. He asks what happened. Ianto says she worked for Torchwood London and toward the end of that Canary Wharf clusterfuck the Cybermen needed soldiers fast and “started upgrading whole bodies instead of transplanting brains”. The danger with watching a show that is spun off of something you’ve never watched is that you will eventually run into this problem. I have no fucking clue what he’s talking about. Obviously Cybermen are some sort of breed of humanoid machines, but I have no idea how they work so that last sentence makes no sense to me. They run on human brains? Why? Anyway. Lisa was halfway through the operation when “the machinery shut down.” There’s a brief flashback of Ianto pulling her – conscious and screaming – around on an unfinished set somewhere while red lights blink and crackling fire sound effects utterly fail to make this shot not look like it was taken from a low budget student film. Doctor Darega says her hearing and breathing appear “completely cybernetic”, yet she still has a good share of human skin peaking through the metal frame. He pokes at her abdomen and Ianto looks uncomfortable. Doctor Darega guesses the “upgrade” was about 55% completed. Or maybe 60%. “Can you make her human again,” Ianto snaps impatiently. Doctor Darega is still distracted by all the machinery surrounding her. He concludes that Ianto took parts from a “cyber conversion unit” and turned them into a life support system, but he can’t figure out how he knew to do that. “I told him,” Lisa pipes up. Ianto starts fussing over her, asking if she needs more pain meds. “Is this him,” she asks, eyeing the doctor. Ianto says he promised he’d bring someone to help and they make goo goo eyes at each other. Doctor Darega introduces himself as an expert in cybernetics and says her friend here asked for his help. “My boyfriend,” Lisa corrects. Chrissy: It’s always the quiet ones. Diandra: Imagine what he’s like in the bedroom... Chrissy: Way ahead of you there. She answers a few standard questions for Doctor Darega. Her name is Lisa Hallet, she’s 26 and the last thing she remembers before she woke up here is agonizing pain. A tear falls down her cheek and Ianto looks tortured. Doctor Darega takes her up to Owen’s autopsy bay and works on disconnecting her from the respirator. “What if she’s not ready to breathe on her own,” Ianto frets. The doctor warns him that he must prepare himself because it’s possible she won’t survive. “Sometimes, in order to save what we love we have to risk losing it.” Nice sentiment, but hardly an original concept. Lisa flatlines and Ianto freaks out. In a bar somewhere, Jack is on the tail end of a story. “And she said ‘do you know how difficult it is to find a man in this city? He had a nice flat, all his own hair, so frankly, a couple of tusks I can live with.’” I’m sure the writers have fun sitting around dreaming up all the ridiculous bullshit they make Jack say in any given episode, but I’m undecided about whether or not they are high as kites when they’re doing it. They get a call. UFO sighting over Cardigan Bay. Owen is less than thrilled that he can’t just finish one beer in peace without some weird crap happening. Ianto is clutching Lisa’s hand, growling half-formed threats at Doctor Darega when Lisa gasps and blinks up at him. “She’s breathing,” he yelps excitedly. She notes that she’s not “connected” anymore and thanks the doctor. Ianto kisses her and grins like a doofus. Then a computer starts beeping and he sees the rest of the team on the CCTV heading toward the hub. He hurries to get her back down to the...cave and remove all evidence of her being there. “All I’m saying is, once in a while I’d like to drive,” Tosh is saying. “And all I’m saying is no,” Owen replies. He bitches about how every time he shares cars with a woman she readjusts all the seats and mirrors and the next time he goes to drive the steering wheel is in his crotch. Bitch bitch whine whine. Chrissy: That’s ALL HE EVER DOES. Jack is giving orders as they come through the cog door. Ianto arrives and pretends his heart is not pounding wildly and he’s not out of breath. They all go about their business and Jack – not finding anything suspicious in the way Ianto is looking all furtive – asks if he’ll make some coffee. Obviously he’s not yet familiar with what Ianto looks like when he’s all out of breath and over-exerted. Chrissy: Pity that. Diandra: Mmm...yes. Doctor Darega has Lisa almost back in her metal frame bed when she stops and