"Torchwood: Miracle Day, episode 6: The Middle Men" Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins, Bill Pullman In the intro for this episode, John makes a bad joke about Gwen's dad possibly getting "burned" and Russell apologizes for how "gruesome" and cringeworthy parts of this episode will get. Yeah. I'm a veteran of "The Walking Dead" pal. You can TRY to squick me out. Chrissy: Ugh. Don't remind me. I still have occasional PTSD. Russell also openly calls them concentration camps and the Torchwood team "freedom fighters". So it's not just us, at least. We open at PhiCorp headquarters in Los Angeles. Somebody hands a folder to ANOTHER Hey It's That Guy, although being from "Ghostbusters", this one ranks a name: Ernie Hudson. Chrissy: So what are the rules on HiTG status? Doesn't it only apply when you DON'T know the guy's name, but you've seen his face everywhere? Diandra: I think of it as a collective term for people who have guest starred on every TV show at some point. So you know their face, but they haven't really played big enough parts for their names to spring instantly to mind. Like, as long as we're talking about "Walking Dead", Robin Lord Taylor before he became the Penguin (and probably after that show is over too). Or Stephen Amell before "Arrow". Or Mahershala Ali before he won an Oscar. Chrissy: Or Benedict Cumberbatch before "Sherlock"? Diandra: No, that's a different thing. I didn't recognize his face until "Sherlock", just the funny name in the credits of a couple movies. I don't know what to call that. What were we talking about? Oh. Recap. The woman I assume is some sort of secretary says he has an executive board meeting at four. She hovers beside his desk after he tries to dismiss her, ostensibly so they have an excuse to reveal their names to the audience. Her name is Janet, his is Stuart. She asks if something is wrong because he seems...not happy. He says everything is fine and she really shouldn't call him Stuart in the office. Chrissy: Establish names? Check. Establish that they are totally having an affair? Check. She corrects herself to "Mr. Owens", except she says it in an even more suggestive tone, which makes it worse. She walks past a TV tuned to a news report on the surprising INCREASE in suicide rates. A woman being interviewed notes that even though suicide is technically impossible, people are just becoming more creative in their methods, getting themselves as close to death as possible. There's even a new cult that calls itself "The 45 Club" that centers on the belief that if one jumps from at least 45 stories up they are guaranteed to lose consciousness forever. Yes, and force friends and loved ones to deal with a mangled, liquefied, but only UNCONSCIOUS body. Thanks, asshole. Stuart, not really paying attention at all, flips through files full of maps and blueprints, some of which are marked "confidential". He dials someone with an Asian accent who, nevertheless, answers in English after the initial "Wai?" Stuart gives his name and says the following is to be strictly confidential. We switch to the man he's talking to, who is at a desk in Shanghai, China as he agrees to the terms. Stuart begins that a large area of land near Shanghai was purchased by a division of PhiCorp in 1999, but he can't find any records of what was done with it. Chinese guy is like 'I don't know. PhiCorp built something?' Stuart says there's no record of that. Chinese guy asks what this is about anyway. Stuart leans back in his chair like 'and there it is' and asks if he really needs to know. Chinese guy says it would help. Stuart says he's trying to understand this whole Miracle thing and whether PhiCorp has anything to do with it. He thinks this particular site is the key. Chrissy: So he's going to be Torchwood's inside guy, basically. Diandra: Probably. I don't know. I don't even remember this character. Chrissy: Dude. I seriously worry about you. Chinese guy offers to ask his uncle, who is probably the one who gave him this job. "He told me never to question a miracle," he adds. "You may not like what you find." Chrissy: Oh, that's deep, man. Really deep. Diandra: Sarcasm duly noted. So Chinese guy drives to an area so aggressively Asian looking that I would be willing to bet it's Chinatown, L.A. and sneaks past some guards. He shoots out a lock on a chain link fence and disappears behind it. Some hours later, Stuart calls him back to ask if he found anything. Chinese guy is on top of a building somewhere. He says it was a dead end. There's nothing there. Nothing. Nada. DON'T KEEP POKING AROUND, THERE'S NOTHING I TELL YOU. He hangs up and jumps off the building. Bleeping credits. And we're back at the San Pedro camp, which the chyron redundantly identifies as being in California, USA. I say redundantly because there are TWO American flags flapping in the background. We get the American version of the video Gwen was making last season. "My name is Rex Matheson. I'm with the CIA. I'm on an operation inside the San Pedro overflow camp." Which...would be news to the CIA. He realizes that and corrects himself: he isn't with the CIA or any other government agency. "I'm with Torchwood. And we're gonna expose everything that's going on