"What If..." Season 2, Episodes 6-9
Episode 6: What If Kahhori Reshaped the
World? (or: What If We Created a Completely New Character?)
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Devery Jacobs, Kiawentiio, Jeremy White, Gabriel
Romero, Carolina Ravassa, Clancy Brown, Jeff Bergman, and because fuck you,
we're not doing surprise guest spots this season: Benedict Cumberbatch.
Chrissy: They also put that halfway
through the credits for some reason, which makes it look like Doctor
Strange should be playing a bigger part. Which is not at ALL confusing.
Diandra: Yeah, that tracks with putting Gamora last on the episode
pushed from last season. I mean...we were probably not supposed to expect
The Watcher would pull HER for the Guardians instead of Tony. Maybe they
thought we wouldn't notice the name drops. Or would forget at some point
during the episode and stop wondering when the known character is going to
make an appearance.
Chrissy: Well, in your case that would be a pretty safe bet.
Diandra: You know...
We begin with the Watcher noting that Asgard suffers the same ultimate fate
throughout most of the multiverse. The apocalyptic end-of-days myth known as
Ragnarok. "In your universe, Odin entrusted the tesseract to a village on
earth after achieving an age of peace."
Chrissy: He what now?
Diandra: Oh, good, I didn't want to say anything and have you make
fun of my memory again.
Anyway, in this universe, Ragnarok happened sooner, I guess, and Odin is
holding the tesseract when Abaddon destroys Asgard with his giant sword.
Emilio: ..........you mean Sutur?
Diandra: Where did I get the name Abaddon from?
Chrissy: "Torchwood." I'm gonna give you a pass on that one because
they do look very similar.
So because the tesseract couldn't be destroyed...er...um...have they changed
that? No? Whatever. When Asgard blew apart, it sailed toward Earth, crash
landing in the forests of what would eventually become America (or maybe
Canada) a couple centuries early. I know, this sounds like the origins of
Marvel 1602 and since that last episode teased that was coming...but no,
this is another universe.
Now. This episode is going to be by necessity mostly exposition and
backstory, but I feel like we should get some stuff out of the way right at
the beginning. Mostly ranting. The initial positive response to this episode
surprised me as every effort to diversify this universe has been met by
spittle flecked rage from the white boys who think they are THE target
audience for comic books. They might have been too focused on review bombing
"The Marvels" and screeching about how NOBODY wanted "Echo" to notice this
one. But complaints about this would be especially hypocritical as many of
them have been insisting all along that the real problem is changing the
race or sex of an existing character instead of making a whole new one. This
is an original hero, a native American girl, who speaks her native language
(Mohawk) this entire episode (with a brief switch to Spanish at the end). Of
course, the hypocritical response is absolutely expected because as the meme
says, when the Powers That Be actually DO create an original character OR a
totally comics accurate character the fanboys happen to not like, the
response is always "nO noT lIkE thAt."
We begin with some native women picking corn in a field. Our new character
watches them cook it over a fire at home, then starts playing a game of tag
or something with a boy we can probably assume is her brother even though it
is not said here, running into the corn field just at the edge of the
village. We establish their names as he gives chase: she is Kahhori and he
is Wahta. They go through a forest, across a river and up a hill and he begs
her to stop because he needs air and water. She spots a skeleton propped
against a tree and suggests maybe avoiding drinking the water around here.
By way of possible explanation, Wahta says the elders warned them not to go
near the "old battlefield" because it is "cursed". She says it's only cursed
because nobody "cleansed" it after the battle. She further exposits about
the lake containing "great power" that takes people to the "sky world". The
battle that was fought there was about who got to control the lake. Kahhori
thinks it was ridiculous because the lake should have "brought them
together." Wahta yelps that the lake EATS people.
Before we can explore that, Kahhori shushes him and walks through a part in
the trees to the "forbidden" lake they are talking about. Wahta notes that
it's...smaller than it should be.
Chrissy: Yeah, you might want to get
used to that disappointment now, kid.
Kahhori agrees that this can't be the "lake" and there doesn't seem to be
anything about it worth considering it "forbidden". She points to the group
of mallards floating on it like 'the animals are not afraid of it, so that's
a sign.' Some birds take off overhead at a rumbling sound and Wahta asks if
that's thunder.
It turns out it's actually the village catching fire. Because the colonizers
have already arrived. They creep back and peer from the edge of the
cornfield in horror until a Spaniard on a horseback spots them and gives
chase. The Spaniards chase them all the way back through the forest and up
the hill, where they fall through a soft patch of Earth into a cave. They
run a short distance through the cave system and basically immediately come
to another lake. This one a very bright blue that seems to be lit from
beneath. Kahhori mutters that the elders were wrong. The lake up on the
surface was just a decoy. One of the Spaniards falls into the tunnel and
they hide. He is immediately distracted by the lake and when another
conquistador calls down to him, he yells back that he thinks he found what
they were looking for.
The boy makes a noise and the conquistador remembers what he was doing
before. He starts in that direction and Kahhori comes out of hiding to throw
rocks at him. He goes to shoot her and Wahta leaps out to try to wrestle the
gun from him. The other conquistador arrives and shoots her. Wahta yelps as
she falls into the water and disappears. A third conquistador arrives and
they take the boy captive.
Meanwhile, Kahhori wakes up as she's floating toward the glowing tesseract
at the bottom of the lake. She has enough time to catch sight of it before
being sucked in...and spit out in the middle of a clearing somewhere. She
squints up at the glowing blue portal in the sky and I can't be the only one
who half expects a dinosaur to run by, right?
Emilio: Pretty sure you can't get to
the Savage Land like that.
Chrissy: I think she's talking about "La Brea".
Emilio: Oh. There weren't really dinosaurs in that, were there? I
didn't see much of it.
Diandra: Good for you. It wasn't great. And maybe there weren't
dinosaurs until late in the show and I'm just confusing it with "Terra
Nova". And before you say it, Chrissy, that is easy to do because they are
basically the same premise, but as I recall "Terra Nova" didn't look like
it was written by an AI as a high school history project.
Chrissy: ...so is there anything you WON'T watch just because it
mentions time travel in the description?
Diandra: Probably not. I once watched a romantic drama (I guess?)
with Orlando Bloom about a world that invented time travel and a sci fi
action movie about Star Lord going into the future to find his daughter
Selina Kyle and stop an alien invasion in the same week.
Emilio: Do you remember the names of either of those?
Diandra: ...........uh...........
Chrissy: She can't even remember the names of either of the actors
in the second one.
Diandra: Republican Chris and Yvonne Stravarius?
Chrissy: Oy.

These two, apparently.
A Mohawk guy with glowing blue eyes and what looks like blue tracklight
patterns on his upper body welcomes her to Sky World.
Diandra: So how DO you get to Savage
Land? All I know is that it sounds kind of like the hollow earth theory of
King Kong/Monarch universe...
Chrissy: [groan] Not another reference...
Diandra: ...Do they get to it via the tesseract or some sort of
Emilio: No, it's just in
middle of Antarctica. But this could be the way the MCU retcons it.
The Sky World guy morphs into the Watcher, who backtracks to explain that
when the tesseract landed in the New World, it cracked and released "Space
Stone energy", giving power to the lake the same way the meteorite or
whatever did to Wakanda. When people disappeared into the water and were
never seen again, "greed and grief" prompted the surrounding native nations
to fight each other. When they finally declared peace, they called the lake
"cursed" and "forbidden" to discourage anyone else from going near it ever
Kahhori passes out and wakes up sometime later in a huge tent like
structure. She searches for the bullet wound, but there doesn't seem to be
one. She goes outside calling for Wahta and frowns at what looks like an
alien planetary system in the sky.
Chrissy: Oh, it's Pandora. Cool.
Diandra: So it's fine if YOU do it?
Chrissy: Mine is recognizable to the average movie goer.
A whole tribe is milling around, all with some sort of glowing blue on their
clothing or bodies somewhere. One guy is using the glowing blue energy
surrounding his hands to tend a fire. She asks out loud what the HELL this
is. The guy who greeted her returns to exposit that the light she fell
through is a "spirit" that infuses everything here. He has a blue stone
hovering magically over his hand and he tosses it into a passing woman's
basket. We see another woman in the distance controlling tiny rain clouds in
both hands to water crops and a couple men using the glowing blue energy to
cut trees as the guy explains that they take in this energy every time they
eat the food grown here. Which is bound to happen to her too now. She's like
'wait, hold up...what?' He's like 'right, we forgot the introductions'...my
name is Atahraks. She introduces herself. He says she fell through a portal
in the lake and now they're standing in front of scenery worthy of John
Ford. She mutters that it was the Forbidden Lake. He's like 'oh...it's
forbidden now? Yeah, that makes sense.' A lot of people went missing in it
when he was a kid. She neglects to ask how long ago that was, being too
concerned with getting back because her village was under attack. She runs
off, although it's not like she can just jump high enough to get back
through the portal. Atahraks finds her as she's coming to this conclusion,
staring up at the sky. "We fall into this paradise," he says. "We do not
age. We do not die. Because we are meant to be here permanently."
John Wayne might be riding in circles
down there somewhere...
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the lead conquistador introduces himself
as Rodrigo Alphonso Gonzolo, which sounds like the kind of name you would
come up with in Spanish class. He says he has come to claim the Fountain of
Youth in the name of Queen Isabella because they've heard the legends about
a "forbidden lake" and figure that's it. He points his pistol at one woman's
head and demands to know where it is. She just stares him down until the two
guys who fell in that cave return with Wahta and announce that they found
Sky World. Kahhori is climbing a tree. Atahraks follows and says she may not
want to be here, but the lake brings them here for a REASON. He instructs
her to "feel the spirit" of the place and she realizes there are glowing
blue spots beneath her feet. She touches the trunk of the tree and another
blue spot blooms. She figures out she can use the energy to springboard to a
higher branch and her eyes start glowing blue. Atahraks chortles that she's
a quick learner.
Chrissy: A fact that will no doubt
piss off the guys who hate all the female superheroes for this reason,
Diandra: Even though in this case they have to cram an entire
origin story into a half hour show, so it makes sense it would happen
quickly. Yeah.
She jumps to the highest branch and he follows behind. She asks how there
could possibility be a limit to the things they can do with these powers. He
shrugs that many others have tried to get back through the portal already
and all failed because it's just not within reach. She says they weren't
trying hard enough. She throws a stick just past the end of the branch she's
standing on and it hovers. She tries to use it as a stepping stone and it
falls before she can get weight on it. Atahraks suggests that maybe everyone
else just decided to make this place their home. She snaps that she won't do
that and magics several branches to form stairs headed toward the portal.
The first one holds her weight, so she gets two or three stairs before
falling with a yelp this time. Atahraks waits for her to land on a lower
branch and says the record is fourteen steps, by the way.
We montage through her doing it a few more times, not getting more than a
handful of steps before crashing back to the tree. She lays on her back
where she lands and looks up at the portal, muttering that this is a
"prison", not a paradise. A horn blares in the distance and Atahraks
excitedly declares it "the hunt" and jumps down the tree. She mutters "show
off" and decides to quit for now and see what this hunt thing is about.
The whole group creeps up on a field full of things Atahraks describes as
the "best prize" because it takes years for them to sprout, so the "fruit"
is chock full of the "spirit" energy. Kahhori is confused about why they are
using the word "hunt" for gathering fruit.
A lady steps to the edge of the cliff nearby and blows on a glowing blue
flower, sending spirit energy or something swirling toward the field.
Atahraks tells Kahhori to be careful because "they are grumpy when they
first wake up." There's a lot of grunting and rumbling as the lumpy
haystacks with "fruit" turn out to be the backs of what looks like bison
crossed with angry bulls. They start a stampede and the natives whoop and
run alongside them, springboarding onto their backs to pluck the "fruit"
that looks like jewels. Atahraks yells to Kahhori that the trick is to go
"over" them and not in front of them.
Chrissy: Oh, really? Because I was
totally gonna run right in front of an angry, stampeding, thousand pound
animal. You should meet
Korg, I
have a feeling you would like him.
The blue energy is making everyone run as fast as the animals and Kahhori
gives hers an extra boost, turning herself into The Flash and YES, I KNOW
Emilio: [closes mouth]
Unfortunately, Kahhori doesn't know how to control her speed yet, so when a
rock formation comes up in her path she ends up having to divert in front of
the beasts and sputters to a halt. She holds up her hands and the lead
animal just...levitates right over her in a bubble of blue energy, several
"fruits" flying off. It touches down again and the rest of the pack runs
past her.