grabs him by the neck, lifting him a foot off the ground and tossing him onto the frame instead. Several metal parts clamp him in. “I can help you,” she says in a creepy mechanical voice. “The human race is weak. I can make you strong.” She punches a button and some robot arms emerge from the ceiling and dive for him. He screams bloody murder. Upstairs, the lights start flickering and Tosh confusedly says there’s been a sudden internal power drain. Jack tells her to run a system diagnostic. Ianto gulps and rushes to say they’ve been having generator problems and he was checking on it earlier and a few cables came loose and whatever you do, don’t go into the basement. Except he doesn’t say that last part out loud, obviously. But there’s practically a speech bubble hovering over his head screaming it. He runs off to “check on it”. He turns off the machines Lisa was connected to and finds Doctor Darega on the floor, covered in blood, face misshapen by the pieces of metal Lisa appears to have tried to ram through his eye socket and temple. “His upgrade failed,” she says simply. No kidding. “Was it an accident?” Ianto yelps. Oh sure. She accidentally rammed a metal pipe through his skull. Ianto, honey...I know love is blind, but it’s not usually completely stupid. Chrissy: Usually being the operative word there. Diandra: We’re not talking about me right now. Chrissy: Oh, sorry. Lisa says she wanted to repay Doctor Darega. He shouts that she killed an innocent man and the team is going to be down here any minute and if they find out what he’s been doing... “I can deal with them,” she says flatly. “Don’t you go near them,” he squawks. Then he starts rationalizing that something has gone wrong in her head and she didn’t mean to kill Doctor Darega, it’s some sort of post traumatic somethingorother and I’ve worked so hard to keep you alive and you’ve FUCKED IT ALL UP NOW. She just blinks at him, like a puppy that doesn’t quite understand why her owner is upset just because she pooped on the floor a couple times. He cries a bit, then pulls himself together and drags Doctor Darega’s body from the room, assuring Lisa that everything is going to be okay. Because he has lost all sense of reason, obviously. The team is squinting at some footage of the UFO that was spotted. Jack tells Tosh to send a “polite” message requesting they get the hell away from Earth because they’re “spooking the locals”. Gwen asks why they’re not chasing it down and investigating further. Jack says nah, “if you interrogate an Arkan, you’ll be in there for a month. And that’s just the first question. They are SO boring.” The lights flicker again. Jack uses his wrist strap to call down and ask Ianto what’s going on. Ianto is too busy dragging Doctor Darega down a flickering hallway and sobbing hysterically to answer. “Ianto, I need to hear those beautiful Welsh vowels,” Jack tries again. “I’m standing right here, Jack. Way to play favorites,” Gwen does not say. Lisa is back in her frame and electricity is sparking all over her. It still looks like a student film. Tosh pulls up some sort of screen that scans for body heat and comes up with two signals in the basement. Jack thinks they might be under attack and starts running, shouting something about “battle protocols”. They all arm themselves and Owen and Gwen volunteer to go down and locate Ianto. Jack tells them to keep their comms open and if there’s any doubt, shoot first and then maybe think about asking questions. Ianto puts Doctor Darega in a broom closet or something and lingers long enough that we can get a few more good shots of his messed up face before covering him with some sort of tarp/blanket thing. Gwen and Owen arrive and wave flashlights around in the dark. Ah, yes. There’s the “X-Files” flashbacks. Chrissy: At least here they have a reason to not turn on the lights. Diandra: Oh, they had a reason on “X-Files”. It was just a stupid non-story related reason. Jack’s voice comes over the comms, demanding a progress report. Owen says there’s signs of activity in the argnwioakqohugvalsifhnak *static*. Tosh says whatever is creating the power surge is interfering with the comms. Then she shows Jack the internal security feeds for the last couple hours, which somebody has been tampering with, but she manages to unearth a recording of Doctor Darega arriving. Gwen and Owen realize they’ve lost Jack and Tosh on the comms. Owen peers through a window into the lab and sees the metal “operating table” with sparks