"Loki: Season 2", Episodes 1, 2 & 3
Starring: Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, Sophia DiMartino, Ke Huy Quan,
Wunmi Mosaku, Eugene Cordero, Jonathan Majors, the voice of Tara Strong,
Kate Dickie, Liz Carr, Neil Ellice, Rafael Casal
Yes, I am skipping right to this. I know the next thing was "Guardians of
the Galaxy 3", but I don't care. I am picking and choosing what I want to
recap and I will consider going back to that one if it proves important
later. This is the thing I like most about being a fan writer instead of
someone who gets paid to write (although I did get paid to do an essay in
book): I get to choose what I do and do not work on. So there.
Episode 1: Ouroboros
Previously on this series, Loki picked up the tesseract during "Endgame" and
branched off into his own series where he was arrested by agents of the Time
Variance Authority for not following the Sacred Timeline as maintained by a
variant of the new Big Bad who lives...lived...in a citadel at the end of
time with a talking holographic clock. Just...watch it. Trust me. You'll
want the memories of everything to be fresh going into this. Anyway, Loki
variant Sylvie killed Kang Who Remained after kicking Loki through a time
door back to the TVA, only it wasn't the same TVA, nobody recognized him and
there was a giant statue of Kang replacing the architecture honoring the
fictional "timekeepers" everyone believed were making sure things went as
they were supposed to until Loki and Sylvie revealed that they were
fictional and everybody working for the TVA is a variant whose memory was
Diandra: We haven't even started and
I'm already tired.
Chrissy: Yeah, remember when these things weren't so exhausting?
Diandra: What exactly is exhausting for you? You just show up with
alcohol and spend half the time trying to distract me with fic prompts.
Chrissy: Oh, I meant it's exhausting for you. But having to recall
every single thing that might be important in the hundreds of hours of
this franchise is getting exhausting for everybody.
Emilio: It's also why she does these recaps in the first place.
Diandra: Exactly. Okay, so before we get started, we should
probably get something straightened out. You were roleplaying Loki but not
Sylvie last time because you thought it would be too confusing, but I'm
not sure that was working, so I think you should be both this time. Emilio
can be all the Kang variants and I will still be Mobius. Anything else we
can evaluate as it comes up.
Emilio: Sounds like a plan.
Chrissy: Yeah, maybe not a good one, but it's a plan.
Diandra: [blows raspberry]
As before, the Marvel title card sequence is the same as always, but all the
snippets and the logo itself are green and the heroic fanfare has been
replaced by more ominous sounding music. Then we open on a shot of the Kang
statue and the music gets REALLY ominous. We pan out from the city sized TVA
into that main building where all the action took place before.
Specifically, that open hallway Mobius walked Loki down in the first
episode. Now Loki is being chased by Mobius and a couple agents. He is
stopped by B-15 and a couple more agents who point guns at him. He appeals
to Mobius because "you know me." Mobius says he absolutely does not.
Loki apparently spots a close flying vehicle outside and leaps off the
balcony. Landing in the back of the flying car makes the driver swerve out
of control, smashing part of the Kang statue's face and crashing through the
window of the main control room where Casey was just buffing the shiny new
floor with the TVA logo on it. Loki flops out of the car onto the floor,
groaning like "I am getting too old for this shit." He waves at the people
all standing around gawking and says he's fine. Because that's what their
primary thought was. The car goes sailing to the ground, the driver
shrieking and he runs to check on that, assuring everyone that she's fine
too. The giant viewscreen ball hanging over the TVA logo snaps its cable and
crashes to the floor, cracking the marble. Loki flops against it for some
reason in some odd blocking, then rounds on Casey, who also doesn't
recognize him but just got an alert about a level five intruder. He calls
Loki starts to protest or something, but then does this thing that I just
realized I'm going to have a really hard time describing. Before this season
started, I saw fans sharing behind the scenes footage of Tom flailing and
making random, wild gestures. Obviously this was all stitched together in
editing so that he seems to be in multiple places at once but pausing at any
point when it's happening creates these weird mutant creatures with cockeyed
limbs and detached skin.

When he stops gumbying, he's in the same room but it looks very different.
The windows are completely covered now and there's fewer people milling
around. But Casey is standing over by the desks and calling Loki's name.
Loki staggers toward him, babbling about how he didn't know him a second ago
and SOMETHING TERRIBLE IS HAPPENING. He looks down and sees that the floor
has the crack in it from the falling monitor, but it looks old now. He asks
if it's always been there. Casey says yes, for as long as he remembers. Loki
realizes he isn't being pulled between different universes but between
points in time. He asks where Mobius and B-15 are. Casey takes a moment to
look him up and down, decide not to address the fact that he's dirty and
disheveled and has at least one spot of blood on his shirt, and starts
walking in the direction he thinks they are. Loki follows, but once he falls
off the camera's line of sight he makes a hiccuping/grunting noise and
disappears again.
Title card.
Chrissy: I'm interested to see how
you describe that before they officially call it "time slipping".
Diandra: Yeah, there are times when I am watching things for the
first time that I think "holy shit, how am I gonna describe THAT?" But now
that you jumped ahead like that, I can just call it what it is right now.
Thank you.
Chrissy: See? I CAN be helpful.
Diandra: Meh.
Mobius and B-15 are looking at the monitor with what used to be the sacred
timeline, contained within red boundaries. Except now it's branching all
over the place past those red boundaries, which are blinking alarmingly.
They talk about what they are supposed to do now that the branches are
growing out of control. B-15 thinks they should just let it happen and tell
everybody the truth about the TVA. Mobius isn't sure they're ready for that.
The lights blink crazily, but the fact that things might be falling apart is
NOT gonna derail this conversation about free will. B-15 thinks everybody
should be able to return to the lives they had before the TVA took them from
it. Mobius isn't sure how they will react to finding out "hey, everything
you're doing is wrong and all your gods are dead."
Chrissy: Actually, literally ALL the
gods exist in the Marvelsphere, apparently.
Diandra: Not what he meant, but yes.
Casey wanders up just then to say Loki was just looking for them,
but...uh...not sure where he went after that. He just...disappeared. And he
looked like he was in pain? Mobius tries to use Miss Minutes to find him,
but he can't get her up and running. Another hunter cuts into the
conversation suddenly and Mobius identifies him expositorily as X-5, who
doesn't come down here often. He's flipping through one of Mobius' jet ski
magazines and asks if the stuff in here is on the sacred timeline because it
looks fun. This prompts Mobius to ramble about how jet skis are just a brand
of watercraft that became synonymous with the thing itself, like Kleenex and
Hoover (if you're British). X-5 finally has to cut him off because he
doesn't actually care. Mobius asks why he brought it up then.
Chrissy: Yeah, this is why you don't
ask people about the thing they geek out about.
Emilio: No, this is why you surround yourself with people who geek
out about the same things you do.
Diandra: Which is why we are friends.
X-5 ignores the question to announce there's going to be a new judges
council now that Renslayer is MIA. This introduces two characters: General
Dox and Judge Gamble, who would like to see them in the "war room". Really
with these names?
Emilio: Yes.
Mobius and B-15 follow X-5 to the elevator and the doors close seconds
before Loki pops screaming back into existence and nearly gives Casey a
heart attack. He just asks where Mobius is this time and Casey points him in
the direction of the war room. Loki tries to follow and almost catches up to
them before time slipping again so Mobius just hears his voice calling and
getting abruptly cut off from the end of an empty hall. Mobius and B-15
agree that they need to just tell the judges' council the truth, but Mobius
thinks they need to do it "gently". The lights are still flickering
occasionally and they don't know why.
The agent who pruned Mobius last season (D something?) comes out of the war
room as they reach it and sheepishly apologizes to Mobius. Mobius
understands he was just following orders and it should be Renslayer
Chrissy: How are you doing with this
memory test so far?
Diandra: Who are you? Where am I?
Chrissy: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Somewhere, Loki timeslips back into the hallway, panting. He finds the "war
room", but it's empty. He scowls at a bronze mural with five faces of Kang
on one wall and we switch to the same room with a different mural (of the
time keepers) where the council is listening to a tape of Loki screaming
about all the employees of the TVA being variants. Mobius and B-15 are
escorted in just as he gets to the part about Sylvie being able to access
those memories the TVA erased. The lady at one corner of the table stops the
tape and notes that the branches are spreading way past the red line and
they gave the order to STOP pruning shit? B-15 says they can explain.
Another lady with a thick Scottish accent tells her to do it into the
microphone because they want this all on official record.
We snap back to wherever Loki is and he goes to the wall mounted tape player
and starts a different recording. "You are quite a marvel," Kang Who
Remains' voice smarms. "I will be proud to lead with you. You made a
difference in this war. Thank you for being on my team." Loki frowns at the
machine, rewinds the tape further. This time the recording begins with Kang
saying "for us. For all time," and he is answered by Renslayer. "Always."
Scottish lady asks B-15 who gave them the authority to stop pruning. B-15
says they didn't have time to take this through proper channels and did you
miss the part where WE ARE ALL VARIANTS? The other lady, now identified as
Judge Gamble, notes that D-90 (right, that's the guy) testified about seeing
Renslayer's variant on the timeline. B-15 says yes, they are ALL out there
somewhere. Mobius cuts in that the timelines are branching and the sky
hasn't fallen, so... X-5 cuts in that he must be looking at a different sky.
He points to the giant robot head Sylvie cut off the animatronic
"timekeeper", which they have sitting right on the table and yelps that this
changes EVERYTHING. General Dox (by process of elimination) snaps that it
changes NOTHING. They have to protect the timeline. B-15 laughs that that's
what she thinks they're doing. Nah, because to "protect" that one timeline,
they've been destroying all the others deemed wrong. Dox doesn't like the
way she paints pruning as mass genocide, but hey.
The three women argue for a bit before Gamble snaps at them to stop. "All my
life I've always handed down the same verdict," she says. Because that was
how the time keepers wanted it. B-15 turns to her and says it's hard to turn
your back on everything you believe in, but "the TVA has to change." They
can't just go back to pruning things. Gamble realizes she really can do
anything now and officially orders cessation of all pruning. And then she
does a great job of not reacting at all as Loki screams into existence next
to her and half collapses on the table.
Mobius jumps and they run to each other and probably half the fandom expects
them to hug or kiss or something, but Loki just grabs his shoulders and
babbles about Mobius not recognizing him before and he needs help. General
Dox yells a stand down order to get everyone to quiet and the guards to back
off. Loki says he found him. Mobius asks who he's talking about and Loki
nods at the wall the brass mural was on, frowning as he realizes it has the
three "space lizard" time keepers again. He grabs X-5's prune stick and jams
it in the wall, burning away the new mural to reveal the old one and yells
that this is the man who built this place and abducted them from their
lives. And he's coming back. Mobius approaches him like he's a spooked horse
and asks him to put the weapon down. Loki keeps babbling about how "she" was
going to kill him. Mobius asks if "she" is Sylvie and Dox lights on that
name, asking where she is. Loki doesn't know. Mobius starts guiding him
away, saying things like 'you're okay now. Calm down.' X-5 grabs his stick
back before they leave the room and goes over to General Dox, who presses
their foreheads together in a way that suggests they are either lovers or
blood relatives and says even if the timekeepers weren't real, their
"warnings" were. "We need to know what happened at the end of time. Find
Sylvie. She's the reason we're in this mess."
Loki has registered the part where Dox was asking about Sylvie now that they
are out in the hall and asks Mobius who that was and what she wants with
Sylvie. Mobius tells him not to worry about her and asks if he's okay
because last he saw he was facing down a smoke monster. Loki says that was
just a "distraction". Or a guard dog. Whatever. Back to that guy whose face
is on the wall: they found him in a citadel at the end of time. Mobius asks
what happened to Sylvie. Loki doesn't know because he left her there and
didn't see what happened next. He whimpers that he needed time to think and
it was an impossible choice and the consequences... Mobius grabs his arm and
begs him to slow down and try to run that again. Loki pauses and says they
found the man behind the curtain. Sorry, the man at the end of time. And he
explained in an eleven minute monologue that "freeing the timeline" is just
going to bring about a massive war starring many versions of him. "You came
to kill the devil," he quotes. "Maybe he was. But maybe he wasn't. She was
convinced he was." Mobius, just goes quiet, apparently resigned to ride this
out. Loki says they fought and Sylvie kicked him through a time door. Mobius
is like 'so she won then.' Loki bristles and says it was a draw.
Chrissy: Yeah, you keep telling
yourself that, buddy.
Diandra: I knew it would work better to have you as Sylvie.
Chrissy: Whatever. You just want the easy entertainment of me
getting confused about who I am midway through an argument with myself.
Emilio: That too.
Loki says he was trying NOT to fight her, he just wanted her to stop trying
to kill Him. "I just wish I had tried harder. I wish I'd had more time."