Once the "hunt" is over and the pack is well into the distance, Atahraks
asks how everyone did. Most of the tribe holds up anywhere between one and
four jewel fruits. One woman chuckles that she got twelve. And then Kahhori
swaggers up with a couple dozen or so fruits levitating over her head and
giggles "that was fun." She drops the fruits into the crowd. An old woman
approaches her with a broken open fruit and says their names "carry the
spirit and strength" of previous name bearers, so she has just boosted hers
for future generations.
Meanwhile, Rodrigo has made it to the "fountain of youth" and invites one of
his soldiers to be the first to get "a slice of immortality."
Chrissy: Who wants to be the first
guinea pig? I mean canary in the coal mine? I mean...
Diandra: I'll be right behind you, I promise!
Several guys jump in, wading out, and one by one they are yanked under and
disappear. Rodrigo tries to call them back and one guy almost makes it back
to him before being yanked under, screaming. Rodrigo falls to his knees and
whimpers that this place is "cursed."
Emilio: That's exactly what they
tried to tell you.
Diandra: But of course, white people never listen. That's why the
black guy always bites it first in horror movies. First suggestion of
things going sideways, he's out of there so fast he leaves skid marks on
the ground like a cartoon character and the movie is over too quickly.
Anyway, he blames the natives, because of course he does. He orders the
remaining men to chain them up and announces they're going back to Spain.
Of course, the ones who were sucked in are now in Sky World, watching the
natives dance around a fire from a distance. We go down to join them as
Atahraks asks if Kahhori still thinks this place is a prison.
Chrissy: Ask me again in about
fifteen minutes when those guys start gaining superpowers and turn it into
She sees the shadows moving in the woods first and yells at everyone to get
down. The conquistadors start shooting and she magic freezes the bullets in
the air, which I think at least one of the X-Men could also do. When they
stop shooting, she magics the guns out of their hands and they turn tail and
run away. Now mad, she catches them in magic bubbles and drags them back,
demanding to know what they've done to her people up in the real world.
Atahraks tries to talk her down, but she snarls that these are the monsters
that attacked her village. She spots her brother's necklace on one of them
and rips it off, screaming "what have you done with him?" She slams them on
the ground. Atahraks suggests they should try talking first. She yells that
his people have been "away from the bones of your ancestors" for too long.
They were spirited away to this magic place where they got all these powers
and got complacent. But she can't forget her "origins" and how her people
are suffering right now. The woods seem to respond to her, wind swirling
around the clearing, the trees moving, a root coming up to hold one of the
conquistadors by the throat. Atahraks calls to her to look around: this
place is trying to "help" her. She holds her hands up toward the portal and
her hands and eyes glow as she declares she will "keep my people in front of
The portal shudders and starts moving closer, everything wobbling and
swirling like an apocalyptic storm.
Chrissy: She has the power of SEVERAL
X-Men, I think.
Diandra: Considering it's coming from the tesseract, it should be
similar to Captain Marvel.
The portal slams into the ground, forming something like a doorway. She
announces she cares about ALL of her people, including these people, so she
is going to fight and who is going to join her? Everyone looks
uncomfortable. Atahraks is like 'yeah...we're not an army and we kind of
like the peaceful life here where we don't have to fight wars.' She argues
that her people need someone who can face the "monsters" with bravery. "If
you're worthy of this place, you'll join me." She walks through the portal
and emerges from the lake with powers intact.
The conquistadors are carting the natives to their ships.
Kahhori speed runs to the village, which is on fire, Hulk rages and follows
the tracks to the shore, where everyone warily looks for the source of a
whistling noise. One conquistador spots a blue blur darting just past the
tree line. It heads right toward him and slams into his telescope. Everyone
watches him fall over and by the time they look back up, Kahhori is standing
on the shore, glaring and glowing like an avenging angel. Rodrigo yelps that
she's a witch, because of course he does. His men shoot, but she speed runs
out to them, throwing them around with blasts of blue energy. They do this
for a while before Rodrigo orders the ships to fire canons. She stops the
cannonballs from hitting her, but they impact the ground around the bubble
shield she forms and as they keep coming and embedding in the shield they
start forcing her back. One finally breaks through and knocks her over.
Slowed and not exploding, but basically like being hit with a rock. Rodrigo
swaggers over while she's peeling herself off the ground and draws his
sword. He chuckles and stands over her menacingly before realizing there are
dozens of glowing blue eyes just past the tree line now. He raises his
sword, but before he can bring it down, the natives zip out past him,
knocking him over and trampling him into the sand.
Atahraks finds Kahhori and says they decided she was right. They all swarm
the boats, attacking whatever conquistadors they run across. She goes to
follow, but Rodrigo grabs her by the leg. She blasts him with an energy
The Mohawks blast the ships apart by running through them. Kahhori finds the
one holding the prisoners and frees them, returning Wahta's necklace and
explaining that these are their people. "Remember their faces. We're going
to need some new songs about today." Wahta declares them "thunder beings".
Chrissy: Uh, Thor would like a word.
Diandra: Yeah, apparently Thor never visited this side of the
world. But as we've noted before, ALL the gods are canon in the Marvel
universe and that includes the ones belonging to any native culture on ALL
continents, so they should have their own.
Here is where we finally confirm their relationship because Atahraks squats
down to tell Wahta that his sister is the bravest of all of them.
In conclusion, The Watcher says that some stories are spawned by choices
made. "But Kahhori's victory wasn't because she merely chose the right path"
but also her "conviction" and because she "remained true to her course.
Unwavering in the face of devastation and miracles alike. Such resolve is
often what burns brightest." And this is why "heroes very seldom stop after
their first victory." The writers are really working overtime on this one.
Spain. Someone breaks news to the Queen that nobody came back from that trip
to the New World, so they're going to have to accept that it is lost to
them. She snarls that that's just not POSSIBLE. She has the greatest
soldiers and fleets in the world, so what country would DARE try to steal
this one out from under her. A portal opens at the end of the room and
Kahhori steps out with a half a dozen guys flanking her. In Spanish she
identifies the Queen, who she recognizes from some coins they found on her
ships. Isabella growls that this little twerp would DARE threaten her. Some
guards rush at Kahhori and she magics their spears out of their hands,
sticking them to the ceiling. She gives a speech about how the world is not
for either of them to conquer. "We believe our health depends on your
Diandra: You know...probably the
least believable part of this is that a native from...whatever time this
is would know Spanish. Or any language spoken on the other side of an
ocean they're only just figuring out how to cross.
Chrissy: We've had this discussion before and yet you keep trying
to compare these realities where people gain superpowers by falling into a
vat of chemicals to the real world.
Diandra: Hey, if they're going to start including real historical
figures and events...
Isabella argues that she was ordained by GOD to rule them. Because that was
always the argument from royals and that's why our ancestors had
revolutions. Kahhori cuts off her argument by levitating her right off the
throne. Isabella shrieks at her to put her down. Kahhori drops her on the
ground, levitates the throne itself and shatters it. She declares they will
make peace "or there will be no future for your people." The Watcher intones
that Kahhori's people used the "miracles" of the Sky World "to bring peace
to their neighbors. But their greatest battle has only just begun."
Another portal opens and Doctor Strange floats out, chuckling "world peace
in recOHrd time. I'm sure that'll last."
Diandra: Fucking vowels.
He introduces himself to these people who may never have met anyone who
speaks English and even if they had, it wouldn't have been with this accent
that doesn't exist yet.
Chrissy: Technically, it still
doesn't exist since we're not really sure what it is.
Diandra: Bite me. But seriously, if this was before Shakespeare, it
was a COMPLETELY different language.
He says he's been looking for Kahhori for a long time and the faint strains
of his theme carry us to the credits.
Instead of a mid credit scene, we see a thank you to the specific Mohawk
nation that collaborated on the episode.
Emilio: I feel like that was a trial
run for you to do "Echo".
Diandra: Yeah, I'm...not sure I'm up for that. I'm not sure I'm up
for any of this anymore. I'm starting to understand the dread actors feel
when they commit to a show that has no end in sight.
Chrissy: You could always take a break and work on fanfic. We've
been giving you prompts...
Diandra: Ha. You're hilarious.
Emilio: Or you could recap something completely different. I
suggested "Justice League" at one point, but I'm sure you're reaching
burnout on superheroes, so...maybe one of those time travel movies you
were talking about? "Enola Holmes"?
Chrissy: "The Night Manager"?
Diandra: [groan] I'm going to have to do that one of these days
just to shut you up, aren't I?
Chrissy: That's my ultimate goal, yes.
Episode 7: What If...Hela Found the Ten
Rings? (or: What if ALL of Odin's Children Got Redemption Arcs?)
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Bergman, Feodor Chin, Lauren
Tom, Idris Elba, Michael Hagiwara, Liv Zamora
We begin with The Watcher describing how Odin tried to "unite the nine
realms" under his rule in Asgard through war where "his chief weapon in the
conquest that built his empire, his executioner" was his daughter Hela, the
goddess of Death. We see the Bayeux tapestry like art depicting Hela riding
Fenris, holding both a long sword and Mjolnir. They successfully subjugated
much of the world tree, but it wasn't enough for Hela. We snap to her
standing in the Bifrost control center with Odin and Heimdall, yelling that
they should be ruling the WHOLE cosmos, not stopping at the nine realms. The
Anthony Hopkins impersonator lectures her on knowing when to stop fighting
and if she won't do it on her own, he will FORCE her to. She refuses, so he
banishes her to the realm that would share her name, which only has one "l"
in it despite what the closed captioner might think.
Diandra: And her eyes are green. Have
I just never noticed that they changed everyone's eye color in this series
to align with the comics even though the rest of their face matches the
Emilio: What color were Loki's eyes?
Diandra: [long pause] Hang on. [checks Captain Carter episode]
Fuck's sake. Blue. So we're just being random then. Cool.
Except that was what happened in the main universe. In the universe of THIS
particular story, Odin decides to try the same tactic he would use on Thor a
couple millennia early. Hela chortles that he's telling her to give up the
fight when fighting is all he raised her for and she is no one without it.
She slings Mjolnir at him and he catches it the way she did in Ragnarok. He
says no god should "have dominion over death who has so little appreciation
for life." Mjolnir shatters, blowing her back. He strips her of her power,
ripping the horns from her head and Heimdall (who doesn't have any lines
yet) activates the Bifrost so he can send her careening toward Earth. He
sends the horn crown after her, enchanting it with the spell "whosoever
wears this crown, should she know mercy, shall possess the power of Hela."
Also, instead of landing in the New Mexican desert, she lands in China and
is found by Xu Wenwu's men. If you don't know who that is...welcome to the
MCU. You can find a Cliff's Notes version in my recaplet, or if you want
anything about this episode to make sense, maybe just watch "Shang Chi". Xu
already has the rings around his wrists, so as the Watcher notes, he is
entirely familiar with powerful weird shit falling from the sky, although
according to "Shang Chi" the legends were never really clear on where the
rings came from, exactly.
Chrissy: I thought it made sense that
none of the Asian actors carried over from "Shang Chi" because it was a
good thousand years too early, but I forgot that Shang Chi's dad was
Diandra: Yeah. Apparently they couldn't get Tony Leung back. But it
sounds like they barely finished asking Cate if she would come back before
she said yes.
After the credits, Xu is still staring at the crown when Hela swaggers up
through the rain, looking murderous. Xu's army surrounds her and she groans
that she is in Midgard. She orders them in Chinese to fetch her crown. Xu
tells her in English that HE is the only one who gives orders around here.
Hela eyes the glowing rings and says she admires a man "brave enough" to
wear jewelry. "Most people do well to fear me," he snarls. "Same," she fires
back. "But you see, darling, I'm not most people. I'm the Goddess of Death."
She smooths her hair back in a motion that normally activated her horns, but
obviously doesn't work now. It takes her a second to figure out why Xu is
just staring at her like 'am I supposed to be impressed by that?' He orders
his men to "take her" and she turns to face the charging soldiers while
doing the dagger pull from nowhere thing. But that ALSO doesn't work. The
first guy punches her and she groans as a wound opens at her lip that bleeds
mortal blood. One guy charges at her and she plays poor helpless female,
begging for mercy. He hesitates and she punches him out. She fights off a
few more guys before Xu intervenes, using the rings to take a stick she is
readying to beat a guy with from her. The rings form a chain around her and
she collapses on her knees and growls that if she had her crown HE would be
the one kneeling before HER. He's like 'yeah, it's right over that hill if
you want to do a demonstration, lady.'
They take her to the crown cratered in the ground and she chortles that they
have taken her right to the thing she's going to use to slaughter them,
which is either very brave or very stupid. Xu invites her to put it on and
see and she says "yeah, both. You look like both." Except of course, she is
not "worthy" yet, so she grunts and strains but can't get it to move. She
pauses and mutters "father, please don't do this to me" and tries one more
time, shrieking as nothing happens. One of Xu's men asks if they should
execute her now. He doesn't answer. We just cut right to...
