"Torchwood: Miracle Day, episode 9: The Gathering" Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins Russell describes this penultimate episode as being very bleak, taking place two months after the last episode after Western society has completely collapsed. The team is all broken up and terrible decisions and bargains are made all around. But he promises they will all slowly come together in a "lonely Welsh kitchen" for a "last reckoning before the big climax." Which is probably why the episode is called "The Gathering". Chrissy: I notice you're not even bothering to note that John is still part of these intros. Diandra: Eh, he hasn't said much important lately. Previously, we found out that this whole mess started with the three men who were making some deal with the devil over Jack's barely conscious body back in the 20s. We focus on each man's face as Olivia Colasanto recites their names. Oswald escaped from Jilly, aka his handler. And Shapiro broke up the band, sending Gwen back to Wales and forcing Esther and a wounded Jack to go on the run. Supposedly Rex was staying behind to stay on the inside at the CIA, but since his contact Charlotte turned out to be a mole, who knows how long that will last. Two months later. A news announcer in Wales says it is Day 61 of The Great Depression. The government is calling for all overflow camps to stay open and they have gone back to burning Category Ones because it was deemed that that was better than turning them into Soylent Green. Because it's not like anyone is going to starve to death or anything. A man is walking his dog down the street when a car comes ripping up and drives right through the front of the pharmacy he just walked past. Gwen gets out and shoots out the security camera before filling a backpack with boxes of drugs from the back room. The man wanders in after her and she points a gun at him and threatens to shoot him if he doesn't leave right now. He asks if she can just spare a couple boxes of Metanec because his wife has major arthritis. Chrissy: Marijuana. Diandra: The UK. Chrissy: Oh. Right. You'd think they would suspend that ridiculousness in a situation this extreme. Diandra: Yeah...probably not. He keeps rambling about how she's afraid to go to a doctor because there are these rumors that they're putting people down for having a bad back now. Gwen is like 'yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get the drugs and go.' He thanks her and runs off with a bag full of medicine before the sirens approach. She runs the other way, leaving the car. For the second to last time, we cut to the bleeping credits. Sometime later, Gwen is getting out of another car in front of a row house, pizza boxes in her hand. Some guy watching a security feed of the front of the house tells somebody over the phone that they can relax because she "just went for pizza". Gwen plops the boxes on the kitchen table and Rhys starts going through the neatly packed drug packages inside, identifying which ones go to who because apparently they are stocking for several families. He says "Iris" called looking for painkillers. Gwen grumbles that Iris thinks she can get first dibs when she just has a headache and if she really wants them she can pay double. Rhys notes that PhiCorp has the same policy. Mum hands Anwen to Rhys and holds out her hands for the bottle of diamorphine Gwen got for dad. As they head into the basement, mum notes that at the rate dad is going through it, this bottle won't last a week. Gwen vows to get more. Yeah, that's...not sustainable. Mum says he misses his bed, based on the fact that every time they went on a trip he would be happy to get back to his own bed at the end of it. I say it's based on this because he's still non responsive. Basically, they are at the stage of denial people reach when a loved one is in a persistent vegetative state. Gwen reminds her that it's not safe for him to be in his own bed because the new SS officers are doing raids now. Mum gives him the shot and Gwen notes that it's basically heroin and back when she was a cop she would arrest people for selling it on the street. And then we go to Scotland, where Esther is patching up Jack's gunshot wound in a shack in the middle of nowhere. Why they are in SCOTLAND is anyone's guess. She turns to the IV hooked to his arm and promises to go into the village tomorrow to find him a steak or something that will build iron. You know, as long as they don't start asking her questions again because that last guy really spooked her. Chrissy: I love when they skip ahead and are forced to backfill exposition. Or rather, I would if they would put random bullshit in there like they used to. "And then I told the alien that I was flattered, but my limit is twelve tentacles..." Jack points out that they're already in Scotland, so they can't go much further north. She insists they can and they will continue running as long as it takes. Jack notes that she was once scared to leave home. She snorts that that feels like ages ago and back then he was the strong one. She eyes the wound pointedly and slips away. Jack calls her a vampire. She says she thinks of herself as more of a gunsmith because this is the closest thing to a weapon they have. She puts a bag of blood in a refrigerator with a half a dozen other bags of blood. He reminds her that his blood doesn't actually have any magical properties. It wasn't what made him immortal, so it can't have anything to do with The Miracle/Blessing/Whatever. She shrugs and reminds him that they took his blood for a reason and they are trying to kill him now for a reason. In Wales, Gwen is trying to do a search on "The Blessing" and naturally getting five million hits on religious bullshit that has nothing to do with The Miracle. She bemoans the fact that Esther isn't here to help her. Because she's such a wizard when it comes