Yeah. Hold that thought. Mobius tries to calm him again. "Focus on what we
know." Loki points to the artwork on the walls near them depicting the
timekeepers forming the sacred timeline in one panel and the war they were
preventing in another. He says THAT is what is coming now. And it's possible
the man at the end of time was right about the pruning and the preservation
of the Sacred Timeline preventing it. "There was no simple choice. No other
way." Mobius is starting to catch on and asks if this is the same man whose
face he showed them back in the war room. He says yes, he is known as He Who
Remains and this is his kingdom, which he built and which he CLAIMS is
keeping everybody safe from a war brought about by his own variants. Mobius
doesn't remember any of this. Loki reminds him about the memory wiping,
which he apparently did more than once because if he's slipping through time
instead of parallel universes there was another version of the TVA before
this one that didn't work.
Loki starts going back to the war room to explain again, but Mobius stops
him because he needs to know how Loki just...appeared like that. Was that
where the time door Sylvie kicked him through spat out? He says no, he was
in the past of the TVA. Mobius reminds him that there IS no past of the TVA
because it exists outside time. Loki shrugs that it must be INSIDE time now
because he's seeing its history. They argue for a moment about whether
that's possible and Mobius is cut off when Loki timeslips, screaming, right
in front of him. He just stares at the spot Loki was in shock. Loki
reappears a moment later, twitching, and asks if he just saw that. Mobius
says um...yeah. Loki asks what it looks like and Mobius deflects and asks
how it FEELS. Loki cracks his neck and blusters that it isn't that bad,
really. Mobius is like 'okay, I'm just gonna lie and agree that it's totally
not horrifying so I don't alarm you'. He says they need to get him to
someone who can help and tries to call Miss Minutes again. Loki stops him,
saying she can't be trusted because she was at the end of time too, with
HIM. Mobius sighs and decides to take Loki to the "repairs &
advancement" department instead.
In the elevator, Loki returns to the argument that they need to worry about
He Who Remains here. Mobius thinks figuring out why he can't stay in one
place is more important at the moment because "I need a Loki Who Remains."
Loki argues that it isn't THAT bad and they don't have time to...and he
slips before he can finish the sentence, then comes back looking ragged.
Mobius says right, so as I was saying..."I can't keep looking at it 'cause
it's horrible." Loki is like 'you said it wasn't!' Mobius says he was lying
and it "looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time."
Chrissy: What kind of childbirth
videos did YOU watch?
Diandra: He probably doesn't remember watching ANYONE being born.
Do they get alien birthing videos in the
Anyway, he says it looks painful. Loki insists he's fine and he can take it.
Chrissy: Hmm, yes, I have a very high
pain tolerance. Once this is over, maybe I can show you just how much I
can handle if you get my drift. [flinches in anticipation] [pause] Wow.
Not even responding anymore?
Diandra: Sorry, what?
Emilio: I think I know that look she just had in her eyes. It's
what she gets when a plot bunny takes hold and there's a whole possible
fic idea playing out in her head.
Diandra: Shut up. No I didn't.
Chrissy: [squeals and claps hands] My work here is done.
Diandra: Ugh. Why must you always do this?
Chrissy: Because frankly, I found the way you talked about
finishing that long "Sherlock" fic distressing. It sounded like you were
declaring yourself officially retired as a fanfic writer. I feel like it's
my sworn duty as a fellow Fandom Old to keep you from leaving before all
of fandom is in the hands of actual children.
Diandra: If there's anything joining fan writer groups has taught
me it's that it's too late and fandom is already unrecognizable to me.
Emilio: That's because social media is full of trolls.
Diandra: That's also true.
Mobius asks a lady who has apparently been off camera in the elevator this
whole time to verify that it looks terrible and she gulps and averts her
Chrissy: She's just wondering if
maybe she didn't sleep off whatever she consumed last night after all.
They walk through a lunch room past a poster encouraging workers to limit
breaks to 17 minutes while Mobius continues prompting Loki to explain things
for the audience. This all started when he was kicked through a time door?
He says yes and maybe he was able to go into the history of the TVA because
Sylvie took the temp pad off He Who Remains. Mobius is like 'are we really
going to keep calling him that?' Loki says that's how he was introduced to
them. Mobius thinks that's arrogant. Loki thinks it might not be if he
actually is the only one remaining of millions of him.
They keep winding through hallways and down to a sublevel until they end up
in an eclectic little workshop, which is the domain of a new character. Ke
Huy Quan drops down on a swing to his post at the world's messiest desk. He
greets Mobius by name like 'oh my god, I haven't seen you in SO long, how's
it been?' Mobius, who is probably becoming increasingly distressed by
evidence his memory was wiped, fumbles to introduce him to Loki while
obviously having no clue who he is. Ke introduces himself as Ouroboros, but
"he calls me O.B." Mobius is like 'I do? Okay, sure.'
Chrissy: Isn't it great when our
roleplaying assignments are proven totally apt this late in the game?
Diandra: Yes, yes, my memory is shit. We get it. This is why I
OB, completely oblivious to his confusion, asks how long it's been since
they saw each other. He stutters that it must be "three or four..." "Four
hundred years," OB agrees.
Chrissy: So are they immortal or did
Kang Who Remains just make them believe they are?
Diandra: I don't know if anyone is 100% on the answer to that.
Although since they're still talking about this brief encounter where
nothing memorable happened that most people would forget after, like, two
days unless they have perfect recall of everything that ever happened in
their life, you might be on to something. Maybe the TVA is like that
in "Black Mirror" where people can experience decades every minute.
Chrissy: Oh god, now she's referencing ANOTHER sci fi show.
Emilio: Well, she did write that one
based on a "Black Mirror" episode.
Diandra: Okay, but fun fact: I recently had a conversation with a
coworker about something that happened and couldn't remember if it had
happened a month or a year ago. I don't think that's something that's just
me, because if there's one thing I learned from all my psychology studies
it is that the brain is WEIRD.
Chrisssy: Oh, I think we can all agree that yours is at least.
OB says Mobius was his last visitor. Four hundred years ago. Mobius asks how
the other guys are doing. "What other guys," OB asks innocently.
Emilio: You can see them too?
Diandra: Okay, I guess Emilio has chosen his roleplay.
Something spits from a pneumatic tube at the other end of the desk and he
runs to get it, rambling about how his work orders pile up if he takes a
break while he fixes whatever it is and sends it back. He says he doesn't
sleep, he just keeps working continuously forever, which...honestly doesn't
answer the immortality or illusion thing either way. Mobius says they just
have a quick question. OB returns to them, stabs the completed work order on
a spike and asks how things are going upstairs. Mobius starts rambling about
the time keepers until Loki roars out of existence again. "That! That's
what's been happening," he says. OB identifies it as time slipping. Mobius
says good, he knows what it is! Can he fix it then? "No. It's impossible to
time slip in the TVA." Mobius is like OBVIOUSLY it isn't. "Yeah. I'm having
trouble reconciling that," OB mutters.
We flip to some previous iteration of OB without glasses working on that
desk as Loki materializes in front of him. He takes a second to reorient and
identifies OB by name. "May I call you OB?" OB likes this nickname he's
never heard anyone use before, but "do I know you?" Loki babbles that he
does in HIS future because they just met about a minute in HIS past and you
know what? Time travel is a bitch. He says he's being pulled between points
in time, which Past OB identifies for him as time slipping. Except that's
not possible to do in the TVA, but he just saw it happen and "I'm having
trouble reconciling that."
Spin back to the present and OB is assuring Mobius that it may LOOK like
time slipping, but it MUST be something else because he's never ever ever
seen that happen before. And then he frowns and says wait, yes he has. That
guy that was just here came to him a long, long time ago and he's just
remembering it now for some reason. Mobius realizes it's because Loki is in
the past talking to him RIGHT NOW and it's changing his memories.
Chrissy: AKA, the time travel
phenomenon that isn't possible according to the writers of "Endgame".
Diandra: Yeah. I find it hilarious how insistent some fanboys are
in their mansplaining of How Time Travel Works while being completely
oblivious to the fact that it works the same way characters powers do. It
changes from one movie/comic to the next as needed to service the plot.
OB agrees that that makes perfect sense and must mean time slipping IS
Past OB tells Loki that it would be a lot more "convenient" if they were
having this conversation in the future "and THIS were the past." "We were,"
Loki splutters. "This is the...never mind." They argue a little more about
whether time slipping inside the TVA is possible until Loki, exasperated,
tries the speculation angle. IF it were possible, how could they
hypothetically fix it so it stops? OB says someone in the time he wants to
end up in would need a "Temporal Aura Extractor".
Present. Mobius asks if he has one of those. OB cheerfully says no. Wait...
Past. Loki screws around with random objects on the desk while OB builds a
temporal extractor. When it's finished, Loki tells him to hang on to it
"until my friend Mobius drops by."
Present OB frowns again and says "yes?" He pulls the machine he made a few
seconds/hundred years ago out from behind the desk. Mobius asks if he and
his friend happened to discuss how to use one of those things. OB says they
take it to the Temporal Loom, where it will pull Loki from the time stream.
Which could be dangerous because if you spend too much time inside, the
temporal energy could just rip your skin right off your body. Of course,
that will be a cakewalk compared to Loki, who in the past is shrieking about
how he has to "violently rip myself from every thread of time and space?"
Past OB says yeah, basically he has to prune himself because that process
basically releases things from time. Once he does that, the extractor can
pull him into the present. Hopefully. Loki stares at him for a beat, then
asks what happens if the extractor doesn't work. "You heard about if you
fall into a black hole you turn into spaghetti?" Loki says he hasn't.
"Good," OB says uncomfortably. "The less you know about that the better."
Loki time slips back into the present, slamming into Mobius. OB is like
'great! He's back. Good luck with the not turning into spaghetti plan!' Loki
says there MUST be another way. OB just smiles and hands him a prune stick.
The light on the desk flickers, which he notes has been happening all day.
Mobius says yeah, they've been having power surges everywhere. OB turns to
him with an ominous expression and says "what did you say?"
Because he has not been privy to recent events, he didn't know they had
stopped pruning and the Sacred Timeline is now branching all over the place.
He babbles as they walk back through hallways about how that might be the
cause of both the power surges and the timeslipping. B-15 joins them as they
round a corner and OB says the Temporal Loom is getting overloaded. B-15 is
like 'the what now?' OB says it's in the guidebook that every desk at the
TVA has a copy of. He pulls his from his pocket. "It's a detailed index of
every mechanical classification and maintenance routine in each sector, on
every device, and inside every computer program at the TVA," he recites
while he throws it blindly into the air behind him and Loki catches it.
Chrissy: I won't even ask how many
takes it took to get that right.
And continuing this long shot full of shit that could go wrong and mess up a
take (the kind fanboys are weirdly enamored with), he steps aside to open a
door before adding that he wrote the guidebook himself. As they move through
the door, Mobius asks if this part that's coming off the extractor he's
carrying is important. A lightbulb overhead explodes. They all stop moving
and the camera slowly pans to an ominous looking red door with a machine
thudding somewhere beyond it. The floor in front of it has the somewhat
hilarious warning: "DANGER! Temporal radiation levels escalate exponentially
beyond this threshold. Likelihood of spaghettification increases 7000%.
Proceed with caution." Side note: I am very alarmed that Microsoft Word is
able to autocorrect the word spaghettification.
The other side of the door isn't so ominous, unless you consider white
operating theater lighting terrifying. OB goes over to a computer station,
still rambling about how the Loom controls the TVA by converting "raw time"
into a "physical timeline". The light goes down to something more normal as
OB and Loki approach the viewing window and OB says it was never designed to
accommodate so many branches and yep, it's overloading. The "loom" in the
distance looks kind of like an hourglass tipped on it's side, but the input
side is larger than the output and there are sparks shooting to the side of
it. Mobius looks at the thick layer of dust on the nearest ancient computer
monitor and notes that OB doesn't get down here often. OB says Miss Minutes
always ensured he didn't have to besides running diagnostics every few
centuries. Loki asks how they stop a total meltdown. OB says they would have
to prune all those branches. B-15 says no, they're not killing ALL those
people. OB says the only alternative is him figuring out how to retrofit it,
but they'd have to close the blast doors in the meantime to protect the TVA
from it.
Loki realizes this only solves one of the two current problems and asks how
they fix the time slipping. OB says once he starts working on the retrofit
they won't be able to do the ripping out of all timelines at once thing, so
they'd have to do that first. Loki takes a couple trembling breaths and
turns the prune stick at his chest. OB is like WAAAAAAAIIIIT a minute, I
didn't mean do it RIGHT GODDAMN NOW. They need to get Mobius into position
to do his part first. Mobius is distracted, writing "skin?" in the dust on
the monitor. OB gets his attention and says he needs to go out there to
launch the extractor and get Loki out before he closes the blast doors. He
hands Loki a timer that is "synced" with the Loom. He just needs to self
prune when it turns green, which will indicate Mobius successfully launched
the extractor. Oh, and if he doesn't do it within seconds, he'll be "lost to
time forever and Mobius will lose all of his skin."