Palace, day. Hela is escorted into a room to join Xu for dinner. He points
to a Chinese dress in the corner she should change into first. She shrugs,
says she's endured worse torture and we cut to her reentering the room in
the dress, noting that the red color insures it won't be noticeably stained
when she slits his throat.
Emilio: I feel like it took Deadpool
a lot longer to figure that out.
Chrissy: Deadpool had a whole movie.
Xu gets a look like maybe he's falling in love with her, which has the
potential to really screw up the family tree.
He pours her tea while he explains that red is a good luck color in Asian
cultures and is the color of wedding dresses. She spits the sip of tea she
has in her mouth like 'this is NOT a wedding dress, is it?' He says nah, he
just wants to propose an ALLIANCE with her. For now. Because she is a
"fighter" just like him. She glowers that her father "exploited" her fighter
nature and then exiled her as a "monster" when her "ambition outgrew his
own." So she assumes Xu will do the same. He assures her he will not be like
her father.
And now we're going to do something like a quick exposition. Xu calls the
Ten Rings a "gift" and says he protects the people of the land with them.
Hela thinks it looks more like he took command of them. He says no, see, the
world is plagued by "dangerous forces". She snots that she is just another
of those dangerous forces and he grabs her hand and repeats that he is NOT
her father because he doesn't fear the fighter in her. Again, he proposes
that they can fight TOGETHER to protect this world. They have a breathy
little exchange about him knowing what he wants and when he goes to kiss her
she slams his head on the table. She throws him to the floor and notes that
he looks better unconscious. The guards enter the room as she's trying to
get the rings off his arm and she runs away. He rouses and orders the men to
take her "alive".
She runs across rooftops until she falls through one into what looks like a
horse stable. This is where she meets one of those hairy, sentient
footstools with wings that might or might not be Trevor.
Emilio: Trevor was Ben Kingsley's
Diandra: Fuck. What was his pet's name?
Emilio: Morris.
Diandra: Should have remembered that.
Chrissy: Oh, honey, the list of things you SHOULD remember, but
don't could wrap around the planet.
Morris (let's just call him that) squeaks at her. She asks if this thing is
trying to tell her it knows the way out. It squeaks some more and runs away
and she splutters "is that your...sorry, I was under the impression I was
talking to your face."
She rides out of the stable with Morris in the saddle in front of her,
declaring that they can follow the stars to "Norse country" where the people
still honor the Throne of Asgard.
Chrissy: And I'm sure they will
welcome a visit from the GODDESS OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.
Diandra: We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Chrissy: That's not how that expression goes.
Diandra: I know.
She says this will probably take the better part of a year, but she can't
think of any better alternatives. Morris flies just in front of her and she
mutters that he's "not the first arse I've ever followed into battle."
Emilio: Bet it's cuter than most of
Diandra: Or any of them.
They get to the magic moving forest and when it starts closing in on her she
snaps about living though a thousand years of war only to face death at the
hands of FOLIAGE. Morris guides her (somehow just going straight ahead)
while she continues to quip about how she's supposed to TRUST him after he
led her into the "enchanted murder forest" which is how I am referring to it
from now on. Once she's in Asian Brigadoon, a voice whispers her name and a
burst of wind knocks her from the horse, who just walks away like 'I am SO
done with you, crazy lady.' A woman comes out of nowhere to attack Hela,
knocking her unconscious.
We briefly check back in with Heimdall, who mutters that he can't see Hela
anymore. Probably because she wakes up in Ta Lo.
Chrissy: If you are impressed by
Diandra's ability to recall details from "Shang Chi", don't be. She has
her recap open on her laptop and keeps consulting it.
Diandra: Hey, that IS the reason I write these things!
The woman who knocked her out introduces herself as Jiayi, so...not Shaun's
mother, probably. She says she is the representative of the Elder Council.
And they already know who she is because her little fuzzy friend told them.
Morris squeaks and trills, then runs behind Jiayi's skirt for protection.
Hela grumbles that she didn't realize there was magic like this still on
Midgard. Jiayi says they are more like a border protecting the rest of Earth
from "Underworld" threats like her. Hela promises she has no beef with
anyone other than Wenwu. Or her father. "Also, my dad has this new
girlfriend. Frigga. She's a dreadful woman."
Chrissy: Ah, there's the detail we
skipped over before referencing it in a later movie like we should know
Hela was Thor and Loki's half sister.
Diandra: Yeah, Taika probably cut it so he could make another rock
paper scissors joke.
But yeah, "it's just those three." She tries to recruit the surrounding
people of Ta Lo to "take up arms" in her name. They just stare at her
silently. "That sounds like a pass." Anyway. She asks if any of those
Underworld Threats are looking for help. Jiayi sighs and says you can't fend
off darkness with more darkness. You need light. Hela is like 'that sounds
like a great fortune cookie sentiment, but...' she starts moving toward
Jiayi and a half a dozen men point swords at her. "It's just a bit
esoteric," she finishes lamely. "But if you were to teach me? Your
practice?" The man behind Jiayi asks why the HELL they would do that. Hela,
clearly bullshitting on the fly, says they are sworn to protect the realm
from the Underworld beings and who better to help than the Goddess of Death?
Jiayi is like 'okay, we can entertain this I guess' and tells Hela her
training will begin when the sun "reaches its zenith." The other guy asks if
Jiayi has lost her marbles and she assures him they can ensure she doesn't
betray them. The light dragon flies through the air over their heads,
roaring, and Hela mutters that she gets the message.
Asgard. Heimdall reports to Odin the whole 'can't see Hela anymore'
situation. Odin asks if that means the mortals killed her. Heimdall sighs
and says "there is one who is in possession of a great power. Ten rings that
could even destroy a god." Odin mutters that if the mortals have THAT kind
of power, there's no telling what they could do. Probably cut short their
"age of peace."
In the clearing of fights that can totally double as sexual tension, a guy
demonstrates controlling the wind by making flower petals swirl around him.
Hela is like 'ooh, yes, teach me that one, but make it knives instead.' Or
fire. "Or perhaps, and just hear me out now: knives ablaze IN fire!" Jiayi
is like 'yeah, this is why you WON'T be doing that yet.' She tells her she's
just going to do breathing exercises for now. Hela asks when she gets to the
fighting part.
Chrissy: Why do I feel like she and
Doctor Strange would totally get along?
Diandra: Interesting that you leaped right to him and not Mr.
Emilio: They have very similar personalities.
Diandra: Yeah, it's almost like the writers decided to basically do
"Iron Man", but with magic instead of tech.
Jiayi points out that she clearly already knows how to fight. They need to
work on cultivating her "inner world."
Emilio: That's what she said.
Diandra: [sigh] No.
It's about unifying technique and spirit. Hela is like 'cool, but when am I
getting the fire knives?'
So the next part of training involves Zhe Zhi or "the art of making
something out of nothing." Or as us laypeople would recognize it: origami.
Jiayi makes a paper flower. Hela frowns, but makes a mangled version of the
The next part has Hela folding red sheets that are hanging on the lines and
she finally snaps that they're not training her for martial arts. They just
need a dry cleaner. Jiayi spins around and rips the sheet from Hela's hands
and several others from the lines in a whirlwind as she asks why Hela wants
to learn their martial arts anyway. She throws the spinning laundry tornado
at Hela, who flinches, but then yells that she wants to overthrow Wenwu,
take the Ten Rings from him and use them on her father. Y'know. Typical
roundabout revenge. Jiayi keeps prompting her to elaborate while throwing
more laundry at her until she snaps that she wants to take the throne of
Asgard herself and "continue my conquest of the universe!" Jiayi is like
'and when you've accomplished that...then what?' Hela flashes back through
her life - at least as much as we've seen of it - and stops when she is a
child and Fenris the puppy is licking her face before Odin yanks him away by
his chain. Little Hela asks why daddy chained the dog since "he means you no
harm." "Not yet," Odin says ominously. But both the dog and his "mistress"
are born fighters and "a king must tame his threats to ensure that they
fight for him."
Chrissy: Yeah, this is why fandom has
a sarcastic fanfiction tag of "Odin's A+ parenting".
Diandra: And I feel like this is a thing that was never really
talked about in previous movies, although it is probably comics accurate
since the comics pulled a lot from mythology.
Emilio: Which is probably why it wasn't talked about in previous
movies because they aren't really comics accurate.
Chrissy: Don't wind her up for another rant about the 616 or we'll
never get to the next episode.
Diandra: No, I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that in
literally every other installment for the foreseeable future since the
writers are so hell bent on going in that direction, so I'm gonna try to
pace myself.
Hela comes back to the present and roars, blasting apart the laundry
tornado. She calms as the sheets fall to the ground and answers Jiayi's last
question about what she hopes to find at the end of her conquest: "freedom.
Freedom from control. The freedom to choose my own path." Jiayi smiles and
says she's ready now.
We montage over them sparring, both with sticks and blasts of wind while
Jiayi talks about how everything is related. "When your mind is at peace,
you can see the lessons." Hela figures out how to make the origami flower
properly and successfully disarms Jiayi while sparing. Jiayi chuckles that
she has come a long way, but still has a lot to learn and knocks her over
with a burst of wind. Hela does the tornado of rose petals trick before
scattering everything with a blast to the ground while Jiayi voiceovers
about becoming a master.
Chrissy: It also helps if you already
have the equipme...wait, what were we talking about?
Diandra: [sigh] How's your new boyfriend doing by the way?
Chrissy: Better. He's learning.
Hela is meditating one night when the bifrost beam touches down in the
distance. She groans that her father is coming and goes to put on armor.
She's testing out a spear when Jiayi finds her and asks if she's really
leaving before she finishes her training. Hela says Odin is "terrorizing"
the country in search of the ten rings and she intends to stop him. Jiayi is
like 'yeahhhhh, we're not fighters. We just guard the place.' Hela shrugs
that that's the difference between them. "If you choose this path, you will
walk it alone," Jiayi warns. Hela argues that if she ever needs to win that
freedom to choose her own path, she needs to face the man who chose her path
before. She brushes past Jiayi, who sort of subtly smiles like 'yes, I
respect this.'
At the gates of the palace, Xu is already battling Asgardian soldiers. Hela
arrives and fights at his back. After they clear a couple dozen soldiers,
Odin swaggers up and expresses some sort of relief at seeing her alive
because they "feared the worst" when Heimdall lost sight of her and he had
to schlep the whole army down here to avenge her.
Chrissy: Sure. If that's what you
need to tell yourself.
Diandra: Seriously, are we sure it isn't THOR that's adopted?
Emilio: I think the argument is that Frigga had more influence over
the other two.
Diandra: Yeah, that makes sense. She also could have had influence
over Odin. Clearly she deserves a lot of credit.
Chrissy: Or all of it.
Hela asks if he really came to avenge her or just "for the fancy bracelets".
Odin argues that the humans are too "primitive" for such powerful things and
if she comes back they can rule Midgard together. She's like 'eh...pass.'
She counteroffers that he leave and never come back. He gets mad that she is
defying her father and king. She gives a little speech about how once he had
his throne, he threw away his "sword" without a second thought like she
wasn't his daughter. So...you know...fuck off. He reminds her that she is
nothing without the crown he took from her. She's like 'meh. Doesn't
matter.' "I'm not alone." Xu drops into fighting stance beside her and she
mutters that they need to separate Odin from Gungnir. Xu prompts her to
explain to the audience what that is and Odin helpfully demonstrates by
firing a blast from his spear. It impacts Hela's shield and drives them back
a few feet. From behind her, Xu lets the rings fly, smacking Odin in the
face, then returning to hover in front of him.
In the moment of calm, Hela repeats the line about needing light to fend off
darkness and launches at Odin. "I knew I should have locked you away when I
had the chance," he yells as they fight. She says yeah, it's weird that he
didn't go with his first instinct since that's what he taught HER to do. She
knocks the spear from him, but he summons it back and breaks her spear in
half. She fights with the broken ends and an assist from Xu and the ten
rings. They get all the weapons locked between them until the spinning rings
create a blast that throws them all backward. While he's still on the
ground, Odin tries to blast Xu in the back with Gungnir. Hela kicks it away
so the blast goes into the sky. Xu kicks the spear away. Odin summons it
back, but the rings surround it midair and deposit it in Hela's hands. Odin
punches her, recaptures the spear and turns toward Xu. Hela realizes the
broken, flaming pieces of metal on the ground around her are effectively the
fire knives she was begging for and she whips them up around her, firing
them at Odin. Xu fires the rings from the other side and Odin manages to
catch one, roaring angrily. But while he has his head turned, Hela rushes
him and does the same move she did to disarm Jiayi. Xu collects all the
rings and punches Odin with them all on one arm.