to research? Were you paying attention in the last episode? Rhys sits next to her and, in a somber tone normally used for breaking terrible news, says he's gotten a job offer. The reason he's not thrilled about it is it is for a guy who has a contract with the overflow camps so he'd be handing Category Ones over to the people who will probably just toss them in ovens. Gwen's face twitches and then she signals that she has gotten past the indignant stage right to acceptance by now. She says they need the money and it's not his fault they are Category Ones. Also, the fact that he's not driving them right up to the ovens creates a sort of detachment. She realizes the shift in morality and notes that the first time the camps were opened the people were indignant. But now they're all too busy looking after themselves to muster up the indignation again. Rhys suggests that was probably part of the plan. Well, it is an accurate prediction of human nature. Gwen wonders what the end game of that "plan" is. The lights all go out just then and she swears and tosses the laptop onto the table. Rhys slides closer and preambles that all those power cuts in the 70s led to a boom in population because, you know, there wasn't a whole lot else for people to do in the dark. Really? You're going to talk about making another child in this overpopulated, post-apocalyptic hellhole? Chrissy: Remember when she got pregnant in the middle of a culling of the population of children? They always have bad timing. Diandra: Yes, but she got pregnant BEFORE that all started. This is different. Instead of pointing out the irresponsibility of this, like she did last season, and the fact that abortion wouldn’t even work this time if things get really bad, Gwen just giggles and they kiss. CIA. Rex chews out some poor woman going through a pile of papers for dropping one. Because he's still an ass. He finds Charlotte at her desk and asks if she's been there all night and rhetorically asks if she doesn't have a home to go to. Charlotte grumbles that no, actually, she doesn't because "she left me. Remember? Because of the hours which you imposed?" Rex winces and apologizes. Then he tries to break the tension by asking if she could clean up the place a bit as long as she's there anyway. She flips him the bird. Chrissy: Don't make me like the mole. Rex goes into Shapiro's office, coughs a bit, and reminds Shapiro that smoking inside is STILL illegal. Shapiro blows smoke and reminds him that it won't kill either of them. Rex says that doesn't change the insurance of the building. Shapiro says insurance companies went bust along with the banks. Oh, and gas allowances have been halved and Rex is way over his limit. Rex asks if he's supposed to walk to work. Shapiro plays the 'hey, I don't make the rules' card, along with the 'the economy is shit and we all have to tighten our belts' card. Rex ignores this and says he has a lead. Out in the bull pen, Shapiro has joined everybody else to listen to Rex give his findings. He found a record of people selling tickets to see an immortal man hanging in the cellar of a butcher shop. $2 to watch a man die and come back to life. Whether it was a miracle or a magic trick, it had to have been news and there must have been people writing about it. Charlotte pipes up that it coincides exactly with the point where the records disappear though. Ablemarch, Costerdine and Frines scrubbed all records from that time period. She notes that the census data says the population of Manhattan at the time was 1,867,000, which oddly is more than live there NOW. Or maybe not oddly because they spread out and moved west. But if they're looking for descendants currently living, that would be six million people they would have to track down. Rex says she's looking too close at the FACTS. She should be looking at the FICTION. The London office found a short story published in 1935. It's about blood and Satan and rituals and shit, but it has five points of reference that are identical to Jack's story, suggesting that the writer may have been one of the people who paid to go into the cellar. He puts a picture of the writer up on the big screen. His name was Victor Podesta. Shapiro concludes that they just have to follow the Podesta family then. Rex giddily says it gets better from there. The Podesta's owned a grocery store a few blocks from the butcher shop and had ties to organized crime. The youngest son was stabbed to death in 1927 and nobody ever really tried hard to solve the case because...uh...mob crime. But in 1938 the REST of the family just disappeared. Both parents, the other son and the daughter just dropped off the face of the Earth. He allows that they could have just changed their name, but suggests maybe the daughter married a member of the three families. Chrissy: That's...quite an assumption. Diandra: Oh, NOW you want to question the logic of this show? In the eleventh hour? Noah suggests looking for the marriage license. Rex reminds him that the repository where such things were stored burned down in 1965. Which they seem to have concluded was the work of the families covering their tracks. Charlotte bemoans the fact that this conspiracy reaches back through the entirety of the 20th century. Rex says he wasn't finished yet. Go back to the unsolved murder of the youngest. He pushes another picture of an evidence bag with a knife to the screen and says the evidence collected was locked away and promptly forgotten about. So they still have the murder weapon with John Podesta's blood - and therefore DNA - on it. Charlotte looks nervous. Shapiro, excited, orders them to start cross-referencing the DNA profile. Everyone scatters and Charlotte intercepts Rex to offer the use of "Jordan" and "Carlyle", who are great at working with degraded DNA. Rex says yeah, sure, and runs away. Chrissy: What are the odds he