here. Everything that I just witnessed." He grunts as his chest pain flares up again (funny how keen a dramatic sense his wound has) and puts the camera down to take some painkillers. He pauses to look at Vera's name on the pill bottle. He picks up the camera again and starts talking about category one being the key term. "Don't ever let them call you that. The minute you hear category one, you better get the hell out of Dodge because they are going to burn you." Chrissy: Um...problem being that unless they are mislabeled they shouldn't be able to hear it because they are vegetables. Diandra: Shhh...no thinking. Drink your beer. Rex leans heavily on the holocaust allusions by saying everybody knows how this works. First they come for the category ones. Then they come for the convicted felons and illegal immigrants and whoever else we don't like at the moment like, say...Muslims. Because sickness is inevitable, so basically they will eventually adopt the philosophy of the worst animal shelters and put down anyone who has the sniffles to make room. Chrissy: Also, Soylent Green is people. Diandra: Yeah, I...don't think they're quite there yet. He finishes with a vow to find the bastard who killed Vera Juarez and "burn" him. Meanwhile, Esther, hopelessly out of the loop, is still trying to call Vera from Asshole...okay, I guess I need to start calling him by name again...Maloney's office. Rachel notes that that buzzing sound in the background signals the end of their shift and they can go home now. Esther is like yeah, um...okay...right behind you. Rachel says she'd better be because they don't pay overtime here. Also, she should make sure she gets paid in cash. She talks about having $2,000 in a "savings expedition" that she supposedly can't withdraw because of some bullshit thing having to do with it being a "national emergency". Esther is distracted by Maloney pulling up in his golf cart as they're walking out of the building. She gives Rachel an excuse about forgetting her cell phone and slinks away. Maloney enters his office, where Military HiTG is waiting to find out what happened to Vera. Maloney says she isn't a problem anymore. Military HiTG babbles that he scrubbed his hands totally raw, but all those CSI shows suggest it's still possible to find the tiniest flakes of evidence that he missed. Chrissy: Yeah, they also suggest that it's possible to positively ID somebody from a few pixels in the corner of an image taken from a screen shot of surveillance camera footage. Diandra: And those few pixels are a tiny mirror/plate glass window reflection of the killer. And he probably had dirt on his shoes that you can only find at one specific park in the tri-county area. Chrissy: Why do we watch these stupid shows? Diandra: You mean us specifically or Americans in general? Chrissy: Us, obviously. Americans in general watch a whole lot of shows that are MUCH dumber. Maloney says this is why he keeps a fresh shirt in the office. Well, actually, he does that in case he has time to work out or something, but that never happens, so... He changes shirts as he's talking. Military HiTG asks what happens at the Module. Maloney babbles that it isn't his FAULT. It's the SYSTEM. It was meant to be STORAGE. They're supposed to use it as storage until a senator signs some paperwork to give them the official go ahead. He wasn't supposed to turn them on yet. Esther arrives back at her desk to find a baby faced girl sitting in it. She tells her she was asked to stay on for a double shift and she can go check with the categorization center. The girl stomps off, annoyed at getting the run around. Esther grabs a bunch of folders and storms into Maloney's office to announce that she just received these new forms and she doesn't know what to do with them because she's new. Maloney, not recognizing her from earlier because of course he doesn't recognize the peons who work just outside his office, asks what sort of forms they are. Esther fumbles that they're some sort of wage...thing...she's pretty sure they're for him. Chrissy: She's thisclose to me officially renaming her Bristow. Luckily he's just as incompetent as she is as he sees her looking at him fixing his shirt and blurts that he was just playing badminton and "sweating profusely". Yeah. Nobody actually asked. She says okay, well...uh...she'll just be outside if he needs anything because she's his liaison now. He says he's good for now and shoos her out. The second she's out the door, Military HiTG squawks that he did NOT agree to this and they MURDERED that woman. Maloney gives the excuse that the modules were intended to be used this way and therefore use of them is LEGAL. Chrissy: I'm just following orders like a good soldier/citizen! Seig heil! Diandra: Yeah. People who thought (until recently, presumably) that Americans were above this are seriously deluding themselves. Chrissy: The only people who thought that were Americans themselves. They think Hitler was an obvious monster who talked about killing people right from the start. Outside, Esther's efforts to figure out what they're talking about are interrupted by some guy complaining about all these illegal immigrants working the day shift who can't even spell. "This is