Odin looks up at Hela from the ground, snarling. She begs him to please end
this and holds a hand out to him. From its landing site, her crown starts
vibrating. Odin slaps her hand away and lifts her by the throat, taking his
spear back and blasting Xu into a wall. He snarls that she's suddenly shying
away from killing when she has a chance. She chokes out that HE is the one
who said no god should "have dominion over death who has so little
appreciation for life."
The crown dislodges from the landing site and flies toward her, settling
right on her head and a beam of light blasts Odin back. Both men watch as
the beam levitates Hela and transforms her into an all white version of her
former look. Odin tries to blast her again and she deflects it into a blast
that looks like a nuclear explosion. The spear flies to her and she lands on
the ground in front of the beaten Odin. He mutters that he sent her here to
"learn" and "grow" and apparently didn't anticipate just what that would
look like. "The throne is yours if that is indeed what you seek." She says
yeah, well...if she wants to undo his empire, she kind of has to take it.
But after however many eons that takes, "the nine realms will know freedom."
Odin asks what happened to his great executioner. "I gave peace a chance,"
she says.
Emilio: That's all we are saying. [
hums the next couple
Chrissy: [snort] Hippie.
Diandra: How come you always rag on me about making references that
are older than I am, but he gets a pass for THAT?
Chrissy: Because anyone with even basic knowledge of 70s music and
John Lennon can get that reference, sweetie.
Emilio: Also, he was a music major.
The Watcher concludes that on that battlefield, a mortal with his ten rings
and a goddess with the army of Asgard "forged an alliance and built an
empire." Which has repercussions into the future, as we see when we go to
the moment where Thanos is reaching out to little Gamora mid planetary
decimation when he is interrupted by the arrival of an entire army led by Xu
and Hela, riding Fenris.
Emilio: Which is good because do the
Avengers even exist in this universe?
Diandra: Does Shang Chi? See, that's the thing about alt history.
Once you start picking at one thread...
Emilio: Which is when you start sending us texts asking whether the
Avengers could have formed after an attack by Skrulls and leave Loki out
of it entirely.
Chrissy: Followed, bafflingly, by questions about where Tony might
place hidden cameras to catch Loki and Stephen having sex.
Diandra: Yeah, those are two different stories.
Emilio: We figured.
Chrissy: Yeah, terrifying as it is, we understand how your brain
works by now.
Diandra: But circling back around to the original question... This
is sort of the fictional comic book version of asking if WWII would have
happened if Hitler had never been born or hadn't been rejected from art
school or whatever your alt history scenario of preference is. If Thanos
is defeated when Gamora was a child, then NOTHING he was responsible for
would happen ASSUMING he was the only one who could be responsible for it
happening. But things are often more complicated than that and people like
Hitler are just the face of a movement that could easily pick a different
leader of convenience.
Chrissy: You're trying very hard to not compare Hitler to Trump
there, aren't you?
Diandra: So hard. But the parallels are obvious. For that brief
period where we thought Trump might be dying of COVID, I was terrified.
Because I kept thinking about how much worse things could have been if any
of the Hitler assassination attempts had been successful and Himler had
taken over the Nazi party.
Chrissy: I think the term for them is Useful Idiot.
Emilio: Nah, they're just tools.
Diandra: Convenient mouthpieces for a political agenda. Someone the
worst of humanity can rally around and have their shitty opinions
validated by.
Chrissy: How did we get into politics? You always tried to avoid
Diandra: That's because I knew it is a quagmire we would possibly
never get out of. My POINT here, I think, is that history can be obdurate
(King, 2011) and removal of the most prominent bad guy sometimes only
creates a vacuum that will be filled by another bad guy or an even WORSE
guy. Applied to this fictional universe...there will never be a lack of
bad guys. Eliminating one before the Avengers form probably just means the
Avengers form in response to a different threat. And maybe someone else
(like Gamora even) takes up the cause of decimating the universe.
And on that cheerful note...
Episode 8: What if the Avengers Assembled
in 1602? (or: Yes, Tom, You Can Recite Shakespeare Now)
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Haley Atwell, Samuel Fuckin' L Jackson, Elizabeth
Olson, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, Jon Favreau, Mick
Wingert, Josh Keaton, Paul Rudd, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Lake
Chrissy: So the animated equivalent
of "Infinity War".
Diandra: Yeah, this is what gave me the false idea they might be
doing the 1602 comic and spend the entire episode wondering why Doctor
Strange wasn't showing up yet. AGAIN.
Emilio: Yeah, I don't think anybody wants to actually do the whole
telepathic head floating in a glass jar thing.
Chrissy: The what now?
Diandra: That probably only works in the universe where Clea is his
wife and able to communicate with his ghost or whatever.
Chrissy: I...uh...you know what? Forget it. I don't actually want
any questions I have about that answered.
We begin with what was either a byline in Tom Hiddleston's contract
somewhere or else the scene that the writers used to lure him into doing
another episode of this show: Loki reciting the most famous Shakespeare
speech from Hamlet. He is standing on the stage of the globe theater in what
the chyron verifies as 1602. From somewhere in the stands, a voice clearly
belonging to Thor boos. Loki stops so he can address the voice that he is
ACTING here, so shut up. Thor groans that that is NOT acting and asks Hela,
perched on the throne behind him, when they can start throwing cabbages
because he made sure to bring a whole BUSHEL of rotten ones for this. Hela
doesn't say anything because I guess they're not paying her for this episode
Tom...sorry LOKI is still trying to get to the end of that speech when a
rift opens in the sky. Thor groans "not again" and yells at everyone to run
for their lives. Loki is still determinedly yelping about the undiscovered
country (great alt
history story, by the way, highly recommend) while a beam pulls him
toward the rift. The version of Fury we saw at the end of the Captain Carter
episode turns to Peggy, who lassos Loki's ankle and pulls him back down,
catching him bridal style.
Chrissy: Y'know, normally I don't go
for mortals, but you seem strong enough to keep up with me...
Emilio: Widow would murder you.
Chrissy: What makes you think I wouldn't be up for a threesome?
Hela screams as she is ripped toward the rift and Peggy unceremoniously
drops Loki to try to rescue her too. She manages to catch Hela's hand as she
is disappearing into the rift, but cannot hold on. Hela is sucked in,
dropping her staff (I think the same one Loki had in Avengers). Peggy falls
to the ground and the rift closes. Thor picks up the staff and Happy,
dressed like a musketeer, does the whole The Queen Is Dead Long Live the
King spiel. He and Fury bow to the new King Thor, followed by everyone else.
Peggy offers condolences and Thor just vomits an expository rant about how
the Scarlet Witch summoned her to STOP that shit from happening, but the
rift storms are getting WORSE and now they lost their queen. He orders the
men to seize Peggy because clearly she is "cursed". Peggy grabs the "Yorick"
skull from Loki's hands to fend them off for some reason, which seems to
just be a way to prompt Loki to protest with "poor Yorick!" As Peggy escapes
across the roof, Thor orders Happy to summon the witch so they can have a
little talk about this hero of hers.
After the credits, The Watcher is like 'so y'all already know this
Shakespearean tragedy is taking place in 1602, but let's talk about why the
WWII supersoldier is here.' "The sad truth is that there are worlds among
the multiverse simply meant to die." This was one, but as the world started
to collapse, a "band of heroes" led by Wanda came up with a plan to stop it.
She pulled Peggy from a neighboring universe because Peggy is crazy and
noble enough to try to save someone else's universe from near certain death.
We see the other end of the portal that formed under Peggy at the end of her
episode and a reminder that she woke up with Wanda and Fury hovering over
her. Now, Thor steps beside Wanda, who reaches for Peggy. Of course, Peggy
was on board with the plan, but now weeks later it doesn't seem to be
working. And now they are blaming her for failing and she's trapped in a
dying universe. The Watcher is rambling about how she is a fugitive now when
Peggy snaps that she can HEAR him. He is entirely too surprised by this
considering she was one of the multiverse guardians. She admits that she can
only hear him "sometimes", but...whatever..."do you need something? I'm kind
of busy." He says she doesn't belong here and she's fighting a losing battle
she can't possibly "understand". She says it's not that difficult to
understand, really. Two time periods are colliding with each other and have
become "stuck" and if she can't "unstick" them, this universe will die. He's
like 'huh...guess you do understand then.' He holds out his hand and offers
to take her back to her own universe. She cocks an eyebrow like 'did I say I
was giving up? I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY.' The Watcher says worlds just...die
sometimes. Millions of them. She says yeah, well...this one isn't going to
if she has a say.
Emilio: Yep, you found the right
At the palace, Fury, Happy and Wanda are assessing the damage done by
increasing rift activity all across the world. Casualties include Nebula's
Observatory, Isle of Ego and Groot Groves, which Happy notes was a great
winery. Thor is dejected to learn they've lost their WINE.
Chrissy: Tell me we still have beer.
He vows this is not the end and demands again that Peggy be brought to him.
Wanda says Peggy isn't to blame for this, but "I still believe she is the
key to our survival." And she can sense another person from "a time that is
still to come". Happy growls at her and Thor reminds him to stay calm and
"mind your affliction." Because this version of Happy is also Purple Hulk,
yes. Anyway, Wanda says this other person has fallen through time and is
completely unaware they are causing a universal collapse. Happy asks how
they're supposed to find this guy. Wanda doesn't know. Fury mutters over his
shoulder that they have their mission. Peggy, perched on a balcony outside,
whispers "thank you" and Fury assures Thor that he wasn't talking to
anybody. Just..."a pretty bird."
Blacksmith shop. Tony is passed out snoring on a haystack when Peggy wakes
him by throwing a bucket of water over him.
Chrissy: Joke's on you. This isn't
the first time I wake up soaking wet.
Emilio: ...[opens mouth]
Diandra: No, do NOT engage.
He begs for five more minutes and why are his eyes brown again?
Emilio: Yeah, I think they were last
season too. I just assumed they were matching the actors until this
Diandra: I definitely didn't notice anything weird last season, but
now I wonder if I just wasn't paying attention.
Chrissy: That Tony episode where his eyes were purple was supposed
to be from last season.
Diandra: Right. I'm thinking they just don't care and choose eye
colors for the same reason the comics illustrators do.
It turns out, Peggy wanted the skull because it had a smear of something
from the rift on it, having nearly been dragged in along with Loki. Tony
looks at it under a microscope and confirms that it is giving off a weird
energy. Peggy thinks it might be radioactivity, which is a word neither Tony
nor anyone else in 1602 has ever heard. "God I love your made up words," he
gushes. She says "flux capacitor" and he yips happily.
Chrissy: This totally counts as
foreplay for me, yes.
The ground rumbles and Tony notes it must be another rift. Peggy says she's
looking for a person known as "the forerunner" being the first person
transported into this world from a future time. Otherwise known as the
reason for the incursion. Or...uh...whatever we're calling it now because
writers aren't necessarily sharing these things across projects. Tony asks
if the forerunner would have the same energy as the rifts themselves.
Because he could trace that in THEORY, but the magic required to actually do
that... Peggy mutters that of course he wouldn't have an arc reactor in the
1600s. "Again with the beautiful gibberish," he sighs. "Keep talking. It's
like opium to my ears."
Chrissy: I would tell you what it's
like to other parts of my anatomy, but we're trying to keep this show
family friendly...
Peggy notes that they are stuck. Tony realizes there is one thing they might
be able to try since rumor has it it has enough power to propel a thousand
Chrissy: Her name is Helen of Troy
and she fell through the rift last Tuesday.
Diandra: Ha. No. It's only pulling people from the future.
Peggy knows what he's referring to, apparently, as she mutters that the new
king is hardly likely to let her borrow the scepter. Tony suggests she
enlist a thief to steal it then. And that explains why Paul Rudd is in the
So in a forest somewhere, Loki is boring some women about Will's play about
Iago, who really is the most important character (the bad guy in the one
play about a black man? Really?) when their carriage is attacked by Robin
Hood and his merry men. In this universe, Robin Hood is played by...Steve
Chrissy: I mean...given Steve's moral
compass that kind of makes sense. Who was he in the comics in a time
before Captain America could possibly have existed?
Diandra: He was a Native American.
Chrissy: Oh...yeah, that makes even more sense.
The blond one...
Steve's merry men...
Emilio: [snort]
Diandra: Stop it.
Chrissy: I have a fic idea...
Diandra: NO.