will even remember this when those guys announce that the DNA was "too degraded" or the sample disappears or something? Jilly meets Suit on a park bench. She lights a cigarette and complains that sitting in an office "distributing for Harry Bosco" isn't exactly the promotion she was expecting. He slides closer and hands her an airplane ticket to Shanghai. She snorts that that can't be right because China shut its borders the second things started going crazy. Suit notes that the family gets special privileges. She looks closer at the ticket and sees the name on it is "Lucy Statten Meredith". Suit says yeah, that's her name from now on. On the plus side, this all means the families want to meet her "in person". She gulps and notes that it's a one way ticket. Chrissy: I would urge her to run now, but I never liked her so... Suit says they're taking her to "The Blessing" and says goodbye with an ominous "we won't be meeting again." Wales. Gwen is singing "Ring Around the Rosie" to Anwen, which is...morbid...when there's a knock on the door. Rhys peeks out the window at the cops standing outside and says "it's them". Gwen responds by slapping her laptop closed, handing him the baby and sticking her head through the door leading to the basement to alert her mom, turning off the light overhead. She tells Rhys to take the drugs upstairs and flush them and goes to answer the door just as the pencil pusher with the police escort is threatening to knock it down. He introduces himself as "Rick" and asks if he can come in, already pushing his way past her. She blocks him and says he needs a warrant. He says it isn't necessary because he suspects she may be harboring "an unsupported Category One" and the law says that gives him the right to just push on in. He shoves past her and she rants that she's going to take this grievance straight "to the top" because she used to be with the police. He mutters that that was a long time ago as he understands it. He orders the men to check the rooms upstairs. Gwen moans that her father is DEAD and they never got a chance to even have a funeral and properly mourn him. "For all I know he was just thrown into a furnace still alive." Rhys appears to complain about being disturbed in his own damn bathroom. Rick notes that he must be the husband and the fact that he and his wife never shared a surname says a lot. Yeah, it says they are progressive enough to understand that marriage doesn't have to equal a woman giving up her entire former identity to become a man's named property. Chrissy: It's England, dear. They're kind of sticklers for traditions. Diandra: Probably why my ancestors left. Chrissy: That's why ALL of our ancestors left. Except somewhere along the way, they created a country even MORE stuck in the past. But I think that might have happened more recently. Rick notes that they're still missing one family member and asks where Mary is. Downstairs, Dad suddenly starts stirring and moaning despite being very quiet up until now. Mary goes to cover his face. Upstairs, Gwen says her mom is out shopping. Rhys, the worst spy in the world... Chrissy: I thought that was Esther ...keeps looking at the door to the basement and makes Rick suspicious. Chrissy: Nope. You’re right. Esther has competition. Rick opens the door and tries to turn on the light Gwen disabled. He asks Rhys why there aren’t any lights. Rhys says the whole house needs to be rewired. Rick calls his men to bring some flashlights. Gwen, who is probably rethinking all her life choices, calmly says all that is down there is rats, so they should feel right at home. Rick goes into the cellar and looks around, but mum and dad are in a side closet and she is basically smothering him so he won’t make a noise, so Rick doesn’t see anything. Upstairs, Gwen subtly grabs a knife from the counter just in case. Rhys looks alarmed and she whispers at him to keep his big mouth shut. Something squeaks and runs past Rick. He flashes the light at it and announces as he’s coming up the stairs that it is MICE that they have, not rats. He recommends they put out traps. Gwen says not to worry, they’ll get rid of the vermin. Quickly. She shoos them out the door. Rick stops on the doorstep to remind her that until he finds out what happened to her unregistered father he will keep coming back. And then he says she should take care of her family in the most threatening manner possible. Gwen and Rhys go downstairs and Rhys pulls back the heavy door that was hiding her parents. Mary comes out crying that she had to hold dad down to keep him quiet and it took all her strength and it was awful. Gwen hugs her and promises they’re all gone now. CIA. Charlotte finds Shapiro and Rex in an office and tells them the DNA test didn’t return a result. Sure it didn’t. She says there is no bloodline on John Podesta on file and she tried everything. Sure she did. She walks away and Shapiro and Rex exchange a silent look before Rex jumps up to call her back. He asks if she can send him the digital format of the Podesta file – the short story. She flusters and says it’s not worth reading because it’s just pulp fiction. Snuff, really. He says do it anyway. She says okay and slinks back to her computer. Gwen and Rhys’ place. A van marked with a bakery logo pulls up and a guy hiding his face gets out, lingering long enough to show the actual driver tied up in the back. He uses the box of various items to hide his face from the people apparently spying on them from across the street. Initially, it looks like maybe Rhys is using a different strategy to smuggle drugs in, and the fact that Mary answers the door and announces loudly that the shopping has arrived supports that. But then he walks past Rhys on the couch, still hiding his face from everybody. Gwen calls to whoever it is to put everything in the fridge and she can sort it out later, noting that