wrong...this is wrong...this is wrong...it might make sense in Mexico, but not here." Chrissy: Oh, look, a Trump supporter. Esther huffs and abandons her spy efforts so she can get away from this guy. Inside, Maloney details a plan to drive Vera's car into town and leave it at the big shopping mall. Nobody will notice it in the sea of cars that are always in the parking lot there. He can catch one of the trucks the company drives past every half hour. It will be as if she just went missing and they had nothing to do with it. Chrissy: Or like she was authorized to inspect your facility and then disappeared under highly suspicious circumstances. Moron. He assures Military HiTG that they'll never find her anyway because "she's dust". He says they also need to put the facility on lockdown, which will make sure every staff person is logged which will give them an alibi somehow. Outside, Rex notes that a bunch of military guys are moving toward the gate. He informs whoever he thinks is going to be watching this home movie he's making that "something" is going on. Alarms start going off inside and Esther watches cluelessly as people start moving around. Maloney comes out to announce that they are officially in lockdown mode and this is just a drill but nobody is leaving until further notice. Outside, Rex sees a similar reaction. Military guys herding people and locking the gates. But he vows he WILL find a way to get the evidence on this camera out. Esther is still trying to call Vera. Maloney yells at her because as long as they're in lockdown mode nobody is authorized to make outside calls unless he authorizes them. Esther switches tactics and asks if they shouldn't escort observers out then. What happened to that one woman who was sent here from Washington? "She left," he snaps quickly. Chrissy: GODDAMN IT DON'T MAKE ME KILL AGAIN. Instead of just leaving it there, which would have been more believable, he adds that she said he was doing a great job here. Yep. Running an excellent command. Chrissy: Also, she said I have an excellent head of hair and am a fantastic lover. Diandra: I would have gone with "I have an enormous dick", but I guess that's just as unlikely. Back in Cowbridge, everybody is still ignoring the fact that Gwen is running around with a nurses smock on even though she's not actually working. She marches up to a Doctor Alicia Patel (because of course, the Indian doctor is named Patel) and demands she change her dad's paperwork. Patel sighs and skims the chart as Gwen rambles that she swears her dad's condition isn't THAT serious. He's just unconscious! Dr. Patel admits there's a fine line between categories one and two and she's following the guidelines the government gave her. Gwen points out that she's the one who labeled him in the first place and asks if she could take another look. Patel says if she did that for Gwen, she'd have to do it for everyone and she DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR ALL THESE PEOPLE. Gwen says she understands and starts groveling. Please? Pretty please? They're taking him out to the woods to be shot at dawn. Patel says that's "not her department". Gwen asks if she even knows what her department IS. "Do you know what happens here? Do you know what happens in the module?" Patel tries to go about her business and ignore Gwen. Gwen is like 'they BURN people! Cremate them while they're still alive! This place is institutional murder!' Patel finally snaps at her that SHE isn't the one making the rules here. Those people are DEAD. That's the law now and they're doing it for the sake of public health. Gwen makes snide comments about Patel being able to sleep at night because hey, at least she has the law on her side. But she doesn't have to actually throw the switch to incinerate people. She just hides here behind her little clipboard. Gwen keeps ranting about how she can just stand by and watch while a concentration camp is built IN ENGLAND in the 21st FUCKING CENTURY. Patel finally snaps that the entire healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. What is she supposed to do? "You say no," Gwen snarls. Easy for you to say from that high horse you're on. She continues to chastise Patel for actually telling her she's just "obeying orders" like a good little Nazi. She tells Patel she can no longer call herself a doctor and she should be ASHAMED. Then she storms off. Yeah, um...yeah. Apparently the British like to pretend they're above fascist bullshit too. Or they did until this past year or so. So sometime later, Gwen meets up with Rhys outside. He's freaking out over the fact that he was delivering people right to the crematoriums. Gwen assures him he couldn't possibly have known what was happening. He was just doing his JOB. Oh, so you ARE capable of recognizing that? Or is it only okay for family members because this is literally the opposite of what you said in the last scene. Chrissy: I mean, how were we supposed to know they weren't just sending them to Russia or Poland or a facility on an island somewhere run by Nucky and Ned Stark? Diandra: ........... Chrissy: You have no clue what that last reference was, do you? Diandra: I mean...I'm guessing you're talking about "The Island", but who