Other Fandoms

Click on the title to view the full warnings, summary and notes for each story as well as accompanying artwork.

Althea (Troy)
Althea asks Odysseus about her parents.
Rating/warnings: PG-13, OC, references to mpreg

The Brit: Extended Edition
"Vaughn had known being a CIA spook would get him killed one day, but somehow he had always pictured his death as being more heroic. Being taken down in a hail of bullets, maybe...Instead here he was kneeling in front of his kidnapper, knowing he had condemned an innocent man to death all because he couldn't turn down an opportunity for sex."
Rating/warnings: NC-17, Crossover: Alias/Orlando Bloom, real person fic, slash, torture

In Dreams (The Power of the Dog)
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." -- Acts 2:17
Ratings/warnings: hard R, wet dreams, Bronco Henry/Phil Burbank, angst, 2nd person POV
Quantum Leap: The "Lost" Episode
Sam Becket leaps into Jack Shephard in 1970s Dharmaville. It proves to be his most confusing leap yet.
Rating/warnings: PG-13 to soft R, Crossover: Lost/Quantum Leap, slash, body switching