they’re early. Chrissy: Oh, come on. You were getting so much smarter. Diandra: I mean, your husband is still an idiot, but... Rhys asks if it’s a bit “posh” getting their things delivered. Gwen says it’s mum’s thing. She’s cooking for the “club” to raise money. Anwen looks back and forth between mommy and this stranger like ‘dude, even I know something is wrong here’. And then suddenly the delivery guy is holding Anwen and commenting on how pretty she is despite the fact that she’s wearing half of her food. Yeah, it’s Oswald. Gwen calmly takes the baby from him and marches her into the living room, handing her off to Rhys while Oswald rambles about how he realizes this is a bit of a surprise, but... Gwen goes back to the sink and continues drying dishes while Oswald explains that he was told they had some information he needed and apologizes for the disguise “but I do have the most recognizable face on the planet.” “Not anymore,” Gwen says and swings the now-dried pot at his head like a club. He staggers and she hits him again, sending him to the floor. Rhys and mum come in to find out what’s going on and she shrieks that it’s OSWALD DANES and if he touches her daughter again she will kill him. Chrissy: This cable network will only allow us to get so graphic in our descriptions, but rest assured that my method of killing you will involve severing your miserable dick off, shoving it up your own ass and then watching as you slowly bleed out. Diandra: Best part is that until the Miracle thing ends, that won’t kill you so I get to watch you suffer until you pass out over and over. Or, you know, as long as it takes before you go Category One. Chrissy: I wasn’t sure you would go with me on that morbid road at first, but damn. Diandra: You forgot who you were dealing with? Chrissy: I guess. That and overestimating any lingering feelings you may have had about your former crush. Gwen has Mary take Anwen back out of the room so she doesn’t have to see what her mother is about to do. She raises the pan again and Rhys runs to pull her back, saying he doesn’t want her to be arrested for murder. “Thank you, sir,” Oswald says from the floor. Without turning, Rhys says they can arrest HIM for murder if it comes to that, then turns, grabs the nearest object and chucks it at him, screaming at him to TALK QUICKLY before he announces his presence to the whole street and brings a mob down on him. “Jack Harkness,” he says. “The man who smuggled me into this country, they brought Harkness in seven weeks ago and they brought him to you. And then you, in turn, found him a haven.” He says he paid good money to find Gwen and he REALLY wants to see Jack. And it is in her best interest to do what he wants because he knows the name of the man who created the Miracle. CIA. Rex is having a little private conversation with Shapiro. He says they both know somebody is leaking information. Um...based on the way you were looking at each other earlier I thought maybe you had figured out who, but I guess I misread. Not only does he not know who has been blocking their efforts for the past two months, he’s not even sure it’s coming from anyone they actually know. It could be “somewhere down the chain”. Chrissy: Really instills a lot of faith in our country’s agents, doesn’t it? Diandra: Not entirely unrealistic though since the FBI sat on a call from a flight instructor who was suspicious of a student who said he didn’t need to know how to LAND the plane. Wanna guess when this happened? Chrissy: Sometime in early 2001 at the latest? Diandra: Yep. Shapiro says he wishes he were the leak so Rex could shoot him and he could finally get some rest. Rex unironically says he’d like that too. Shapiro doesn’t react to that. He just redirects back to what Rex is looking into now. Rex says he’s still looking into Podesta because anyone who writes pulp fiction is likely to keep writing even if they use a different name. So he ran the short story through pattern-recognition software – hopefully better than the one that kept identifying me as Stephen King – to see if there is anyone else out there with a matching writing style. He found 320 names. Chrissy: So no, it’s no better than the program you used. He says this sort of writing is particularly difficult to distinguish because it all looks the same. But out of that number there were 46 with very distinct similarities. That’s worldwide. 22 of them are in the US and 9 in the UK. There’s several other countries accounted for and he’s determined to check them all out, but those are probably the most likely matches. Shapiro says he should probably get started on narrowing that list down then. Rex says sure, but he needs to make sure this is just between the two of them. Shapiro goes off on what seems like a tangent: that the White House is announcing that it is stopping all immigration and they are getting closer every day to becoming a dictatorship. Chrissy: It’s like they could see into the future. Diandra: [cries] Somewhere in Wales, a guy answers a ringing phone. Gwen’s voice asks if he can see her car keys anywhere. He frowns and looks out the window to find her standing out on the street. He asks how she got this number. She says he’s wasting his time because whoever he’s working for is after Jack Harkness and “he wouldn’t turn up here in a month of Sundays”. Oh, it’s the guy spying on her house from across the street. She suggests he take the night off. He asks if she thinks they’re stupid. Chrissy: Well...odds are pretty good on this show. A gun appears behind his head and Jack says well, actually... He hands the guy a water bottle and tells him to drink it. He promises it won’t hurt him because he’s had it before. He cocks the gun and waits for the guy to drink the water and fall over unconscious. Then he pauses the camera feed and he and Esther go into Gwen’s house. Gwen greets Jack