the hell is Nucky? You couldn't have just said "with young Obi-Wan and Black Widow"? Chrissy: Sigh. Never mind. We get it. You're a selective nerd. Rhys says yeah, well, it isn't his job anymore. He quits. Gwen says he can't yet. Not until he helps her get her dad out. Rhys says they can't because the compound is closed for the night and not accepting transfer orders until six. Gwen wails that that's when they're taking her father to the oven and she needs Rhys to do SOMETHING. Anything. Steal some keys. Steal a lorry. They make plans to kidnap her dad in the one hour window between the nurses changing shift and that six a.m. deadline. And then we're with Janet the secretary Stuart is totally fucking. She is sitting at a bar. She gets a text on her phone asking what she's drinking. She's like 'and who the hell is this?' The guy next to her moves, revealing Jack, who calls her by name and admits that she doesn't know him. Yet. Instead of threatening to call the cops, she just asks if he works at PhiCorp. He orders another of whatever she's having from the bartender and starts running down her bio. Full name, parents' names, age, height, weight, college degree, zodiac sign, favorite Beatle, etc. And yes, she works in administration at PhiCorp industries. Janet is like 'okay, so who do I call to report finding the creepy stalker probably terrorizing women in the tricounty area?' She says she's flattered, really, but she's meeting somebody. Jack says yeah, after he's finished having dinner with his wife. Because she's totally meeting with Stuart and Esther has probably hacked into their emails to find the record of their affair. Janet gives him a dirty look and asks what he wants. Jack says he needs her help. He gives her a vague explanation about PhiCorp doing some "bad things" that his people are investigating and he needs her help figuring out who is behind those bad things. Janet says she doesn't want to do anything that will hurt her boss. Jack thinks that's sweet, but doubts Stuart would be so kind to her. He forwards her some emails Stuart sent to PhiCorp HR requesting she be transferred to Cincinnati. Chrissy: NO! NOT OHIO! ANYWHERE BUT THERE! Diandra: Yeah, there's a running joke that there's a reason why so many astronauts come out of Ohio. There's just something about it that makes people want to leave the planet. Chrissy: Yeah. I can see it. Janet reads the email and fumes. Trap successfully baited, Jack tells her he could sit here and drink with her and bitch about men or they could do something. She gives Jack a look and we cut away. Jack walks into a restaurant somewhere and the host compliments his "vintage" coat as he helps him out of it. Jack looks him up and down and suggests the three of them have a drink sometime. Then he slaps the guy's ass. You know, just once they should have the guy he hits on be like "I'm MARRIED, sir, and contrary to popular belief us gay guys actually do have respect for monogamous relationships." It turns out this is the restaurant where Stuart is having dinner with his wife. He crashes their table as Stuart is debating ordering a salad. Jack suggests he order a steak, a bourbon and a pack of cigarettes because thanks to PhiCorp they're all going to live forever and who the hell cares anymore? Stuart is like 'and you are?' Jack identifies him as Stuart Owens, the COO of PhiCorp. He says he's a friend of Janet's. He just met her at the bar Stuart was planning on going to after dinner. "Does your wife know," Jack stage whispers. Going by the look on her face, it's obvious she suspected it. She grabs her purse and storms off. Stuart goes to follow, but Jack says if he leaves they'll hurt Janet. He calls Janet on his cell and hands it over as "proof" that they are holding her hostage. From a bathroom somewhere, Janet delivers completely flat, unconvincing lines about being tied up in a cellar and 'please help me. Oh no. They're hurting me. Make them stop.' Luckily, Stuart isn't the brightest bulb. He hands the phone back and asks what Jack wants. Jack tells Janet "I'll let you know when it's safe to release her." She snarls at him to GET the son of a bitch. Chrissy: You know, the flat, unconvincing thing might just point to her being a bad actor. Diandra: No. Really? On this show? Chrissy: Sarcasm duly noted. Jack and Stuart sit at the table and Jack demands Stuart tell him the truth about PhiCorp and the Miracle. How? Why? How do they reverse it? Stuart asks how the hell HE would know that. Jack blathers about how PhiCorp knew ahead of time this would happen - they had warehouses full of painkillers ready and waiting. Being so high up the ladder at the company, he must have known what was going on. Stuart asks his name and if he's with the military when he introduces himself as "Captain". Jack says he's "freelance" and currently representing the people trying to stop PhiCorp. Stuart realizes they were responsible for the security breach on the 33rd floor. He says HE'S not the one they're looking for. He's been trying to hunt down the same answers, actually. "I'm not a bad man, Captain. I'm not a good one either. I'm a middleman in every sense of the word. And faced with the thought of being who I am for God knows how