shooting off from the machinery surrounding it. Gwen unlocks the bolts and they kick the door in. “Oh no,” Owen mutters when he gets a good look at the table/frame. Gwen has no clue what it is. Owen just says it shouldn’t be here and turn it off, now! Gwen slaps the big red off button and the power comes back up. Jack tries to contact them again, but the comms are still down for some reason. “These things brought down Torchwood One,” Owen is saying. “They were all destroyed. Why is there one in our bloody basement?!” Gwen still doesn’t know what it is. He finally explains: it’s a conversion unit for transforming humans into terminators. The comms snap back online and Owen is able to relay the discovery to Jack, who glares into space and barks at them to come back upstairs. Too late. Lisa appears and knocks Owen out. Gwen swings her gun around and yelps “we have a code zero incursion. We’re under attack!” Jack tells Tosh to activate total lockdown procedures and run if she doesn’t hear from him in fifteen minutes, whips out a gun and takes off for the basement. Gwen is trying to reassure Lisa that she doesn’t mean her any harm. Aside from the fact that she will shoot if Lisa comes any closer to her. Lisa knocks the gun from her hands with a flick of her wrist and grabs Gwen by the neck. Okay, well, it was worth a shot. Lisa flings Gwen onto the table and turns on the machine. Jack comes charging in yelling at Lisa to throw down her weapons (like she has or needs any) and put her hands up. She takes a couple steps toward him, completely unfazed and he splutters “you’re a woman!” No, really? Good of you to notice, Jack. Gwen starts screaming for help and Jack goes to shoot, but Ianto slams him into the wall and the shot goes wide. The robot arms come out of the ceiling and Gwen screams for somebody to get their ass in gear and GET HER OUT OF HERE. Ianto tries to hit the off switch and discovers Lisa has jammed the circuits. Jack screams for Tosh to cut off all the power, everywhere. Oh, so now the comms are working? Mr. Plot Contrivance certainly seems to get a workout on this show. Chrissy: You know I’ve always wondered...you’re always making references to Mr. Plot Contrivance and Ms. Exposition Fairy. Are they related? Diandra: They were, but they’re going through a bitter divorce. Chrissy: Ah. Tosh says doing that will force a lockdown and trap them all in the building. Jack yells at her to do just do it, goddamnit. Tosh throws a switch and everything turns off and all the main doors slam shut. Jack orders Ianto to stand guard by the door. Ianto, looking like he might cry at any minute, apologizes to Gwen. She has no idea what he’s sorry for though because she doesn’t seem to have figured out how Lisa got in yet. Jack frees her with his wrist strap and they make their way down the hall, Owen draped over Jack’s shoulder, still unconscious. Chrissy: I think I like him better like this. Diandra: Draped over Jack? Sure, I’d be cool with that. Chrissy: You know what I meant. Stop trying to get me to picture him naked. Lisa jumps in front of them and, under the pretense of explaining to Gwen what this new creature is, Jack pauses to spew some exposition about terminators while Lisa inexplicably just stands there staring like she’s waiting for something. Cyberpeople are upgraded humans “with emotions removed created on a parallel world then supposedly destroyed on this one.” Luckily, Lisa isn’t interested in this expository crap and clanks off. Jack points his gun at the back of Ianto’s head and orders him to get them back to the hub. “Jack, what are you doing,” Gwen yelps. “Resisting the urge to shoot,” Jack growls. Chrissy: Oh, come on. You know you can’t kill him. He’s too pretty. Jack orders Tosh to get everything out of the weapons room the second they emerge onto the main floor, then has Ianto kneel on the floor with his hands on his head. Tosh is just as baffled as Gwen that Jack has a gun pointed at Ianto, but you would think she would trust him to know what he’s doing by now. Jack asks how Ianto knew the terminator was in the basement. Ianto admits he put her there. Jack, barely resisting the impulse to shoot again, asks what else Ianto is keeping from them. “Like you care,” Ianto sobs. “I clean up your shit, no questions asked, and that’s the way you like it. When did you last ask me anything about my life?” So basically he’s like those postal workers who put up with abuse day in and day out until one day they just