...are going through the chests of valuables the carriage was carrying when
Scott finds one is full of desserts. "Buck! They've got marzipan," he yelps
excitedly. Bucky reminds him that they are looking for COINS, not FOOD here.
Scott is like 'I can multitask'. From inside the carriage, Loki whines at
them to be careful of the champagne. This prompts Peggy to show up and joke
that she's partial to whiskey, but she could drink champagne too, I guess.
Steve makes goo goo eyes at her and babbles about seeing a ghost because his
"Maid Margaret" died a long time ago. Oh. I see what we're doing. Peggy does
too because she just realized this world's variant of her is dead which is
"great!" Er...no..."I mean that's terrible."
Loki sticks his head out to hiss at the carriage driver to go while those
two are distracted making heart eyes at each other. The driver eagerly takes
off and Peggy tackles Steve to the side to avoid being trampled. He is not
mad about this situation for obvious reasons. She asks if they can go
somewhere to talk and she can explain everything. Scott asks around a
mouthful of pastry if they want some eclairs. And I just realized they
weren't talking about SCOTT as the thief.
They go to a pub, where Peggy and Steve sit away from everyone else
celebrating their latest haul. He exposits that they need him to steal the
king's scepter. Then he just marvels that she's plotting something like this
because "most people" would go insane at being stranded in another world.
She shrugs that she's used to being in the wrong place and/or time. He asks
if her world has a Steve Rogers and what he's like. Of course HER world is
the one where Steve isn't the WWII supersoldier hero and in fact became
something like the Winter Soldier. She just brushes off the question and
asks if he'll help. He says sure, his Margaret Carter would do whatever it
takes to save the world, so if this will help her do it... An ant man lands
on the rim of her mug and Steve yells at his men that they have company
before several more fly through the window and expand to full size. Bucky
identifies them as the "Royal Yellowjackets" and Scott peeks out the window
to verify that Happy is outside. Happy shoves a few more ant men into a tiny
canon launcher while reminding them that the King wants Carter taken alive,
but they can do whatever they want with the rest.
Now, lest we think Scott isn't Ant Man in this universe, he yelps in the
middle of the fight that shrinking is HIS thing and they're just copying
him. Then he shrinks and hops on a flying ant. But that doesn't answer how
they have this tech in the first place.
Chrissy: They have magic, clearly.
Except that just begs the question of WHY Stephen isn't here as the Witch
Doctor or Merlin or something.
Emilio: Because Merlin is a separate character in Marvel comics and
they already have a witch. Remember? She's responsible for this whole
Diandra: I mean, I was thinking along those lines too the first
time I saw this, but actually...they are generally telling the same story
as the comics, just with different characters or versions of characters.
Replacing Doctor Strange with Wanda, actual historical royalty with the
Asgardians, changing Steve from a native American to this Robin Hood
character and crossing the whole thing with the Captain Carter plot from
last season.
Emilio: Yeah. Instead of an alternate version of the MCU, they're
doing an alternate version of those comics.
Chrissy: Wait, so...Stephen IS a witch doctor in the comics?
Diandra: He's Queen Elizabeth's physician. And a suspected witch,
yes. Which I believe is how he ended up dead with his head in a jar.
Actually, now that I remember more details, he was replaced by a
combination of Wanda and Peggy because the whole exposition about the
forerunner was delivered by a Watcher after he teleported Stephen to the
Chrissy: .....................
Emilio: It's actually not as crazy as it sounds.
Diandra: Of course it is. It's a comic book. Did I mention the part
where Clea carries his decapitated head around so she can keep
communicating with his astral form?

And let's not even talk about the part
where one guy goes blind by accidentally drinking from the jar...
During a pause in the fight, Steve catches Peggy's shield and notes that the
king really DOES hate her. She shouts that he thinks she killed his sister.
Steve agrees that that "would do it" and they go back to a fight scene that
seems indulgently long for a twenty minute episode, but I guess is justified
by the way they keep interacting with each other, including Peggy
springboarding off Steve's perfectly normal metal shield at one point.
Bucky shoots arrows at Happy and his guards outside and Happy roars angrily.
Steve reminds Bucky that they shouldn't make Happy mad. BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T
When the yellowjackets are all down, Scott cheers that they won. And then
one of the destroyers from the first "Thor" movie stomps up next to Happy
and everyone inside the pub scatters as it levels the place. Peggy crawls
out from the rubble and Happy calls that she may as well give up and
surrender because she can't possibly win. She tells Robin Steve to grab his
merry men and take off while she distracts Happy. He protests at the thought
of leaving her behind, but she says getting the scepter is more important.
"Find Stark. I'll be right behind you."
Chrissy: Ahem. Yes, I promise I won't
get distracted by the Adonis with already shady morals you have sent me.
Diandra: Why am I not surprised that the possibility of Stony got
your attention again?
Scott backs Peggy up and flies toward the destroyer to act as a distraction,
only realizing he hasn't thought this through a second before nearly being
singed. It does work, as he darts around, making the destroyer try to chase
him until Peggy can leap on it. It recovers and blasts at her. She holds the
beam back with the shield while she yelps at Happy that she's trying to SAVE
his world, demented king included and in another world they are all FRIENDS
here. "Me, you, Stark..." Happy calls off the dementor so he can express
disbelief that he would ever be aligned with STARK the lunatic in another
Chrissy: Well, if it makes you feel
better, there is at least one universe where you got to my wife first.
Diandra: And then there's this other universe where he IS the wife.
Chrissy: Omegaverse doesn't count as canon.
Diandra: I meant the one where the Civil War never happened because
Steve Rogers is happily married to Natasha Stark.
Chrissy: .........wait, why are you not writing THAT fic?
Diandra: I entertained the possibility of doing something like that
in the "Multiverse of Madness" AU, but I ended up going in a different
Chrissy: Okay, we are talking about ALL OF THIS later.
Peggy surrenders and is taken to the prison. Red Skull is sharpening an axe
outside, but since Ross wasn't in the credits, I assume he's not going to
have any lines. We go right to her sitting in a cell, chained to the wall,
asking the Watcher if he's still there. He asks if that means she's ready to
go home. She says no, not as long as she still has a chance at saving this
universe. She just needs to find the forerunner and this would be easier if
he told her who that is... He says he can't see future events clearly "when
a universe is close to extinction". Weird qualifier there, but I suppose
whatever plot convenient way you can explain the guy outside of time not
knowing the future. He apologizes that she really can't save this world. She
argues that she was taught to always help someone who is "hurt". He argues
that she cannot possibly understand the consequences of her actions, being
that she does not have his omnipotence. Even if she COULD eliminate the
forerunner, it would have repercussions she can't anticipate. It might
actually be the thing that DESTROYS the universe instead of fixing it. Or
"what if, when the universe resets, you're trapped here forever?"
Chrissy: Yeah, I think she'd be cool
with that, actually.
She says she can't be concerned with what if questions. She has to TRY.
"Because you're human," the Watcher sighs.
Chrissy: Yeah, we're all kinds of
Emilio: Nice callback.
She says actually, it's because she's Captain Carter and she can DO THIS ALL
DAY. No? Still not giving her that catchphrase? Okay.
She yanks herself free of the chains and runs through the Watcher out the
door, knocking down any guard who tries to stop her until she reaches the
cell of the person she apparently let herself be captured to find. And if
you were wondering why Mark Ruffalo was in the credits, it's because we
already transposed Robin Hood a couple centuries forward, so why not also
move another legend a half a century in the other direction? Peggy calls to
the "monster in the iron mask" hunched over in the cell that they need his
help. Bruce mutters at her to leave because he doesn't want trouble. And he
doesn't do "that" anymore. He just stays in this nice, quiet cell. She
sighs, apologizes, and tricks some passing guards into shooting at the cell
door before ducking out of the way.
Bruce hulks out and smashes through the door and out of the metal mask.
Peggy jumps on his back as he rampages after the offending guards, yelling
he will "smite" them. He blasts through a wall and runs along rooftops
outside, snarling that he HATES this world and "noisy people wrong!" Peggy
assures him she will "fix" it, but she's not really sure about that.
She takes him to Stark's shop, where he de-Hulks. Tony gives him a tankard
of something that he tries to drink and immediately spits out, asking why
the hell Tony would be drinking grain alcohol at sunrise.
Chrissy: Because in the absence of
any magical alternatives, the title of resident alcoholic asshole has
fallen to me.
Diandra: He actually is an alcoholic in the comics.
Chrissy: Oh. Right. That makes more sense.
Tony says he had a "few pints" last night, which helped him finish "my
greatest invention ever."
Chrissy: A sex machine.
Diandra: No. Although one of my favorite fics starts with him drunk
tweeting about creating a line of sex toys in the middle of the night and
Pepper yelling at him about having to answer to shareholders in the
Chrissy: Okay, I want a
to that. [ETA: did I mention it's FrostIron?]
He pulls the cloth covering the weird looking device on the table. A screw
falls off it noisily and he yelps "ignore that. It's decorative." We see the
unimpressed expressions on Bruce and Peggy's faces as Tony babbles that he
considers their stunned silence flattering. Peggy asks if this thing is
going to find the forerunner. Tony says it will REVEAL the forerunner "and
send them back from whence they came." He points to a spot on top where the
royal stone will be inserted to make it work.
Chrissy: And it does have to be the
ROYAL STONE. Other options don't work. Believe me. I really did intend for
this thing to have a completely different purpose.
Steve and his merry men show up just then to offer their help stealing that
royal stone.
Chrissy: Okay, new plan. I've got
another place I'd like pretty boy over there to try inserting something
Diandra: Oh, christ.
Chrissy: Sure, you can pray to whatever god you want to while
you're doing it.
Diandra: I'm just going to move on and forget this ever happened.
Emilio: Isn't that usually what HE does after it's over?
Diandra: Aaaaaaaand we're done here.
Chrissy: Already? Would have thought you would last longer than
Diandra: [glares] Don't make me get the spray bottle.
ACTUALLY, Steve and Peggy make goo goo eyes at each other again and he hands
her the shield he stole back from one of the guards on the way over. There's
a long beat, broken by Tony snarking that this is "touching", but he
personally would have gone with a sonnet or something.
Chrissy: That's a hint by the way.
Diandra: As you can see, I am far more interested in another
brunette here.
Chrissy: Did someone say I was making you choose? I'm sure she
would be willing to share seeing as she is a GUEST in this universe, right
Peg? Oh, and can we talk about the ideas I'm getting from your name?
Diandra: Okay, I think you've reached your limit for this recap.
Bruce asks what the plan is and we flash right to it while Peggy voiceovers
that they can attend the next court session in disguise. Steve agrees that
they should blend in to the crowd of a LOT of lords and ladies that will
hopefully include the forerunner. Tony will smuggle in the device and sit on
it until they can get the stone to him.
Loki is sitting where the royal family is positioned, STILL rambling about
Iago to some women who are definitely going to start demanding hazard pay
Chrissy: I just think he's the best
character. Villains usually are. This one has the potential to be played
by a really sexy guy who could totally be my sugar daddy in the future.
Diandra: ...........hang on a second. [does a Google search] Fuck
Chrissy: I love that that's apparently the first thing that came
up. Remember that dream you were gonna incorporate into a fic, Diandra?
Diandra: Again, I was watching a MOVIE in that dream. A non
existent early entry in Tom's filmography from some alternate reality that
made me think if I ever talked about his character's first kiss/gay
awakening in that "Sherlock" story, the other guy would have Kenneth
Branagh's face.
Chrissy: And this is what makes you a writer. You put way too much
thought into something you end up not even writing. Like that elaborate
omegaverse headcanon you keep talking about but saying you don't want to
Diandra: Ugh. This is why I hate telling you things.

Literally the first thing that came up
after just typing "Iago".
He is interrupted by a horn blast from the trumpeters, two of which are
Bucky and Scott in disguise. Happy theatrically introduces Thor as their
great and "most worthy" king. The whole room jolts and a rift opens in the
ceiling. Wanda, positioned near Thor, moans that the "storm" is upon them
and sends a bolt of energy toward the rift, which seems to hold it off a
little. Steve asks Peggy what the signal is. "Tony said we'd know it when we
saw it," Peggy mutters. Before anyone can ask, Hulk blasts through a wall
yelling "SIGNAL! SIGNAL!" Peggy is like 'um...that must be it, I guess?'
Chrissy: No shit, Sherlock. Hey, I
kind of like that name. Maybe someone can use it for a future descendant
happens to look just
like me.
Diandra: How does that headcanon even work?
Chrissy: How does ANY of this work? Just go with it.
Emilio: Title of your sex tape?
Chrissy: ..................I mean...
The team drop their disguises and launch into a fight against Happy's men.