long...I'm just as keen as you to find out exactly what's going on." He says he's especially concerned about the fact that the stock market is threatening to collapse, taking his security net with it. Jack just stares and Stuart concludes that he doesn't believe him. "You think I'm the devil in a three piece suit." Actually, I think he already met the devil and she was wearing stilettos. Stuart bemoans Jack's simplistic view of the world. "You have a rather archaic view of good versus evil, don't you?" Jack stubbornly asks who is behind the Miracle again. Stuart repeats that he's been TRYING to find that out himself. He's sent agents all over the world to investigate, in fact. This was how he "came face to face with the true face of evil." Jack realizes he's talking about the "system". Stuart says schemes and conspiracies point to patterns and shifts in behavior that are either too small or too large to really register. "Someone is playing the system, right across Planet Earth." PhiCorp isn't controlling it. They're just profiting from it. Whatever is going on is much bigger than any of them. Jack asks how he can be part of it and not know what's going on. Jack? Honey? Look up the definition of "middlemen". Stuart points out that Jack has probably not found an official memo yet authorizing the stockpiling of those warehouses full of drugs, dated the day before the Miracle. That's because it began five years ago with small increases in production in random factories all over the world based on "market share projections". He asks which warehouse Jack found. Jack identifies the one in DC. Stuart guesses that to form a stock like that they must have been stockpiling for a year from five different hauling companies outsourcing to seven or more independent suppliers. Jack concludes that "everyone" and "no one" would be suspect then. Stuart shrugs and says whoever is behind this whole thing is very good at hiding themselves. He and Jack certainly wouldn't be able to figure out who they are. But in order to coordinate a plan on this massive of a scale, manipulating countries and corporations alike, they had to have been planning this for a LONG time. Jack sighs and says somebody told him the Miracle had something to do with geography. Does he know anything about that? The only thing Stuart's operatives found is a word that dates back to the mid- 90s and was somehow "erased". "The Blessing." Jack blinks and asks what that means. Chrissy: It's another way of saying "The Miracle", genius. It came from a document in Italy from a deceased source inside the Council of Ministers. All it said was "they have found The Blessing." They are interrupted when some cops show up looking for Stuart. Stuart notes that his wife must have called them. Jack disappears before they can reach the table. Back at the San Pedro camp, Rex is still creeping around in the dark. He ducks behind a building, takes his bandage off, pins his red clip to his lapel and then starts knocking over barrels and making a lot of noise. By the time a guard/soldier comes around to see what's going on, he's slumped against the barrels looking dead. The guard grumbles about a category one being out here as he bends over Rex. Rex opens his eyes, says "sorry" and knocks the guy out. The radio on the guard's belt crackles and another guard asks if "Billy" reads him. Rex picks it up and answers, no doubt hoping that the static and bad connection will cover the fact that his voice sounds nothing like Billy's. He says they have new orders and they are needed out at the module. "What about the checkpoint," asks the stupidest guard in the world. Rex pauses his search of the unconscious guard and splutters that "they" said to just "leave it" because, um... "I don't know what they said, I wasn't listening." The other guy, who is totally getting fired over this, says yeah, that sounds about right. He's on his way. Chrissy: Dear lord. No wonder the aliens thought we would be easy to control. Rex switches clothes with the guard, which somehow always works on television or in the movies, and uses his card to get out of the camp. He has a half a second of relief at having successfully escaped before he runs into a whole group of military guys camped by the entrance. One guy asks who the hell he is. Whoops. So Military HiTG goes into Maloney's office to announce that a guy with a camera has infiltrated the compound. Maloney literally starts chanting "no. Nothing's going wrong. Nothing. Nothing." Military HiTG says yeah, um...he wants to talk to whoever is in charge. Maloney says no he doesn't. Also, no, no, no and no. NOTHING IS WRONG HERE. Finally he gives in and asks who the hell the guy is. For plot convenience, they go outside the office so Esther can hear Military HiTG say that he doesn't know what it means, the guy just said TORCHWOOD. She runs over to try to get Maloney's signature on something and offers to walk with him. He screams at her to back off and storms out the door. Esther lamely tries to get information from Military HiTG. He just looks at her like 'what the hell, lady?' and retreats into Maloney's office. THIS IS GOING WELL. Chrissy: Well, what did you expect from a bunch of incompetent idiots? She tries to follow