with a hug and he yelps. She says she thought he was doing better. He says he is fine. She thanks Esther for taking care of him and hugs her too. Then she hugs Jack again, babbling about how very much she has MISSED him. Chrissy: The arc of their relationship has been all over the place this season. Diandra: And better than almost every other season for it. Gwen directs them to the kitchen and they all go in with straight faces. Oswald is still on the floor, his hands tied behind his back. He greets Jack with “I was told the correct form of address is Captain?” He pointedly reminds Jack that he once asked for Oswald’s help and the rest of these people would do well to remember that he basically invited him here. Sometime later, we are at the scene Russell described. Everyone is sitting around the table. Except Oswald, who is still on the floor. Gwen begins by asking if Oswald really said at the trial that that poor girl should have run faster. He says yep. She says okay, well...she used to be a police officer and she used to work with pedophiles and he isn’t like them. He is an actual monster. He says he feels special. Rhys leaves the room before he is overwhelmed by the temptation to kill him. Esther reminds everybody that what they need is information and prompts Oswald to tell them what he knows. He asks what will happen to him after he does that. Rhys calls that they will DEFINITELY kill him. Or, more accurately, make him Category One forever. Gwen says she hasn’t agreed to anything yet, so if he doesn’t talk, she’s calling the police. Oswald is like yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh, I know you’re keeping something from the authorities too, making that an empty threat. He says he’s been tied up on the kitchen floor all day and he’s not stupid so he noticed all the whispering and furtive looks toward the cellar. Chrissy: Damnit, Rhys! Esther says they can discuss whether or not there are any deals to be made here later. AFTER they exchange the information they have. Starting with him. He thinks for a moment and says PhiCorp gave him an assistant named Jillian Kitzinger and he has her laptop in that box he brought in with him. Gwen laughs and says they raided her information a long time ago, so if that’s all he has... He says once he took the laptop, Jilly changed all her passwords and accounts. “But I was watching. And I know my way around online better than most. I know how to keep myself hidden.” So he’s been spying on her for two months. And yesterday at noon she dropped off the face of the Earth. No trace left. As if she never existed. Jack reminds Oswald that he promised them the name of a MAN. Oswald says once he says the name he’s at their mercy, so he’s going to have to trust them. There was one name that kept popping up since Kitzinger was sending him information. Harry Bosco. Gwen turns to Esther for more information, but Esther closes her laptop apologetically. “You think you’re clever, Oswald,” she asks. “Is that really all you had?” She explains that Harry Bosco isn’t a person. It’s a process that was created back during the Vietnam war when the government realized they didn’t want US networks broadcasting feeds directly from a foreign source. They put agents in every newsroom to filter the output and the best agent was named Harry Bosco. He subtly altered the information by giving bad translations, which wasn’t technically censoring or changing anything but could have a very different effect on public perception. This is what all networks do now, one result of which has been that when brown people are accused of crimes they are described as “terrorists” whereas white people are described as “mentally ill”. Chrissy: Or thugs. Or bad hombres. Diandra: But White Supremacist groups have some very nice people in them, yep. Rhys says okay, well...since they’ve dead ended does that mean they’re finished with Oswald and he’s free to kill him? Oswald sighs and says it doesn’t matter because the name is obviously still important. Jilly works in PR. Why would she have anything to do with Harry Bosco? Esther sighs and says it’s a good question actually. Why would the families hire her for this? What do they need her to mistranslate? She opens her laptop again to get searching. Sometime later, Gwen brings them chicken and chips. Because fish is too expensive now. Rhys says he has beers. Oswald asks for one and Rhys shakes one up and sprays him in the face. Gwen ignores this and asks what Esther has found. Esther says Jilly processed a clip from a local station in Shanghai, but it has three layers of language: the Wu dialect, dubbed in Mandarin, subtitled in English. It’s a news clip of a man in a hospital with severe burns on half his face. Oswald makes some crack about being shocked that none of them speak Chinese. Jack looks at Esther and she smiles and says “I know.” CIA. Rex’s phone rings. Rex answers and completely fails to look inconspicuous about hearing Esther’s voice right in front of Charlotte. Esther apologetically says she really needs his help and there’s nobody else she can turn to. Rex clears Noah and a couple other guys out of a small room and asks where she is. She says she can’t say, obviously, but they’re safe. Rex notes the plurals and says “World War II” didn’t die then. Gwen confirms that she’s been trying to kill him for years and Rex isn’t that lucky. Rex hears Gwen’s voice and concludes that they are in Wales. He marvels at how terrible they are at this because he didn’t even need to run a trace. Chrissy: This from the guy who asked hypothetically where he could find good drugs in LA? Diandra: Shh. Let him have his illusion of superiority. Esther is like yeah, but you’re not tracing us anyway because you wouldn’t do that, would you? Now shut up and help us with a translation. You can’t tell anybody why it’s needed. Strangely (or perhaps this