"Torchwood, episode 2x04: Meat" Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen We begin with Rhys (remember him?) driving down the road singing loudly with a radio commercial jingle. His phone rings and, because he’s not American, he actually pulls over to the side of the road to answer it. It’s somebody named Ruth and, while we don’t hear her side of the conversation, obviously something has gone wrong. He says he’ll be over right away. He arrives at the scene of an accident so big the police seem to have blocked off both sides of the highway. One of the officers tells him to stay back and move his car and he says he’s the manager of Harwood Haulage and apparently this is one of their semis that jackknifed. The cop says he can check on the vehicle later. Rhys doesn’t care about the vehicle: he knows the driver. A stretcher with the body of the driver is wheeled into view just then and the paramedic throws a blanket over him as the cop confirms that the driver didn’t make it. He asks if Rhys can give him some details then and Rhys numbly gives the guy the driver’s name and the name of his wife and then he just moans that the wife just had a baby. Because of course he did. The cop prompts him for an address before he totally falls into the ‘but he was so young and he had his whole life ahead of him’ mind trap. The ambulance takes the body away and he recovers his senses and says he’ll need to arrange for somebody to move the truck. The cop says there’s something suspicious in the back of it, so he can’t do that yet. Rhys protests that it’s just meat that was headed for the abattoir. Cop says Torchwood needs to have to look at it first. This is the cue for the SUV to pull up. Rhys stares at his wife as she piles out with the rest of the team. Chrissy: Wait...doesn’t he know who she works for? Diandra: I can’t remember if she told him at any point other than that one time that he died and time reversed and his memory of everything was wiped. Chrissy: Ugh. Sci-fis are confusing. Bleeping credits. The team ducks into what I assume is supposed to be the back of the semi (even though it looks bigger) and coughs at the apparently disgusting smell of the burst packages of meat. Jack pokes at one with his shoe and notes that there aren’t any bones in it – it’s all just really dense flesh. And since there haven’t been any recent sightings of cows big enough to produce blocks of pure flesh that big they should probably take a sample back to the lab and try to figure out what it is. Gwen steps out to tell an officer that they need to confiscate the contents of the van. Jack asks Ianto, who has been hanging back, if he found anything. He says it belongs to Harwood, so they’ll need to ask someone there. Gwen happens to be passing and pipes up that that is the company Rhys works for. Yes, and he’s been hovering near the scene gawking at all of you for the past few minutes. Not that anybody has noticed him because apparently nobody ever notices him. Though he seems to be trying to keep it that way because he ducks behind vehicles to stay hidden from Gwen’s line of sight as the team finishes packing everything up and returns to the SUV. He gets back in his car and tries to follow them, but a cop stops him because that involves going over the barricade. Hub. Owen has already run enough tests to determine that whatever the thing was once, it had a vertebra. But it’s DNA doesn’t match any animal known on Earth. Also, whoever is farming it already knows its questionable origin because the vet stamp on the packaging declaring it fit for human consumption is clearly fake. Chrissy: So probably Monsanto. Jack orders Tosh to contact the firm and find out where the meat came from and where it was going. Gwen grumbles that the possibly corrupt meat hauling company just HAD to be the place her husband works. Jack asks if she wants to stand down. She says no, she wants to find out what’s going on. She immediately proves that this is probably not a good idea when Tosh questions aloud whether the haulage firm might be in on it and she splutters that no, they couldn’t possibly because Rhys just hires out the vans and he has no idea what goes into them. Tosh asks if she has his direct number and she goes off to retrieve her cell. The phone on one of the desks in the trailer Rhys is apparently working out of rings and a woman answers. She tells Rhys it’s the police and transfers the call to him. He doesn’t recognize the voice on the other end and we don’t hear the question, but we cut back to the hub where his voice is coming through the speaker, explaining that the firm that was using the truck was called Harris and Harris. They’ve only been working with them for a few months on a weekly contract. Tosh asks if they’re licensed. Rhys is like ‘well, duh, what do you take us for, lady?’ Follow up question: would you know a fake license if you saw one? Tosh asks for their address. Rhys looks down at the paperwork and then at his co-worker when he realizes there’s no address anywhere on it. She says they just have a pick up location because they said it was hard to find. Yeah, that doesn’t sound suspicious at ALL. Chrissy: Why does this large shipping container of “meat” have air holes? Diandra: SHUT UP! DON’T ASK ANY QUESTIONS! Rhys apologetically gives Tosh the only address he has: a service station off the highway 15 miles outside of Cardiff. Tosh asks for a contact number. Rhys looks at the paper and up at the co-worker again like ‘are you fucking KIDDING me?’ and says no, they didn’t provide that either. Tosh asks why the driver took the shipment. Rhys says he was taking the meat to the Caerwen abattoir, which is a processing plant. Tosh asks what time he left. Rhys flips through records and gives her the time he signed out and then asks what this is all about. Tosh says she can’t release that information and thanks him for cooperating, then hangs up quickly. Chrissy: And at this point Gwen is thinking ‘great. My husband is a massive dolt.’ Diandra: Oh, she already knew that, I’m sure. Rhys slams the phone down and mutters that this is just fucking BRILLIANT. His co-worker – who is apparently Ruth - says that aside from the first booking, they worked exclusively with that driver so they didn’t have much to do with it. Rhys snaps that that doesn’t matter because now it looks like they’re hiding something. It’s okay, sweetie. It wouldn’t take long for anyone to realize that you’re too clueless to be intentionally hiding anything. Hub. Ianto announces that he’s traced the truck on traffic cameras and determined that, based on the path it took and the amount of time it would have taken to load, the place they’re looking for is within a ten mile radius. Owen calls Jack into the surgical theater suddenly. Everyone else trails behind him. Owen says the meat is definitely alien. Tosh says if they’re sending it to a processing plant that means it’s going into the food supply. Gwen says that would mean people have been eating it for months already. Owen says the DNA is “stable” and other than traces of animal sedative he can’t find any diseases or anything that would harm humans so it’s probably safe to eat. “Would YOU eat it,” Gwen asks with a grossed-out expression. Yeah, history shows that humans are spectacularly terrible at questioning where their food comes from and what, exactly, is in it. I would say Americans are the biggest offenders here given our tendency to eat at fast food restaurants that form burgers out of processed, mutant pink slime but the UK found horsemeat in their beef supply, what, a year ago? Ianto interrupts to announce that the pizzas he ordered have arrived. And he made sure to get Owen’s usual, which is, of course, the meat lover’s special. Everyone looks nauseous. Cut to Owen delicately picking pieces of ham, pepperoni and possibly space alien from a slice while Ianto says he’s narrowed the location of the supplier to three areas. Luckily, only one of the warehouses is unoccupied, so they can probably safely assume that’s the one they want. Jack says they have to shut down this place and identify what this mystery alien meat is. Um...duh? Gwen is distracted when Rhys sends her a text asking if he can see her. She says she has to go home and check on Rhys before she does anything else. Jack, mouth full of pizza, says that’s a good idea because she can find out what he knows. Haven’t we been over this? Also, were you raised in a barn? Gwen’s like yeaaaaahh, not what I meant. Bye! House of Secrets and Lies. Rhys is sitting at the kitchen counter when Gwen clomps in and brightly asks how he’s doing. He says it’s been kind of a rough day actually because one of the lorries at work crashed. Gwen asks if anyone was hurt. Rhys says his driver, Leighton, was killed. He was 24. Gwen acts appropriately sympathetic. Rhys is like yeah, and then the police confiscated the meat that was in his van and does she have any idea why? “How would I know,” Gwen asks. Chrissy: Yep. Just keep digging that grave. Diandra: The other casualty of all of this is whatever trust their relationship might have once been founded on. Rhys reminds her that she supposedly works for the police. So I guess the blissful cluelessness required to believe that the person you live with is a banker or an airline manufacturing rep or a travel agent despite the fact that they work ridiculous hours and routinely come home with mysterious bruises extends beyond the worlds of “Alias” and “The Americans”. She says she doesn’t deal with traffic accidents. Rhys looks at her like ‘I don’t even know who you are anymore’ and says at any rate, the police called and asked a bunch of questions but he doesn’t know anything since he just hires out the trucks. She says then he shouldn’t have anything to worry about, right? His expression doesn’t change. He says obviously something “dodgy” was going on. She stresses that even if there was, he DIDN’T know anything. They stare at each other for a while and she apologizes that she has to go back to work. She kisses him and tells him to go have a beer with one of his buddies or something. He waits until approximately three seconds after she walks out the door and follows her because, of course, this was the real reason he called her: it gives him another chance to track her. Millenium Stadium. Rhys watches Gwen walk across the plaza from the car some distance away. Jack seems to appear out of nowhere to greet Gwen because he obviously just stepped off the invisible lift. Gwen says Rhys has no idea what’s going on. Yeah, it turns out that blissful cluelessness goes both ways. Jack makes a show of playfully asking her to accompany him to the slaughterhouse and she threads her arm through his. She asks if he’s ever eaten alien meat. He says sure. She asks what it was like. Predictably, he says “he seemed to enjoy it.” Chrissy: Here we go with the giant openings to well-used jokes again... Diandra: Hmm, yes. Although Jack will take any opening, honestly. He’s not that discriminating. It takes a couple beats for the joke to click in Gwen’s mind and she laughs. Rhys, meanwhile, sees her walking away arm-in- arm with some tall handsome stranger and laughing happily. And again, I honestly can’t remember where we are on this front. I don’t think Rhys remembers Gwen admitting her affair with Owen because she ret-conned him, but I’m guessing we’re going down the “she must be having an affair” road here because THAT NEVER GETS OLD. Chrissy: Though I suppose the fact that she was having an affair before with a different guy throws a bit of a monkey wrench into the cliché since she can’t deny that she’s cheated on him. Diandra: And I guess it’s safer for her to assume she’s cheating with Jack since Rhys can’t hurt him. He could probably snap Owen like a twig. Chrissy: ...I say we tell him about Owen. Diandra: How did I know you would say that? They drive through what looks like a landfill and Jack’s voice over tells Ianto and Owen they’re on their way and asks how things are looking at the slaughterhouse. Ianto says it’s pretty quiet. Oh, and there’s s deserted access road off to one side so “we won’t get noticed. I’ll direct you in.” Chrissy: IANTO! I thought we agreed we would wait until we got