Maloney again and the racist guy reminds her that it's a LOCKDOWN and she has to stay at her desk. She slinks back to it like the terrible spy she is. Maloney finds where the military guards have chained Rex to a post. He orders them to leave them and does his very best to look menacing as he approaches Rex, demanding to know who he is. Rex says he already told those other guys: "Rex Matheson. Now who the hell are you?" Maloney introduces himself as the director of the facility. Rex says oh, so HE'S in charge. He invites Maloney to call the police to come arrest him because he'll gladly give them a statement about everything that is going on here. Maloney splutters and says it's not like this whole thing was HIS idea. "We had instructions that got sent out nationwide, worldwide. And we had orders from above not to say anything. I just did as I was told." Chrissy: It's like he's reading from a transcript of the Nuremburg trials. Rex tries a different tactic. Okay, so he's a "middleman", but this whole thing has gotten completely out of hand. He reminds Maloney that a woman named Juarez visited the camp today and tells him that "somebody" tossed her in one of the ovens. Because Rex happened to be somewhere else the entire time Maloney was dragging her body in there so he doesn't know he's TALKING to that somebody right now. Chrissy: More plot convenience. Rex says Maloney has a chance to be a hero right now. They could tell the world what's going on in this facility. And then he has to go and remind Maloney that once everything that's happening becomes public, the people responsible will be tried for crimes against humanity. Maloney, realizing what kind of idiot he's dealing with here apparently, muses that it probably would be his "duty" to help however he can. Rex nods at his camera and says he has all the evidence they need right there. Chrissy: [facepalm] Diandra: Well, we have, like, four more episodes left. What do you want? Chrissy: CIA spies to not act like gullible morons every chance they get? Diandra: Pfffffft. Right. Maloney stares at the camera and mutters that he really shouldn't. Rex insists he look at it and see why he needs to let him go. Maloney keeps repeating that he shouldn't, because denial of everything at all times is his new SOP. Then he picks up the camera. While he's doing that we cut back to Esther, who barges into Maloney's office to tell Military HiTG that Maloney just called her about that guy claiming to be from Torch...wood? He wanted to know if his name is Rex Matheson by any chance? OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING MORON. Chrissy: That's what I've been saying. Military HiTG is like um...yeah? Esther says she'll call him back then. Oh, what extension was that? Because I'm so terrible at this job that I neglected to get the number I'm supposed to call my boss at. Military HiTG says he's in the generator room. She thanks him perkily and goes to skip out of the building again, getting yelled at by the nosy racist AGAIN. This time she just ignores him and keeps walking while he yelps that he's REPORTING her. Chrissy: Nobody likes a tattletale, bagger. Back in the generator room, Maloney is finishing watching the part where the bodies in the oven are overcome with flames. He's shaking and crying. Rex softens and apologizes but says he needed to see that. "You see why you need to release me, right?" He offers to go to the police with him right now. Maloney freezes, then he starts mumbling about how he hasn't got anything he could...he gets distracted when he sees Rex's injury. Rex says it's a long story. Maloney starts muttering about finding something he can USE and he's never been very practical and he can't THINK. Rex, beginning to get nervous, is like okay, so...want to untie me now, crazy man? Maloney takes out a ballpoint pen and stares at it before announcing that it will "have to do". He drives the pen into Rex's wound, flinching as Rex screams. It is only now that Rex realizes it was Maloney that killed Juarez. Because he and Esther are the worst spies ever hired by the CIA. Chrissy: Well...depending on what TV land you're in they are actually very common. Diandra: Yes, yes, we know. "Alias". Chrissy: Oh, there are more shows than that. For instance, the CTU was always surprised to find a traitor in their ranks even though they KEPT HIRING THEM YEAR AFTER GODDAMN YEAR. Maloney whimpers that he's sorry and it's been a long day and he just wants to go home now and forget that he has become a monster. Rex starts pointing out the futility in what he's doing right now because Rex CAN'T die and EAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH. Esther arrives somewhere outside and calls Maloney's name. He drops the bloodied pen and runs from the now unconscious Rex. He cuts off Esther and hides his blood-stained hand from her as he asks what she wants. Like everything else she does, Esther has clearly not thought this through, so she kind of fumbles and babbles that there's a very important phone call back at the office and she can take over here so he can go get it. Maloney asks who the hell is calling him. Esther is like um...ah...it's...um...Doctor Juarez. She needs to know the population of the