Chrissy: Right. No pressure then.
He says they've got an hour. Something cracks the view window from outside
and he corrects that they have five minutes. As OB goes to get set up, a
hunter (D-90 again? I don't know, they all look alike) stumbles in to
announce that Dox and her men are raiding the armory. Loki concludes that
they're going after Sylvie because that's their only lead. He starts to walk
out of the room and Mobius cuts him off like THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT RIGHT
NOW. FOCUS. B-15 offers to handle the Dox situation for them and wishes them
luck before vacating.
Loki starts the "if I don't make it" song and dance with Mobius. Mobius
assures him he will, but Loki forges ahead and still doesn't get to the end
of whatever instructions he intended to give before time slipping. The prune
stick clatters to the floor and Mobius picks it up and whispers "he'll make
it back," to himself.
Loki ends up in an empty version of the control room. Something is beeping
and the window is completely gated. He finds the word "skin" still written
in the dust on a monitor and concludes he's in the future.
Emilio: So the good news is the plan
is bound to work, right?
Diandra: Unless it's only one version of the future and something
could still go catastrophically wrong to change it.
He realizes he's no longer holding the stick and runs off to...find one? I'm
starting to think a lot of this episode especially was written as an excuse
for Tom to get paid for just doing his cardio ON camera.
Past. OB is strapping Mobius into a big space suit connected to a long tube.
He warns Mobius that out past the doors, the temporal radiation will "age"
away this suit. Move quickly, launch the extractor and get back as soon as
OB tells him to and he'll be fine. Mobius asks how he's supposed to move
quickly in this thing. OB tells him he'll have to find a way before the
blast doors close and he's locked out there where he will "get very old and
all your skin will peel away and you will die." Mobius belatedly notices a
crack in the suit helmet and OB fixes it in a way that would make Mark
Watney proud: by slapping a piece of duct tape on it.
Chrissy: You remembered that name
without even looking it up? I'm starting to think your memory isn't BAD so
much as it is HIGHLY selective.
Emilio: You didn't get that from the last "Star Trek" recap where
she kept referencing specific episodes from multiple series?
Chrissy: Right. I suppose not everything makes it to long term
storage. Only so much space in the mind palace.
Diandra: Really? A "Sherlock" reference now?
Emilio: That's what started this whole roleplay thing, isn't it?
The fact that you ARE Sherlock?
Diandra: Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out if that's a
compliment or not.
OB goes out the sort of airlock door, a red light overhead spins and the
blast door opens. Mobius makes his way down a long walkway like he's walking
against a strong wind that occasionally threatens to blow him right back and
rips parts of his suit away.
Future. A woman announces over the PA that everyone should proceed to the
nearest "Time Door evacuation point" because they have a code 1127. Loki is
still running around in search of a prune stick.
Mobius gets to a giant ball and plugs the extractor in, punching some
buttons on a panel.
Future. The main Sacred Timeline monitor shows a chaos of branches on the
left of the "loom" hourglass and one wobbly line on the right, accompanied
by a flashing red "loom critical". Loki, who somehow still has the timer if
not the prune stick (plot convenience, that), checks the light that's still
red and keeps running in search of a stick.
Mobius smacks the ball thingy a couple times and it shoots the extractor
attached to a line into the loom.
Loki comes to a hallway as the light on the timer turns green. A phone rings
at the end of the hall.
OB tells Mobius he needs to close the blast doors and he should really get
out of there if he doesn't want to die. Mobius argues that they need to give
Loki a little more time.
Loki finds the phone in a corner next to an elevator that is being pried
open manually.
OB hovers a hand over a big red button and starts counting back from five,
but gets stuck on three. Mobius yells that he just needs some more time and
OB whispers "sorry" and slaps the button. The big heavy doors start rolling
closed. OB tells him he needs to give up and try to get back, accepting that
Loki is lost to time now. Mobius starts clomping back down the walkway and
OB mutters to himself that he won't make it.
The person prying the elevator doors open turns out to be Sylvie, except her
hair is longer now. She pants "there you are" when she sees Loki. Someone
prunes Loki from behind, but we don't see who.
And in the "present", there's a flash of light at the end of the cord where
the extractor landed and Loki comes shooting out of the loom, screaming,
colliding with Mobius and sending them both through the blast doors before
they close. Loki crawls out from under Mobius, whose suit seems to be
smoldering still, and mutters that they need to find Sylvie.
Chrissy: Please ignore the fact that
I literally just rolled you off of me and immediately talked about my ex.
Diandra: Yeah, I figured you were thinking about her the whole
Emilio: Ex?
Diandra: Thank you for choosing that part to focus on, Emilio.
Yeah, there was an article about the fact that the focus shifted from
whatever romantic subplot they were doing last season because the broader
story of this season didn't leave time for it, but one of the writers
described them seeing each other again as running into an ex.
Chrissy: I mean, we all knew it wasn't going to work out in the
long run. You were just the Getaway Car.
Diandra: .........................really? You're going to make me
regret making you Sylvie already?
Chrissy: I regret nothing.
Elsewhere, B-15 and D-90 pass a whole line of agents headed through a time
door. Dox pauses to stare at her for a moment and B-15 asks for the
audiences benefit after she goes through the door if this is all just for
Sylvie. D-90 mutters that he doesn't buy that and we smash to credits.
Mid credits, we see Sylvie as we left her last season step through a time
door in the middle of a field in Oklahoma. The chyron says it is 1982 and
specifically a branched timeline in Broxton, which yes, is where New Asgard
is in the comics but that seems to be no more than an Easter egg here. She
wanders into a McDonald's in town, where a babyfaced child working the
counter asks what she would like. She babbles about possum and rats and
"something that's already dead, and nothing with a face." He starts listing
the most popular menu items while she tunes him out and scans the faces in
the restaurant. "I wanna try everything," she says wistfully and the poor
kid in the background tries to figure out what that means while we return to
Chrissy: Yeah, I don't mean food,
honey. Although I COULD eat that cute couple over there if you know what I
Diandra: Yep, you're going to make me regret this.
Episode 2: Breaking Brad (no, really,
that's the title. Cute, writers. Real cute)
The previouslies are starting to include stuff that happened last season.
Specifically Renslayer going after the Lokis and Loki stopping Sylvie from
killing He Who Remains...initially, before getting shoved through the time
I forget if this only happened in one episode or all of them, but while the
Marvel logo is running all the clips of previous movies, the clip of Tony
snapping with the gauntlet switches abruptly to a shot of Miss Minutes. A
lot of people read WAY too much into that.
Chrissy: They just REALLY want to
undo his death and/or find a way to bring Robert Downey Jr. back.
Diandra: Yeah, weirdly in any way but having him as part of the
Illuminati in the 838 universe where they wanted Tom Cruise for some
Emilio: You're still on that?
Diandra: Sorry, I'm just...perpetually baffled by this fandom.
We come back to London in 1977 of the sacred timeline, where Mobius and Loki
step out of a time door wearing suits. "Thoughts," Mobius asks.
Chrissy: Yes, when are you going to
comment on how gorgeous I look dressed like this?
Diandra: Impressive. You managed to get your overheated thought
process in WHILE also roleplaying the target of your lust.
Chrissy: ...............
Diandra: [sigh] Yes, we all know you're pretty. Would it kill you
to pay ME a compliment once in a while?
Loki declares that Sylvie isn't here. Mobius doesn't know how he is so sure
of that literally two seconds after arriving. Loki says it doesn't "feel
right". It's "too safe" a location for someone accustomed to hiding in
apocalypses, I guess. Mobius suggests maybe she has changed tactics now
because they got a hit on X-5s temp pad that leads here. Loki suggests that
if the temp pad "went dark" immediately after that, she must have gotten
him. Mobius agrees, but says this is their only lead since both Dox and her
boy toy (or whatever he is) are unresponsive.
They come to a movie premiere where X-5, now Brad Wolfe, is arriving at a
red carpet in a limo. Loki helpfully exposits that he's an actor now. Mobius
suggests maybe it's a cover? Yeah, nope. Brad is schmoozing and preening in
front of reporters and women in general. Mobius gets at the end of the line
of reporters and asks if the movie premiering is going to get a sequel. Brad
hugs him and tells whoever cares that he used to work with this guy. He
tries to slip away, BSing that they need to catch up sometime and runs right
into Loki, who grabs him by the arm so he doesn't escape. They ask what he's
doing here. He seems to sober a little and says yeah, he can catch them up
on what's going on here, but they should have drinks first. He goes to get
"whiskies" and immediately to the surprise of nobody starts running away.
Loki and Mobius go separate directions.
Out in the alley, Brad pulls out his temp pad. A lady follows, valley
girling that she just loves him and can she get an autograph? He turns
and...it's B-15. [Sidenote: I will talk about this more extensively in the
next episode, I'm sure, but the light is so bad here that the first time I
saw this I thought it was some random black lady and Loki had shapeshifted].
They grapple for the temp pad. She gets it as Mobius arrives and chases Brad
out onto the street and back into another alley. Brad yells that they're
"ruining my life here." A burst of green energy knocks him down and Loki
unbuttons his coat as he menaces down the alley toward him like he means
business now.
nnnmfffggghhhhhh...[incoherent growling]
Diandra: Okay, you can get back into character any time now.
Chrissy: ngggggghhhh...I'd like to get into that-
Diandra: CHRIS!
Chrissy: What?
Diandra: Recap!
Chrissy: What about it?
Diandra: Little help here, Emilio?
Emilio: Nah, this is more fun.
Brad gets back up and starts running through alleyways, Loki giving chase
like seriously what's with all the running? Brad is stopped by running face
first into a locked gate. Loki asks if he really thought he could outrun
him. Brad says yes, actually, pulls the temp pad and warps away. Except he
doesn't get far and just ends up on a street with a bunch of rough
characters who are like 'you got a pretty mouth.' He grabs a pipe and takes
a swing at them, but there's too many of them. One guy keeps coming at him
and the pipe swings right through him with a burst of green. Loki appears
behind him and mutters that this is really "unsophisticated." Brad pulls out
the temp pad and Loki magic whips it out of his hand and across the alley.
Brad snaps at him to cut that out and "fight fair." He runs around a couple
of the projections and flat into Loki again, who sighs that it isn't exactly
a fair fight, is it?
Brad runs in another direction, into Loki again. He does it a couple times
until he's backed against a wall with three Lokis menacing toward him, their
shadows all forming horns and responding to the copy whose eyes are glowing
green, reaching out to grab Brad by the arms. Mobius shows up and Brad yelps
that he didn't do ANYTHING wrong here. Mobius asks why he ran then. Then he
mutters to the Loki controlling the shadows that the "shadow play" is "a
little over the top, don't you think?"
Chrissy: I will remind you of that
question later when I show you the fun way I can use it.
Diandra: Yeah, you would, wouldn't you?
A different Loki responds that he didn't think so and the other two copies
Title card.
Chrissy: You don't have to play the
damsel in distress, if that's your hang up. You can just watch while I
play with myselves.
Diandra: ......you're just going to keep going until I respond,
aren't you?
Chrissy: AHA! Emilio was right! I saw it in your eyes when you
hesitated there. The plot bunnies are biting!
Diandra: That's not a plot bunny. You just appealed to my specific
form of asexual kink and my lizard brain was going 'that sounds kind of
hot actually. File that for later.'
Emilio: What if it was someone else playing damsel in distress?
Like...another magic user?
Diandra: Why are you still prompting her?
Chrissy: Yes! It wouldn't even have to actually BE him. I could
probably make a projection speak like a Brit pretending to be German
pretending to be American who struggles with vowel sounds.
Diandra: I hate you both.
Emilio: No, you don't.
Chrissy: But seriously, he's always been able to do this and people
just discovered the concept of selfcest two years ago?

We need to stop referencing this.
B-15 and D-90 drag Brad/X-5 into the TVA where they are met by Mobius and
Loki, the latter of which makes a snarky comment on how good he looks in a
prison jumpsuit. "It's tighter than you think it's gonna be, isn't it," he
asks, gesturing at his neck, so specifically referring to the collar. And I
say this because...
Emilio: That's what she said.
Diandra: Just couldn't resist, could you?
Emilio: Sorry.
Chrissy: No, but that actually isn't totally off topic since they
had to redesign the Loki costume originally to hide Tom's not at all
family friendly bulge. I imagine this onesie is the one costume that
couldn't possibly present that problem.
Diandra: [sigh] Of course you remember that.
Brad sneers that he'll make sure Loki's collar is looser next time he needs
Chrissy: Absolutely not. Were you not
paying attention to that discussion about how much I can take? I will TELL
YOU when I can't handle it.