back to the hub! They turn onto the road and somehow utterly fail to notice the small car following them down the otherwise deserted road. Rhys pulls off to the side somewhere to watch the group move around the building. Ianto says they’ll have to use the main entrance because the rest are all padlocked. Jack asks how many are inside. Owen says they can’t tell because there aren’t any windows. Tosh, back at the hub, interjects to say that she’s pulled up the blueprints of the warehouse and whatever they’re looking for has got to be in the dead center of the building. Owen says the sensor is picking up a heat signature across the entire length of it. Gwen’s phone rings. She looks at Rhys’ name printing out and hits the direct to voicemail button. Jack directs Ianto and Owen to take the sides while he and Gwen go in the front. He says they don’t want any casualties, so just stun anyone they come across. Ianto asks if Owen brought the alarm deactivator. Owen pulls out a gun and shoots the padlock off one of the doors. Ianto is like ‘or you could do that. That works too.’ Rhys gets out of his car and wanders past a sign that says keep out, dialing his phone. Gwen and Jack approach the building and hesitate when they see him. They watch as a car pulls up to Rhys and Jack decides that this must mean he’s in on whatever is going on here. They are too far away to hear when one of the guys who gets out of the car tells Rhys not to bother running and announces to somebody over his walkie talkie that they have a problem. Ianto and Owen have just kicked the door open when Jack orders them to stand down. Gwen babbles that Rhys promised he had no idea what was going on and he wouldn’t lie to her because he’s the honest one in the relationship. Well, she doesn’t say that last part, but let’s assume. She thinks something must be wrong and tries to run to him. Jack grabs her and shoves her against the nearest wall. They pause for several moments too long in a position that, if Rhys were to see it, would do absolutely nothing to convince him they aren’t having an affair. She says she has to get Rhys out of there. He asks how she plans to do that, exactly: just charge in and knock him out? “You have to do as I say.” How is that different from what she normally does? Chrissy: What show have you been watching? She’s usually the first to question his orders. The goons/security escort Rhys into the building, meeting another goon – probably the one on the other end of the walkie – before coming to a room where guys in protective clothing are bringing in large bricks of meat. There’s a low moaning sound in the background. The lead goon says they should have waited for the ketamine injection before they started doing this. One of the workers says something about the hoses and Lead Goon says those are just lidocaine. One of the goons who found Rhys tells him to go work for the RSPCA and orders one of the workers to grab a meat cleaver and follow him. They take Rhys into a side room for questioning. They ask who sent him. He babbles that he’s just looking for “the boss”. Chrissy: Ugh. Springsteen fan. Probably too stoned to realize he got the wrong address for the concert. Diandra: I think you have Bruce Springsteen confused with Willie Nelson. Don’t be disrespecting The Boss! He says he works for Harwood and gives the nearest one his card. He badly tries to bullshit that their driver told him what was going on here. Luckily, they’re stupid, so they actually believe that. The one I thought was the lead goon earlier – who has a sort of emo hair thing going on - grumbles that they paid the mouthy shit to keep quiet. Rhys says yeah, well...his truck crashed and he’s dead. They look at each other, alarmed, and ask if the “goods” were inside the truck and if anybody saw them. Rhys lies that he picked it up and incinerated it before anybody could see it. He says he was hoping he could continue the deal the driver had with them himself. Emo Goon asks how they know HE won’t report them. Possible actual lead goon asks what the driver told him exactly. Rhys clears his throat and says um...er...everything. Yeah, all of it. The whole...um... ‘cleaning old meat’? Thing? Emo Goon is like ‘yeah, he didn’t tell you jack’. Lucky for Rhys, they’re dumb enough to go along with this and they just bring him to the main part of the slaughterhouse. The moaning sound gets louder and is now accompanied by the occasional squeal. Rhys stares slackjawed at what looks like a giant blob with an eye that blinks at him. Chrissy: They’ve captured Jabba the Hut! He jumps back, startled, and asks what the hell it is. Head goon says they don’t know, but it keeps growing no matter how many times they cut into it. The camera pans back so we can see the airplane sized slug thing held to the floor with cables that may or may not be a space whale. Chrissy: I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny and making things up or actually referencing stuff from “Doctor Who”. Diandra: One of the first episodes after Stephen Moffat took over with the Eleventh Doctor was about how in the 29th Century England would be a giant spaceship ruled by a black warrior princess named Elizabeth the Tenth. The ship is mounted on the back of the last known space whale, just floating around until Earth becomes habitable again. Or they find another Earth. Something. I might be confusing it with Battlestar Gallatica a little bit. Chrissy: ................ Diandra: Yeah, I believe I’ve mentioned before that these shows are nuts. Chrissy: Actually, I was just thinking ‘yeah, that sounds about right’ and wondering at what point my barometer for weirdness with all things “Doctor Who” related recalibrated. Rhys spots one of the workers either injecting something into the alien animal or drilling into it and turns to throw up. Jack and Gwen are still hovering outside when the lead goon escorts Rhys back out to his car. Rhys smiles, shakes his hand, says a few words we don’t hear and then hurries to his car and high-tails it out of there. He is back at the flat desperately sucking down a beer (probably not his first) when Gwen arrives. She’s barely in the door before she loudly demands to know what the HELL he was doing out at that warehouse. He yells that she LIED to him because he knows she was at the crash scene and he’s tired of her treating him like the idiot she clearly takes him for. She asks if those men are paying him. He says no, HE will be asking the questions for the rest of the foreseeable future of this conversation okay? He says he followed her and launches into the predictable offensive. “The tall bloke in the coat...you fucking him or what?” She stares at him with a wide eyed, offended look that she doesn’t really have the moral high ground to be mustering at that question and says all she ever asked was for him to trust her. He says she’s one to talk since she obviously doesn’t trust him. Also because she actually did cheat on him and got him killed and rewound time to fix it, but he doesn’t know that. She says there are things he couldn’t possibly understand and he goes back to the ‘you just think I’m stupid’ argument. Then he goes flying off the rails and demands to know why she even agreed to marry him if he’s such a moron that she has to keep these big secrets from him. “What am I, just a habit you can’t be arsed to break?” Where the hell is that coming from? He doesn’t have to push much further before she screams FINE, the special ops assignment she said she was on was all a cover story. Before she can say what it is, though, he screams about how it took her a whole YEAR to tell him this and is there anything about her life that’s actually real? She says yes, “us”. He laughs hysterically at this. She shrieks that she doesn’t ENJOY keeping things from him, she’s doing it to PROTECT him. And rather than consider that possibility for one fucking second, he went ahead and blundered into an ongoing investigation because his heart might be in the right place, but “his brain is a million miles fucking back.” Rather than point out that she’s essentially calling him an idiot again, he presses her to tell him what, exactly, he needs her to protect him from. “I catch aliens,” she shouts. There’s a long pause and then he scoffs “piss off” and accuses her of not taking things seriously. She says THIS is why she couldn’t tell him and repeats that yes, she hunts aliens for a living and collects the technology they leave behind. He theorizes that she’s either crazy or she’s been brainwashed or something because what she’s saying is bananas. Chrissy: Yeah, welcome to the show, pal. Why don’t you go get another beer because, trust me, you’re gonna NEED IT. Gwen sits down and calmly tells him that everything she is saying is true and she has wanted SO MANY TIMES to tell him about this. She sits back and sighs in relief. “Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary that just for one second you think that there might be more out there?” The man who just looked a giant alien blob in the eye says oh yeah? “Prove it.” Chrissy: Oh good, we get to explain everything to him all over again because he doesn’t remember that he came face to face with a Weevil last year. Apparently Gwen decides to give the team prior warning because the next scene has them all standing around like they’re waiting for a bomb to drop. Ianto notes that this is unprecedented: the fiancé of one of their own finding out their secrets. Okay, two things. First: you guys are so incompetent with the whole top secret thing it’s a miracle EVERYBODY hasn’t found out about you at this point. Second: no, it really isn’t. You just all have a habit of forming your romantic relationships with each other and people/aliens you meet on one of your cases and THOSE are often cut short by said person/alien dying or disappearing into the time stream they came from so you don’t have to actually LIVE with a civilian knowing everything. Or, as Tosh points out: everyone but Gwen is single and pathetic. Owen shrugs that off by insisting that he’s perfectly happy not having the hassle of a relationship. Because the writers are obviously nudging us toward a possible romantic relationship between Owen and Tosh, Tosh suggests the “answer” would be for him to date somebody who knows what he does. “Look around you, Tosh. Only we know what we do,” Owen says cluelessly. Tosh looks embarrassed and sips at a glass of wine like ‘well, that’s the last time I go for subtlety.’ Ianto glances at Jack and sips his beer and I can’t figure out if anybody is supposed to know about them yet. Outside, Gwen takes Rhys to the invisible lift. He says he saw her here with “that bloke” earlier who just seemed to appear out of nowhere. She says it’s “too complicated” to explain and pulls him up onto the lift. Chrissy: No, it probably isn’t, but nobody seems to be able to do it. He marvels at the crazy ass world he’s lowered into like the noob he is. He says the pterodactyl that flies overhead looks “so real”. Gwen says um...it is. “They’re extinct, Gwen,” he says in a patronizing tone. Yeah, NOW they are. But there’s this staple of science fiction called “time travel”. Might want to get used to it. Jack walks over to introduce himself when the lift hits bottom, but everyone else kind of hovers in the background while Gwen introduces them. Jack welcomes Rhys to their headquarters and Rhys responds with something Jack has probably heard before: “it’s a bit bigger than mine.” Jack, Rhys and Gwen laugh and everyone else purses their lips like “I am NOT going there.” Rhys decides to get down to basics. He says Gwen tells him they catch aliens. Owen recites the textbook purpose (now anyway) of Torchwood to monitor the rift in space and time that runs through Cardiff and handle whatever slips through from other planets and timelines. Rhys turns to Gwen and asks if she’s sure this isn’t just some weird sort of cult. Gwen reminds him that he saw that thing in the warehouse and prompts him to describe it to Jack. Rhys says it was a ginormous blob that took up almost the whole space. Tosh pipes up that this explains the heat signature: it’s one massive entity. Owen says his latest test shows high levels of chloride, which