snap. Chrissy: More like a long suffering child/spouse desperate for any attention they can get. Diandra: Except he wasn’t trying to get attention. He seemed perfectly happy leading his secret double life with his murderbot girlfriend. Gwen asks why he didn’t tell them because they could have helped. Ianto says yeah, right. An organization that exists for the sole purpose of destroying alien threats to Earth. “She worked for Torchwood. She was caught up in battle...we owe it to her to find a cure.” Jack, finally softening a little and putting the gun down, says there is no cure and never will be. Then he gives him a little lecture about how this is the sort of stupid decisions that lead to the whole human race being wiped out by kill machines because they know how to “exploit human weakness”. I would call it stupidity, stubbornness and ignorance, but same thing. Ianto stands up and argues that the conversion was never completed so she isn’t a full terminator yet. Jack reminds him she just tried to kill Gwen. Ianto sobs that he’s not giving up on her, damnit! “I love her. Can you understand that, Jack? Haven’t you ever loved anyone?” Jack just growls something about Ianto figuring out which side of the coming battle he’s on before it kills him. Tosh and a newly conscious Owen say they can’t get into the weapons room without power, which won’t come back on for six hours. Ianto offers to talk to Lisa because he can reason with her. Yeah, like you did earlier? I take back what I said just now, Ianto is like a battered spouse. ‘He’s not all bad! He won’t hurt me this time, he promised!’ Lisa makes the decision for them, showing up in the main part of the hub behind them right at that moment. Ianto runs closer and tries to talk to her. Lisa totally ignores him, looking around and announcing, in her robot voice, that this will make the perfect base for her to rebuild her army. Jack asks who she is. She says she’s Human 2.0. Jack asks why she looks like Human 1.0 then. She looks at the nearest reflective surface to figure out what the hell he’s talking about and announces that the upgrade is incomplete and she is “disgusting” and “wrong”. Ianto makes some futile attempts to get her to remember who she is. He says he brought her to Torchwood so she could be cured and they could be together. Her eyes light up. “Yes, together. Transplant my brain into your body.” Yeah, there wouldn’t be any gender confusion there. She says they would be one complete person then and isn’t that what love is supposed to be about? “No,” Ianto moans. Lisabot says they’re not compatible then, grabs him by the neck and throws him across the room. Jack tries to shoot her but she disarms him with a bolt of orange lightning. At least that’s what it looks like. Jack yells something about Code 9 maneuvers and they all scatter, taking different routes up to a conference room upstairs. Jack says they need to forget everything Ianto just said because that thing is no longer human and it won’t stop until they kill it. He hands Tosh something he grabbed on the way up – an alien lock pick. He wants her to use it on the cog door and get the hell out. Owen says that’s nice, but the door still weighs a metric ton. Jack hands her a few more things conveniently left in that room and gives her instructions to tap into...something and override the system and bullshit bullshit. I don’t care anymore. Chrissy: Alcohol will have that effect. Diandra: And thank god for that. Tosh runs off and Jack tells Owen and Gwen to find anything that can be used as a weapon while he distracts the terminator. This distraction involves basically yelling ‘hey, over here!’ and making Lisabot chase him around the room and back down the stairs. She’s getting pissed now and she says she will “delete” them all. Starting with Jack. She grabs his shoulder and electrocutes him. Everyone stops what they’re doing for a minute when he hits the ground. Lisabot starts to walk away but Jack drags himself back up and taunts “is that all you’ve got?” prompting Owen to wonder aloud how he could have survived that. Gwen says nothing. Lisabot shocks him again. This time he stays down. Which illustrates what I think is a massive flaw in this immortality thing. What good is resurrecting every time you die when the battle or, hell, Armageddon is still raging for the time that you’re dead and you’re helpless to stop it? Doesn’t that actually make him the least useful person to have around when the shit starts really