Thor tells a bored looking Loki that they should join the fight and asks
where the "hammer I got you" is. Loki says he misplaced it.
Chrissy: In my defense, it is REALLY
easy to misplace things after an orgy.
Diandra: You expect us to believe the guy desperately trying to
impress those women with his knowledge of the one guy in a Shakespeare
play they probably don't know is having wild orgies?
Emilio: They weren't REAL sex orgies. They were fantasies. He knows
where the hammer is, he's just embarrassed by the state it's in after he
used it as a prop.
Chrissy: [loud snort] Yes! Dude! [high fives Emilio]
Diandra: I hate you both.
Wanda, holding back the rift, grunts at him that they don't have much time
Tony runs through the fighting with the device. Steve tells Peggy to get the
scepter while they keep up the distraction. He specifically gets the
attention of Happy, who launches at him with a whole old timey tirade as
follows. "Taste my steel you vile, crusty onion! Aye, tree-biting miscreant!
Your face revolts me, you jackanape! Impertinent hedge-born, green-suited
Emilio: I mean, we could probably
unpack all that, but that wouldn't make it funnier than it is.
He stops when Steve successfully slices the feather from his hat, which he
was very protective of earlier in case I forgot to mention it. Steve winces
and starts babbling apologies while Happy snarls. From behind him, Scott
says "great job, Rogers, you made him mad. Good luck!" and runs for it.
Because yes, somehow this is the Purple Hulk version of Happy. He hulks out
while Steve continues to babble about how they can talk about this.
Peggy lands in front of the throne and Thor sneers at her for "sullying" the
royal hall.
Chrissy: Ahem. Yeah, technically it's
way too late to undo that damage, Brother.
Peggy says he needs to trust her and hand over the scepter. Wait...so
instead of stealing it, we're going to make an elaborate plan to get in and
then just...ask nicely for it?
Chrissy: We've got less than ten
minutes left in the episode. We need to hurry this along!
Thor snaps that they ALL trusted her and look how far that got them. He
orders the men to fetch the "All Father", which...is apparently what he
calls the Vibranium sword they hand him. When Peggy notes this, he confirms
that it was a gift from the King of Wakanda. "He too has been plagued by
these rips in space" by the way. Peggy calls to Steve that they have hit a
snag. Steve, being thrown around by Purple Hulk, yells back that he's got
his own shit to deal with at the moment.
Thor looms over her, lightning crackling, and prays to "All Father" to give
him strength. She snaps that he's more of a drama queen than his brother.
"Bless," Loki sasses, clearly considering it a compliment. Thor says she's
gone too far now and swings the sword at her, crashing into her shield and
creating a wave that knocks over Loki and cracks the floor.
Hulk knocks Happy Hulk away from Steve with a spin on his catchphrase: "HULK
SMASH THEE!" Steve runs away and the Hulks start smashing each oth- uh...
Chrissy: Beating each other into the
Diandra: So glad you continue to remember that joke a dozen movies
Wanda is like 'hey...uh...guys? Somebody wanna do something before I lose my
grip on this thing over here?'
Steve knocks Red Skull off Bucky. Peggy and Thor are fighting now. And Happy
is still doing the old timey slurs while fighting Hulk. "Flappy and muddy
fiend! Rapscallion! Scoundrel! Podgy tallow-faced ne'er do well poltroon!"
Emilio: Somebody is getting a lot of
mileage out of their research into old fashioned insults.
Diandra: Which of these should we use? What do you mean "all of
Hulk finally tells him to shut up and throws him across the cathedral into
the organ. Somewhere, Tony mutters that next time they aren't using the
Hulk. Two soldiers point swords at him and he immediately surrenders. Scott
appears and knocks their heads together, knocking them out.
Happy Hulk recovers and throws the organ at Hulk, snarking "you hear that,
Bruce? The pipes, the pipes are calling!"
Chrissy: Oy. At least it's better
than what he was doing before.
Wanda spots Tony and Scott running toward them and freezes Thor mid-fight.
While he splutters in confusion, she apologizes and calls to Fury, who grabs
the scepter from whichever soldier Thor gave it to. Wanda directs them to
get it to Stark. Fury hands it to him, snarling that this had BETTER work.
Tony quips that he's just "igniting an industrial and mystical revolution"
and uses some blacksmith tongs to remove the stone from the scepter and put
it in the device. It glows and...does nothing else. Peggy calls his name
warningly and he says "it's only a failure if it explodes!" Thor breaks
Wanda's hold on him and she falls, also letting go of the rift. He starts
stomping toward Tony. Peggy yelps and Tony rotates a lever that finally kick
starts the thing. The device opens and the stone drops inside. He stands
back and Peggy sticks her hands in and comes out with a gauntlet with a
glowing stone in the palm. She holds it toward the advancing Thor and it
seems to create a detonation.
Everyone stops moving when the shockwave dissipates. Wanda announces that it
is "him" and Peggy realizes there is a glowing figure standing behind her.
"The forerunner," Wanda adds in case we've already forgotten what they were
trying to do. He turns around and...it's Steve. Thor is confused that HE is
the future man they've been trying to find. Peggy asks how this is possible.
Steve says he remembers now that he fought a battle against "a monster from
the skies armed with a golden glove." We see a flashback of a sort to the
scene in "Infinity War" where he faced off against Thanos. Except in this
version, he hit one of the stones with his much pointier shield and ended up
here somehow.
Chrissy: So how did it happen in the
comics? Or is that totally different?
Diandra: Native American Steve is the forerunner, yes. But I don't
think it was ever explained HOW exactly he got there.
Emilio: He was sent back in time by a 21st century dictator trying
to erase him from existence.
Chrissy: ...........yeah, I can see how they couldn't do that plot
Thor realizes that Peggy was right about how this all happened and could
potentially be fixed and orders her to finish it. Except Peggy is supposed
to "destroy" the frontrunner and we all know she can't do it now. Steve says
they both know what has to be done here. Everyone stares. Loki crouches
beside Wanda protectively like HERE'S A THING WE ARE NOT GOING TO ADDRESS
THANKS. Peggy bemoans that they never get their happy ending. Steve says
they probably do somewhere, in some universe. He takes her hand and presses
the sort of button well in her palm. There's a bright flash of light and
everyone disappears, leaving Peggy alone in the empty palace. She voiceovers
that there was a wartime superstition "that victory was its own sort of
curse. Because every battle you won, every inch you gained would mean you're
only getting further from home."
She is back sitting in the pub, so apparently the plan worked in this
version and just restored the universe to a time before rifts started
opening up. A portal wooshes somewhere behind her and she asks if that's the
Watcher coming to tell her she's stuck in this reality forever then. Stephen
plops into the seat across from her and says actually, he just thought she
could use company. Startled, she asks what HE'S doing here.
Chrissy: What does "restored" look
like here? Without the rift nonsense, can we go back to the version where
he is the royal physician the youngest of Odin's children might be making
secret appointments with?
Diandra: No. I am NOT entertaining another of your AU fic prompts.
Chrissy: You always say that and then three recaps later you're
suddenly working on this fic with a suspiciously familiar concept.
Diandra: Ugh. I really do hate you sometimes.
Chrissy: Only sometimes?
Stephen just cryptically says he has a story to tell Peggy and a title card
informs us that this is going to be continued in the next episode.
Episode 9: What if Strange Supreme
Intervened? (or: Redemption Arcs Don't Always Work Out)
Starring: Jeffrey Wright, Haley Atwell, Benedict Cumberbatch, Devery Jacobs,
Cate Blanchett, Feodor Chin, Clancy Brown, Josh Keaton, Stanley Tucci
I haven't been noting how the title card is truncated in all of these
episodes, either accompanied by a similarly truncated version of Giacchino's
fanfare or whatever alternative is appropriate for the episode. Well, this
one is back to the full version, except...all the clips are from this show,
with Peggy as Captain Carter throwing the shield at the camera instead of
We open on the 1602 London universe again, with the Watcher hovering over
the village houses to exposit that this world had peace restored by a hero
from a completely different universe, who can be seen slugging beer in that
pub over there. We pan through the window to where we left Peggy with
Multiversal Guardian Stephen last episode while the Watcher continues giving
Peggy's backstory for all the people just joining the program, apparently.
The upshot this time is that she left "the love of her life" behind and
instead of being "consumed" by grief over that, she just became driven to
put right what once went wrong and...sorry, no. That's...something else.
Chrissy: How do you always manage to
make a reference to "Quantum Leap?"
Diandra: Because in hindsight, that's probably where my love of all
things time travel started.
The Watcher concludes his summary of Peggy's story so far by reminding us of
the previous episode (which would have aired one day earlier than this one)
ending with her being stuck in the 1600s like he WARNED HER COULD HAPPEN.
But then Doctor Strange showed up, so whatever.
Peggy is gushing about how glad she is to see Stephen because she was
beginning to think she was going to be stuck here forever. He asks if she's
already tired of "first run Shakespeare" and "outdoor plumbing".
Chrissy: Not to mention plague. That
was a barrel of laughs.
Diandra: Yeah, isn't it nice to be from the future when people took
the spread of diseases seriously and didn't try idiotic alternative cures
like blood letting or horse dewormer?
They have a little side banter about how ridiculous their uniforms look
before he decides they should have better drinks and changes the tankards on
the table into glasses of scotch. Which, he notes, is a few centuries too
soon to exist here, but whatever.
Chrissy: Opposition to the rules of
time travel and meddling therein noted.
Diandra: Yeah, it seems early to get into this, so right now I'm
just gonna note that messing with shit is exactly how he got here.
Peggy sighs happily and takes a sip before asking if he can get her home
then. "I'd call a taxi, but I left my purse in another dimension." He says
yeah sure, he can help out a fellow Guardian of the Multiverse. This is
basically a prompt to remind the viewer of how they know each other as well
as a quick recap of his backstory as destroyer of his universe. Or as the
Watcher puts it: he "destroyed his soul, his sanity and his universe" in a
failed attempt to save Christine. We get a snippet of the ending of that
episode where everything is melting away as the Watcher assures us he saw
"the error of his ways" far too late.
Emilio: Except now we're going to say
he didn't.
Diandra: Hold that thought.
We return from credits as Stephen brings Peggy to the palace The Watcher
stuck him in after the whole Ultron thing. He calls it the Sanctum
Infinitum. She looks at the sparse, never ending hallways and asks if he's
really here all by himself. He says not quite. "I've been kind of busy."
Chrissy: He keeps one of my variants
tied up somewhere around here...
Diandra: [sigh] Here we go. That was YOUR idea in the first place,
Chrissy: You tricked me! I was all ready for a hot wizard master
scene and it turned out you just wanted to lock me in a room all night so
you could have some peace and quiet.
Diandra: I-[dissolves into giggles for a few minutes] Sorry. Ahem.
Drama queen. It was only for a couple hours.
Chrissy: You mock me now, but I will GET MY REVENGE.
Emilio: Why do I think you've been working on this headcanon since
that scene in "Ragnarok"?
Chrissy: Since the PREVIEWS. The actual scene was a letdown.
Diandra: Again, I am not writing this fic, Chris.
Coincidentally, Tom's expression here
looks a lot like Chrissy's did after I said that.
To illustrate what he's been up to, he points to a wall of villains trapped
in miniature bubble cells, highlighting Infinity Ultron, Thanos and Loki.
Chrissy: He occasionally takes that
one out of the box to play with.
Diandra: Do you have an off switch?
Chrissy: Yeah, it's right next to my prostate. Or is that the on
Diandra: And now you're Deadpool. Great.
Emilio: When is she ever NOT Deadpool?
Diandra: Ugh. Fine. In that case, my story is that I have to find
some way to alleviate the boredom and this place has terrible wifi.
Basically, he's collecting universe destroyers from across the multiverse in
this sort of...prison. Stephen says SOMEBODY has to take care of all the
universe killers and they know the Watcher won't because that would be
"interfering" or some bullshit. Peggy concludes that his "penitence" is to
spend his life saving the multiverse from one universe killer at a time.
He's like 'see? You get me.' He says he needs her help with something now
though. She says she'd really just rather go home now. He promises she will,
but...he stutters that it's uh...kind of embarrassing, actually... She
interrupts that one of them escaped, didn't they? He is amazed that she
guessed so easily.
Chrissy: I mean, it was either that
or you gave yourself some weird multiversal STD and I can't imagine how a
supersoldier could help with THAT.
Apparently she has been watching a lot of movies from the latter half of the
20th century because she starts rattling off names of the ones where someone
tried to keep a collection of dangerous things and one of them escapes:
"Gremlins", "Aliens", "Jurassic Park"...