Diandra: .............the whole recap is going to be like this,
isn't it?
Chrissy: You knew what you were getting into.
B-15 tries to get back to the point. She holds up the temp pad he was using
and asks what he did to it. He says he added some colorful buttons and
YOU'RE WELCOME. She's like 'you know we're going to make you tell us if you
found Sylvie, right?' He scoffs and some other agents manhandle him through
a doorway as B-15 assures them that he WILL talk. She hands the temp pad to
Mobius with instructions to have OB look at it.
So back down in OB's mess of an office, Loki and Mobius find him sitting on
the floor behind the desk tinkering with a device. Loki asks how the fixing
of the loom is going. OB says he's working on this "retrofit device" that
will hopefully accommodate all the new branches now. Mobius asks if he could
take a look at the temp pad. OB takes it and asks if it's a "higher priority
than preventing a Temporal meltdown". Both Loki and Mobius immediately say
no, absolutely not. OB shrugs and says everything they need to know about it
is in that manual he wrote anyway and hands them back a copy with the temp
pad before returning to his device tinkering.
B-15 finds Casey among the work stations and asks if he's gotten a hit on
Renslayer's temp pad. Casey gets fidgety and whispers that that's supposed
to be a SECRET mission, isn't it? B-15 cocks her head and quickly runs down
all the crimes Renslayer committed in case anyone forgot. She killed C-20,
tried to kill Mobius, "threw me in Time Jail and tried to take over the
TVA." So, you know...running a trace to figure out where she might be now is
totally normal, actually. Casey is like 'oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense.
But we don't have anything because Miss Minutes is down and we're all doing
things the hard way and "it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack."
But he WAS able to figure out who sent the last message to her pad.
But before he can give a name we switch to Mobius' desk, where Loki is
trying to open the temp pad while Mobius reads the directions and they argue
about whether they're even doing it right or on the right page of the manual
Chrissy: Yeah, as I recall,
was the one having this problem, not me. I'm good at finding the
right buttons.
Diandra: Ah, shit. I forgot that was a thing.
Chrissy: I can probably still show you my dark passage later if
you're interested.
Emilio: [fit of giggling]
Diandra: I'm glad somebody is enjoying this.
Loki thinks he can help Mobius focus by reminding him that if they can't
figure this thing out, the whole place is going to be destroyed.
Chrissy: Hmm, no, that's probably
just going to make you more tense, isn't it? Maybe if we found a quiet
corner somewhere and I helped you relieve that tension?
Diandra: Is the fact that this show is nearing the end and you KNOW
how it ends making you kick into overdrive or something?
Chrissy: Maybe.
B-15 shoves Casey in front of them so he can tell them what he just told
her. "Miss Minutes is helping Renslayer," he says. This prompts Loki to
remember the recording he heard in the previous iteration of the War Room
between Renslayer and He Who Remains. "It sounded like they were partners."
Mobius asks where Renslayer and the evil clock are now. Uh...still don't
know. Casey watches Loki manipulating parts of the temp pad and asks what it
is. Mobius and Loki explain that it's a temp pad X-5 somehow rigged to
supposedly block tracking. Casey says that's not what it's doing and takes
it, saying he can figure out what it's doing, but the modifications
definitely are not blocking trace. Loki and Mobius decide they need to "take
a run at" Brad.
Outside the interrogation room, Mobius tries to coach Loki and B-15 to "keep
it simple" and focus on certain questions and remember that he's an asshole
who will DEFINITELY try to get under your skin, LOKI.
Chrissy: What are you looking at me
for? You ALL get under my skin. You're a very annoying species.
Brad starts mocking Loki the minute they enter the room, reminding him that
he "outranks" him and doesn't even work here so what authority does he have
for anything here? Mobius asks what he was doing on the sacred timeline. He
says he was just making movies and minding his own business actually. Loki
takes out the temp pad and asks what he did to it. He tries the tracker
block explanation again, but they know that's not what it does now. He goes
back to the 'none of you have authority to hold me here' argument. B-15 says
she doesn't NEED approval to arrest a hunter gone AWOL. He reminds her that
SHE is the one who was talking about their lives on the timeline and now
she's mad that he went to live in his for a while? "There are lives at
stake," Loki argues. Brad thinks it's hilarious that the guy who
orchestrated an attack on Earth that prompted the formation of the Avengers
is making that argument. Or, as he phrases it: "you're just trying to make
up for all the terrible, awful shit you've done in your life, you pathetic
little man."
Loki takes a deep breath while Mobius tries to cut Brad off like 'I TOLD YOU
HE'D DO THIS.' Loki says no, this is good. Keep talking. I wanna hear it.
Brad says everything he and Sylvie have been doing to "help" has only made
things worse. "See, I've read your file. It's you. You're the problem."
Chrissy: Yes, everyone can agree on
that. Hi. I'm the problem. It's me. It must be exhausting always rooting
for the antihero.
Diandra: [loud groan]
Emilio: We should have made this a drinking game.
Diandra: Ugh. Are you trying to get me in trouble with his fanbase?
Chrissy: If there's anything we learned from your time in the
"Sherlock" fandom, it's that you don't need any help pissing off rabid
Diandra: Was that...supposed to be reassuring, or...
Emilio: Sarcasm is her love language.
Chrissy: Thanks, Emilio. But seriously, I thought we talked about
you not caring what the insufferable tweens threatening to take over all
of fandom think. It's not like I'm doing it to be mean or anything.
Obviously I love him. But it was RIGHT THERE. I can't just ignore it!
Emilio: And weren't you the one calling Cumberbatch a
flaming pussy, like, repeatedly?
Diandra: That was an accident I couldn't have seen coming and I've
apologized for it at least three times now. But whatever. Point taken.
Thank you, memory keeper, you can let that one go any time.
Emilio: Nope.
Brad says Loki thinks he's special, but every version of him is the same and
they ALL just make things worse. "For Mobius. For B-15. For your mother."
Loki starts looking particularly murderous at that last one, of course. Brad
keeps pushing, saying he always loses and should just stop trying to be a
hero already because he will ALWAYS be a villain. "And you're good at it. Do
that." Loki laughs in a way that can only be described as an evil cackle and
thanks him for that. Because he's right of course. He nods at Mobius and
says "he knows. It's the real me." Both Mobius and B-15 look nervous as he
keeps talking about how he's been holding back while ramping up the crazy
eyes. He starts menacing toward Brad, still rambling about biding his time,
waiting for the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY and Brad looks at the others like 'he's
got that look he had when he was ripping
that guy's eye out. Are you just gonna stand there?!' "...so I can do
terrible, awful things to you," he finishes.
Chrissy: [opens mouth]
Chrissy: I was just going to ask if I could get that sound clip.
Emilio: I can help you with that.
Chrissy: I love you. Hey, maybe we can pair it with a clip of Khan
offering to "destroy you" and feed Diandra's plot bunnies.
Diandra: I'm pretty sure there's already some Loki/Khan crossovers
out there somewhere, but why would I need to use Khan when Doctor Strange
is already...shit, why am I falling for this?
Chrissy: HA! Got ya!
Diandra: I already wrote
this fic!
Chrissy: Yeah, so it shouldn't be that difficult to do another.
Diandra: [makes several aborted attempts at speech] AUGH! [leans
into microphone recording session and switches to PA lady voice] We are
experiencing some technical difficulties. Please stand by while we find
our way back to the recap. Thank you.
Loki suggests they try ONE more time and leans in until Brad starts leaning
backward out of his chair. "Where. Is. Sylvie?" Brad regains his confidence
that Loki is just putting on a show and sneers that Loki is "too obsessed"
with her and in desperate need of therapy because it's WEIRD. Mobius pulls
Loki away from him and Brad is like 'yes! That's right!' "Control your
little pet, Mobius."
Chrissy: Ha. Cute. As if he EVER
Diandra: Hey, remember when I had a collar on you and I punished
you for running away by putting you in a time loop where you were
repeatedly kneed in the groin by an angry woman?
Chrissy: Right. That's probably why I remember calling you "daddy".
Diandra: No, you insisted on doing that despite me REPEATEDLY
begging you not to.
Mobius tries to get this thing back on track, kindly telling Brad that those
people back on the timeline could forget he ever existed unless he answers
their questions so they can put him back. Brad is like 'you think I believe
that's an option?' Mobius promises he will do it. Brad laughs and says he
would have made a great actor. Mobius blushes and says he's just an analyst.
Brad reminds him that he isn't. None of them are whatever they are at the
TVA. "None of this is real." They had whole other lives they were ripped
from. Does he even know who he was before? Mobius insists he doesn't care.
"You know they took our lives and you're still here," Brad presses. "You
need to wake up." He yells that they are NOTHING here, even the one who
actually remembers who he was before, until Mobius snaps and slaps him. Loki
rushes to drag him out of the room.
Loki follows Mobius downstairs through all those winding hallways asking if
he's okay and what just happened. Mobius insists that was a "tactical"
response and Brad definitely DID NOT get under his skin or anything.
Although he clearly rattled Loki, so. Loki says he's never seen Mobius like
this and "it's okay, I'm not judging." Mobius keeps saying he's FINE, damnit
and then they emerge in the "automat" room and he asks where the hell they
are. Loki says he was just following him.
Chrissy: Because I'm being a good
little pet so daddy can reward me later.
Diandra: Oh, hell no. We're not doing this.
Mobius whines that HE was following LOKI, which Loki points out can't be
right because he was in front in that narrow hallway.
Chrissy: You must be distracted if
you didn't even notice the fact that you couldn't even SEE my ass.
The "automat" is a self serve cafeteria, so Loki offers to get Mobius a
slice of pie. Mobius asks for key lime and I suddenly understand why
Facebook was advertising Loki themed key lime coffee to me the week this
episode aired.
Chrissy: Again, streaming shows don't
"air", but more importantly I feel I should note that you actually did buy
that coffee because I saw the bag on your kitchen counter.
Diandra: Yeah, I also bought the two Indiana Jones themed coffees
they had. Clearly I am very suggestible.
Emilio: That would be the other reason Chrissy keeps prompting you
with fic ideas during these things.
Chrissy: So, how is the coffee?
Diandra: Meh. At least the artwork on the bag is cool.
Mobius pulls a very artificial jello looking bright green pie slice out of a
fridge cubby and they sit at a table in the empty cafeteria eating. Mobius
declares it "really good" in dialogue that seems to only exist for the
weirdest cross marketing campaign I've ever seen. [ETA: I'm still seeing
these ads in my feed]. Then he admits that Loki was right, that wasn't
a tactical move back there. He just lost it. Loki reassures him that these
sort of things happen. Like the time "I was so angry with my father and my
brother I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York City hostage
with an alien army. Tried to use the mind stone on Tony Stark. It didn't
work, so I threw him off the building."
Chrissy: Sorry, which of us defeated
Thanos again? And which of us got his pretty little neck broken trying to
double cross him?
Diandra: ........
Emilio: .........
Chrissy: Oh, right, I'm both of them. Ahem. I'm sure I could have
done it if I had ALL the infinity stones too, but I try not to rely so
heavily on props.
Chrissy: Says the person who had
issues with his glow stick. I'm always up for another round though
if you wanna try again.
Diandra: Okay, let's move on before this gets really weird.
Emilio: Too late.
Chrissy: No, we are never, ever, ever getting back together.
Diandra: .....did you just...
Emilio: [laughing] yep!
Anyway. Loki says that wasn't tactical either. He just "lost it".
Chrissy: See how you do when that
cocky son of a bitch is laughing about your performance issues.
Diandra: Yes, well, there are other ways to prove your manhood,
Chrissy: ...wait, who are you right now?
Diandra: The shipper who is finally understanding the surge in
FrostIron fics.
Chrissy: Really? Only now?
Loki gently redirects to the topic of why what Brad said set Mobius off. Has
he considered visiting wherever he came from on the timeline?
Diandra: Isn't that a thing that was
only even possible recently as far as anyone knew? You know, since you
destroyed everything of the branch after you removed the variant that
spawned it? See, this is why I found myself asking recently where the fuck
Steve brought those three infinity stones back to. If Loki taking the
tesseract prompted the TVA to come in and burn that branch, where could he
have returned the two other stones they had already collected to?
Chrissy: .......oh, honey. We really need to have a long discussion
sometime about you putting too much thought into these things.