camp. Chrissy: You know what? It really wouldn't surprise me if she died by the end of this show. Honestly, it's a miracle she's still alive NOW. Maloney is like oh? You talked to her? When? Esther is clueless as ever, which in this instance is probably excusable because she hasn't spoken to anyone who could tell her Juarez is dead. Rex wakes up in the next room and yells at Esther to run because this guy killed Vera. Esther finally shows a glimmer of self preservation and starts to run away. Maloney grabs her and they grapple. She manages to get a thumb in his eye, bite his hand and knee him in the crotch. This last one disables him long enough for her to get him in a chokehold, which she manages to maintain long enough for him to pass out and/or "die". She's crying and shaking when she finds Rex. She whimpers that she just killed Maloney. Rex reassures her that she didn't because NOBODY DIES right now, remember? Yeah. She just turned him into a vegetable for all of eternity. Much better. He gets her to focus and orders her to go back out there and find the keys to his restraints in Maloney's pocket. She cries some more and whimpers and generally illustrates why the CIA made her a desk jockey and not an agent. Then she goes out and skittishly approaches Maloney, finding the keys in the first pocket she checks. Except it turns out that she's as bad at killing people as she is at everything else and he was just pretending to be dead. She gets all of one step away from him before he grabs her and resumes the fight. This time he gets on top of her and chokes her. Before she loses consciousness, Military HiTG shows up and shoots him because he has had ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT. Chrissy: Oh, look, one of the Americans on this show is displaying some competence. Diandra: Huh. Didn't think about it like that. Well, to be fair, the Brits aren't usually much better in this universe. And we're in Wales again. Rhys steals a truck and has just gotten the engine started when Fox Mulder circa 1993 appears outside the door. Seriously. Rhys rolls down the window and BritMulder asks what the hell he thinks he's doing transferring patients in the middle of the night. Rhys says he's just doing what he was told: patient transfer at 5am. BritMulder demands to know his supervisor's name. Rhys says his name is Jack Harkness and he's a captain, so he's probably higher ranking and you shouldn't be questioning his orders. BritMulder checks his chart, grumbles that there's no "Harkness" anywhere on his roster and excuses himself to make some calls. Yeah, you do that. In the facility, Gwen is checking her watch and reassuring her unresponsive dad that Rhys will be there ANY minute now or there'll be hell to pay. Back outside, Rhys is actually waiting for BritMulder (who really doesn't look like Mulder from any other angle) to come back from his phone call. BritMulder snots that all transports have been halted until 6am, but Mr. Special here is claiming he was given special instructions to start early. Why? Rhys hypothesizes that Captain Harkness just really likes him. If you know what he means. He winks at BritMulder. Then he says he really has to get going because he's late. BritMulder, unimpressed, grumbles that he needs to make another call. Rhys finally realizes there's no point in waiting for this one guy and drives away. Which he should have done the first time, really. In the facility, one of the nurses is complaining that they got a whole boatload of category ones from continental Europe and they don't know what the hell to do with them and what the hell were they thinking sending them here? Chrissy: So we're just giving up on being subtle with our allusions, are we? Diandra: Because they've been sooooo subtle up until now? They're starting to wheel category ones near Gwen's dad away to prep for transport. She decides she can't wait any longer and starts wheeling her dad in the other direction, down a few winding back alleys until she runs into a door. A worker nearby sees her struggle to open it and, after a pause where we're supposed to expect her to yell for security, helps her open the door and waves her through. Rhys meets her outside and she angrily demands to know where he's been. Chrissy: Oh, I decided to have a fag first. Diandra: Be glad Esther isn't here right now, or she'd be giggling and making rude comments and then we'd be forced to endure another explanation of the differences between English and American. No, he tells her about the annoying bureaucrat stopping him. She asks why the hell he didn't just run the guy over. Rhys is like 'because I'm not a cold blooded murder and didn't realize I was married to one until just now.' He says they should move fast because the guy is probably behind him somewhere. They get her dad into the back of the truck and she instructs Rhys to take him home because she has something she has to do here yet before she goes back to the US. Rhys is like 'hold the phone, you're going BACK again?' She says yes, they need to find out what the hell is going on here and how they can fix it. BritMulder arrives just as Rhys is leaving. He calls ahead to try to get security at the gate to stop him. Except this time Rhys has