would suggest it used to live in water and it beached itself when it came through the rift. Ianto asks how they got it to the warehouse because if it fills the whole space it would have to be nearly fifty meters long. Rhys suggests it was smaller when they found it because one of them said it was growing. This gets Jack’s attention. “It’s not dead?” Would it be giving off a heat signature if it was? Owen says that would mean the protein chain is regenerating. Every time they cut a chunk, it both regenerates the flesh cut away and multiplies it. Tosh, somehow viewing this as something other than horrifying animal cruelty, thinks if they could figure out how it worked they could solve world hunger. Ugh. No. Jack reminds them that right now they’re dealing with a “dodgy” meat supply coming from an animal that is being carved up alive. Oh, and they totally could have put a stop to this already if Rhys hadn’t messed up their plans. Rhys protests that he thought Gwen was in “danger”. Um. Not exactly true. You thought she was banging Jack. Jack informs Rhys that Gwen is perfectly capable of handling herself and all he did was mess up their mission and insure that the warehouse will have tightened security now, making it difficult for them to try again. Oh, and he’s a caveman. Rhys snaps that if Jack would stop showing off for two seconds and ASK him what happened in there he would have said that he told them he was the new delivery guy so, you know, they have a way in. Oh, and he can go fuck himself. Chrissy: I’m sure he’s tried that before. Diandra: Ew. Jack, who has Rhys so far up his grill that he can probably tell exactly what he had for lunch, turns to Gwen and says “this is quite homoerotic.” Gwen treats this as the throwaway attempt at diffusion that it probably is and says her fiancé is NOT helping them get in. Jack just calls a team meeting, points at Rhys and adds “you too.” He marches toward the conference room and everyone else kind of trails slowly behind. Conference room. Rhys points at various spots on the blueprints of the warehouse to identify the room where they keep the animal, the room where they keep all the drugs they use on it and the room where they store the meat. Gwen is like ‘that’s nice, thank you, you’re still not getting us in there.’ Rhys says they’re already expecting him and the team can hide in the back of the van. Gwen says there’s no way in hell they’re involving him. Rhys asks where he was when SHE decided to get involved in this. Did she think about how that would affect him. Owen mutters “oh, joy. A domestic.” Jack interrupts the spat before Gwen can get more worked up than she already is to say Rhys is right: this is their best way into the warehouse. He says they’ll use stun guns only. Owen says they’ve dealt with bigger operations than this, why can’t they just storm in with guns waving and arrest everybody. I’m going to go with: because you’re not an American cowboy? Jack says because these guys aren’t organized criminals. If the team goes in armed to the teeth, they’ll just destroy the evidence and run for the hills. He says Rhys can load the truck. Gwen starts to protest, but Jack interrupts that she doesn’t HAVE to come with them. In fact, it might be a good idea if she doesn’t because their relationship could potentially be a vulnerability. I hope somebody remembers this after your relationship with Ianto goes public. She says like hell he’s going in without her. Rhys tries to get her on board with the plan and she tries to impress upon him that this is real and dangerous and REAL. “And if you mess up, I will kill you!” Rhys sits down and Tosh, shaking off the startled expression that outburst prompted, lays out the plan. They will stun the workers and then put the poor animal out of its misery. Jack says no, they’re going to save it and “send it back” the next time the rift opens. “Guess who’ll have to look after it in the meantime,” Ianto mutters. Tosh thinks this hardly falls under their mission parameters. Jack argues that it’s a living creature that needs their protection. Rhys pipes up that they couldn’t hear the sounds it was making from outside. Owen points out that this plan might be impossible if it’s continually growing. Jack thinks they can find a way to stop the mutation. Because finding a way to fix things has worked out so well for him in the past. Whatever. He insists that they are DOING THIS and that is final. Everyone but Gwen and Rhys scurries off and Gwen quietly notes “so you do have a heart.” Jack looks from her to Rhys and says they see enough death as it is. Tosh finds Owen at one of the more private work stations, frowning at a computer rendering of what the alien looks like based on the genetic information he has. She says it’s “lovely” despite the fact that it looks like a giant tadpole. She awkwardly adds “you’re just a big softie, aren’t you” and goes to touch his back, pulling her arm back as he walks away from her muttering something about a report. She offers him a plate of cheese and pickle sandwiches because the British really will eat anything. She offers to keep him company because she’s not tired. He says in that case, maybe she should do the report because he’s exhausted. Chrissy: Honey, I know your last two relationships ended badly, but you could do SO MUCH BETTER. Just GIVE UP. Owen looks at Rhys and Gwen sitting on the couch in the next room and mutters something about another “lump” out of its natural habitat. Chrissy: Say that to his face. Please. I dare you. Tosh looks at them wistfully and says it makes you wonder whether it IS possible to balance a relationship and this job. Then she makes the following bizarre segue: “do you fancy a game of pool sometime?” Chrissy: Ah, English euphemisms are so adorable. Diandra: Except it’s like golf: the balls go in the hole, not the stick. Chrissy: You had to go and ruin it, didn’t you? Right, I forgot this is what she was doing with Tommy. She thinks they work so much it might be nice to have some fun for once. Owen says yeah, what the hell. He’ll just check with the rest of the team and they can play teams. Chrissy: He is still talking about actually playing billiards right now, right? Diandra: God, I hope so. He thanks her for the sandwiches and walks away, completely oblivious to her GODDAMNIT, YOU CLUELESS IDIOT face. Meanwhile, Rhys is telling Gwen he sort of assumed she was working in anti-terrorism. Which was bad enough. She says he doesn’t have to do this. He doesn’t have to prove anything to her. He looks around and jokes that he can’t just leave her with “all these sexy young men” now. She lies that she can only see ONE sexy man and kisses him, very pointedly looking at Jack over his shoulder as she’s doing it. Which is not at all creepy except for the fact that it totally is. Jack drives Rhys to his trailer office at Harwood and asks again if he’s sure about this. He says yes, and marches into his trailer, Jack trailing after him. Ruth brushes past Jack to hand Rhys his tea and a Danish. Jack announces that he is clearly in the wrong line of business. Sweet, clueless Ruth turns to him and says “we have got job vacancies.” Jack smiles wickedly and says maybe she could “fit [him] in”. She says she’d be delighted to. Oh my GOD lady, run for your life! Chrissy: Oh, because you would? Diandra: Probably not, but I’m not this innocent and naïve. Oh, we’re not done. He asks if he needs a trucking license which...I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be cute or insulting. She says yes, but that only takes four weeks and then “you can go long distance.” He leans close to her ear and murmurs “that wouldn’t be a problem.” Chrissy: Yeah, I’m pretty sure John Hart would be able to refute that lie. We are saved from having to go any further with this joke by Rhys’ phone ringing and his announcement of “it’s them”. Jack winks at Ruth and she leaves in a fluttery cloud of ‘what the hell just happened?’ Cut to the car. Rhys is driving this time, probably because he’s learned already that this is a better arrangement if he doesn’t want to have his life flash before his eyes. He asks “why her?” Jack says it’s not like he actively tried to recruit Gwen – she came to them. “Sort of stumbled on us.” Rhys says he did too, but he doubts they’ll be inviting him onto the team. Jack thinks this is different as she was a trained police officer. Rhys goes back to the ‘you could have picked any cop’ argument, but Jack says she’s more than a cop. “On her first day of work, she told me off for being too clinical.” Rhys agrees that this sounds like her because she’s stubborn and not the least bit shy about telling you what she thinks and she’s wonderful and amazing and he’s so lucky to have her. “I just wish you were a bit uglier.” They both laugh and Rhys asks “you’re not gay by any chance, are you?” Chrissy: No, but don’t tell my boyfriend I said that. Diandra: He’s bi too. Although his last girlfriend transplanting her own brain might have put him off women for a while. They pull up to...somewhere and Gwen appears at Rhys’ window to announce that she brought Rhys his favorite Danish because she knows what he’s like on an empty stomach. Neither Rhys nor Jack point out that he’s probably already eaten one of these today courtesy of his secretary/coworker. He gets out of the truck and she reminds him to get out of there as soon as he can. He’s like ‘yes, yes, I KNOW WOMAN STOP FRETTING.’ He opens the back and the rest of the waiting team piles in. She gives him one last kiss and he coaxes her into the van. Jack goes to follow her and pauses to stare at Rhys for a minute. I’m betting somewhere there’s a blooper of him kissing Rhys too. Chrissy: Or at least asking why he doesn’t get one. Rhys, seeming pretty calm actually, drives through the checkpoint toward the warehouse while the team ready their weaponry in the back. Owen explains that he’s preparing a Ketamine antidote. Jack says he, Gwen and Tosh will take the main area while Owen and Ianto clear the corridors and the little rooms along the side Rhys was pointing out. Gwen is busily grinding her teeth. Owen assures her Rhys will be fine. Rhys is greeted by a guy in reflective gear. He says he just needs the guy’s boss to sign off on this clipboard so he doesn’t get people asking him questions. While the guy goes to get the boss, Rhys runs back to open the back of the van, but it’s already empty. Because what is the point of being a powerful super-secret government organization if you can’t sneak around when people have their backs turned. The boss comes back to sign the paper and hands him a tip. Rhys acts nervous and keeps looking around like he’s trying to figure out where they all went. You know when you were noting that Jack wouldn’t ask you to join their ranks? No, he wouldn’t. And THIS IS WHY. Do us all a favor, Rhys, and don’t quit your day job. You’re hardly MI-6 material. Luckily, Emo Guy, who apparently has nothing better to do than follow the boss around all day, doesn’t think anything of this and instructs Rhys to ask for Graham when he gets to the abattoir because it’s his guys who clean and process the meat. Inside, the team has split up the way Jack instructed. Jack, Gwen and Tosh stare slack-jawed at the massive, moaning blob for a minute until some worker moves around nearby and they have to take cover. Jack makes a few silent gestures and runs off. Gwen and Tosh watch in disgust as the worker hacks away at a hole already carved into the animal and it squeals in what any species on any planet would instantly recognize as agony. Yeah, it’s horrible. There seems to be a pattern here wherein the fourth episode of each season highlights just how much more monstrous humans are than anything that could possibly come through the rift. Anyone who can torture another living creature without batting an eye is an unfeeling monster. The worker starts to leave with a wheelbarrow full of meat when Jack jumps up and tases him unconscious. Chrissy: Yeah, I’m all for scrapping the “stun only” plan now. Shoot away. Diandra: As long as you avoid killshots. That would be too merciful. The team get up close to the alien’s eyeball and Jack mutters “imprisoned, chained and drugged. Welcome to planet