Loki asks if he's curious at all about the life he was supposed to be
living. Mobius says no, not really, because it isn't HIS life and he doesn't
play "what if" games with thoughts about what it might have been. "The TVA
is the only life I've ever known. I like it." Loki acknowledges that it
might be daunting to think about because it could always be worse. Mobius
thinks it would be worse if it was BETTER actually, because who wants to
learn that they could have had a better life if they weren't kidnapped by an
agency for disrupting the "correct" flow of time? Loki is like 'yeah, okay,
never mind,' and licks his...is that a spork? Brushing that moment aside, he
says X-5/Brad is never going to talk to them. Mobius thinks he will, they
just need to find the right angle. He says the guy was "really good at his
job" here at the TVA, so why would he be spending all that time down there
NOT finding the woman he was sent to find? Loki says Sylvie is really good
at hiding, having done it her whole life. They play a little "what if" to
reconstruct a likely scenario. He had a rigged temp pad. He must have found
her, but decided he would rather live his stolen life than go back to the
TVA to turn her in. "He's the only one who knows where Sylvie is," Loki
concludes. Mobius reminds him he is the god of mischief, so he should be
able to find a way to make him talk, right?
Chrissy: Yeaaaaaaahhhh, um...he
wasn't wrong about my plans turning to shit though. They usually do.
Diandra: Still don't want to talk about the horse thing?
Chrissy: Why is that always the only story from that pantheon you
seem to remember? What IS it with you and mpreg?
Meanwhile. OB is headed into the Loom control center while the PA system
lady warns that the Loom is unstable and somebody needs to do something
about it immediately. We peak behind the gate that is down now to see all
the threads on the one side of the hour glass seeming to break that end. OB
plugs the device into a terminal, taps a couple buttons on a keyboard and
gets a buzzing error noise in response. He tries again and the lights all go
out and the screen says access is denied because "invalid temporal aura".
Brad is laying on the floor of the cell when Loki enters, alone, and
completely neglects to close the door behind him. Brad asks if he's ready
for round two then. Loki says he needs to get a few things off his chest.
Brad cranes his neck in a way that makes it clear Loki is standing over him
and asks if he's going to try "hardball tactics" this time.
Chrissy: Interesting that you're
thinking of balls right now when you have a clear view of my crotch.
Emilio: Are they hard though?
Diandra: Oh, jesus, STOP.

There's a creaking noise and we watch from Brad's upside down perspective as
Loki helps Mobius get a machine over the threshold. Brad, clearly
recognizing it, asks where B-15 is. Mobius says she's not gonna be involved
in this one. Brad blusters that they really think he believes they're going
to torture him. "You are getting desperate." Loki says he isn't wrong,
actually, while he plugs the machine in. Because this is their last option.
"This is cute. Which one of you came up with this little script," Brad
Mobius keeps rambling about Brad leaving them no choice and Loki interrupts
him to note that they're missing the controller. Mobius sighs and goes to
get that. Loki locks the cell door behind him and says actually there IS
another option and he "wrote a little script of my own." Mobius bangs on the
door and yells for him to stop this. Oh, and he does have the controller: a
comically large thing that couldn't possibly have not been noticeable
sticking out of his pocket. He says great, now to ask some questions. Did
Brad find Sylvie and where is she? "Simple question really, but that doesn't
mean we can't enjoy ourselves as we go along."
Chrissy: Remember what I said earlier
about our choices of roleplay being validated now?
Diandra: [heavy sigh] yes.
Chrissy: My go-to safeword is "Ragnarok", but I will also accept
Diandra: [groan]
He starts messing with the machine like he's not sure it's actually on or
not and Brad laughs because "you have no idea how to work that thing."
Chrissy: Pfft. Not reading the
directions makes it more exciting.
Loki shrugs that he's a villain, remember, and pulls a cord to start it like
it's a lawn mower. Outside, Mobius yells that this is NOT the sort of
mischief he meant and "Loki, you are NOT a villain!" The machine whirs to
life and Brad starts backing away while apologizing for the things he said
earlier, particularly about his mother. He yells at the door for Mobius to
get his ass in here NOW. Mobius yells back that it's locked. Brad tells Loki
to put that controller down because he doesn't know what he's doing over
there. Loki is like 'and that's gonna stop me?' He asks what this button
does and presses it. An amber colored box forms over the stool Brad was
sitting on, shrinks it and disappears. Loki laughs, says there's a sort of
"learning curve" with this thing, isn't there? Brad sneers that he could
KILL him with that thing. Loki perks up like 'really now? There's a thought
that would never have occurred to me. Thanks!' An amber box forms around
Brad and Brad tries not to shit himself. He orders Loki to turn it off. Loki
is like 'is that this button?' and shrinks the box horizontally. Brad says
he doesn't know where Dox et. al are. Loki shrinks the box vertically and
Brad has to crouch. He growls that he DOESN'T KNOW, OKAY? Loki is like 'oh,
you are a good actor, aren't you? So convincing!'
Brad keeps repeating that he doesn't know anything and they didn't tell him
what the plan was and DON'T PUSH THAT BUTTON. He says he lied because he was
SUPPOSED to be looking for Sylvie, but he "bailed". "What's the penalty for
a highly decorated field officer abandoning his mission," Loki asks. "You
and Dox? I don't buy it." The box shrinks again and Brad starts yelping that
he went to take back his life down there because "none of this is real!"
Loki is like 'oh, well, then this won't hurt if you're not real, will it?'
The box shrinks some more and Loki prompts Brad, who is starting to look
like a contortionist, to just tell him where Sylvie is. Brad shrieks that
she's down there living her new life too and Loki releases the box, causing
him to crash to the floor. "There we go. Got there in the end."
Chrissy: I pride myself on always
"getting there".
Diandra: Isn't the goal of your job to get the other guy "there"?
Chrissy: ............how do you write kinky porn when you're like
this? Seriously, how?
Diandra: Who needs first hand experience when I have friends like
you to overshare things I really didn't need to know?
Loki stands over him while he pants that he really did "bail", but AFTER he
found her on a branch off the timeline. Mobius opens the door and enters and
Loki is like 'your plan worked great, honey!' Brad grumbles that that was
all part of the plan and asks if they'll let him go if he tells them where
Sylvie is. Mobius says he's not going to TELL them. He's going to SHOW them.
Loom control. B-15 brings Casey into the control center because she thinks
he might be able to help. From somewhere, OB shrieks "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"
Chrissy: Well, at least you're not
panicking or anything.
He runs up the stairs, repeating that statement, notices Casey and shakes
his hand. "Oh, hey. Nice to meet you. We're all gonna die!"
Diandra: Yes, we really do have the
role plays right.
Emilio: Why do I feel like that isn't a compliment?
Diandra: Just an observation.
B-15 asks what he means by that. He says the blast doors won't open. Casey
asks if he tried the "C-12 bypass pathway". OB says it won't work. And he
would know because he wrote it. Casey gets a starstruck look and pulls out
his copy of the guidebook. "You're...Ouroboros?" He says he's practically
memorized the guidebook and OMG such a fan, could you sign my copy? OB
cheerfully reaches to do so and B-15 is like 'can we get back to the part
where you said we're all gonna die here?' OB says right, the blast doors are
locked and can only be opened by a live scan of the original designer's
temporal aura. Note all the qualifiers there. The problem with this is that
the designer was He Who Remains, who is dead in the citadel at the end of
time. He says they could get Miss Minutes to override, but...well... Casey
concludes they need to "convince a rogue artificial intelligence to come
back to work?" OB says they need to do it fast because those growing
branches are taking them ever closer to total meltdown.
Oklahoma, 1982. Brad, Mobius and Loki step out of a time door under a
McDonald's sign. Getting really brazen with the product placement, huh?
Mobius threatens to put him right back in that cube with Loki at the
controls if he's wasting their time here. Brad says she is DEFINITELY in
there and they should go find her while he heads back. Mobius asks why he's
being so skittish. It's like he's afraid of her or something. Brad is like
'uh...yeah. She killed 400 of us. Aren't you?'
So, inside, Sylvie is handling orders when she looks up to find Loki, Mobius
and Brad standing in the doorway and her face falls. Loki slowly approaches
the counter while Brad tries to get Mobius to retreat again. Mobius says
he's not going anywhere until he gets some apple pie.
Chrissy: Are we sure he isn't a
variant of Dean Winchester?
Diandra: Who?
Chrissy: Oh, honey. We really need to get you to watch that show.
Loki goes up to the counter and he and Sylvie do the awkward running into
your ex song and dance while sappy music plays across the soundtrack. She
snaps at him to order or something because she doesn't have time for this.
He asks if they can talk somewhere. She says she'll have her break in five
minutes and stomps away. Five minutes later, he meets her out front where
she tells him around a mouthful of food to talk fast. She climbs up to sit
on the tailgate of another product placement: a Ford Ranger. He acknowledges
he's the last person she wants to see, but...
Chrissy: Even though *I* should be
the one that's bitter after you tried to take my head off because I
wouldn't go along with your plan.
He tells her about the bouncing around in time thing and when he was in the
future he saw her. "The TVA is in danger and you were there and I need to
know why." She's like 'oh, you see the future now, Nostradamus? Isn't that
special?' Yeah, as happy as she is to hear that her original plan of burning
the TVA down is on track, she doesn't really want to see it happen
personally. She's perfectly happy living this quaint little human life here
and never stepping in that building again. He argues that it was the FUTURE
he saw, so it IS going to happen. She thinks she killed the whole concept of
predetermination when she killed Kang Who Remains. He offers to let her read
his memories and see what he did. She doesn't want to. He argues that if
they don't work together, this whole place that she considers home now may
stop existing, but she just talks right over him that he has the NERVE to
come to her about this. He snaps that this is bigger than the TVA because if
what HWR says is true, it is the last line of defense against a time war
that will destroy everything.
Inside, Mobius is gushing about his apple pie and Brad is fretting over
whatever is going on outside. "What is happening? It's like they're going
over every detail of their relationship that's ever happened."
Chrissy: No, that wouldn't take long.
Mobius thinks there's a lot to "unpack" when "you're basically in a
relationship with yourself."
Chrissy: I mean, people think it's
easier because I know what I like, right? No. No, it just ends up being a
lot of 'dear god, am I really THIS annoying?' or 'how can you be this
stupid?' and 'you managed to make every single wrong decision possible,
how are you still alive?'
Emilio: [whispering] Is she playing one of them or just being
Diandra: I don't know anymore.
Brad says anyway, he brought them to Sylvie, so that's his end of the
bargain covered. Now they just need to send him back to the Sacred Timeline.
Mobius wants to ramble about how weird life is. One minute, you're snapping
and torturing a guy and the next you're buying him a shake. Brad mutters
that he's NOT forgiven, but takes a drink because hey, free food. Mobius
offers to talk about that movie they were at the premier of. Brad just tells
him to get tickets and see it, then asks why Mobius didn't just get the food
to go. Mobius questions why he's so eager to get out of the restaurant. Is
it some sort of set up? Is something going to happen? Brad sucks down the
rest of his shake and insists there is no set up, but he still looks
Outside, Sylvie puts the tailgate back up and starts heading back inside.
Loki says "you'll give everyone free will and walk away?" She points out
that uh, yeah, that's generally the way free will works. He asks what she
plans to do when his variants start showing up. She shrugs that she killed
one and it seemed to work, so she'll probably just keep doing that. Mobius
comes out with Brad in tow and says he needs to tell them something. Brad
says they need to talk back at the TVA because if they stay here, they're
all gonna die. And not just them, but all the people walking past them in
the parking lot right now. Sylvie loses patience and just enchants him,
seeing all the reset charges stuffed in bags that were carried through
during that last scene of the previous episode. We know that's what it is
because we get a repeat of the odd line that "this" was all just to hunt
down Sylvie. She tells Mobius and Loki that they're planning to bomb every
branch off the Sacred Timeline. She changes into her leather Loki outfit,
albeit with her coat still covering it.
Back at the TVA, a door opens and Brad is shoved through. B-15 asks Mobius
over the link what happened. He says Dox wasn't going after Sylvie, she's
just pruning ALL the branches. This revelation comes after they have already
noticed "targets" forming on the main screen and branches peeling back. She
orders everyone to start tracking the reset charges.
Meanwhile, Sylvie, Loki and Mobius are in the room Sylvie saw in Brad's
memories. Hunters/Minutemen are going in and out of time doors using
modified temp pads, which Mobius realizes is what happened to Brad's. B-15
tells Mobius they've killed billions already and he needs to get Dox NOW.
Loki says he'll "distract" them while they take out the control panel they
have the temp pads attached to.
Chrissy: Why is my job always just
"distract them"?
Diandra: Because it's the one thing you can't mess up? You
know...that's probably what Thanos had him doing with the alien attack all
They all run in and fight and after Sylvie takes out one of the controls,
Dox yells that they've been compromised and everybody should just "set off
what you can."
B-15 asks if they can neutralize the charges. Casey says they could if they
knew the location, but there's too many of them for that, so he's gonna call
Emilio: Funny how you suddenly need
the character you didn't even mention at all last season every five
minutes now.
Diandra: Yeah, that's...generally how these things work.