Emilio: Like, half of all horror
He says great, then she'll help, right? She says no, because she can already
hear the Watcher reprimanding them for "meddling with the multiverse." "Come
on Peg. I know he's a fifth dimensional being with that big head and that
soothing voice..."
Diandra: What was I saying? Got a
little distracted...
"...but that doesn't always make him right." He asks if she thinks it was
wrong for her to save that 1602 world. She sighs and follows him into some
sort of vault that has those door portal things we haven't really seen since
the first "Doctor Strange". She asks who the bad guy is and Stephen says
he's a SHE, actually, which is one way to avoid actually answering the
question. He says he lost this still-unidentified danger to the universe
somewhere in the Badlands of South Dakota. "Well, what's left of them in
that universe, anyway."
He stops on an image of a barren forest in the snow and Peggy starts walking
toward it. She freezes and asks why he can't do this himself. He says she
will see him coming by now, but she doesn't know Peggy. He magic changes her
armor back from the 1602 version to the modern look.
Chrissy: Could someone please tell
Benedict he doesn't have to make that weird noise every time Stephen casts
a spell?
Diandra: Yeah, I haven't been noting that.
Chrissy: Well, you might want to do that so it isn't weird when I
respond with OH GO BING YOURSELF.
Emilio: He's definitely already tried that.
Anyway. He says she just needs to find the woman and he'll bring them both
back to this place. She's like 'and then you'll send me right home, right?'
"Cross my heart," he says.
Chrissy: Let me see both hands.
You're not crossing your fingers behind your back are you?
Diandra: What are we, twelve? Just because I destroyed a whole
universe you think I can't be trusted?
Diandra: Actually...hold that thought too.
Peggy asks how she'll recognize this woman. Stephen tells her not to worry
about it. "You'll know." Peggy mutters that that's totally not alarming and
steps through the portal.
She walks a few feet before spotting what I think is supposed to be Mount
Rushmore ahead. Except instead of four presidents it just has one face
carved into it: Red Skull. The Watcher appears behind her and she asks if
he's here to help or just "narrate." He sighs and says "the bomb at Project
Rebirth packed a bigger bang in this universe."
Chrissy: Or play exposition fairy.
That works too, I guess.
So without either Steve OR Peggy surviving to turn supersoldier, HYDRA just
ran away with their plans unchecked. And won the war. Remember how they were
Nazis? Yeah, this is one of the many many many many MANY alt histories where
the allies lost. Peggy is like 'I guess that answers the narrating question
then' and starts walking away, saying if he isn't going to help he can buzz
off. He follows her, asking what she's doing here anyway and why she still
hasn't learned her lesson about meddling in other universes.
Emilio: Because it keeps working out?
She says he can shove this argument because they are just never going to
agree. He can go back to just watching. "It's not about watching, Peggy.
It's about seeing." She snarks that Stephen has figured out how to watch AND
see, so she's just gonna side with the guy making a difference here. The
Watcher just sighs and tells her to be careful because he "can't bear to
narrate what might happen next."
Chrissy: Again with the totally not
ominous statements.
The Watcher disappears and a second later, blue energy zips through the
trees around Peggy. In the MCU, this would probably signal Quicksilver.
Here...there's only one "she" we've seen that this looks like and she was in
the credits. Kahhori body slams Peggy several yards. Peggy gets up and
starts yelling a threat that is interrupted when she is slammed again. Peggy
gasps that that was a good one, then tries a new strategy: pinballing the
shield off the trees until it intercepts the blue streak.
Kahhori hits the ground briefly, then jumps up and slams into Peggy again.
Then she apparently decides she's had enough and stops, catching the shield
as Peggy gets up and throws it again. "Let me guess," she says, now able to
speak English apparently. "He asked you to help him save the multiverse?"
Peggy pants yeah, that's about right. Kahhori snorts that he lied to Peggy.
SHE isn't the universe killer. HE is. She holds out the shield to Peggy,
introduces herself and suggests they help each other because SHE isn't the
enemy and "that delusional [Mohawk word that sounds like a curse] is lying
to you."
Chrissy: There's no English
equivalent, but the closest translation is probably "god fucker".
Diandra: [heavy sigh]
A glowing portal appears under their feet before Peggy can really digest
that and they are dropped back into the Palace of the Multiverse where
Stephen immediately sends a blast at Kahhori while congratulating Peggy on
doing that so fast. She asks what the hell is going on and Kahhori, holding
off the beam in a protective bubble, asks if he told her about the Forge.
Stephen snaps that Peggy shouldn't listen to her because this is a trick.
Kahhori says he's collecting universe killers AND heroes and feeding them
all to a forge. They go another round of Peggy asking what she's talking
about and Stephen snapping at her to ignore it and Stephen sends a second
beam at Kahhori. Kahhori yelps, but keeps babbling that he's doing all this
because he's gone off his rocker and thinks this plan will save his
Diandra: There. Right there is where
it makes sense and isn't at all out of character unless you already
thought he was out of character last season.
Emilio: Which many did.
Diandra: Yeah. But now that we've gone through three other
iterations of him, two more of which destroyed an entire universe for one
reason or another, is it really that out there?
Chrissy: At the very least it IS consistent with this version, who
was so convinced he could fix things that he broke the universe trying no
matter how many people begged him to stop.
Diandra: Exactly. His most defining character trait seems to be
stubbornness and refusal to accept that some things just shouldn't be
Stephen, probably realizing Peggy doesn't believe him anymore, gives up
arguing and just snarls at Kahhori that he won't let her stop him. Kahhori
yelps as he tries strengthening the blasts. Peggy is like 'so you're still
trying to bring back Christine then?' Stephen is like 'duh, but way to lay
it all out in case anyone forgot what happened.' He adds that if anyone
could understand his desire to bring her back, it would be Peggy. Except
Peggy is far more rational and begs him to see how crazy he's being.
Apparently thinking his earlier statement wasn't clear enough, he says she
would do the same thing for Steve. Peggy hesitates for a really long beat
before jumping between them, breaking the beam with her shield and growling
that she would NEVER do something like this for Steve and he wouldn't WANT
her to because "the cost is too high". He sighs and invokes the two most
stable variants we've seen by saying that actually "in the grand scheme of
things" it really is a small price. He sends a blast into Peggy's shield
that bends around her and targets Kahhori again. She puts up her bubble
shield again and Peggy yells at him to stop. He says he can't because he's
SO CLOSE. She breaks free of the beam and circles around to try to punch
him, but he has some sort of protective shield that she bounces off. She
starts hitting it with the shield.
Peggy frantically looks around and we get closeups of some of the
destroyers/heroes collected including a wild west version of Loki, something
that might be a Hulk and one of the dragons of Ta Lo.
Emilio: That one has his voice for
some reason.
Diandra: No. We're not doing that crossover. Stop.
Chrissy: I'm just impressed you got that
Diandra: Oh, shut up.
She chucks her shield at the containment bubbles, breaking a whole row of
them. Stephen yelps a protest and shifts focus to the dragon flying up
around the ceiling. Peggy mutters that that should keep him busy for a while
and goes to help Kahhori, who mutters that she's just as crazy as he is.
Peggy ignores this and says they need to destroy the forge before he can use
it. Kahhori tells her to hang on and runs them from the room through the
absolute chaos that includes various Hulks, Lokis, Vision and members of
Thanos' army. They end up either going in a full circle or in another room
entirely with more variants and we focus immediately on Xu commanding
whoever to bow to the ten rings. Which is when some of the names in the
credits start making sense. We see Rocket with red eyes and a partly metal
body, but since Bradley wasn't in the credits we can guess he won't say
anything. Stephen flies into the room and captures him in a beam. Peggy
admits that maybe freeing a bunch of universe killers wasn't the brightest
idea and she and Kahhori speed past the western version of Loki, who also
will not be speaking, obviously.
They zip into another room seemingly full of nothing but smoke. Something
hisses and Kahhori asks if Peggy heard that. Peggy says she was kind of
hoping she hadn't. It turns out to be another carryover from last season:
zombie Wanda, who didn't need Elizabeth's voice last season and so clearly
doesn't here either despite her being in at least one other episode (two if
the rumors about the one that was pushed to season 3 are true). "Not her,"
Kahhori moans. Zombies rise from the mist all around Wanda and Peggy warns
Kahhori to be careful because if they bite...Kahhori says she knows because
zombies are universal.
Chrissy: And apparently known in the
1400s? Or did you learn this while you were learning English in a
different universe?
Diandra: The first mention of zombies as mythical beings anywhere
was in the 1800s, so probably the second option there.
Chrissy: .......how do you know that? What fic did you have to
research THAT for?
Diandra: It was a paper in college, actually. And it wasn't really
zombies per se, it's just that zombies, vampires and werewolves all stem
from the same fear of rabies.
Emilio: That actually explains a lot.
Wanda tries to blast them and Peggy blocks it with her shield again. Kahhori
jumps into the air (because I guess she can fly now) and blasts Wanda back.
Wanda also flies and they start an arial battle while Peggy takes care of
the zombie army on the ground. Kahhori somehow flies right INTO Wanda,
surrounding her with a bubble a second before she just disappears. Then she
drops down beside Peggy and they fend off a few more zombies before the
hoard suddenly stops and their eyes turn green. They all turn and kneel to
their approaching queen: Hela, riding a similarly green eyed Fenris. In case
you were wondering why Cate was in the credits. This Hela is closer to the
one in Ragnarok as she commands Peggy and Kahhori to kneel along with the
rest of the good minions. Kahhori's eyes glow and she says the last woman
who said that to her ended up regretting it. Hela chuckles that she is the
Goddess of Death, so...you know... She hurls a bunch of arrows and Kahhori
stops them mid air and sends them back over her head. Hela yelps indignantly
but before she can try anything else, Sutur blasts through the wall into the
room like SO WE MEET AGAIN. Hela launches into a rematch. A bunch of portals
appear in the room and Peggy suggests they leave all these...whatever they
are to "the warden".
They run out, past more appearing portals. One appears in the middle of the
hall and Thanos grabs Peggy's shield with the hand wearing the fully jeweled
gauntlet. Kahhori's eyes glow. Thanos snaps with the wrong hand and turns to
dust. The women watch it blow down the hall and Kahhori shrugs like 'what
are you looking at me for? I didn't do anything.' Except instead of this
being some sort of screw up and he did it to himself, it turns out he was
dusted by the next guy to come out of the portal: Killmonger. Wearing the
suit with the Infinity Stones, so clearly the version from last season that
was the first to go into the collection. But we don't have Michael B. Jordan
this season, so he's not gonna talk. The stones on his chest glow. Kahhori
braces, then shrugs and flicks a wrist, ripping him right out of the armor
and sending him back through the portal.
Peggy looks at the smoking pieces of armor on the ground and asks where
Kahhori just sent him. Instead of answering, we just switch to the other
room, where Killmonger lands and starts fighting Xu until some versions of
Thor and Loki fly at each other overhead and create an explosion. Peggy puts
on the Infinity Armor and says this should help "even the odds." The whole
building rumbles and stone dust falls in the hallway and Kahhori notes that
Stephen has started up the forge.
She runs Peggy to it and it's basically a room with a big, circular pit with
a wall/gangplank leading into the middle of it. At the bottom is a spinning
orb thing that glows. Peggy asks Kahhori how they can destroy it. Stephen's
voice booms from overhead that he'd rather they didn't. Then he does his
best supervillain laugh because he's given up all pretense at this point and
notes that she changed her costume. He points out that he defeated that
armor last season when it was worn by a genocidal robot. She's like 'yeah,
well...let's see how you do now that there's a hero in it instead of a
villain.' She slings her shield, hitting him in the face. Then she sends a
blast from the Infinity stones to join Kahhori's beam of energy. Which only
knocks him back a bit. He smarms that if they really want to "play", they
should have said so and the Cerberus dragon (apparently) he absorbed to
become all powerful flows out of him.
Peggy fights all three heads while Kahhori darts to the side to blast into
the forge. Stephen tries to stop her too, which I guess is enough
distraction for Peggy to use at least one of the stones to turn the dragons
on him. They wrap around him and explode and he emerges from it relatively
unharmed but with spots of his cloak on fire. He grumbles that she CLEARLY
has figured out how to work the armor and tries to blast them from above.
Kahhori runs along the circular wall at hyperspeed, sending blasts from all
directions. Peggy collects the energy from a blast with the infinity armor,
redirecting it into the forge. Stephen warns that she's just making it
unstable and blasts her back. She throws the shield, which he deflects
easily, somehow generates another, which he deflects even faster, but
somehow wraps around and smacks him in the back of the head anyway. Kahhori
is still blasting from the wall. He finally stops that by putting up a wall
in her path. She falls into the forge, but manages to redirect through a
portal or something so she lands on the other side of the walkway from
Chrissy: How are you doing with the
descriptions over there?