flying? Chrissy: You’re thinking too much. Haven’t we had a talk about that before? Diandra: Sorry. Tosh gets the cog door unlocked and manages to roll it enough to slip around it and shove it back a split second before Lisabot catches up to her. Meanwhile, Owen heads for his autopsy room and fumbles for any sort of equipment he can use as a weapon, Gwen trailing behind him. Lisabot sees Gwen waving her flashlight around and starts for the autopsy room. Gwen asks Owen if there’s another exit. He says no, then opens the door to one of those drawers for holding dead bodies and tells her to get in. Oh and she’ll have to lay on top of him so they can both fit. “I’m not saying it’s a brilliant idea, but it’s the only one we’ve got.” The drawer closes a second before Lisabot shows up. “What do we do,” Gwen whispers. Stop talking might be a good start. Owen kisses her. Because why not? Chrissy: I can think of about a dozen reasons. Meanwhile, Jack revives and tries to wake up Ianto, who may or may not be breathing. Either way Jack kisses him until he gasps awake, looking startled. Chrissy: That didn’t look like CPR. Can he kiss people back into life or something? Diandra: Hmm? Did you say something? Chrissy: Nope. Not a word. Lisabot starts opening drawers. Gwen and Owen don’t even have to wait for her to get to the one they’re in because Gwen’s cell phone starts ringing. It’s Rhys, who leaves a voicemail asking if she’ll record his favorite stupid ass reality show because he’s going to be home late. Gwen and Owen fall out of the drawer and Owen grabs what looks like a screwdriver and stabs Lisabot in the stomach. Lisabot makes a godawful mechanical shrieking noise and falls over. Gwen takes this moment of respite to ask what the hell that kiss was about. “Last kiss for the condemned man,” Owen says flippantly. “Little embarrassing given we haven’t been killed.” Chrissy: Pity that. Diandra: Hey, I like Gwen. “It’s not like I fancy you or anything,” he dismisses. She reminds him that she was laying on top of him and she’s pretty sure he didn’t have a gun in his pocket. Oh, really, Owen? A psychopath is banging down the door and you manage to be turned on? Oh, who am I kidding. Men are like walking bags of uncontrollable hormones. Ianto runs in and hovers over Lisabot. Owen and Gwen rush to tell him they had no choice, it was self defense. Like that was enough to kill her. Please. Sure enough, her eyes snap open and they all scramble up the stairs, Ianto only slightly hesitating now. They run back to the main room where Jack is lighting a blowtorch. Owen notes that he should be dead, but doesn’t really dwell on it for long because Lisabot is barreling down on them. Somewhere, Tosh is doing something with some wires. I have no idea what, but I’m sure it’ll be important later. Lisabot notes that the power will run out on that blowtorch eventually and she’s willing to wait him out. Ianto is still stubbornly begging him to “help” her or at least give her a chance to surrender. She can stay in the cells! Jack squirts some sort of liquid at Lisabot while Gwen and Owen manhandle Ianto onto the invisible elevator. The Exposition Fairy pokes Gwen, making her pause to ask what the hell is in the bottle Jack is squirting for the benefit of the audience. Jack says it helps the pterodactyl identify its food and jumps on the lift with them. The pterodactyl shrieks and swoops toward Lisabot. And we now have the most ridiculous scene on this show so far: a half-metal woman wrestling with a dinosaur. Chrissy: So far? You mean it gets more ridiculous than this?! The team emerges on street level, where Tosh runs up to them, all excited that whatever she did to make the elevator run actually worked. Ianto marches up to Jack and punches him in the face. “You’re worse than anything locked up down there,” he screams. “One day I’ll have a chance to save you and I’ll watch you suffer and die.” Chrissy: Yeah, he doesn’t know either, huh? Diandra: Not a clue. Jack screams back that it was the only way to stop her and charges at Ianto and Owen and Gwen have to shove them both back. Tosh interrupts this little brawl to say she tripped the lockdown timer so they should be able to get back inside any second. Ianto, predictably, starts running for the entrance immediately. And because there wasn’t enough bullshit going on already, a delivery girl arrives with the pizzas Ianto was ordering earlier. She stumbles into the tourist office and right down the open hallway