The Lokis are fighting minutemen with pointy objects and blasts of green
energy while Mobius prune sticks the control panels with the rigged temp
pads. They get down to the last of it and Sylvie says "don't overthink it",
grabs Loki's hand and they send a blast of green energy that knocks out
everything and everybody that's left.
We fast forward right to Mobius and their minutemen sending a collared Dox
and her men through a door to the TVA. He calls Loki over and they follow.
After a minute, Sylvie follows. All the main characters watch branches
recede on the Sacred Timeline monitor and B-15 cries over all those lives
lost. Something beeps and Casey says he just got a hit on Renslayer's temp
pad. While the rest of them are looking at that, Loki goes back to face a
very angry Sylvie. He apologizes that there was nothing they could do. "The
TVA is the problem," she hisses. "It's broken. It's rotten." She opens a
time door and says she's going to see if her newfound home even still
exists. Loki begs her to stay but she closes the door before he can even
finish the sentence. So he just wanders back over and puts a hand on Mobius'
Sylvie's branch. Sylvie is sitting on the hood of her truck after her shift
ends. The kid from the first scene with her comes out and asks if she's okay
and if she'll be back tomorrow. She says yes on both counts, identifies him
as "Jack" and asks if his mom is coming to pick him up. He says yes, he'll
be fine.
Diandra: Okay, here's the thing. That
dialogue was so unnecessary to the main storyline that it's totally
understandable that fans were spinning theories as to who he is and how he
might be important later after the episode aired.
Emilio: Again with the "aired".
Diandra: Dropped. Became available. Whatever. My point is that we
have become too accustomed, I think, to every little detail mattering.
Which is why they were SO pissed off about the Ralph Boner thing that was
just an in joke.
Chrissy: That and the fact that they just like their little
headcanons better than anything that is actually happening in universe.
Diandra: Or could happen. My favorite take on all the excited fan
theories about what Secret Wars would look like was "have you people even
read those comics? Because from what you're describing, I suspect you just
saw the cover and have no idea what it's actually about."
Chrissy: Well, it IS possible many of them can't read. Judging by
the incoherent drivel they produce with a keyboard anyway.
Sylvie holds up the temp pad, which is the more all encompassing one she
took from He Who Remains, it lights up and we go to credits.
There is no mid/end credit scene on this or any of the other episodes that I
can recall.
Chrissy: Can we go back to what you
said a couple minutes ago about Thanos using Loki as a distraction?
Diandra: Yeah, I mean...we've been talking about how there was
obviously something else going on there that we only got vague hints
about, likely because nobody knew if it would go anywhere at the time. Or
maybe just because there have been multiple writers and they don't always
use exactly the same playbook. But we know Loki was probably planning to
double cross Thanos and get the tesseract for himself or something. Or was
that just what he said in fic?
Emilio: That's what he said in YOUR fic. I assume you got that from
somewhere canon.
Diandra: How kind of you to assume that and not that I just forgot
what was canon and what was fanon. Anyway. Why send a completely
unpredictable yutz WITH one of the all important stones to collect another
stone? Either he didn't know who he was working with here or he thought
sending the god of chaos in to distract the superpowered earthlings would
buy him time or keep them from figuring out what he was doing for a while.
From a storytelling standpoint, of course, Loki attacking New York was
what prompted the formation of the Avengers. And I think we talked in one
of the "What If" episodes about how changing him would change that
critical point in universe. Which...would explain how the alternate 838
with him as sorcerer supreme didn't have the Avengers...
Chrissy: Uh...what now?
Diandra: Nothing. Let's go to the next episode, shall we?
Episode 3:
Chrissy: No, wait, were you just
brainstorming a fic?
Diandra: [grumble] No, I was worldbuilding the one I already
Chrissy: The one you...excuse me?
Diandra: Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to finish it now, but it's
the "Multiverse of Madness" AU you wouldn't shut up about while we were
writing that recap.
Chrissy: [squeals happily and claps her hands]
Emilio: And again, this is why she keeps doing this.
Diandra: Can we get back to the recap now?
Chrissy: Okay, but we are DEFINITELY talking about this later.
Diandra: [sigh]
Episode 3: 1893 (or: In a Time Before
Descent Lighting)
The previouslies are all very focused on Kang variants and the fact that the
only one who can repair the loom is He Who Remains because he built it. It
also includes a reminder that Renslayer and Miss Minutes are MIA and a scene
I don't remember of them talking about whoever created the TVA being in
The theme that accompanies the Marvel logo is played on an old timey piano
this time to clue you in to the time frame if you didn't get it from the
episode title.
Except it's even further back initially. Renslayer emerges from a time door
in Chicago, 1868, Sacred Timeline. She mutters to herself that this can't be
right and wanders down a street until Miss Minutes calls to her from inside
a barn. Renslayer hisses that she was supposed to be going somewhere
IMPORTANT. Miss Minutes is like 'oh, quit whining and tell me if you brought
the thing I asked you to'. Renslayer pulls out a book wrapped in brown
paper. Miss Minutes points to a window across the alley and says the
important person she needs to meet, "the one at the end of time" says her
Super Important Mission is to get that book inside that window. Renslayer
squints at her like 'seriously?' but Miss Minutes insists this plan is going
to protect time itself. Renslayer asks why he didn't do it himself if it was
so important. Miss Minutes says because he's dead and uh...he didn't know
that would happen when he put the plan in motion. Someone rides by on a
horse and Renslayer hisses at Miss Minutes to hide because a brightly
colored hologram is kind of conspicuous in this environment. Miss Minutes
changes her color scheme to black and white and asks if that's better.
Chrissy: It wasn't the colors that
were a problem, sweetie.
Renslayer asks what's in it for her. Miss Minutes spins some bullshit about
both of them being by his side once he reclaims his rightful place as head
of the TVA.
In the room across the street, a little black boy is conducting some sort of
science experiment when the book falls through the open window. He doesn't
see Renslayer as she is long gone before he reaches it. He unwraps the book,
which turns out to be a copy of that TVA manual everybody has been waving
around this season.
The theme accompanying the title card is far more cinematic this time
around. I like it.
Back at the TVA, Casey is working at a computer in Loom control with Loki
and OB hovering over him. Loki asks how they're supposed to get in. OB
repeats that he doesn't know HOW to now that the creator who locked it with
his temporal aura is dead. And they're running out of time because while Dox
may have pruned a bunch of branches, they're all growing back already. They
need to "increase the diameter of the Loom's intake ring" to accept the
"knot of unrefined time".
Chrissy: [opens mouth]
Chrissy: I was just going to say that you should start referring to
this plan as Project Omega Heat.
Diandra: [groan] That only makes sense in fanfiction circles. Also,
Loki decides this needs to be explained in simpler terms, so OB makes a tiny
circle with his fingers, then a big circle with his hands and says they need
to expand the Loom's capacity.
Chrissy: Just trust me, it will get
REALLY messy if we don't do it properly before we try to ram that knot
Diandra: [bangs head on desk with a loud groan]
Emilio: I mean...she's not wrong.
Okay, weird sexual imagery Chrissy is trying to evoke aside...failure to
expand the Loom will result in the TVA being destroyed and, as he keeps
saying: "we're all gonna die." Mobius suggests hacking the system. OB gets
excited, thinking he knows how to actually do that and Mobius has to explain
he meant that as a question. OB says no, they can't then and they're ALL
Chrissy: You need to calm down.
Emilio: You're being too loud.
Diandra: I have no idea what's going on.
Chrissy: You just need to take several seats and then try to
restore the peace...
Emilio: ...and control your urges to scream about all the people
you hate 'cause shade never made anybody less GAY.
Diandra: Oh. [heavy sigh]
From the other side of the room, Casey asks if Miss Minutes can access the
Loom. OB says yeah, probably, since she has admin privileges for the entire
TVA, but Mobius groans that that doesn't matter because she's still AWOL.
There's some alarming creaking noises outside and Loki suggests they find
her soon. B-15 and Casey decide it would make sense if they followed the hit
they got from Renslayer's temp pad since that was the last person Miss
Minutes contacted. Mobius mutters about how fun it will be facing the woman
who tried to kill them both. Loki suggests she may have gotten it "out of
her system" by now.
Emilio: Ah, nope. Murder never gets
Diandra: You know...from anyone else that would be a giant red
flag, but...
So Loki and Mobius emerge from a time door in that old west location in 1868
while Mobius exposits that they got a temp pad hit going from 1868 to 1893
in this same spot. Loki wonders why someone would go to the same location
Chrissy: I mean, I know why THOR kept
going back to the same insignificant little planet, but...
Mobius doesn't know because it doesn't coincide with any major historic
events or anything. The Chicago fire was in 1871. He shrugs and they go
around the corner through a time door to 1893 when the world's fair was in
town and Mobius remembers that there WERE significant things happening at
this location in THIS time. This and HH Holmes, the man some believe may
have been Jack the Ripper, for a couple.
Chrissy: Wait...what?
Diandra: Ask my dad sometime when you have an hour to spare.
Chrissy: But...Jack the Ripper was British.
Diandra: No, he wasn't. The crimes were committed in England, but
eye witnesses said he had a "foreign" accent that might have been
American. Also, if you're wondering why the Ripper stories always get
tangled up in Sherlock Holmes lore (aside from the fact that Doyle was
writing those stories right around this time), witnesses also said he wore
a deerstalker.
Chrissy: Aaaaaaaand now I understand how you would know so much.
Loki agrees that this destination in timespace makes a lot more sense, but
does that mean it was the original destination and the pit stop 25 years
earlier was a mistake? Mobius says no, Renslayer doesn't make those kind of
mistakes, especially if Miss Minutes is helping her. They debate how they're
supposed to find either of them in this crowd for a minute before a paper
boy shouting a headline about a "ghost clock" passes them. Mobius fishes out
a coin to buy a paper and the article is accompanied by a sketch of
something that looks like Miss Minutes as a terrifying monster.
Flash forward to sometime later when Mobius is arguing that the pit stop to
get some cracker jack was TOO necessary. Loki grumbles that it tastes like
ash, which...doesn't everything to an immortal? Or is that just vampires?
Chrissy: You can't keep yelling at me
for talking about vampires if you're gonna say stuff like THAT.
Emilio: Vampires exist in the Marvel universe too.
Diandra: Yes, I know. And somehow they are always tied to Doctor
Emilio: Because Dracula was a sorcerer/magician/whatever.
Chrissy: I have an idea for a fic.
Diandra: [groan] And that's why I try to avoid this.
Loki asks if they're done sightseeing now. Mobius argues that he isn't, it's
just that they have different METHODS. "You're a man of action, which is
fine. I take a more slow, deliberate, cerebral approach because I see
everything. I notice everything." Loki snots that he hasn't noticed that
cracker jack stuck to his chin.
Chrissy: I would offer to get that
for you without using my hands, but this stuff really is revolting. And
also you're kind of annoying me right now.
Diandra: Oh, you love me.
Chrissy: By the way, that description is totally BS covering the
fact that you're very easily distracted, particularly when food is
Diandra: Which is not unlike a description of a cute, cuddly golden
retriever, so again: you love me.
They come to a building with pillars carved to look like Odin, Thor and
Balder and Loki grumbles about humans reducing a whole culture to a "crass
generalization". Mobius teases that he's just mad they left him out. Loki
says no, but also grumbles about the inclusion of Balder because "nobody's
even heard of him."
Emilio: So yes, he's jealous.
Chrissy: Also possibly meta because if I remember correctly Balder
was virtually interchangeable with another guy and both were easily
absorbed into Jesus when Christianity took over.
Mobius says he forgets sometimes that the Norse mythology is real in this
universe and Loki is part of it. He pats Loki's arm and walks away. "Thor's
not that tall," Loki snots before following him.
Mobius is listing the places the "ghost clock" has been spotted according to
the article that they haven't checked yet, but Loki points out a sign
advertising "Victor Timely's astounding temporal marvels".
Inside, somewhere, Renslayer is telling her bag that no, she will not be
letting Miss Minutes out because everyone will panic. In the background,
Loki and Mobius enter. Mobius spots her over by the stage where a band is
playing polka and starts in that direction. Loki stops him because they
don't want her seeing them coming.
And then the lights go out, the stage resets and if you saw the post credit
scene in "Quantumania", you got a preview of this next part. Mobius perks up
at the sight of a miniature of the temporal loom on stage. Loki stops
breathing when Kang variant Victor Timely comes on stage to ramble about
time in a bizarre speech pattern worth of Shatner. He hisses at Mobius that
THAT is He Who Remains. They argue about whether he poses any danger to
anyone at the MOMENT while Victor rambles on about harnessing time as a form
of energy. He points to the device, which he does identify as a temporal
loom and says it "inverts the temporal decay of the electricity flowing
through it, lowering its entropy and gathering it into fine threads of..."
Emilio: Reversed polarity?
"...power! Which it then weaves into elegant ropes of..."
Chrissy: Plot.
"...voltage." He summarizes that it transforms chaos into order.