speaks to a poor understanding of how languages and governments work), she specifies that she needs someone who speaks Mandarin. I guess in terms of storytelling and convenience that is easier than saying they can actually find somebody who speaks Wu, but the Chinese aren’t really good about freedom of information. In the real world, that probably would have been Harry Bosco’d in Mandarin already. In Shanghai, Jilly meets a white guy at what looks like an airport restaurant. She says he must be her breakfast meeting and introduces herself...as Jilly. He says no, her name is Lucy and she’s already failing at this. She stares, makes fish faces, debates leaving and finally sits down and asks why they went after HER. He says she’s a storyteller. Everything about her “tells a story”, which he says in a way that clearly suggests he means she is loud and noticeable. He says they’re kind of good at keeping quiet, so they figured they needed to consult an expert. She asks what his story is then. He says he’s just the latest chapter in the epic of the three families. One family is in charge of politics, one of finances and one of the media. But that’s all history. The most interesting part of the story is about to come. Jilly is like ‘okay, captain cryptic, does that mean you’re about to go public with something about the Miracle?’ Do they want her to mount a campaign? Prepare speeches? He laughs and says she’s thinking too small. They need her to write history. Her lips twitch and she says she can do that. He compliments her on her recovery from that initial fumble. He tells her to stay in her hotel and wait and when she’s ready she will be taken to the Blessing. He adds offhandedly that he hopes she survives. Chrissy: Hahahaha did I say I hope you survive? What I meant to say was the Families are totally going to have you whacked after they’re done with you. She asks what he means by that. He says well...sometimes the Blessing kills people. Duh. But, you know, either way she won’t be seeing him again, so toodles. So, back to the video. The English subtitles say the man is saying he’s sorry, repeatedly. “I’m sorry for my mother. I’m so ashamed. But it’s a godsend that my life was saved.” Esther says this was filmed before the Miracle happened and he died two days later. Not from his injuries, though. He went nuts and burned down the whole hospital. Jack asks if Rex got that message, specifically the part about “godsend”. Rex says yes, his translator says that word was actually “blessing”. Rhys notes that that doesn’t mean anything because anybody would say something like that after surviving a fire. Rex asks if somebody could shut “the husband” up for a second while he finishes. That’s the Mandarin translation. But they did actually manage to find somebody who could run the translation of both the Mandarin AND the original Wu dialect. He did say those words, just not in that order. He said “the Blessing saved my life.” Esther, Jack and Gwen all realize this means the Blessing is actually IN Shanghai. But how do they get there with the borders shut down and all the world authorities going Gestapo? Rhys snorts and asks if they’re being serious right now. He argues that the video was broadcast to the Chinese and there’s a LOT of people over there who had to have seen it. Esther says the video was only transmitted once and then scrubbed out of existence. Rhys argues that just because he said it doesn’t mean the Blessing is actually IN Shanghai, using the bulletproof argument that he can talk about Jesus without actually being in Jerusalem. Chrissy: Difference being that The Blessing is assumed to be an actual thing in a physical location, whereas Jesus is an ephemeral construct based on someone who lived a couple thousand years ago that can be anywhere and everywhere at once. Diandra: Might want to be careful who you say that to in this country. Chrissy: What? The part about Jesus being a man and not an actual deity? Yeah, I’m Jewish. Diandra: I know. I don’t believe he actually walked on water either, but I love you and I don’t want to see you beaten to death by some religious nut. Chrissy: Oh, he could have walked on water if it was iced over. Or possibly the Dead Sea. Gwen points out that they went through a lot of trouble to hide the clip for it to be meaningless. Also, shut up. She turns to Esther and points out the impossibility of trying to get into a country with closed borders that withdrew from the UN. Rex says he could get them in if he posted it as a full-scale mission, but that would kind of blow their cover. By the time they got there everybody would be gone. Oswald pipes up that they could take a slow boat. Rex asks who that was. Gwen yells at Oswald to shut up, then says it was nobody. Just Rhys practicing his American accent. She asks if Esther can find any open ports. This gets Jack thinking about a guy he once knew... Chrissy: It was very easy to get into his open port if you know what I mean. Diandra: I would have said he could open ports like nobody else, wink wink, but that works too. Esther interrupts to ask who would burn down a hospital and why. It turns out the report of how he died was mistranslated too. The report says “medical facility”, but she just looked up the address and realized it was actually a blood bank. Gwen and Rex wonder why this keeps coming back to blood. Esther asks Rex to run a search on that and cross reference it with Kitzinger. She has another clip in Spanish and there was another blood bank destroyed in a fire in Buenos Ares the day before the one in Shanghai, all of which was less than a week before The Miracle. Chrissy: Oh my god, she’s actually showing a spark of competence. Diandra: Must be time for her to die. Rex dives for the file he was working on about John Podesta, which says he died in Argentina. He gives an abbreviated explanation to the people