Diandra: Have I ever mentioned how much I hate writing
battle/action sequences?
Chrissy: That's why I asked.
Diandra: Ugh.
Peggy throws the shield again, which Stephen portals away from him and into
Kahhori. Peggy uses armor energy to rip him down to the walkway. She and the
recovered Kahhori try the twin blast thing again, which he strains to hold
off with magic shields. Kahhori takes the moment to tell him that he's been
alone for so long here that he's forgotten "there are more of us than there
are of you."
Chrissy: Are you sure about that? Are
there any variants of HIM in those little bubble cells?
Diandra: There's actually not that many of us after the one went
around killing a bunch of us before being killed by the apparently ONE
version that cannot be turned to the dark side.
Stephen actually says 'uh...not exactly' and slams the two women together,
floating up into the air and replicating. Peggy looks at the three dozen or
so copies, says hey, that's actually a good idea and activates the reality
stone to create a few copies of herself too.
Emilio: You actually recognize which
stone that is. I'm impressed.
Diandra: We're like, three dozen movies and shows into this
franchise. And I wrote a fic that paralleled the Infinity War/Endgame
plot. If I didn't know THAT much by now, you would definitely have reason
to be worried.
Chrissy: Oh, we have PLENTY of other reasons to be worried about
The Doctor Strange theme plays while we circle around all the Stephen's
fighting all the Peggys (and Kahhori). We focus on the real Peggy, who
blasts away a bunch of copies while the real Stephen taunts her from
somewhere. Or sort of pleads with her to just give up because "it doesn't
have to end this way". Several Peggy copies leap toward the floating
Stephens and he explodes them all into butterflies. The real Peggy and
Kahhori stand in the middle of the flock of butterflies and the music
crescendos and then...the screen goes black.
Steve's voice (at least as we know it in this show) says a line apparently
from the first Captain America and Peggy opens her eyes back in the lab
before either of them got in the open super soldier machine. She asks if
this is real. Steve is confused.
Chrissy: Don't pretend that's a first
for you. Good thing you're pretty.
Diandra: Which of us was playing...hey!
They go down to the main platform and Stanley Tucci's doctor character asks
if she wouldn't be more comfortable up in the booth. This was the moment
when things changed in the first episode of this show. This time, Peggy
hesitates and Steve asks her to stay with him. They can "finish the fight"
and win the war together. "You and me, Peg. We can finally be together."
A butterfly flies behind his head and Peggy frowns. Steve, sensing he's
losing her, does puppy dog eyes and says he loves her. She looks back and
forth between him and the butterfly and declares that he's not really Steve.
Steve turns into Stephen and he tries to punch her. She catches his fist and
punches him, exploding the lab away in a bunch of butterflies.
Chrissy: One of these days we're
going to have to talk about this butterfly obsession of yours.
Diandra: What? You don't want to focus on the fact that I keep
pretending to be the love interest in these illusions, even when the guy
I'm trying to fool is another me?
Emilio: I would just like to remind you of the "go bing yourself"
conversation earlier...
Chrissy: Right. He's probably perfected this technique over however
many years he's been alone in this prison. When he isn't just having some
fun with the psycho killers before trapping them.
Emilio: That would probably make a good-
Diandra: Fic, yes. I can see where you're going with this. I'm not
writing it.
Emilio: [shrugs at Chrissy] I tried.
Stephen's like 'okay, so much for that strategy.' You asked for this. He
levitates and opens several portals, dropping all the fighting villains in
the other rooms through into the forge. Kahhori recognizes Atahraks among
the falling bodies and exposits that the protection around the forge is
weakening, so she can try portaling them home. She throws energy that
catches all the falling bodies and starts dragging them back up to the
portals. The portals turn from yellow to blue as she takes control of them.
Stephen snarls and tries to blast her. She bounces and Peggy jumps in to
deflect the blast with her shield. A giant rock hand or something reaches
out of the wall this time to grab Kahhori and the portals go yellow again
and drop everyone.
Peggy sends a blast from the time stone that freezes everyone mid-fall and
reverses them again. Stephen is like 'oh, that's cute. You're trying to use
the time stone against the guy who was keeper of the time stone.' He opens
the eye of Agamotto and they all freeze again.
Chrissy: Oh, just kill us already and
stop this demented yo-yo thing.
He blasts Peggy, which distracts him enough to free Kahhori to join her. He
yells that if he can't save his universe "countless others will die" and he
REALLY thought Peggy would understand this, which is why he gave her a
Chrissy: Uh...which time was that?
But now he's just gonna kill her and feed all these people to the death
machine and hope this is gonna work to bring back his universe that he
DESTROYED by stubbornly following through on crazy ass plans exactly like
Hela, mid fall, takes off her horn crown and chucks it at Peggy, yelling
"give him Hel!" A Thor variant follows suit and chucks Mjolnir onto the
walkway. Xu flings all ten rings at her feet and several other characters
fling all manner of swords and daggers, the last of which is a green glowing
thing from a character even Nerdopedia can't seem to identify.
Chrissy: Oh, that ISN'T someone we're
supposed to recognize?
Diandra: Apparently not. I just checked because I thought it was
some sort of Easter egg that comic book fans would totally get, but no.
They can't seem to agree on whether it's a version of The Hulk, whose
sword shoots gamma energy or the first glimpse of Captain Britain with a
version of the Sword of Might.
Emilio: Maybe that's the character Henry Cavill is playing.
Diandra: That would be one popular theory. And it would make a
whole lot more sense than him just being a Wolverine variant, but...in all
likelihood this was either supposed to make sense because it was in the
episode that was shifted to season 3 or because he will be introduced in
the next thing in this franchise.
Peggy nods at Kahhori and they break the energy beam he's holding them with.
Peggy grabs the last sword and blasts him into a wall with a beam from it.
Kahhori makes blue portals UNDER the falling people this time and Atahraks
nods at her as he falls through one.
Stephen peels himself out of the crater in the wall while Kahhori takes
Mjolnir and the ten rings and Peggy takes everything else. In an
increasingly unhinged tone he says they can't stop him because he's just
gonna get more ughf... Kahhori pins him back to the wall with Mjolnir. He
disappears and reappears on the walkway where he is pelted by the hammer,
the shield, blasts, etc. He makes himself a fire sword, which I'm sure Hela
would appreciate if she were still here. Peggy disrupts it and attacks. He
takes several hits, but is still going. Kahhori comes in with the rings and
he starts turning into the demon creature he was by the end of the episode
last season as they take turns smacking him around. They blast him to the
edge of the walkway with every weapon they have and Peggy begs him to just
give up already. The demon creature unfolds its wings and snarls "nothing is
ever over."
Chrissy: Huh. That sounds
suspiciously like Dormammu.
Peggy calls to the Stephen she knew who might still be in there somewhere,
but the creature blasts Kahhori back and leaps toward Peggy, vomiting fire
into her shield. She yelps that this isn't him like she's trying to reason
with a rampaging werewolf. Kahhori recovers and binds his hands with the ten
rings. He blasts out of that in a couple seconds. Peggy chucks the glowing
sword that is, I think, Gugnir and he sort of catches it in his palm, which
makes a sort of...smiley face light scar? What the hell is that?

And why does it look drunk?
Kahhori throws Mjolnir and he catches it in his teeth and shatters it. "I
will bring her back," he says in a voice that is sounding increasingly
unrecognizable. "You cannot stop me." Peggy launches at him shield first and
bounces right off him. He blasts the walkway so he's basically standing
alone on a pillar over the forge. The stones fall off Peggy's armor. She
leaps across the blown out walkway and Kahhori magics the stones to her. She
punches him with the combined force of all of them and all the demon
creatures shoot out of Stephen.
Kahhori looks down into the forge where the rings are spinning off the
energy ball and yelps at Peggy that it's about to explode. She stands over
the kneeling Stephen and says he built the thing, so he must know how to
stop it. He sighs that it's grown stronger than he can control because his
"grief is too strong". Peggy ignores that nonsense and argues that Christine
wouldn't want him to do this.
Chrissy: I would just like to note
that Diandra just accidentally typed that Christine wouldn't "wank", which
I'm pretty sure is the villain origin story from another timeline.
Diandra: Gross.
Chrissy: And that is why you are still single.
Diandra: Good.
Stephen admits that no, she wouldn't. A demon emerges from the smoke still
circling him and says "but WE do." It has a third eye, so...make of that
what you will. He screams as all the demons dive back into his body and the
demon tackles Peggy over the edge of the walkway. Peggy screams as they fall
toward the forge, then recovers and punches him several times before leaping
off his chest and grabbing the nearest crack in the wall as a handhold.
The demon creature tries to do something maybe to save itself, but Stephen's
head emerges from its neck and it stops. Peggy calls his name and he looks
at her one last time before closing his eyes and disappearing into the forge
with the hellbeast he created. The forge explodes and everything goes white.
Now. I would like to take a minute to bitch...sorry TALK about some of the
insane dudebro responses to this. Because once you got past the "out of
character" arguments, there was a whole lot of complaining about how
impossible it is that two women beat a guy that powerful, full of words like
"woke" and "girl power" and a wonton disregard for the fact that they were
LOSING until they attacked him with ALL THE WEAPONS and he still had to yeet
himself into his own death machine in the end.
Chrissy: Yeah, they...cannot be
reasoned with. Might as well save your breath.
Emilio: Or at least save it for "The Marvels" where it's going to
be a WHOLE thing.
Diandra: Ugh. I...don't know that I want to face that whole gleeful
takedown of a movie before it even got off the ground and how they think
it proves they are in control of what stories do and don't get told in
this universe.
Chrissy: That is literally why fanfiction exists.
Diandra: Because women are so used to men controlling the narrative
that they had to create their own spaces where they can rewrite it? Yeah.
That's basically the conclusion of every book on fandom studies including
the very non-academic one I got an essay into.
Peggy cautiously opens her eyes again to find herself in the hall of mirrors
or wherever that place is that the Watcher resides. She guesses this means
she's not dead. He says no, and neither is Kahhori. He already sent her
The screen goes white again and then comes into focus on the New York
skyline as seen from somewhere in Central Park. It turns out we are seeing
what Peggy and the Watcher are seeing as she exposits that the woman
wandering over to sit on a park bench is Christine. Meaning Stephen's plan
worked. The Watcher says yes, it turns out he just had to die to bring her
back. This universe is now one he can never exist in.
Emilio: That is very comic book.
Diandra: Yes, it is. Sort of like Nebula undoing Thanos' snap and
turning herself into a vegetable in the process.
Or...whatever this is.
Peggy sighs about all the pain and suffering resulting in a world he could
never see. "And I nearly helped him do it." The Watcher shrugs that they
both saw the good in him, which was the part of him that took control at the
very end and "conquered his demons and saved his world."
Chrissy: Obvious metaphor is obvious.
Peggy realizes The Watcher must have seen the whole thing and how close they
came to losing. He says they didn't and "the multiverse didn't need me to
intervene" because she could handle it. A butterfly flutters over and lands
on his outstretched hand. He asks if she's ready to go back to her universe
now. She says yes, but suggests taking the "scenic route". The Watcher
chuckles that yes. They can do that. He swipes away the scenery, replacing
it with the multiverse tree Loki made himself into at the end of his show.
Which explains why some people said you could see the Watcher for a second
through the strands as he was doing it. The fanfare leads us into the
credits. And there is still no mid or post credit scene.
Chrissy: So do you want to do any of
the stuff that comes next or do you want to take a break and write any of
the stuff we've been prompting you with. Or the stuff you've been texting
us about.
Diandra: [grumble]
Emilio: Or we could recap something else. Like "The Night Manager".
Diandra: Chrissy tell you to say that at some point?
Emilio: Maybe.
Diandra: Uh-huh. Yeah, sure, we can try that.
Chrissy: Wait...what?
Diandra: Meanwhile, I'll debate whether I want to attempt at least
a brief runthrough of "Ms. Marvel", "The Marvels" and "Secret Invasion".
And "Echo".
Emilio: Skipping "Guardians 3"?
Diandra: Until it proves to be anything more than an over indulgent
farewell to those characters, yes. I'm not even sure about "Secret
Invasion" because it turns out we're STILL doing things out of order and
it was supposed to come AFTER "The Marvels", so we haven't seen how
important it is to anything upcoming yet.
Chrissy: Excuse me? Can we go back to the part where you maybe,
after YEARS of me nagging, just casually agreed to recap "The Night
Manager" after Emilio suggests it once?
Diandra: Did I?
Chrissy: ..................I'm not going to look a gift horse in
the mouth, but if you're just messing with me, so help me...