decided he isn't stopping for anything and he just plows right through the fence while the guards shoot at the truck. Gwen goes into a bathroom and puts the Torchwood spy lenses in her eyes, muttering a prayer that somebody is listening. At NewHub, Jack's search on "The Blessing" (which I imagine is generating hella false hits) is interrupted when Gwen appears, the mechanical voice of the lip reading software asking if anyone is there. He grins and types "you're a sight for sore eyes." He asks if she's okay. She tells the mirror she is and vows to be there soon to rejoin the fight. But she needs to show him something first and she wants him to record it. Chrissy: If she reaches for the buttons on her shirt, I quit. Diandra: No, I think they finally got over that. She goes into a storage room somewhere and finds a box of...something in little tubes. And then suddenly she's ripping away from the compound on a motorcycle she got from who knows where. She skids to a stop and asks her rearview mirror if Jack is still watching. Jack types that he's opened the radio link. She turns to face the facility, announces that the "truth" is that they have let the world's governments build concentration camps complete with ovens for category ones. And she doesn't care if everybody else is willing to go along with it, she isn't. She pushes a button and the hangar explodes in a series of fireballs. Jack laughs and says "that's my girl." Okay, yeah, nice idea in theory and she looks really bad ass and all, but...what the hell is she blowing up? Were there people in there? Are they sacrificing logic and characterization in the service of making some sort of ex-post-facto statement against the Nazis? Chrissy: Remind me not to watch "Inglorious Basterds" with you. Diandra: What? Why? Chrissy: Never mind. Rex and Esther are in a car. Rex announces that the army is coming in to shut down the facility. Esther, crying, numbly says that that was a government sanctioned facility and they HAVE HER NAME because, naturally, she was too stupid to give them a fake name when she got herself in there. Rex is like yeah, but..."you saved me." Seriously, that's all he's got. Esther moans that she always wanted a job like his, but now she's like a dog finally learning what a car bumper tastes like and it's NOT GOOD. He puts an arm around her, kisses her forehead and says it's okay for her to feel like this but it's NOT OVER. So he needs her to pull herself together so she can get back in the fight with him. She wipes her eyes angrily and whimpers that she's ready. NewHub. Jack is watching a news report from an American outlet on the explosion in Wales, showing Gwen's video and rambling about "outrage". Esther and Rex are back, watching the report with Jack, who announces that they are officially "whistleblowers". A couple headlines scroll by about Vera Juarez being "executed" and "death camps in the 21st century". Rex asks if Jack thinks it's really that easy. He queues up a video of either the president or his press secretary saying that while there will be an investigation into Vera Juarez's death, they will NOT apologize for the category one process. They are still in a permanent state of emergency and this is their disaster response as sanctioned by congress. He claims we would do the same thing in cases of famine or plague. Round up people and shove them into crematoriums? Bit extreme, don't you think? Oh, and footage shows that many of the camps are still running. Rex concludes that the US is doing what it does best. Making big speeches about it and chastising others for their behavior and not actually doing a goddamn thing about it. Chrissy: Turning away those boats from Europe... Jack muses that Torchwood wasn't designed to fight politicians. They need to focus on the bigger picture and find out what this "Blessing" is. We focus on a blinking search term of "the truth", which I imagine is pulling up all sorts of conspiracy bullshit. Chrissy: It's out there, Scully! Diandra: Why am I Scully? Chrissy: ........seriously? You have to ask? Gwen lands in Los Angeles and immediately calls Rhys, who doesn't answer. She leaves a message asking why he isn't picking up his phone and instructing him to call her back. She hangs up just as the PA announces a call on the white courtesy phone for her. She picks up the courtesy phone and a male voice growls "lenses". So she goes into the bathroom and puts the spy lenses in again. "We have your mother," the text at the bottom of the lenses says. "We have your husband. We have your child." There's a brief pause before the word "child" like maybe they aren't sure what Anwen is, exactly because grandma hasn't been allowed to dress her in sufficiently girly clothing. Chrissy: Like Kristen Stewart in "Panic Room". Diandra: That was Kristen Stewart? Chrissy: Exactly. Diandra: No, I mean...I remember the gender neutral child Jodi Foster kept saying was her daughter. I'm pretty sure Family Guy did a parody of it with Meg. I just didn't remember who played her. Wow. Gwen stutters out a "who are you? What do you want?" "Bring us Jack," the text says. Well then. That'll be an easy choice, I'm sure. What are we going to do for the other forty minutes of the next episode?