who haven’t been following this part of the investigation: “I think he was in the cellar with Jack.” Gwen asks what Argentina has to do with anything if the Blessing is in Shanghai. Rhys, bored and ignored, is playing with a globe for no apparent reason when he suddenly realizes something. Just as Rex is suggesting that The Blessing isn’t a location but a ritual that happens in both cities at once, a SWAT team blasts through the front door and all hell breaks loose. Jack and Oswald cower by the sink, their hands raised and their backs to the men with guns. Rhys takes off for the cellar. Esther puts the laptop away and Gwen reaches for her hand. And then Rick comes back in the house. Really, aren’t there better things you could be doing with your life, pencil pusher? He asks who these new people are. Jack, in a somewhat better accent than he had last time a cop did this, says they’re just visiting from London. Rick says whatever. Anybody who can physically walk out of the house is of no interest to him. Rhys emerges from the cellar and looks surprised to see Rick. Rick is like ‘what were you doing down there? You know what? Never mind. I’m just going to go see for myself.’ He rambles about how in the old days you would use dogs to sniff out dead bodies, but these days that obviously doesn’t work so they use an app that gives thermal readings instead. It turns out Mary isn’t in the basement because she tries to come back into the house just then and is stopped by officers outside. Oswald is chuckling at the irony that he is supposed to be the most wanted man on the face of the planet, but these guys are busy searching for somebody else. Chrissy: Trust the American to wonder why it isn’t all about them. Diandra: Dear world: we’re sorry. Chrissy: Well, some of us. The ones who didn’t vote for the “America first and fuck the rest of the world” party. Jack mutters that if Oswald doesn’t shut up he’ll gladly point them in his direction. Oswald says he can’t because then they’d ask who JACK is too. Downstairs, Rick’s phone identifies a heat signature behind the door/fake wall and he calls his men down. Gwen follows the two officers and watches as they tear down the barricade. Lest we think Rhys was doing something clever and actually figuring out a way to hide her father better instead of just calling Rick’s attention to the cellar again like a colossal idiot, dad is still back there where mom left him. He moves around a little and Gwen points and says ‘see, he isn’t dead’ like any grieving family member justifying keeping their loved one on life support just a little longer. Rick, unaffected, says he’s Category One. Gwen resorts to begging and crying. Sometime later, dad is taken out to an ambulance while mournful music plays. Rick makes a crying Mary sign off on this and says he’s sorry for her loss. Mary kisses her husband goodbye and runs back in the house. Jack joins Gwen on the doorstep and asks what she wants to do now. “Go to Shanghai,” she growls. “I don’t care if we have to walk. I will travel the whole bloody world to put this right. CIA. Rex asks Shapiro for permission to “go off grid”, but says that even if he doesn’t get permission he will have to do it anyway. Shapiro says yeah, sure, but what if he needs backup on whatever this is he’s doing? Rex says IF he does, he will contact Shapiro directly. “Because if we’ve got a mole I can’t risk anyone finding this out.” He says this could be it though. The Blessing. Shapiro wishes him luck and he runs off. Jack has thought of a way to get them to Shanghai. Back in the old days Torchwood found a secret trade route for alien artifacts coming from China. They closed it down, but it’s still used for arms deals. Esther isn’t so sure they should be trusting arms dealers. Gwen is like ‘whatever, I will trust serial killers at this point. Just tell me how to find them.’ Esther brings up Buenos Ares again. Which city should they be going to? Rhys says both. He holds up the globe he was playing with, puts each index finger on one of the cities and flips it over repeatedly to show that they are on exact opposite sides of the planet. Yeah, remember when Sister Sarah was talking about falling right through to the other side of the Earth and I said hold that thought? This is why. Chrissy: I’m impressed that you actually remembered that would be relevant. Diandra: I’m not TOTALLY senile, you know. Esther jumps and starts tapping away at her computer again, verifying that they are, in fact, at exact opposite ends and don’t just seem like they are on a cheaply printed globe. Jack adds that they are both major population centers as well. Oswald chortles that the expression IS count your blessingS, plural. Everyone ignores him. Esther pulls up the PhiCorp logo again, which is a spheroid with a line through the middle of it. They had a clue right there all along and they didn’t see it. Chrissy: Not surprising for her, but... This still doesn’t explain what it is, exactly, so Jack says they still need to go find out in person and there shouldn’t be any difficulties getting into Argentina. Esther is like yeah, but what if they need to be in both cities at the same time? She calls dibs on Buenos Aires, he takes Shanghai. Oswald asks if they’re taking him on this mission. They all say no quickly. Oswald reminds Gwen that she can’t just let him go free and she can’t have him arrested because he knows too much. Rhys says he can stay with him right here. Oswald says yeah, that’s the thing. She knows if she leaves them alone together, Rhys will kill him and she doesn’t want her husband to become a murderer. Gwen is like yeah, fucking fine. So Gwen, Jack and Oswald arrive in Shanghai in a truck via arms smugglers. Esther just waltzes into the Buenos Aires airport with a carry on bag and meets Rex, who holds up a steel briefcase. He says the only way to get “this stuff” through