Diandra: We mentioned before that the
whole premise of the show was "take an organization whose sole function is
to create order and throw the God of Chaos into it", right?
Emilio: It is.
Anyway, the conclusion is that with the wattage Edison needs to run a bulb
and his loom, he can power all of Chicago.
Emilio: Or maybe make a black hole
that will swallow the planet. I'm not sure yet.
Some guy in the audience is loudly skeptical that his little demonstration
on stage can translate to power on THAT scale. He uncovers some generators
or whatever and cranks a wheel to send electricity through everything while
he rambles about achieving anything you can dream and everything we call
science fiction can become just...science. Ropes of energy spark from the
loom wildly, much like they are at the TVA in the future and he stands in
the middle of it theatrically welcoming the audience to the "future" like
the mad scientist Mary Shelley warned them about. The audience applauds like
they're not at all worried about the dangerous looking sparks shooting
behind him.
Emilio: Meh, it's fine. I've only
burned down the lab a couple times. But you might want to check on my
variant in the 1950s.
He's definitely not okay.
Diandra: Yeah, I...didn't see that show.
Mobius tells Loki they need to bring him back to the TVA. Loki thinks he's
crazy if he thinks bringing an unpredictable variant into the TVA is a good
Diandra: [singing] Oh, isn't it
ironic? Don't you think?
Chrissy: Okay, I'm going to allow that because it's totally
appropriate, but...you know all the songs we've been quoting so far were
by the same person, right?
Diandra: How dumb do you think I am? I'm just...not a walking
repository of song lyrics, so I can only come up with the stuff that gets
regular radio play. And this was, as you said, appropriate.
Mobius is less concerned about possible repercussion issues than he is with
the problem they have RIGHT NOW and He Who Remains' aura can possibly fix
that one.
Victor Kang gets off the stage and runs right into Renslayer, who asks to
talk to him about his future. They are interrupted by a caricature of a man
who wants to express further skepticism about the device. Victor's stutter
gets more pronounced now that he isn't reciting a script and he explains
that it's a prototype, but he does have several interested potential
investors. But the guy is apparently an Edison: he wants to go into
"partnership" wherein Victor hands over the patent rights and he actually
makes it, slaps his name on it and gets all credit for inventing it
probably. Victor says no thanks and walks away, running into another guy who
offers to buy it. He gets on a stool and announces he will be taking all
formal bids now. The second guy offers $500. The first guy comes back and
they start a bidding war until the first guy offers $1000 and Victor takes
it. Then he surreptitiously slides some of the money he is handed to the
second guy as he was clearly a plant.
Meanwhile, Loki and Mobius try to get across the room, but are held up when
Loki runs face first into a guy who has to be seven feet tall and basically
challenges him to a duel, slapping the hat off his head. "Gently," Mobius
mutters behind him.
Chrissy: I don't see how invoking
THAT memory is relevant to this particular situation.
Loki just makes the guy disappear in a flash of green and Mobius tries to
pass it off as a magic act that was totally staged before they slip away.
Renslayer asks Miss Minutes if she's SURE this is the guy who will become He
Who Remains. From her purse, Miss Minutes says she's just following HIS plan
and they can make SURE he follows the right path.
She chases Victor outside the building, repeating that they need to talk.
Loki and Mobius arrive shortly after to "discuss a little business venture".
Mobius calls Renslayer by name and Victor realizes they all know each other.
"Unfortunately," Mobius says.
A "councilman" sidelines Victor to demand his money back for some trousers
that were supposed to make him taller and he argues again that they are a
prototype and he can try to adjust them next week. As the guy walks away
Loki declares what is becoming increasingly apparent: that Victor is a con
Chrissy: Specifically a confidence
TRICKSTER, which...takes one to know one.
Diandra: And yet you can't see why I would be willing to take a
chance on him? Or are you just jealous because you're afraid he will
replace you?
Chrissy: Pffffffftttt, as if he could replace me. Wait...could he?
Emilio: That answer might have to wait for the result of a court
Chrissy: Or just public opinion on it. Both Johnny Depp and Amber
Heard were blackballed.
Diandra: Yeah, I've basically avoided both of those cases as much
as is possible to do, but...what little I've heard makes Jonathan Majors
sound more plausibly guilty. And the fact that all the armchair
commentators defending him can't see the red flags familiar to anyone who
has known a victim of abuse is distressing.
Victor says he just has ideas that are ahead of his time and he's waiting
for technology to catch up. And then we realize why he was so eager to get
away because the guy who bought his device catches up, yelling about it
being a "fake" and he runs.
While he's losing that guy, B-15 calls Mobius. He says they found a variant
of He Who Remains and they can use him to unlock the loom. B-15 says okay,
um...great, but the reason we called is because we're getting a "really
weird temp pad reading" about ten feet from him right now.
Loki catches up to Victor and Sylvie the Weird Temp Pad Reading arrives just
then to wave a dagger at both of them. She shoves them both into a Ferris
wheel car and snarls at Loki that she intends to FINISH the job this time.
Even though it was in the previouslies, Sylvie reminds the audience (and
Loki) that she said she would kill any variant of He Who Remains just like
she killed the original. Victor cowers behind Loki, who argues that they
NEED him to stop the destruction of the TVA.
Chrissy: Which was the other thing we
BOTH wanted, so I don't know how you think that's going to get through to
Victor realizes this "TVA" thing sounds familiar and pulls out that copy of
the manual Renslayer gave him years ago to verify this is what Loki is
talking about. Sylvie tries to take advantage of the distraction to take
another swing at him. Loki gets between them again and reminds Sylvie that
if the TVA is destroyed, that branch she's living on peacefully right now
(and rightfully wants to return to) will cease to exist too. They NEED
Victor to fix it.
On the ground, Renslayer asks why the hell Mobius let Sylvie follow him
here. Mobius asks how she's so sure Sylvie was following HIM. He tries to
reason with her then, saying not talking to him clearly isn't going well, so
why doesn't she just tell him what she's doing? She sniffs that he CHOSE
Loki over her and now he wants to "play the teamwork card"?
Chrissy: Again with the jealousy.
Diandra: I love you all equally.
Chrissy: How very "parent of multiple children" of you. Can we
revisit the Daddy thing?
Diandra: Ugh! No!
He hisses that the TVA is in full meltdown, "he" seems to be the key to
fixing it and we could use your help even though YOU TRIED TO KILL ME.
Renslayer spits that there is no "we" anymore after everything.
Emilio: I know Chrissy already used
this one, but We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together!
Diandra: Oh, you're Renslayer now too. Yeah, that makes sense.
Ahem. All I wanted was to break your walls, but all you ever did was wreck
Chrissy: ............um..........Dee?
Diandra: That wasn't Taylor, was it?
Emilio: No, that was Miley Cyrus.
Diandra: The daughter of the guy who sang Achy Breaky Heart?
Chrissy: Oh my god, you just explained everything AND dated
Sylvie remembers she doesn't need to rely on knives and levitates Victor and
pins him to the wall of the car before snarling at Loki that stopping the
destruction of the TVA and "fixing it" are completely different things.
Working with a variant of He Who Remains will accomplish neither. He snots
that her stabbing things isn't going to solve any problems either.
Chrissy: Yeah, I always thought that
instinct to solve everything with knives and stabbing was very telling,
but I never expected YOU to acknowledge that.
Chrissy: I can't help it if this version of me only has a fraction
of the powers I do in the comics!
Diandra: Yeah, now I remember why we made Emilio play Sylvie.
Chrissy: Well, I don't feel the need to compensate for anything
because some annoying human made fun of my performance issues!
Chrissy: Hey, there's probably a variant of me somewhere in London
right now if you want
to have another go. Calls himself Sherlock.
Diandra: Oh, dear god what is happening here?
Emilio: I think she's writing the ultimate crossover idea.
Chrissy: If only I knew a writer who could flesh it out...
Diandra: [groan]
Sylvie asks if Loki thinks she really WANTS to do this. She magics the TVA
manual into his hand and asks where he thinks it came from. "If you and the
TVA hadn't messed with him, he'd have remained harmless."
Emilio: Mostly
Diandra: Of course we always come back to that reference.
She says THEY weaponized him. Specifically, Renslayer sent him on this path
that wasn't originally how things were supposed to go for him and now they
want to bring "the thief of all free will" back to the TVA. Loki yells that
he JUST met this man and had never heard the name Victor Timely until today.
But maybe she's right and they should just throw him off the ferris wheel
right now.
Emilio: Uh...I'm right here? Please
But the TVA is protecting a lot of lives and they NEED him, so...he breaks
Sylvie's magic hold so Victor falls to the floor. She growls that he hasn't
"got a clue" and makes a run for Victor. Victor runs screaming in the other
direction and Loki stays in the middle trying to keep them apart. Victor
notices just then that the angry guy who bought the faulty device is in the
next car and is making gestures like he's gonna slit Victor's throat the
first chance he gets.
Sylvie notes that this all a very familiar situation and the car arrives on
the platform as both Loki's are powering up, hands surrounded by green
energy. The doors open behind Victor and Sylvie blasts both him and Loki out
of the car. Renslayer and Mobius respectively run to help them up. The angry
buyer loudly pushes his way through the crowd. Renslayer lets Miss Minutes
out of her bag and she expands to nearly the size of the ferris wheel and
the crowd starts screaming and scattering. In the chaos, Renslayer and
Victor escape. Sylvie finds Loki, waves her cutlass at him and hisses "this
is on you."
Chrissy: Oh, yes. I tried to prevent
you from murdering the guy before he even became He Who Remains and
possibly destroying all of spacetime. Clearly I am the problem here.
Chrissy: I would tell you to go fuck yourself, but I think we all
know you would enjoy that.
Mobius arrives with the best transportation he could find: a tandem bike. He
pats the back seat pointedly. Loki looks at the bike and Mobius for a moment
and declares "absolutely not." We cut away before Mobius can try to argue.
Diandra: Is it because you need to be
in control? You can't ride in the back?
Chrissy: [long pause, lips twitching]
Diandra: I'm going to regret this, aren't I?
Chrissy: No, I was just going to say, I prefer the things I
straddle to be sentient.
Diandra: So if and when I find a jet ski I can count on a no on
that too?
Chrissy: Eh...that's at least motorized, which might do in a pinch.
Diandra: It's a BIKE. Why are we sexualizing a thing kids use?
Chrissy: I'm not. Last I checked, children can't (or shouldn't be)
operating jet skis. Or motorcycles for that matter and don't even PRETEND
those don't make up a whole subgenre of kinks.
Renslayer and Victor end up at his...shack? Workhouse? Whatever. He invites
her to sit on one of his inventions and NO CHRISSY WE'RE NOT DOING THAT
Chrissy: Hmpf.
Emilio: That's okay, because I'm playing both of those characters,
Diandra: [groan]
He shows her the button that controls the temperature in the chair's
cushion, going all the way down to forty degrees (obviously Fahrenheit).
Emilio: Wouldn't you want the seat to
WARM, not cool?
Diandra: In the 1800s with all those layers of clothing, I'm sure
warmth wasn't a problem.
He pops open a refrigerated compartment that contains some sort of drinkable
liquid and invites her to touch the bottle to verify it is, in fact, cold.
All he actually says, though, is "touch it", which explains...
Emilio: [opens mouth]
Chrissy: No, I'm pretty sure suggestions of sexual harassment from
a character with Jonathan Majors' face is a line we don't want to cross.
Emilio: I was just going to ask if rape whistles had been invented
yet, but yeah.
They have a moment that seems to perturb Miss Minutes, who suddenly cuts in
to ask how they liked her little performance back there. Victor applauds her
and stutters that it was "marvelous" if "a bit creepy". He asks Renslayer if
the "apparition" is her helper or something. Miss Minutes bristles that she
is a "fully conscious and sentient" AI with a name and everything, thank you
very much. He bows to her and addresses her as MADEMOISELLE Minutes,
declaring her "singular". She purrs in a disturbingly seductive tone that he
is too, "or at least, you will be." He asks Renslayer what she's talking
about. Renslayer is like 'yeah...we're not going into the whole time travel
thing right now.' He says SOMEONE should really tell him what is going on
here. "A long time ago...far from now..." Renslayer begins.
Emilio: There was a kid named
Diandra: No.
A version of him created, will create, whatever time travel lingo makes
sense here, the Time Variance Authority. Unfortunately, two variants of a
Norse trickster god killed him at the end of time, creating all sorts of
timelines that he had formerly been keeping in check, partly because it
meant many versions of HIM. He gets stuck on the fact that he created the
TVA he's read about. Miss Minutes babbles about how this must be so much to
take in and he says no, he always imagined his future self to be something
like that. Renslayer is like 'okay, but did you just hear me say you were
murdered?' She clutches his hand and vows to keep him safe. Miss Minutes
very obviously makes a face and sniffs haughtily. She gets between them and
tells him he created HER long before the TVA and Renslayer. They "worked
together" at the end of time and she just wants to make sure he becomes the
"great man" he was meant to be. Renslayer tells him her actual name - which
you'll recall is Ravonna - and says she's just trying to restore the
TVA. Because they have a device not unlike the one he was using on that
stage that needs fixing and they need him to do that. Victor says yeah, that
"wizard" said pretty much the same thing. "Why aren't the two of you in
cahoots with him and his butler?"