toward the hub. Ianto arrives at the tourist office and grabs a gun from under the counter and waves it at the team as they barrel through the door after him. Gwen pleads with him to not be stupid. Too late, Gwen. He says he’s going in to save her and if anyone tries to stop him, he’ll shoot. Jack knocks the gun from his hands and pins him against the wall in about two seconds flat, drawing another gun he drew from thin air or his ass or something. I have no idea. “Get off me,” Ianto snarls, marking what will likely be the last time those words come out of his mouth. At least where Jack is concerned. Jack says if he wants to go back in there, he has to finish the job and kill her if she’s still kicking. Blah blah he created this mess blah blee she’s gone and his loyalty should be to the team now. Ianto says he can’t. Jack threatens to kill them both. Ianto says he won’t and Jack can’t make him. Also, pbbbbbbtttt. Jack says he has ten minutes and they’re coming in after him and kicks Ianto through the door. Ianto enters the hub to find general chaos and blood everywhere, dropped pizza boxes and computer screens flashing messages about another power drain. He runs down to the basement and finds Lisabot laying dead, covered in blood. He sobs and wails over her body, but there is no sound until suddenly a female voice calls his name. The pizza delivery girl comes around a corner, looking like hell, a jagged, bloody line across her forehead. “It’s me,” she says. “It’s Lisa.” Chrissy: Oh, for... *chugs schnapps* Diandra: Save some for me, will you? NewLisa says she had to find a way to stay alive after all Ianto did to save her so she transplanted her brain into this woman because that’s TOTALLY POSSIBLE WITH HUMANS. Look, you can justify all weird crap aliens are capable of all you want, but this is a 21st century human body. You can’t just plop someone else’s brain in it, flip the skull back on and poof, total personality change. What writer came up with this copout of a scene? Ugh. Chrissy: *hands Diandra bottle* Diandra: Thank you. Frankenstein’s Monster says Ianto always said he didn’t love her for her looks, which was really damn easy for him to say because she was hot. She spews some memories as Ianto cries some more. Gareth David-Lloyd must have had a raging headache after shooting scenes from this episode. FrankenLisa finishes that she needs him to hold her and tell her it’s all right. Dumbass actually does it. Chrissy: Hey, don’t be picking on...picking...what was I saying? Then he backs up and raises the gun again, so maybe he does have some sense. Except he still can’t pull the trigger and only ends up sobbing some more. FrankenLisa says they can be upgraded together, which is when everybody else shows up and plugs her full of at least a dozen bullets. She falls back on the upgrading table and dies. Jack and Ianto stare at each other for a moment and Ianto just dejectedly collapses beside Lisabot’s body. Next day? One week later? Whenever. It’s night. Ianto comes through the cog door into the hub. He looks up at Gwen and Jack standing at the window to the conference room and he and Jack nod at each other. What is wrong with Jack’s lip? It’s like he has a scar there suddenly even though up until now all his other injuries seem to have healed rapidly. Chrissy: That only happens if he dies, right? Otherwise his injuries heal like normal? Diandra: Sometimes? I have no idea what the rules are on this immortality thing. And I don’t think the writers do half the time either. This first season especially is so inconsistent it gives me whiplash. “You would never have shot him,” Gwen muses as Ianto wanders around, cleaning up pizza boxes and crap. “Wouldn’t I,” Jack asks. And thus begins the era of Gwen possibly knowing Jack better than he knows himself. She asks if he would have shot her if she’d stood next to Ianto. Jack brushes it off as a hypothetical scenario unworthy of entertaining. Gwen wonders if Ianto will stay. Jack doesn’t seem to care at the moment. Gwen ponders the levels of deception Ianto went through just because he loved Lisa so much he couldn’t bear to live without her, even after she turned into a half-human kill machine. “So have you ever loved anyone that much,” she asks. Subtle, Gwen. Jack looks at her out of the corner of his eye and says nothing. She says when Lisabot electrocuted him she was afraid for a moment that he could die after all. He says honestly, he did too and for a second he felt “so alive”.