security was to put it in a diplomatic bag. She hugs him and he grumbles about her starting with the “hugging shit”. Chrissy: Don’t make me like him. That just guarantees he’ll die. Diandra: Um... He says he’s running the op undercover, but “if anybody checks the embassy notifications, we’re screwed.” An alert beeps on Charlotte’s computer back at the CIA. She clicks on it and it says “person of interest” is connected to “Buenos Aires”. She sneaks off to contact the spinning triangle people. Jilly is dropped off in an alley somewhere in Chinatown, LA. Oh, sorry...”Shanghai”. A guard waves her through a gate to a courtyard in front of a warehouse where Frances Fischer is waiting for her. “You must feel terrible,” Frances greets her. Jilly says she’s fine. Frances says no, she isn’t because the Blessing has this effect. “You’re scared...your skin feels just a little too tight. There’s something just out of the corner of your eye you can’t quite see.” Jilly is like okay, except for that, yes. Frances says you never get used to it. She invites Jilly to come with her by her actual name of Kitzinger. Jilly, finally getting it right, corrects her that it’s Meredith. Frances says she really doesn’t give a shit what sort of subterfuge game “the men” have her playing. She holds Jilly’s arm like she’s trying to form an instant bond because girls have to stick together or something and says she thinks that feeling is the Blessing trying to communicate somehow. Jilly is like ‘wait...it’s alive?’ Frances shrugs and says they don’t really know WHAT it is, but it definitely does something to the people who are in its presence. They have a theory that it somehow reflects the person who is looking at it. A guard shows them through another heavy door and into an old fashioned elevator that goes deep underground. Jilly looks increasingly nauseous while Frances rambles about how some of the people who have looked at it have killed themselves. And it turned out each time that happened, the person “was hiding something vile”. She finds it wonderful and exciting and is highly anticipating what it might do to Jilly. Chrissy: You just met her and you’re already rooting for her to kill herself. Diandra: You’re surprised? Chrissy: No. Another guard lets them out of the elevator and Jilly stumbles open-mouthed down some metal stairs to a catwalk overlooking a giant cavern in a wall of what looks like organic rock that seems to be sucking material from its walls into itself. Basically, it looks like a giant stone vagina. Chrissy: Or a sarlaac. Diandra: Is that from Firefly? Chrissy: Star Wars, sweetie. Diandra: Oh. Is that that worm thing that lives in a pit in the desert? Chrissy: Yes. Diandra: No, this doesn’t look like that. Chrissy: You don’t know what’s in that cavern. Diandra: It’s not that. Frances asks Jilly what she sees. Jilly grins and whispers that she was right. She looks down and asks how far down the Blessing goes. Frances says all the way to the other side of the Earth. On the other side of the Earth, Esther’s phone rings. It’s Gwen. Esther announces that they are in some sort of warehouse, so...you know...same old same old. Gwen says that’s nice because THEY are in a hovel owned by gunrunners. With a guy who raped and murdered a child. We see Oswald crashed on a bunk bed and Jack sitting on the other side of a small table. Esther tries to look on the bright side. Considering they are on other sides of the planet, their phone connection is fantastic. Chrissy: Also, I saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geiko. Shut the fuck up, Esther. Esther says she has started looking for the Blessing, but since they are in the two biggest cities on Earth it’s going to be...uh...challenging. She suggests Gwen start with the family of the guy who burned down the blood bank and she’s going to check local libraries. Gwen tells her to look after the “weapon” because “Jack’s blood has got to be important.” Esther opens the case so we can see it contains all the blood bags she was filling earlier. They both agree that if either of them finds anything they will immediately call the other. As Gwen is hanging up, Jack goes to lift a duffel bag and groans, grabbing his side. Gwen snaps at him for claiming he was all better when he CLEARLY isn’t. She helps him onto the other bunk bed while he babbles apologies. She opens his shirt to find the bandage totally soaked through with blood and mutters that if she had known about this, she would never have let him come on this mission. Yeah, hence why he didn’t tell you. Jack defends himself by claiming it just got worse when they arrived. She touches the wound wrong or something and he yelps. The two of them are distracted by a conversation about whether or not Jack is dying and just how TIRED he is of fighting right now. Oswald is the only one who notices the blood dripping from the discarded bandage seems to be deliberately rolling into the shadows in the corner. He pipes up that he’s never been to China before, so he doesn’t know if this is normal, but...what the hell is that? Jack heaves himself upright and they all stare at a droplet rolling across the floor. “No wonder it’s killing you,” Gwen mutters. She goes to the wall the blood is gravitating toward and opens the window, concluding that it is “pointing the way” to the Blessing. Chrissy: Yeah, somewhere in that big metropolis we can see from this window. That’s helpful. Diandra: Shh. She turns to Jack and says pointedly that the Blessing is “calling” him. Jack gulps and we smash to black. Chrissy: Okay, well...hopefully all the questions are going to be answered in the next episode because I’m still not sure how a “giant stone vagina” is causing the Miracle or how the families are connected to it or... Diandra: Why there are polar bears on the island? Chrissy: Haha. Just shut up and start the next episode.