Earth.” The alien’s eye opens and Tosh notes that it heard him and it’s sentient. They move around to the hole carved into its side and Jack puts a hand carefully on one of the walls of hacked-off flesh and bemoans what these people have done to the poor thing. Elsewhere, Owen roughs up one of the workers before tasing him. He finds a gun tucked in the back of the guy’s trousers and warns the rest of the team that they’re armed. “Rhys,” Gwen murmurs. Jack orders her to stay put. Chrissy: Oh, you should know better than to try to order her to do things by now. The guy I thought was the leader at first, who is apparently actually the vet, arrives on a bicycle and Emo Guy demands to know where he’s been because the injection was due ten minutes ago. He says he needed more Ketamine because the previous dose is no longer enough. The animal is clearly suffering. Emo Asshole says it’s just MEAT and it can’t feel anything and the vet is going soft. I will say the same thing I say to every person who says “it’s just a DOG” after the loss of a beloved pet: fuck you. Seriously, fuck you sideways with a telephone pole. You are a heartless bastard who knows nothing about love and kindness and I sincerely hope that when you die you are surrounded by people who are just as apathetic. Chrissy: And now tell us how you really feel. At the back of the van, the boss scolds some workers for not having enough bags of meat inside. They need to get three more. Somewhere else in the facility, a worker runs into Ianto, who, caught off guard, apparently decides to play bumbling idiot. “Hello! I uh, have a thingy here, somewhere.” Chrissy: It’s both bigger AND lasts longer than Jack’s. Actually, it turns out to be his taser and when the worker reaches for him he jams it in his chest. Rhys, who has been acting fidgety and looking at his watch, says he needs to get going because he has jobs backing up. The unfeeling bucket of emo slime says they’ll just have to wait. Then he gets a call from someone inside the building who has just spotted Ianto standing over the unconscious worker and announces that they have trouble. Emo Asshat elbows Rhys in the face and shouts “you want to mess with me?” Because he gives the double bird to subtlety. Gwen asks Ianto if Rhys got away. Ianto says he’ll go check and goes into the next room where he immediately runs into Emo Douchecannon and his thugs, who are lugging a roughed up Rhys. Emo Antichrist asks how many of them there are. Ianto says there’s just the two of them. Emo Nazi says nah, they’re not stupid enough to think they could take them with only two guys and orders one of his goons to tie them up and lock all the doors. Owen sees this from around the corner somewhere and tells the rest of the team that Rhys and Ianto have been caught. Gwen starts running basically before he even finishes the sentence. Jack grabs her, but it turns out she couldn’t have gotten very far because the doors are already all being locked. Also because the goons march Ianto and Rhys right into the main hangar. Jack, Gwen and Tosh hide again. Ianto gawks at the alien the same way they did and asks what it is. Emo Amin says they call it the “cash cow”. The vet runs up to ask what the hell he thinks he’s doing. Emo Jong Il says they just couldn’t bear to see others making money and thought they’d steal some. Chrissy: Are we sure he’s not American? Then he points his gun at Rhys’ head and demands “show yourselves or I shoot the delivery boy”. Gwen jumps out in the open like she’s been shot out of a cannon, her hands in the air. Emo Mussolini orders her to kick her gun over. She tries to claim she doesn’t have one, but nobody buys that so the delay doesn’t go very far. She tosses her gun. Emo Nero asks if there are any more of them and threatens to shoot her if she lies this time. Ianto and Rhys both shake their heads. She says it’s just her. Except one of the goons is up on a catwalk and announces that there are two more of them in the back corner. Jack and Tosh come out of hiding and toss their guns. “You know what you’ve got here, Dale,” Jack asks. Who the hell is Dale? Chrissy: The emo “douchcannon” you’ve been naming after every famous dictator in history. Diandra: Oh, that bastard. He doesn’t deserve a name. Chrissy: Agreed, but I’m finding it rather alarming that you’re not running out of dictator names. Jack says it’s an alien. As in from another galaxy. The “vet” – who I’m now guessing is working for them because he’s not good enough to find legitimate employment - thinks that’s impossible. Because a giant whale-like creature that regenerates flesh carved out of it could totally exist on Earth? Tosh points out the ridiculousness of this denial. The alien moans and raises its giant blobby head while Jack yells at them to look at the sentient creature they are carving into. Emo Pol Pot tries the old “it’s just business” argument of every soulless capitalist who would step over their own grandmother and poison poor people’s water supply just to make a buck. Gwen says it isn’t too late: he can “walk away from this”. Emo Koch says nope and turns his gun on Gwen. Ianto, who has been wriggling his way out of the rope around his wrists, reaches for the gun and wrestles him for it, but by then he’s already fired at Gwen. Rhys jumps in front of Gwen just in time to catch a bullet to the chest. All hell breaks loose and the creature starts yanking free of the cables holding it down and knocking barrels, boxes and equipment over. Emo Trump runs out of bullets and runs for it, along with the rest of the goons apparently. Jack screams at Ianto to go after them and calls to Owen – who is still back in that side room somewhere – that Rhys has been shot and the creature is getting loose so they need that sedative NOW because they’re trapped. If they try to get past it they’ll just be crushed when it thrashes. Owen says he’s on it, but I’m pretty sure he’s been “on it” for the last twenty minutes. He is distracted by the vet suddenly showing up behind him. Owen throws him against the wall and he yelps that he didn’t do this and he never wanted to be part