Chrissy: Okay, first of all...what is
it with you humans and calling us all wizards? And second...you know, I'm
actually okay with the butler thing.
Diandra: You would be. Makes it sound like I am your servant.
Chrissy: [creepy/seductive tone] I can make you kneel.
Chrissy: Also? SPLOOSH.
Ravonna says those guys can't be trusted. Miss Minutes is like 'yeah,
remember what she said about Norse variants?' Except she knows more than
Ravonna and specifically says Loki only "helped" the variant that actually
killed his variant. Victor points out that he was trying to HELP just now.
Ravonna says yeah, he switches loyalties a lot. "It's a well-documented
behavioral trait."
Chrissy: Ahem. Yeah. Should we
revisit the conversation in the last episode about him being a villain?
Diandra: Yeah, I believe we've already talked at length about the
function of the trickster god and how they are never really The Villains,
but often the antagonists. See also: coyote in every single Native
American myth. Loki isn't a villain. And he is never the hero either,
although I'm sure he is in his own mind. He's just...a morally grey
opportunist chaotic neutral trickster god.
Chrissy: Which is why last time you were talking about casting Tom
as your morally grey hot mess of an original character in your "Sherlock"
fic. I assume this is the sort of template you're using in this
"Multiverse of Madness" fic you're doing now?
Diandra: ...............ugh. You're not letting that go, are you?
Chrissy: A fic I prompted during a recap? Yeah, not a chance.
Someone bangs on the door and Victor starts his escape through the window.
Ravonna splutters that he doesn't want to know who it is first?
Emilio: I think we've established
that it's unlikely anyone trying to find me is a FRIEND.
Ravonna thinks they should use a time door. Miss Minutes hisses that they
can TRACE that. Ravonna thinks it doesn't matter if they just go right to
the TVA through it. Victor says he's not going anywhere until he has his
"latest prototype" which is in his lab across the lake. That lake presumably
being Lake Michigan, which makes his further explanation that he only sells
wares in Chicago while his lab is in Wisconsin baffling. Because surely you
don't have to be from the Midwest to know that if you leave Illinois and
cross Lake Michigan, you end up in...uh...Michigan. Not that there isn't at
least one lake in the nearly SIXTY MILES between Chicago and the Wisconsin
state line, but I don't know that any of them would be considered "The Lake"
and did I mention the sixty miles?
Pictured: flyover country not worth
knowing the geography of
Anyway. Victor shoves Ravonna through the window and jumps out just as Loki
and Mobius round the corner. Not that I could tell that's who it was the
first time I saw it because the scenes away from the carnival lights
outdoors are just as dark as everyone complained "Wakanda Forever" was and
insisted "The Eternals" wasn't. Some slapstick old timey chase music starts
up and Loki and Mobius run right into that angry investor, who calls them
"rat bags". This time, instead of begging Loki to stay cool, Mobius just
sighs and says "go ahead". Loki cocks his head, says "I beg your pardon,"
and we cut to a side street where we see the guys running away from a blast
of green energy while yelping that they've changed their minds and he can
have the con artist. Loki runs down the street toward the camera and we
follow him around a couple corners until he meets up with Mobius again.
Mobius says they'll have to get B-15 to run a trace. They leave and a panel
opens in a nearby wall, Victor and Ravonna poking their heads out.
Cut to them boarding a steamboat, with him asking for the "usual
accommodations". So yeah, I guess it does make sense that it would be faster
to take a boat than a carriage or possibly even a train, but you're
basically hugging the coast the whole way, not crossing. Given that the
"goofs" section of IMDb for this episode notes that the fair in the distance
is on the wrong side of the boat if they're supposed to be going North, I'm
going to guess The Powers That Be for this show really don't know where any
of this is.
Miss Minutes sits on the railing watching creepily as they talk about
Victor's work on manipulating Time. He flips through a book where he says he
keeps "everything I ever imagined". He says she might recognize it as a TVA
guidebook, which some mysterious person gave him when he was a child. He's
perceptive enough to catch a Look from her that tells him SHE was the
mysterious person and Miss Minutes gets huffy because SHE was just the
courier. "We both know whose plan it was." He heads off a possible fight at
the pass, saying it doesn't matter, he thanks WHOEVER did it because it
changed the course of his life.
Chrissy: That would have been the
point, yes.
He has always chosen to think of it as a private correspondence between
himself and the brilliant, visionary author Ouroboros.
Chrissy: Here's where Emilio's
instinct to play both of these characters probably makes some sort of
Emilio: Although it also makes me look like my own fanboy.
Diandra: Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what happens when they
are on screen together.
He points to one drawing in the book and says it's his most important
"discovery": a throughput multiplier. Which is probably what they need,
right? He gives her an origami flower made from what looks like a map and
she murmurs that she's "starting to see the man you'll become."
Emilio: Oh, sorry. These pants
are...[adjusts self] Is that better?
Chrissy: ............don't look at me. You're Renslayer too, aren't
you? And possibly the clock if you're playing all the bad guys.
Emilio: Ah, right. So, are you a virgin then? Because we probably
have time to take care of THAT before we dock.
Diandra: Not if the writers are thinking it's a twenty minute boat
ride across a lake.
Chrissy: Um...sweetie? I know you're asexual, but...uh...
Diandra: Have you seen what they're wearing? It would take that
long just to undo buttons.
Emilio: That's probably true.
He reaches for her hand and she says she has "high hopes for this
partnership". His face falls a little and he lets go. The clock smiles
Cut to her sleeping in a lifeboat that is suddenly cut loose and crashes to
the water. Miss Minutes assures Victor he had no choice with the way she was
talking about partnership and all and they wave as the boat continues on,
leaving her in its wake. She grabs the oars and strains to follow.
Victor arrives at his lab and activates Miss Minutes via whatever device as
she probably instructed him to. He bustles around gathering papers while she
murmurs that he reminds her of Him because he's so brilliant. Look at all
this stuff. He picks up a device from a desk and identifies it as the
"culmination of my life's...work." He flips a sort of cover and a bunch of
dials inside spin. Miss Minutes gushes about how smart he is and he puts the
device in his bag with all the papers, announcing that they can go now. She
asks what the rush is. He says he thought they had to get to the TVA. You
know, to save it. Miss Minutes thinks maybe they should "lay low" for a
while, actually. And then she plays the jealousy card, turning back to her
modern color scheme and musing about her fear that he liked Ravonna better
than her and is there a sketch of her in that journal? He says um...no?
Maybe later? She starts rambling about how he created her before the TVA or
even the Multiversal War to have someone to play chess with.
Emilio: Chess. Yes. That's all I made
an AI for. Mmmhmm.
But he knew she could be so much more, so he gave her sentience and the
ability to rewrite her own programming. Although they still played chess
every night and talked and talked and are you GETTING WHERE THIS IS GOING
YET? He concludes that she is a loyal friend.
Emilio: In the sense that Achilles
and Patroclus were totally just cousins, sure.
She takes some offense because they spent "eons" together, through the war
and everything that came after it. But he never EVER gave her a body for
some reason.
Emilio: Because I wouldn't have
gotten anything else done after that.
Chrissy: [applauds] Yep, we made the right role play choices.
He says that wasn't really HIM though...was it? But she's fully immersed in
her ramblings about what they could have been if she had a body.
Emilio: [makes a crude gesture]
Diandra: Yes, we get it.
She says they could have "led" together. He stammers that that's something
he doesn't know how to do.
Chrissy: Yeah, we're getting that
Diandra: It's easy. Just like riding a bike. [looks pointedly at
Chrissy: Oh, we ALL know how proficient I am at bike riding, Mobi,
I'm just holding out for a ten speed.
Diandra: ................I regret everything.
Chrissy: And by "ten speed" I mean Stephen. Though that might have
to be a variant because I doubt the one that isn't Sorcerer Supreme could
keep up with me.
Diandra: No, I'm not getting sucked into this fanfic.
Chrissy: You keep saying that and then you end up writing the fic,
like, two years later anyway.
She keeps talking about how he flat out refused to do it because he wanted
to keep her as his "thing". "Your computer. Your toy."
Emilio: Ahem. Yes.
She morphs into a somewhat more human face (but not really) and attaches
herself to one of the mannequins in the lab as she says she could have been
his "girl". He grabs for her remote and she yelps that she loves him and he
needs her and DON'T PUSH THAT BUTTON. He does and she disappears.
Ravonna arrives just then to ask if that was a lover's tiff. Victor gasps
"thank god you're here," like he wasn't the one who tried to ditch her. She
fires up a very large prune stick that she apparently found at the back of
the lab because he babbles that it's a dangerous, unstable prototype. He
tries to apologize for leaving her behind and she snaps that she doesn't
care because it was He Who Remains who sent her on this mission and "from
now on I'M the one in charge." She prunes the nearest mannequin and asks if
they're "clear".
Emilio: Hang on...might need a minute
to get the blood back up into my brain...
He sits down just as Loki and Mobius burst through the door and order her to
stand down because they need him. Mobius calls her "Von" and tries to
reason: is this the "free will" she was looking for? He says she has lost
her way and she laughs that he would DARE talk to her like that "after all
those years of doing your dirty work" which is apparently how she defines
cleaning up after him and making the choices he's too wishy washy to make.
She rambles about making the welfare of the TVA more important to her
humanity. Loki starts building up green energy while Mobius tries to change
tactics and talk about the bigger picture. The prune stick sparks and Victor
squeaks in alarm. She snaps that he has NO IDEA what it takes to keep that
place running, which is why it started crumbling the second she left. She's
been keeping it stable for "eons". "All that matters is order versus chaos.
I'm order." A blast of green energy comes from the other side of the room,
knocking everything over because chaos is going to be represented in this
analogy by Sylvie formerly known as Loki Variant. She pulls her dagger and
menaces toward Victor, who just whimpers that he hasn't done anything.
Chrissy: New to time travel and
variants, are you?
She says he WILL. He says that's not him and she doesn't actually know him.
"You don't know the heart I have...beating in my ch-ch-chest." Her face
crumples and she snaps at somebody to get him out of here.
Mobius opens a time door and instructs him to go through it. They go to
follow and she snaps "don't make me regret this" at Loki. "And leave her to
me." They are totally fine with this arrangement now and leave her alone
with Renslayer. "I suppose I've been a box you've been wanting to tic for a
long time," Renslayer says.
Chrissy: Well, actually, I wanted to
kill you, but I suppose we could have some fun first, yes.
Diandra: Oh, what the...
Emilio: Ooo, I like this plot bunny. Just give me twenty minutes to
undo all these buttons...
Sylvie flips the dagger around and rams the handle into Ravonna's stomach.
Ravonna staggers and gasps and then tells her to just get it over with if
she's going to kill her then.
Chrissy: Nope. I'm going to take my
time. Really draw it out. Maybe make you beg me a couple more times.
Sylvie says she's starting to realize that this obsession and increasingly
graphic fantasies she imagines for how she would kill her when she got the
chance isn't healthy. "It's power for you, isn't it? That's what you want. A
seat at the end of time. Well. Be careful what you wish for." She opens a
time door with He Who Remains' temp pad and kicks her through it.
Ravonna ends up in the citadel at the end of time, which is in the process
of crumbling around He Who Remain's corpse, still slumped in the chair where
Sylvie left him. He is decomposed enough that he's only sort of
recognizable. She activates Miss Minutes because I guess she grabbed that
control pad at some point there and Miss Minutes finishes whatever sentence
she was saying before with "...love you" before looking around and realizing
where they are now. Ravonna hisses that she "had him under control" until
Miss Minutes decided to "sabotage" her and made them look like "fools".
"Well," Miss Minutes says coldly. "It was foolish of him to make an enemy
out of someone who knows all his secrets." Speaking of which, she knows a
doozy about Ravonna, but if she tells her it's gonna make her REAL angry.
And on that cliffhanger...sort of...we smash to credits.
Emilio: Can we go back to that last
plot bunny?
Diandra: [sigh] I'm pretty sure there's just as much Sylvie/Ravonna
femslash as there is Loki/Mobius slash and if the goal is to goad me into
writing EITHER of those things, that's a non-starter, so.
Chrissy: Yeah, apparently she can only be prompted to pair Loki
with one of the Sherlocks.
Diandra: [instinctively] Or both. [pause] Wait...what?
Chrissy: [evil cackle]
Diandra: I hate you so much.