of it. Also, sedatives won’t work. Once the alien gets loose, it can’t be stopped. Ianto comes around the corner and tases the vet into unconsciousness before telling Owen that the alien is out of control and they have to do something. Um...isn’t that what the vet just said? Owen mutters “change of plan”, grabs a jug of something from the shelf and runs from the room. Main office. Emo Gordon Gecko is filling duffel bags with money because of course he is. Ianto slams his way into the office, calmly tases his goon and kicks the gun from his hand. “Pray they survive,” he says very quietly before jabbing the end of the taser against Emo Scrooge’s forehead and pulling the trigger. I hereby declare my undying love for Bad Ass Motherfucker Ianto. Chrissy: Too late. Get in line. Owen arrives in the main room and skids to a halt because he’s the only one who hasn’t seen the creature yet and therefore hasn’t had an opportunity to gape at it slackjawed. The creature has lifted it’s head and has it’s mouth open to better scream bloody murder. Owen fills a whale-sized hypodermic with something, mutters an apology, and runs up to jab the contents into the alien’s side. The alien keeps thrashing and yelling and Jack says he’s just making it worse. Owen ignores him and jabs another hypodermic full of whatever it is into the alien’s nose. The alien stops thrashing and starts moaning pitifully. Jack sidles up to Owen and asks what he did. “Mercy killing,” Owen pants and throws down the hypodermic angrily. Then he goes over to help Rhys, who Gwen is cradling in her lap and ordering to keep his eyes open and stay with her. Meanwhile, Jack approaches the dying alien and strokes it’s face. Owen finishes stabilizing Rhys and goes over to touch the alien’s nose, babbling apologies. Tosh comes over to put a hand on his shoulder in support. Chrissy: Okay, I’m finally coming around on Owen. Diandra: Took you long enough. Back at the hub, Owen patches up Rhys in his autopsy bay. Gwen hovers over Rhys as he comes around and smiles dopily at her, asking if she’s okay. She says she is now and kisses him. He groans in pain and she apologizes. From nearby, Ianto calls to him that next time he should just let her take the bullet. Chrissy: Easy for you to say. Your boyfriend could survive a bullet to the face. Rhys asks what happened to the guys back at the warehouse. Jack – also nearby – says they gave them amnesia pills that wiped out the last few months. Rhys points out that this means they basically got away with it. Jack says none of it would ever stand up in court so there’s not much else they can do. Ugh. Rhys asks what happened to the creature and everyone goes silent for a moment before Jack says it was incinerated. Then he calls Gwen away. She kisses Rhys more gently this time and traipses after him. Jack’s office. Jack tells Gwen that Rhys is going to have to forget this whole incident too. She asks if she can at least give him the Retcon at home. Jack just silently hands her the pill, staring at the far wall and clenching his jaw as she stuffs it in her pocket and walks out. Sometime later, Gwen and Rhys emerge onto the square around Millenium Stadium and Rhys rejects the idea of going straight home, offering to get some ice cream. Even later, they sit on the steps leading to the stadium and he gestures with his mostly eaten cone, marveling at how none of these people around them have any clue what just happened or what it means about what is “out there”. “The sky won’t be the same to me anymore.” He says this puts all the piddly little annoyances of his job in perspective now and he’s marveling that he got to be a part of it. He says he wants to know more and he promises he won’t say anything to anyone. He says he’s even okay with Jack. “Yeah, all right, yeah, he’s handsome, enigmatic, saves the world and all that, but it’s me you come home to at the end of it all.” Gwen smiles and says she always will come home to him. Chrissy: Yes, let’s pretend that little affair with Owen didn’t even happen. And while we’re at it, let’s pretend she and Jack haven’t been flirting since the beginning of the season. Diandra: That would be what the writers are hoping for, yes. Rhys gets a phone call from one of his friends and even though we only hear his end of the conversation it’s obvious he’s saying nothing much is going on in his “boring” life right now and getting wrapped up in whatever drama the friend has going on instead. He steps away from Gwen for a minute to continue the conversation and she contemplates the pill Jack gave her. Inside the hub, everyone is at their stations when Gwen marches through the cog door shouting that she is NOT doing this. She is NOT drugging her husband into forgetting everything. Tosh, Owen and Ianto all argue that she has to because they can’t have civilians knowing about this and blah blah rulebook. She says none of them have partners outside of their little group and they don’t understand what it’s like to have somebody on the outside to talk to and she’s sick of lying to him. “What he did today was so brave. Braver than any of us because we signed up for this, but he didn’t.” She says she won’t “take that away from him” even if Jack has to fire her or retcon her. Jack marches toward her and asks if she really thinks she could go back to her old life before she joined Torchwood. She glares at him defiantly and says she wouldn’t know any different now, would she? Jack’s voice cracks a little as he says HE would. They stare at each other for a couple beats and he tells her he will see her tomorrow and “give Rhys my love.” She leaves again and he retreats back to his office, watching her join up with Rhys outside again via security camera monitor and looking like he might cry. And now that I’ve gone back over this recap for editing purposes I have decided that either this episode was more incoherent than usual or I am in my efforts to describe it. Chrissy: And you can’t even blame alcohol this time. Diandra: Is it possible that we make more sense when we’re NOT sober? Chrissy: I don’t know, but I think we should test that theory.